

Saucers from walnut, domestic

2009-06-30 17:34:40 | Weblog
Conchita, as I said in the Spanish como se dice I went along
to a new shop with whom I can deal with my products.
I left some of my sample products there.

I will be helping her with the interior design for
free of charge. She is muy simpatica!

Anyway, most, or almost all of this afternoon was spent on
turning two saucers from domestic walnut. I was anxious that
I complete this work soonest. Other things are in the pipeline

and I cannot afford to waste my time, before setting out
for my house building work.

Today's first photo here is the starter. It is domestic.
Thickness is at 37mm, an industry standard, but I could do with
somewhat thicker materials, but they are hard to come by...

Now, above, the thing is set on the the lathe before turning.
See that it is far from a true circular? I used to use
my bandsaw to make these as circular as possible.

However, these days, I no longer bother. I just make these
true circular starting from this stage.

After a few minutes, I have a true circular, as you see above.

After how long? 10 minutes? I have above.

Now, this is the back of the piece, having been secured to the
lathe with a simple metal piece called "face plate". It is
screwed to the work. The side of the work is already done.

Above is showing you a typical grabber. This one, I mail-
ordered from US, and in fact it alone is more expensive than my
Taiwan made lathe system itself!

Now, having done the concave surface you need to work on the bottom side
of the saucer. This is another grabber I mail-ordered from US.

The earlier grabber is called Talon, and is mighty powerful
in gabbing things. However, this one is only for light work.
Because, grabbing is by these 8 dark plastic discs.

One slight problem with this grabber is that its mas is
large, and once rotating it acquires a staggering amount
of angular momentum. That is to say it does not want to
come to a halt in a short period of time.

This is a pain in the neck, but something I have to live with...

These are the final products. Each selling for something like
JPY 2500, or 3000. Mind you, these will also be coated
10 times!

Coating continued, but there are no photos. Tommorrow will
be spent on a one piece milk pitcher. I am actually
excited about it. I have never done it before, excpet

a larger mug which I presented to somebody I know.

I know that I will have to use all of my skills
and instruments and machines, and tools and bits!

パエ-リャ 284

2009-06-30 17:34:19 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Bien?
Creo que si!

Hoy en dia, hice un trato con otra tienda para
mis productos. Es solo una peque-nya tienda,
especializada en productos ecologicos.

Sin embargo, el titular es una mujer de mi edad
y ella parecia estar haciendo un buen negocio.
Tengo una sensacion de que mis productos podria

vender bien en su tienda. OK, vamos?

Como hago para que mi gato vuelva a tener apetito?

Contestame rapido por que se me muere mi gato!

los machos y las hembras

de forma aleatoria

fuera de tempporada estival

dounokouno, siendo estos factores favorables para NANINANI

a partir de la plena madurez sexual

Conchi, desde aqui nosotros vamos ingles!

That is the shape of things to come!

down came the rain

I stand to be challenged!

She challenged me to go on!

She grabbed the papers from my hand!

Hold the cat on its back!


It set me to thinking, and was still bothering me a lot
after breakfast!

Conchita, enough for now? Creo que si and take care!
Vaya con Dios!

Milk pitchers and lathing?

2009-06-29 17:10:00 | Weblog
Conchita, today being surprisingly sunny and dry
it has been a busy say!

In fact, I was so busy that I was not even sure whether
I was coming or going! Anyway, coating continued as you will see below.

What is seen here is the horse raddish, came from Hokkaido's
relative. I planted them also in our mountain cottage garden.
They should grow more vigorously up there.

It is said that they proliferate a lot. That is all too welcome!
Let us have lots and lots of them growing in the mountain

Here below, K's spoons. Actually, there are problems.
First, what to do with these 16 pieces on the left.
They may turn into large forks...?

Secondly, the spoons are, I think, infected with plant
viruses. They just do not look right. I think I will
start all over again. That is a blow, because there

are other standing orders.

Anyway, above apart, my propellers got coated for the first time, seen below. And, I want to return to my construction site at around
15 to 20 July. I will have to have sorted out every single

standing order by then. That will make me very busy!

Here below, one of my standing orders, a small milk pitcher.
The schematic is suggesting how I might with the bore.

I could use my lathe, of course. However, my intention is to go
milling. A is the desired bore and B is the bit I can use.

In order to reduce burden on the motor I will be making
lots of holes inside the bore diameter, shown as red spots.

Actually, I have another standing order for saucers, and with
those I will have to go lathing. I just hate lathing!

I do know that in Tolstoy's or who ever's the act of lathing is
depicted as a noble pastime, but I just do not like it.
It is so boring...

I just got a phone call from S's and she has more orders for me!
That will make me even busier... She is also wanting me to help
her friend's shop.

Yes, I can manage that with exsisting stock I have.
All this makes me very busy everyday...

パエ-リャ 283

2009-06-29 17:09:39 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Y, tu familia?

Aqui, esperaba hoy ser lluvioso, pero no llovio en absoluto.

Naturalmente, las previsiones metereologicas incorrectas son
muy agradables! Quisiera que todos esos dias lluviosos que se han pronosticado resulten seco y soleado!

