

Wooden cutlery, my chopstics

2008-07-19 16:31:43 | Weblog
Carpenters hate the summer, that is what I read

I echo their views! Doing things in my workshop
during cold months does not mean much to me...

Cold, yes, but not that uncomfortable, but the
heat, the summer heat is something!

See what is bellow? This is all I achieved today!

They are paired, holed, and tipped. I had no intention of
making trenches in them, partly because I had to do things
for tommorrow's BBQ and in addition for my mountain

cottage stay.

I have a problem with the chicken, that is , despite
my specific order and request that I wanted one,
at something like 1.3 kg, what I really got today

is at 2 kg! Much too large for my 30 cm Dutch oven!

What I will have to do is to place some cabbage
leaves in between! In the meantime, I have decided to
take what is shown bellow to the cottage.

This is in addition to what I have already sorted out
for my summer vacation. Up there, time ellapses very
slowly... I will be bored to death, if I do not have

something to do!, in addition to all those other
things in the garden. For instance, we are expecting
those pine trees to be cut down in November.

That will leave quite a large amount of materials
in the garden. The garden is currently full of materials from
earlier operations, and I will have to burn them,

in order to make way for the new leftovers...

Asking them to take them away will be too expensive!

In the meantime,

half a dozen crabs arrived today. They look cute?, do they not?

OK, folks, there will be no logging, from tomorrow on,
until just before the Beijin festivities. I will be
up in the mounain with my mother.

Hasta entonces, mi querido Conchita!

パエ-リャ 57

2008-07-19 16:31:19 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes! y como estas?

Ahora mismo hace muchisimo calor! Calorissimo!

En mi opinion, la informacion es muy importante
en el mundo moderno!, y presentarla debe de ser un trabajo
responsable, no importa lo difficil que sea!

Yo siempre he querido ser periodista como tu!
Sorpresa, no? Entonces, vamos!

No sabia que te interesaba esto!

Me gustaria muchisimo!

Que buena idea!

Te gustaria conocer la oficina donde trabajo?

Quieres ir a conocerla tambien?

Claro!, si se puede!

Conchita, debe de ser bastante, no?
Desde aqui entran esos en ingles...

visibility close to unlimited!

It is a declining species!

The volcano went up!

She enjoys the friendship and trust of all
these animals!

Out of my way! I have work to do!

You must get it off your chest!

whenever fancy takes you!

Conchita, this should be enough for now!
Take care! I will be back to you after
two weeks from today!

Summer must be here! wooden cutlery

2008-07-18 16:25:36 | Weblog
I am convinced that the rainy season is coming
to an end.

Until about a week ago, I did not particularly feel
uncomfortable in my workshop, even clad in my unwooven thingy.
It is no longer! I find myself sweating so profusely, and

sweat affetcs your work! See what is bellow?

Those four pieces on the left (one on the right is for
eating out and made yesterday, and shown yesterday) are
eating pretty in quiet office corners.

In addition, I made some others, still on their way to
becoming containers, like those above.

With these, holes have been made and end cutting complete.
I have half a dozen "eating pretty" chopstics, and they are
shown bellow. I must encase them all!

If I come to tink about it, I have fabricated a few odd
cases by now. What am I going to with them? They are
shown bellow.

I suppose they could be given away... Who, though, wants
these bulky cases? , I wonder... In the meantime, I have
been buiding up my portfolio of things I am taking to our

mountain cottage. These are shown bellow.

My wife is urging me to join a local sailing club.
She says she will pay for it all. I am tempted, but...,
will I?

I am not exactly sure..., mostly because it is very
expensive. On top of that, it is my committment that
I take my aging mother to our mountai cottage,

when weathers are nice. This would be May, July-August,
late September to late October, each time for something
like two weeks...

And, these are the best time for sailing!

Would it be sensible?, to effectively pay 3 times
as much, for the monthly membership fees? It is
my calculation, anyway, because you can go sailing

only for 7 months, at the most, of the year. I am further
constrained because of my taking my mother to the

There may come typhoons, lows, etc etc in those slots
I can afford to sail. On top of that, the down payment!
It is making me think!

I will be logging, tommorrow, but aftertommorrow I will be
away in the cottage for something like two weeks, and
loggins will be interrupted. for that duration.

パエ-リャ 56

2008-07-18 16:25:21 | Weblog
Conchita. Como estas? Hoy ha hecho mucho calor!

Quisiera ir pronto a nuestra casa en la monta-nya!
Ahora, vamos!

..., se puede decir, ...

Ella no quiso que sea artesano su hijo!

Yo, particularmente, he empezado desde que tenia
uso de razon!

en que forma!?

Esos chicos son, por decirlo asi, como dos hermanos!
Esos chicos son, se puede decir, como dos hermanos!

