

Cabbage spoons, A3 coating, habanero powders

2008-05-31 16:39:19 | Weblog
I was so busy yesterday with my paper work and
had no time for logging. As a matter of fact, I did not even
achieve my objective!

I will have to redo it on Monday!

Anyway, one suggestion made to me was that instead of
fabricating 20, 30 spoon like objects per day I might work
on a few large objetcs.

Below, you can see my output for today. By the way,
the current lot is on A3, and Cing will start from
tommorrow on.

Sorry, today's out put shown below.

These are one of the largest spoon I make,
with a template. You see, in the cavity, one of my
smallest spoons. That is meant for habanero powders.

There is no template for this smallest spoon.
The bore diameter is determined by the bit diameter,
as simple as that!

Today's one third of my time was spent on
coating, another one third was probably spent on
these, what I call cabbage spoons.

I was very interested in knowing how long it might take
to form a concave surface with one of these large and deep
cavity spoons.

It was 16 minutes, of roughing the mass out, well
within the operational constraint of my Spiky. As
I told you earlier, Spiky is meant for concave

surfaces. You might wonder about the convex surfaces.

Take a look at the following illustration again. B is
what you want.

Normally, with smaller convex surfaces, yawing motion
on the disk and belt sanders is enough. However, with these
large spoons, loosing the mass you want is time-

consuming, if you employ the same method. That is to say
that pressing the bottom of the spoon against the
sanders in a simplistic manner will not get you anywhere.

It is a very slow process. Therefore, hard pressing is
used, and consequently, you have ridges, as shown in red,
and between these lines you have planer surfaces.

What you then need to do is to destroy these ridges as well.
That leads immediately to narrower plainer surfaces.
Basically, you repeat this process, and only then,

you can employ yawing motion. Otherwise, the whole process
of forming convex surfaces will be too time consuming.

I can put a number to it. It is approx. 10 minutes.

In between, I sorted out my gifts. Below is the photo.

I delivered the spoons to a furniture making factory.
They let me have their bits and pieces free of charge.
The tube contains chopsticks and spoons.

The tube was sent to the British Embassy for a female
friend of mine. She will love my chopsticks!

Today, I meant to work on the peripherals of the
propellers, as shown below.

I am afraid I did have not time for these! They are
for tommorrow. Whatelse will I be doing tommorrow.
I do not really know. This is becoming a big issue.

Not knowing what to do each day is crucifying me,
constantly. Fortunately, for part of tommorrow,
weather permitting, I might be cooking some

potatoes, with my recently acquired Dutch oven with
my neibhours? (mis-spelling?).

Next 6 months? My wife will be in Abashiri in mid June,
that is when I am likely to be staying at my mountain cottage.
My wie and our daughter will be in England, some time in September.

That again is the time I will be staying at
my mountain cottage with my mother. Loggins will be
interrupted during these periods, naturally.

I think I need something revolutionary to
kill my time!

パエ-リャ 11

2008-05-31 16:38:59 | Weblog
Jamy, I hate your alias!, dpite the fact that it is
my own making...

at this moment in time

It is a high risk sport!

Put it out!

You have not got the leggs for modelling!

If the Russians role into Europe...

Much is being said about dounokouno...

I only got as far as the managing director!

They still come under the same category!

You never give a damn to anything!

It is very disappointing that dounokouno!

One more of this and you will be finished!

a make-shift hut

That cealed the fate of it!

If you bng it in, you will get an answer!

Whereabout is this place?

after school and occasionally before school

You should be aware of the problems ahead!

Jamy, shall we call it a day? Take care!

Murky water, wooden spoons, chopstick sorter

2008-05-29 17:32:32 | Weblog
It has been raining all day today, not a very good
time for the early stages of coating, particularly
with A1 coating.

What is shown below are the dried artefatcs from
yesterday. Actually, polyp removing has been done
on them and they are about to go through wet sanding.

Below, you see that initially clear water has been
rendered quite murky, and you can barely see the sanding
paper at the bottom of the sink.

The black thing on the right is one of those
wet sanding papers. They are undergoing the drying process in my
own room as can be seen below.

This is because initial absorption rate of my
artefacts, with respect to water molecules, is very large,
and unless the weather is very warm, they cannnot be

coated immediately after wet sanding. So, they are now staying
in my room overnight for A coating 2 stage.

In the meantime, I will show you two images, as below.

Main topic with this photo is the chopstick sorter.
Chopsticks are made to certain desired lengths, of course,
but, there are tiny differences in their final length in the end.

This is inevitable and I make each pair to be absolutely equal in
length and their property has to be maintained throughout
the process of coating.

About the only thing you can think of is to have an array
of containers for each pair of chopsticks. Paper tubes
are employed for conserving pairness.

Rings? I will talk about them after nother photo below.

OK, you must be familiar with egg standers for your posh
breakfast. The pointed end of your egg is place in a stand like
the one you see in this photo.

I turned it myself, two, three yers ago. I do not like it,
really, because the sytem is unstable. Why not place an egg
on its side as shown here.In addition to it, the rings will

serve as chopsticks holder. There is a dip in the ring so
you can rest your chopsticks at the dip while eating. The rings, also,
may serve as table napkin holders. At least, that is what my partner

tells me!

