

大西洋海路,世界化,英アストラゼネカ 新型コロナのワクチン、9月に供給開始へ 

2020-05-22 16:56:39 | 連絡
2020.5.22 07:34
(注1.1)UKUSA協定(ウクサきょうてい、英:United Kingdom – United States of America Agreement)とは、アメリカ合衆国の国家安全保障局(NSA)やイギリスの政府通信本部(GCHQ)など5カ国の諜報機関が世界中に張り巡らせたシギントの設備や盗聴情報を、相互利用・共同利用する為に結んだ協定のことである[1]。かつては秘密協定だったが、現在は条文の一部が公開されている[2]。なおUKUSA協定グループのコンピューターネットワークはエシュロンと呼ばれている[1]
共通点は、イギリス帝国の植民地を発祥とするアングロサクソン諸国の機関であること。英語: Five Eyes とも呼ばれる。
  • アメリカ合衆国 - アメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)[1]
  • イギリス - 政府通信本部(GCHQ)[1]
  • カナダ - カナダ通信保安局(英語版)(CSEC)[1]
  • オーストラリア - 参謀本部国防信号局(英語版)(DSD)[1]
  • ニュージーランド - 政府通信保安局(GCSB)[1]
(注1.2)Podcast: Five Eyes Connectivity Episode 1 - SATCOM
Welcome to Shephard Studio’s special series on Five Eyes Connectivity, sponsored by our partner Viasat.
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and more.
n the Five Eyes Connectivity podcast special, we look at the changing face of modern warfare across the land, sea and air domains through the prism of three key technology areas: Satellite communications, line of sight data links and cybersecurity. 
In this episode, we focus on space and satellite communications and speak to military leaders about their SATCOM requirements and programmes. 
 As a result of the upsurge in the electronic warfare threat, Five Eyes military services are now considering the use of different applications and technologies to avoid disruption to SATCOM. Options include a greater reliance on commercial SATCOM providers to hide in the noise of greater amounts of radio traffic. 
There is increased use of advanced extremely high-frequency satellite systems, aimed at providing survivable anti-jam and low probability of intercept or detection SATCOM connectivity. There are also developments in on-the-move antennas to avoid interference and detection by enemy forces, as well as supporting more discreet operations. 
And we will hear from our sponsor, Viasat, about how the private sector is stepping in to help militaries develop these technology areas further. 
Find Part 2 in our series here
And Part 3 here
To access bonus content, including more detailed interviews with the Canadian armed forces about how it is enhancing its information sharing, click here
The Five Eyes Connectivity podcast was created by Shephard Studio in partnership with Viasat. A big thanks to everyone who gave their time to support the project. 
The podcast series features music and effects by: Bobby Cole; Neil Cross; Romolo Komars Diprisco; Jason Donnelly; Michael Genato and Mark Merlino; Ceiri Torjussen