No lo tube, es decir, lo tengo ahora!

No se que decir! Estoy muy emocionada!

Que quires decir?!

Por que lo hiciste?!

Era un desafio!, por decirlo asi!

Que quieres decir con eso!?

Cochita, quisiera tomar tu comida, y ademas
contigo! Desde ahora en ingles!

Small wonder that DK!
No wonder that DK!

What will it cost in rental?

It was a cash purchase!

They all went on a drinking spree!

It will not come for many years yet!

探してね! そこらじゅう探すのよ!
Keep looking! Look everywhere!

Conchita, creo Yo, que esto es bastante para ahora.
Vaya con Dios!

Much wanted 8 mm bit arriving, wooden cutlery

2008-07-17 16:38:29 | Weblog
Today really started with this, the much long
waited for 8 mm bit! , arriving only a few minutes
before taking my wife to Kamakura.

She was attending the final sessiion of their regular
gatherings, out for a luncheon party, before the summer

This package, is it not ridiculous? It only contains a simple
8 mm bit, as shown, encased in a plastic tube!

Inside this plastic tube is the reuter bit I had ordered, and it
is shown bellow, on the right.

One on the left of it is a smaller diamter (6 mm) bit. This 6 mm bit is
useless for trench cutting for mini chopstics containers, because
its diameter is just a little too small.

The most prominet effect of today's arrival of the 8 mm
diam. bit is shown above. Can you belive that you are looking at
them, top on!?

Can you see that it is now much narrower? The one above was
fabricated using a 12 mm diam. bit. Treches have been cut
, in both cases, inside these narrow humps!

Above is the view, looking at them sideways. Each one of the pair
members contains a 190 mm chopstic. Trench depth is 8 mm, just
enough to contain a 6-7 mm chopstic.

Above? Yes, you are looking at the inside out of the whole thing,
with the chopstics. As a matter of fact, the trenches are now
deep enough, the chopstics can be placed in there, paralell,

rather than anti-paralell. In reality, I find it much easier to
place them anti-paralell.

Let me now talk a little about operational issues.
Take a look at the following illustration.

A is showing you the 8 mm reuter bit going down into
the workpiece, and B is the expected result, with walls
of equal thickess on either side.

In reality, this never happens. No matter how carefully
you try to centre the bit end, before embarking on
your actual trench cutting, you are likely to see

something like C, after a few sessions with the workpiece.

However, you can easily correct for this, by moving the bit
slightly to the thicker wall, as shown in D!

The blue blob is the bit end, of course. You may say
that might deform the top view of the trench.

However, you can barely see the result of the correction
procedure, I can assure you!

All in all, I am very much satisfied with the result of
today's and I am looking forward to mass-producing them!

Readers, I will belogging tommorrow and the day after
tommorrow. However, after that, there will be no
entry, until before the Beijin Olympics.

I will be staying at our Yatsugatake cottage, with
my mother, slowly working on those 190 mm chopstics
and other things, and generally being happy for being there.

パエ-リャ 55

2008-07-17 16:38:12 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hoy ha hecho mucho calor! Calorrissimo, verdad!

Ahora, vamos!

Digo que a mi nunca me ha gustado ese edificio!

No has visto que siempre esta diciendo mentiras?!

Lo que dijo era tal vez algo pesimista!

Por eso es que no me gusta ese programa!

El se ha lastimado la rodilla!

Has leido esta novela?

Ya se han dormidos las ni-nyas?

Que lastima! Queria verlas!

Conchita, ahora, ya me voy. Desde aqui en ingles!

Is that supposed to be funny!?

Chopstics come joined together and are split open!

You have to slog it out!

Let us take a little ahead at DK!

Sit up straight!

..., now on to something else!

All gays are not freaks!

He is a worthy champ!

Conchita, es bastante para hoy, Yo creo!
Vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, deep cavity desert spoons

2008-07-15 16:29:07 | Weblog
Today was any better?

Yes, I should think so..., but only just better...

It all started from a piece of one of my templates. It looked strange...
Yes, I wanted to go back to my favourite SPs. The one I picked up
was not that familiar to me.

A precursor to this is this. Only a few days ago, I used one
of those SPs for my personal use, and I found it splendid,
with a deep cavity.

You must be reminded that even with a template you are
likely to produce variants and that is inevitable...
It must have been one of those variants I picked up.

The side profile template I picked up this morning
had such a deep cavity profile. Just why it was there, I do not
even know.

Above photo is indicative of my discovery ? this morning.
One at the top is not a template, but the one fabricated fom
such a template, with a very shallow cavity.

One in the middle is the template I am talking about
right now. It is pretty obvious that the end products
will have very deep cavities. One at the bottom is

just a top profile template.