This is yesterdays output, extremely shallow cavity

This is today's output. I call them propellers, but
my partner at K's call them icecream spoons.

Spoons? Cavities are not there at all! She still calls them
spoons! What the hell are these, I do not really know,
but, somehow, they sell well.

パエ-リャ 10

2008-05-29 17:32:18 | Weblog
Jamy, I hate your alias!

Aha!, one of those!

(It is ) one of those things!

He stopped in mid sentnce!

In Spanish, this would be something like;
Hablaba un hombre, y se comi la mitad de las palabras

You just freeze in horror!

You get a pretty good holiday out there!

If you want to leave the hustle and bustle behind

He was trapped in the bush fire when the wind changed!

What is his condition?

He was conned into buying it!

A sheer sense of satisfaction of good wprk well done!

You come around to what it is all about!

I am not sure about that myself!

It is nice to have you with us!

Put it out!

Jamy, is this not enought for today? I go!

Take care!

The grand picture, wooden spoons

2008-05-28 17:04:45 | Weblog
I will now show you the grand picture, the environment
in which most of my artistic ? activities are
taking place. Take a look at the following picture.

No doubt, the world smallest workshop! I constructed all of this
myself. About the only thing I did not construct are the
windows. They are double-glazed!

I also did all of electrical wiring inside the walls.
Strictly speaking, this is illegal, but who cares.
Power is supplied externally via two cables.

Those two protrusions on the right hand wall are the
intake points. Cables are disconnected in this photo.
Machines included, altogether I have spent close to

JPY 3 million by now. So, it is not possible to
recover my investment by selling my spoons and

What follows is the ceiling windows I made myself.

They are naturally meant for low carbon activities! Annexed to
the workshop I have a little show-window and my
nearlly zero impedance space for my dusts collector.

Dusts from grinding are deposited inside this
black box via modified vaccum cleaner. The pipe-like
protrusion is the dusts free ( in theory!) air-outlet.

So much for the grand picture. Following 3 images are
my artefatcs that went into the coating stage this morning.

The very last is blurred. They are tea leaves scoopers
and have very deep cavities. Altogether, there are
just about 120 artefatcs now on A coating (penetration).

Tommorrow morning, they will be checked for polyps and
then wet sanded in water, dried, and will go onto A2 stage.

I think this is enough for now. Today, I completed
9 shallow cavity tea scoopers. I will show them tommorrow.
I am right now toying with another idea of mine.

That is the tongs. I have been wanting to fabricate them
for such a long time by now. The stumbling block has always been
the initial state recovery and the mechanism for it.

Typically, they are made of metals and plastics,
because such mechanisms are inherent in the materials
themselves. I want to do it with wood!

I have an idea! I go now!

パエ-リャ 9

2008-05-28 17:04:31 | Weblog
Jamy, I hate your alias!

News is just coming up

That will amount to a blackmail!

That finally cealed the fate of the plan!

This music should slow you down!

It all ppears to me that dounokouno!

What is so fantastic about it is dounokouno...

This vegitable is tired!

特にドウノコウノに関してはね (副詞句)
especially with respect to dounokouno...

As I once did, dounokouno...

You then also have hidden expenses to meet!

religious festivities

It concerns me that dounokouno!

The only thing you need money for is dounokouno!

He draws on social security!

Where they dig the money up, I do not know!

Let us hear what the cat has to say!

You mentioned it in passing, but, dounokouno...

Jamy, I go now. I am hungry! Take care!

Convex surfaces and associated negative curvatures

2008-05-27 17:08:02 | Weblog
I am talking mainly about convex surfaces, today.

However, before doing that I should perhaps define
some of my terminology. Illustrayted below are

Straight lines with A and B are typically belt-sander
surfaces, agaist which curvatures are depicted. A refers to
+tive curvatures, and B -tive curvatures.

In reality, however, you rarely find a single combination
of concave ad convex surfaces, except, perhaps with dishes
and the like.

In most cases, as shown in C, you have a little more
complicated situations. For instance, both small and large humps
have +tive curvaures, but, inevitably, you may have

a dip for ornamental purposes. The dip in this case has a
-ve curvature. How do you go about it? All that comes shortly.

OK, back to convex surfaces. I have given some thought to this
subject. My guess is that it is probably more difficult to
create convex surfaces.

The illustration above is about straight stem spoons,
but even bent stem spoons have negative curvatures. Concave
surfaces are single entities and can be worked out

independent of everything else. I short, there is no complication
in forming concave surfaces. Whereas, convex surfaces seem
always associated with negative curvatures.

This is true with both straight and bent stem spoons.
C's dip has a negative curvature, which is a pain
in the neck, really.

So, realistically speaking, convex surfaces are
just about how to combat these negative curvatures,
and how to go about them. I order to do that, I need

another illustration, as per below.

With this illustration, A refers to the side view of a
belt sander, against which the dip (negative curvature)
is pressed around the round corner of the sander.

This is fine, to remove the mass you do not want.

