


2015-05-24 17:42:16 | Weblog







I meet he yesterday


I meet he station yesterday


I at station

になるわけで、「「私 at 駅」なら、私は駅を食べたとか、壊したとかでなく、「私は駅にいる」以外、常識的に考えられないだろう」と言う私の台湾人の友人の声が大きく聞こえてくる。



日本銭真多: (日本は本当にお金を沢山持っている)


是不是? (どうなの?)
「是」は英語のBE動詞に相当するが、ここでは「yes?, or, not yes?]と言っている訳だが、まあ、気持ちは分かるような気がする。でも、

 問我是不是? (それを私に聞いているの?)

は「Ask I yes, or not yes?」なので、じっと考えていると、中国語の発想法がだんだんと見えて来るような気がする。

到底是不是?   (つまり結局どうなの?)





Snow crystals -5

2015-05-24 12:31:43 | Weblog

I am not exactly convinced by what I was saying. It is largely because I cannot persuade myself that six arms of the same length can and will form from the basic unit I attempted to describe.

Top above is my next attempt. It is a plastic template for a large number of paper pieces of the same size. 104.5 degrees are there. In place of hydrogen bonding I will be using sellotapes to turn these molecular planes into a three dimensional structure.

The oxygen to hydrogen arm is 5 cm, so this is 500 million times larger than the actual molecular plate.

I have got this nagging thought that the squashed cube like unit I described earlier in -4 may not be right. Six of these planes above may not completely enclose the volume inside the imagined ice unit of minimum size.

I may turn out to be wrong and that will certainly push me into a very tight corner. On the other hand, if the basic unit is a little more complex I may be able to build on it to produce arms of some sort... We will see.

Model making began like above. Two more faces to be bonded, or sellotaped. Already, at this stage I was very low, because the volume can be closed perfectly...

T is denoting the top of the model. Unseen at the bottom is B. So, there are S1, S2, S3, and S4, all surrounding the volume, closed by the top T and the bottom B faces, and that is 6 faces altogether.

Here, you can see the bottom face, B. Does this number 6 correspond to the six arms?

To each of these six faces can be attached one additional basic unit. If we now assume that all of these six faces are fully attached to that might present an interesting picture.

It will be looking flat, will it not? Yes, there is a block, above and below, but if you look at the whole assembly right from above there are 5 surfaces, including the top surface of the additional block above the original top surface.

We can cast our mind to the next step, assuming again that all exposed surfaces will be attached to. If we look at it from above we will then see 13 surfaces (or faces) and one additional block each attached to the existing top and bottom block.

No, it is wrong! The top and bottom blocks will have one block added to their top and bottom surfaces, but in addition they each will have 4 additional units, newly attached to their own sides.

We can go on like this, and I am beginning to feel that the spread sideways could be faster than the vertical growth, because of something I can think of. To explain it I will have to rely on another schematic.

Put simply, though, it is the preferential attachment process, I think. Particular attachment process is perhaps more difficult, statistically...All this must be the result of quantum mechanics.

If the basic unit of snow crystal is a perfect cube, no preferential growth will be possible, but here we are dealing with a funny shaped cube, squashed cube...because that is what quantum mechanics dictates to us.

collapsing of towering blocks, or centre pillars, interesting research by a group at Osaka university, in relation to biological systems, possible self flattening mechanism