

Company A Costco Wholesale Corp

2019-12-30 15:21:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Company A Costco Wholesale Corp,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了好市多公司。好市多是美国最大的连锁会员商店。2009年,它成为美国第三大零售商和世界第九大零售商。它在2017年美国财富500强中排名第16位。目前,好市多在全球拥有581家门店,在8个国家拥有161000名员工。年营业额超过779亿元,为6200多万名会员提供最优质的服务。好市多一直是仓储批发市场的领军人物。

Costco is the largest chain member store in the United States. It was founded in 1976 by Saul and Robert Price in the Santiago. It is the founder of the membership storage and wholesale club.

In 2009, it is the third largest retailer in the United States and the ninth largest retailer in the world. It ranked No. 16 in the 2017 top Fortune 500 in United States.

At present, Costco has more than 581 stores around the world and 161000 employees in eight countries. The annual turnover is over $77.9 billion, providing the best service for more than 62 million members. Costco has always been the leading figure in the warehouse wholesale store.

Management Idea: to provide quality goods at the lowest price. In order to achieve this goal, we must try to reduce the cost of operation and provide full feedback to our members.

Commodity strategy: choose the most popular brand products on the market. A large amount of packaging is sold to reduce costs and increase value. Costco will continue to introduce new features of imported goods in order to increase the change of goods. At any time, reduce the price or the reaction manufacturers import tax rate feedback to members. Anything you buy in Costco, except with the original manufacturer's warranty, and enjoy Costco’s guarantee for a full refund.

Membership Fee: membership fees paid annually by members can help cities reduce many business and management costs, and make commodity prices generally lower than those of other competitors, thereby creating more value for members.

Store Management: all goods are displayed in the original delivery tray and simple way; to provide safe and clean, members shopping spacious and comfortable space; processing, goods, temperature control and hygiene are strictly controlled; provide free membership services as much as possible; Mining, storage of self-service, using cartons instead of plastic packaging products; little advertising.

In 1972, Nike was formally established; its headquarters is located in Oregon, Portland, USA. Company produces sports goods, such as clothing, footwear, sports equipment and so on. Nike is the world's famous sports brand.

In June, 2016, Nike was ranked the twenty-fourth after the top 100 most valuable brand , which was published in BrandZ's. In 2015, Nike was ranked the 343rd in Fortunate 500 in the world, with an annual turnover of $30.6 billion and 62,600 staffs.

The logo of the Nike symbolizes the feathers of the Greek Victory Goddess, which represents speed, and also represents the sense of movement and softness. Nike's logo is a small hook. Its shape is simple and powerful. It's like lightning. It reminds people of the speed and explosive force produced by the use of Nike sporting goods.

Nike has always been a glorious task to motivate every player in the world and provide the best products. The air cushion technology created by Nike has brought a revolution to the sports world. The sports shoes made with this technique can protect the athletes' knees very well and reduce the effect on the knees when the ground is drastic movement. In addition to sports shoes, Nike's clothing is also innovative. For example, the high performance textile made by the adaptation technology can effectively help the athletes to train and match under any weather conditions. Other sports products produced by Nike, such as watches and glasses, are the crystallization of high technology.

The major breakthrough in Nike's expansion of the market is the youth market. The consumers in this market share some common characteristics: love sports, respect heroes, catch stars vigorously, expect to be valued, think positively, and be imaginative and full of dreams. In response to this feature of young consumers, Nike has signed a number of famous and popular sports stars.


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2019-12-30 15:19:04 | 日記







2019-12-30 15:15:53 | 日記
作为国外大学常见的作业形式,不知道大家认为Essay难还是Report比较难?我觉得大家会选Report ,毕竟Essay拿个一般的分数是很容易的事情,但Report却不行。为了让大家更好地写作Report,下面就给大家讲解它的六大部分。

首先大家要知道report的基本格式,一般来说report分为六个部分,分别是目录Table of Contents, 概述Executive Summary, 介绍Introduction, 主体Body, 总结和建议Conclusion/Recommendation, 参考文献Reference这几个部分。在写table of contents的时候,不要自己排版,要用软件自动生成的格式,很多同学一开始不知道,自己手动排版,不仅格式不好看,还会给别人一种不专业的感觉,一开头就给了个不好的印象。之后写概论summary的时候,要介绍本篇report的内容和写作目的,告诉大家这篇文章读完你会得到什么,让人有继续读下去的欲望。下面的introduction就类似背景介绍,要让大家了解你成文的背景是什么,你是在什么状态下根据什么资料得出的结论。主题部分也就是Body部分要注意语言的逻辑性和严谨性,少写空话和套话,多分析问题,多结合实例,要做到有理有据。最后的部分就是conclusion了,这个部分可以根据主体适当的总结并且给出相应意见,这需要根据不同的题目做不同的分析,同学们注意这个部分的用词尽量做到简洁明了,不拖泥带水。最后的Reference要根据不同的要求按照不同的格式写,在这个部分,格式是最重要的,千万不能写错,避免被老师当作态度不好而扣分。