However, B is telling you the end result. The dip
as well as quite a lot of the stem and the convex
surface is littered with flat surfaces,

separated by the red lines as shown. Of course, you may say
to me that I should do more careful work, but, in reality,
even this belt sander has quite a lot of abrasive power,

and it is awefully difficult to control the sanding process.
So, these days, I am finding myself more and more dependent
on a tiny machine as shown below.

Effectively, the red lines in the previous illustration are
ridges, formed as a result of plainer surfaces side by side.
I could remover them by paper sanding, but it is a lot

quicker to use one of these tools. The drum sander (tiny!) is
attached to the end of a mini flexible shaft. I can easily
remove red lines (ridges) and furthermore, I can even

remove a little amount of the mass I left unattended during
my earlier grinding process! Such a versatile tool, this is!

The photo below is today's output. What was I doing?
Well, I was experimenting with the idea of very shallow
concaves, for tea leaves scooping.

For mass production, I need to establish optimum concave
depth. In the photo, two different depths are present. And,
I still have a lot of thinking to do.

much for concave suraces and associated issues. Now, take
a look at the follwing two photos.

The first of these shows the chopsticks for a female friend
of mine, already matt and ready to be given. Next one is reflecting
my current thinking. This photo has been shown before.

I just do not like the idea of having chopsticks being placed
anti-pararell in the container. If I find smaller disk magnets,
then I can go for smaller holders.

I diverted part of my today's thought to the toast holders, supporters,
as shown below.

These were fabricated using my milling machine.
My questioning to myself was, "Can I simplify this?"

I think I can, by striking either copper or brass
nails into a square plate. One problem there is how to chop off
sharp ends. I probably need 100 nails and the prospect

of chopping off 100 ends is daunting! But, If I manage to find
an easy way, these might even serve as soap holders!
The selling price? 1000 JPY!

So much for today and I go now.

パエ-リャ 8

2008-05-27 17:07:36 | Weblog
Jamy, I keep saying this, I hate your alias, you are
just one J too many! Anyway,

I was just annoyed with myself!

You would think that she would have learnt a little better!

after 10 years of failure (複数ではない!)

you have brought a ray of hope to my world!

She was stung by a jellyfish on the nose,
stomach and legs!

I was only yards from the corner!

They must have got a hell of a shock!

She finished second!

all year round, throghout the year

I have said it before and I will say it again!

One theory that has been suggested is dounokouo...

You should object to it!

in this day and age!

What do you think of the idea of donokono-ing?

I am not too happy about it!

Jamy, this should do for the day. I go.
Take care!

Polyurethane coating and world ? smallest spoons

2008-05-26 18:39:21 | Weblog
All I could do today is this photo.

These are the chopsticks I promissed to make
for one of the girls. Of these, two sets are
meant for lunch boxes.

They are short at 175 mm and thin enough,
meant to be cute and elegant in a feminine hand
at lunch hours.

Today for now I want to talk about coatings of these
artefatcs. As mentioned earlier I use polyurethane coating.

First three times they are subjected to penetration
coating. Polyurethane molecules are just so tiny and
penetrate into the artefacts very easily.

Each time drying process (24 hours) is complete,
they are closely examined for polyps. If I find any,
I remove them with sharp edges.

That still leaves micro-polyps, or dusts on the
surfaces. They are then wet sanded in water.
Altogether, I apply my coating 10 times.

Now, after three penetration coating with type A
polyurethane, urethane gets saturated on the surface.

That is when type C polyurethane is applied 6 times,
making the protective coating thicker and thicker.
Naturally, wet sanding continues each time.

By the time all this comes to an end you have extremely
glossy surfaces, with extremely strong protective

That is precisely when they are made mat with type E
polyurethane. So, I use three types of polyurethane
materials for the coating of my workpieces.

Naturally, all this is ridiculously excessive, but,
there you are. This is my way of doing my coatings.
The end products are extremely tough.

Polyurethanes are usd for coating of car bodies.
You must know how tough they are.

I just now go back to the following photo.

Those on the right are the smallest spoons
I construct. Their length is something like
5cm, and the cavity diameter is 5 mm.

Even these are coated 10times. Aed 3 times,
Ced 6 times, and finally Eed once, actually,
E coating is applied 3 or 4 times, more on that later.

What are these smallest spoons for?, you may ask.

They are meant for scooping habanero powders.
Well, so much for today.

パエ-リャ 7

2008-05-26 18:39:01 | Weblog
Jamy, I keep sayting this, but I do really hate
your alias! Anyway, to continue...

People I went to live with

How do you occupy your time?

これって、BBC に出るわよ!
This will be on BBC 2!

There is still a lot of work to be done!

Jamy, you may think this is rudimentary, but
imagine this was collected 35 years ago!

In 10 years one will see a great deal of changes!

今日、3回も電話したけどさ、でも ドウノコウノ
I phoned you three times today, but you dounokouno...

Please arrange to come along to see us!

He is very badly burnt in the bush fire!

He might just about get through!

It could go either way!

We lost 3 to 2!

I threw the bat in the corner and it bounced back!

Jamy, I call it a day. Take care of your baby!