Above are the end results of today's work. You have seen
these before, of course, and a lot more on display. However,
there is a difference.

If you fabricate as many as 20, 30 of these in a single day
you cannot get them to the coating ready stage. Well, these are,
because I only worked with six of these today.

Above?, well ...

I was sitting there in my workshop, for a good measure of time,
not knowing what to do for today. One thing I decided, though, was
I should disassemble the lathe setup, and put the whole thing

back to its usual configuration. I even removed the endmill
from my milling machine, but just before that I made one
small jig.

A chopstic is set agaist it in this photo. It is a 5 mm
jig for eating pretty in quiet office corners. The other
jig is for those 190 mm chopstics for eating out.

So, what is next? Tommorrow, there will be no
logging, as I will have to go to another of our house
in Musashino-shi, in Tokyo, for a regular maintenance

work. There will not be loggig, either, on 20th and beyond,
for a considarable period of time, as I will be
staying at our mountain cottage in Yatsugatake.

All, away from the heat!

パエ-リャ 54

2008-07-15 16:28:46 | Weblog

Buenas tardes! Como estas? Que estas haciendo
ahora mismo? Preparando la cena para tu familia?, o
cantando con la guitarra?

Ahora, vamos

si se quisiera

Este vino viene de Chile!

Vengo a hablar contigo...

Vengo creando cucharas!

el proximo sabado a las dos de la tarde

Quisiera recordarte que DK!

..., aunque el no es mi favorito!

Desde aqui en ingles

Jus hear me out!

from now until forever

People are fond of you, that is what I say!

Get off!

I have not got even started yet!

You have got that all wrong!

The wind is gusting!

Breeze is nice!

Conchita, esta manya-na, no tube nada que hacer,
lo siento, no? Estoy mejor, ahora mismo...

Bastante para hoy? Bueno, ya me voy!

Not my day! wooden cutlery

2008-07-14 16:17:00 | Weblog
Today was not my day, really...

I took my wife to Kamakura in the mornng,
and while driving home I was already wondering
what I might do for today!

It was also too warm, for anything, at all...
Being clad in my usual white unwooven thing, I
, remembering what I talked about yesterday,

picked up myself and did a bit of work, the result of
which is shown bellow.

These are my "SOMEN" catchers, at least, that was the
idea... You may be able to recognise some indentations,
or, cuts made into the tips.

I used my milling machine and an endmill for these.
And, I did not like them, at all! The fundamental reason is

Initially, the crosssection to be worked on is a square.
In order to make cuts (or shallow trenches) you have to
turn the piece through 90 degrees, each time you want

make a new cut. How ridiculous!

My inner voice was whispering to me that I must turn them.
Very reluctantly, I started the process, first of all,
disengaging my Talon's gripps. The following photo is it.

Can you see that one of the gripps has ben removed, see in the
direction of about 9 o'clock. These gripps need two screws
each. What follows is showing you the disassembled pieces.

All this takes time, that is why I was reluctant in the first
place! Anyway, an eventual setup is seen bellow, before
turning the piece on the lathe.

OK, so I started turning the piece, and what I got after a
few minutes is shown in the following!

Dios mio! Padre mio!

The tip of the piece snapped! The broken piece is set against
the remaining piece at more or less the right angle to it.

Something in me also snapped at this very moment! I was heavily
sweating, also. So, I went out for cycling for breeze.

I certainly was doing a tricky operation, working on such
a thin section of the piece...

Where do I go from here? Pick myself up, OK, but for what?!
I would be rather happier if somebody told, or, asked
me to do somemthing well conceived.

I hate ravens but I am OK with kites!

パエ-リャ 53

2008-07-14 16:16:46 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Aqui, hoy ha hecho mucho calor!

Oye!, I am going to change the style in which I
put down my expressions! Aqui, vamos!

es que se lo prometi a mama!

Faltan quince minutos!

desde hace mas de treinta anyos

mas o menos a la edad de los ocho anyos

cuando el tomo uso de razon

hasta hace veinticinco anyos

y ahi es donde nace su creacion!

Conchita, es bastante, no?, para hoy?
Ya me voy! Vaya con Dios!

She finally disappeared in the distance

I am in a bit of a rush at the moment!

These two were extracted yesterday from
Dan Brown's "Digital Fortress". My wife ordered
something from AMAZON, and she did not want to

pay for the postage and asked me if I want
something to go with hers. That is why Inow have

He is old enough to be your father?

Hi!, getting acquainted?

I feel stupid more than anything else!

This is the very last time! and it is final!

Three jokes?, OK, off you go!

Conchita, ahora no estoy seguro de la significancia
de mi Paella! Mi suenyo es seguir trabajando con dos!

Hasta manyana!