A Discussion Of Culture Encounter

2019-12-30 15:13:15 | 日記
本篇paper代写- A Discussion Of Culture Encounter讨论了文化冲突。文化是一个非常宽泛的人文概念。作者在国外留学的时候,有一次和几个好同学去了一家希腊餐厅。其中一个中国学生的父母碰巧在那里,他就和他们呆在一起。然后他打响指点餐,这在中国很正常。但是在西方国家,这是非常不礼貌的。然而,当这种事情发生时,作者明白上大学并不一定意味着自己有文化。这是对“文化”内涵的不同理解。在个性化泛滥的新社会环境中,大家应该倡导和弘扬尊重地方习俗、反对因循守旧的新人文精神。这样才能更好地适应新的文化。本篇论文代写范文由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Culture is a very broad and humanistic concept. Culture is a social phenomenon for me at first, which is a product formed by long-term creation of mankind and at the same time is a historical phenomenon as a part of human society and history. It is related to the history, geography, traditions and customs, life style, literery achievement , code of conduct, thinking, values, etc. that can be inherited. It is also a universally accepted ideology that can be transmitted by human beings and is a sublimation of perceptual knowledge and experience in the objective world.

I grew up in a family of eight people with grandpa, grandma, father, mother, uncle, aunt, and brother (uncle's son). The house is owned by grandpa. My dad is a bit quick-tempered, with a few words and is seldom talking to me, leaving me an opinionated impression. Grandpa is the person with the highest rank, and grandfather is knowledgeable. Thus, with the extended family friendly atmosphere, I formed a strong attachment to my family. When I was young, I was educated that the core of culture is human beings, and culture is the manifestation of human wisdom and creativity. But grandpa is still the kind of traditional people, and as a result I am often depressed. Specifically speaking, out of humanistic spirit, I am supposed to conscientiously restraining my own desires by laws and regulations of righteousness. Thus, the thinking of self-restraint is so powerful that the self-cultivation into gentle person is possible.Grandma is coming from the countryside. She is always simple and kind, always worrying that I am undernourished. The love from my big family is giving me a more secure and gentle character. In school, we are often taught to sing national anthem every Monday. In daily communication with family and friends, I often refer to reading more as having a culture, where "culture" is used as a noun, especially when it means having more knowledge. Also, on the street, there are a lot of slogans to advertise the newest policy and moving stories of the country. Because of the large number of families and patriotic education, I am full of affection and love for my country and family members.

When I was studying overseas, I once went to a Greek restaurant with a few good classmates. There was a Chinese student whose parents happend to be there and he stayed with them alone, so he sat alone with them. After we sat, we called the waiter, and soon the dishes were finished. However, my Chinese classmate's desk next to us, there is no waiter serving. I asked him but he said the waiter was called. My classmate also askecd the manager of the restaurant when the waiter would come and serve them. My classmate and I asked the waiter what happened. The waiter told us politely that his friend called him and did not respect him very much. I then thouhgt that my classmate said something rude. In fact, it is not true. He was just snapping finger to order food. This is normal in China. But in western country, it is so particularly impolite. However, when this thing happens, I understand that going to college does not necessarily mean that I am cultured. This is a different understanding of the "cultural" connotation. In the new social environment where individulism is rampant, we should advocate and carry forward the new humane spirit of respecting the the local custom and opposing the formal way of doing things shaped by the past culture. By this, I can better adapt to the new culture.


The merchant

2019-12-30 15:06:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The merchant,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了商人。毫无疑问,一个商人对公司、雇员、顾客和当地社区都负有义务。一般来说,一个商人必须很好地遵守商业道德,对待所有的公司、员工、客户和当地社区。更具体地说,一个商人必须确保公司的正常发展,尽最大努力帮助公司度过金融危机,而不是面临破产。因此,商人必须创建一个健康的金融体系,而不是一个有缺陷的体系,并充分理解市场作为一只看不见的手和自由贸易的角色。最基本的是,商务人员在任何情况下都不能进行欺诈或偷窃。

There is no doubt that a businessperson has obligations to the firm, the employees, the customers and the local community. Generally speaking, a businessperson has to fit in well with business ethics toward all of the firm, the employees, the customers and the local community. To put it more specifically, a businessperson has to ensure the normal development of the firm and try the best to help it pass the financial crisis and not be confronted with bankruptcy. Therefore the businessperson has to create a healthy financial system rather than a flawed one and well understand the role of market as an invisible hand and free trade. The most basic is that the businessperson can not commit fraud or steal from the company under whatever condition.

And as for the employees, the businessperson has to reward and embolden good behaviors of the employees while punish their bad behaviors. At the same time, the businessperson should pay attention to the whispers of them so as to know the right thing to do for the employees. Also, the businessperson should have empathy for them and hold that threw won’t be guilt or shame for the employees even if they are standing down. Concerning the customers, the businessperson has to be honest to the public, which is called the ideological integrity of capitalism. Moreover, the businessperson has to be moral while doing business but not simply aim for material benefits without taking any regard of the customers’ interests and health. Thus it is a must for the businessperson to raise voice if a customer is being treated unfairly. And what cannot be neglected is that patience is as well called for when the businessperson is doing business with the customers. Last but not the least, a businessperson has to help shape society both within and beyond the commercial realm when his/her obligations to the local community are referred to, during which the relationship between business and public policy. That is to say, the businessperson has to contribute to the material advantage of the community and make an economy more efficient and productive.

