

フォーブズの素晴らしいコラム「How Human Is Your Company?」

2014-10-26 09:18:32 | Web記事
フォーブズの素晴らしいコラム「How Human Is Your Company?
ドラッカーの言葉「There is a difference between doing the next thing right, and doing the next right thing.”」を紹介していて、「doing the next thing right」とはロボットやITの得意な分野でやるべき事を正しく行うこと。「doing the next right thing」とは、次に正しい事を行うこと事で人間にしか出来ない事。一度立ち止まって、これでいいのだろうか?このままこれを続けていいのだろうか?一度立ち止まって次に何を行うか?考える事。ロボットIT化で人の仕事が奪われる未来参考となる言葉だ。さすがにドラッカーは奥が深い!


2014-10-26 08:53:40 | Web記事

Eric Baker: “You Have to Thrive on Challenges”

2014-10-26 08:45:13 | Web記事
Eric Baker: “You Have to Thrive on Challenges

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Irving Grousbeck said there is a risk of not following your passion. It is hard to be the best at something unless you enjoy doing it. I appreciate this more as I have gotten older. When you are young as an entrepreneur, work seems like a chore or a means to an end. You think, “Gee, I just want to make a lot of money and then I can retire and go fish all the time.” Building a business takes passion, resiliency, and belief. It’s very personal. StubHub was a lucrative exit but I can’t imagine waking up and not doing this anymore. The only commodity we have that is truly perishable is time. You may make a trillion dollars, but you only get to be young once.