Diferencia todo a mi trabajo de la capa! Bueno, vamos?

Quien me puede decir como se dice DOUNOKOUNO?

pero, ya se me paso!

a cause de todo un poco

en el momento en que haya mas situaciones stresantes en casa

por haber hemos probado

por haber probado

son heces blandas como papilla!

el gato saca mucha baba y espuma de la pastilla

Bueno, Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

It will spoil the surprise!

He fell to the ground

because it was a matter of convenience!

She made a point that she was a Greek!


oh!, this endless sentimentality!
Why bring it out now!?

I would not trust him to do that!

the game was rained off

The inside leaves you speechless!

Conchita, I just leave it all there for now.
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Water cooled chimney holder

2009-06-28 17:31:26 | Weblog
Despite the rain my coating work continued. Compare the first
two images. The first one just underwent the second
penetration coating.

The second images is immediately after the first penetration
coating. So, you see how much immersion is taking place
inside the material.

These will be subjected to another immersion coating,
and that is when surface saturation takes place,
before moving on to surface protection stage, then,

I am very much proud of the integrity of my work. Nobody
in this world wants to coat these products 10 times! I do!
And, they sell at alarmingly low prices!

Who cares! My wife and shop owners do! In practice,
they have a lot of say in pricing. I simply obey them,
very meekly...

Now, next two photos show pickers. The first current lot, and
amazingly the second lot is something I uncovered only a few
days ago. I had been forgetting about them!

Each of these will probably sell for JPY 300 minimum.
Fairly easy to fabricate, takes a lot of time to coat!
They are coated 10 times!

The only problem here is that their tips are left shinny.
That is to say that the tips were as they had been when
subjected to surface protection coating.

Some peple do not like shinny pieces. I just left them
like that just to show the quality of my coating.
I may mat them over...

What follows is today's work. I do not remember how much
each one of these actually sells for. Perhaps JPY 500?
I do know that they sell well. At K's she calls them

ice spoons, but I simply call them propellers...

Anyway, today's main topic is about the following schematic.

This schematic is in relation to the chimmney pipe holding
through the walls. I do know that they use simple concrete
holders like A. I do also know that something like this

is sufficient for the purpose. The arrows in red are indicating
heat dissipation. However, I want to do more!

In building the house I am working on now, costs are
simply disregarded. Maximum safety comes first. My idea of
ensuring the safety in the area of low temperature

carbonaization is first of all enough separation from the inner
walls, but that is easy. My next idea is to water cool
the concrete block as shown here.

Naturally, there will have to be a small pumping system,
but that is all easy, too. What I will need to do is to embed
the pipings in the frame before putting in the heat resistant cement.

In fact, I am already thinking of the maintenace, as with
fixed-in windows. All of these fittings will have service
windows for future maintenance work.

My current guess is that there will be conspicous frames,
narrow, but conspicous enoough with hexagonal mini bolts
showing on the outer surface.

All these would look odd in ordinary housing, but I am
not building ordinary looking interior surfaces.
The only kind in the world, easy to maintain.

In fact, in order to facillitate these rather unusual
interior workings I will take the smaller of my
milling machines to the mountain.

Ordinary carpenters do not even know something like
that exists and what they can do for you. And, I do and
for that reason I will be building a rather unusual

looking interior for the house I am working on.

パエ-リャ 282

2009-06-28 17:30:59 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Cre que estas
muy feliz y bien!

Aqui, el pronostico del tiempo para hoy estaba nublado,
pero como resulto que ha sido practicamente todo el dia
lloviendo. Sin embargo, continuo la labor de revestimiento.

Many-na, tendre que hacer algunas cosas, como la entrega
de mis productos a la fecha, la compra de un nuevo
telefono movil, la compra de la resina de poliester y
fibra de vidrio.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Cuando te sientas con fuerza, empieza a correr todos los dias!


Recuerda que no hay modas milagrosas que te quiten
los kilos en dos dias sentada en casa!


Residencias para mascotas? En concreto gata, para dejarla
cuando me vaya fuera de viaje!

Ya he buscado por internet, pero no se si estoy buscando

Solo me salen residenicias clinicas!

Salen mucho a comer!

Me ha salido mal!

Conchita, vamos ingles aqui, no?

dounokouno, and she still hates me!

dounlkouno, but she still hates me!

dounokouno. Anyway, back on with your game!

It is far from ovbious that that is so!

He can handle it like nothing!

in the middle of nowhere

I feel that dounokouno!

You will go down in history!

Can I chip in there?

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Panes cut out for me!

2009-06-26 17:51:18 | Weblog
Coating continued. Chopstics were taken away from the drying
cradle, waiting for mat coating.

Rice spatulas are here. The first time penetration coating.
There wil be those without the slits, that is at the request of K's.

Chinese spoons got coated, that is protective coating
for the first time.

Pickers, too, undergoing protective coating. All these,
including pre-coating job, took up all morning.

In terms of new fabrication, yes, I made slices for
my propellers. Actually, I am very impressed at the
quality of these slices. At K's she calls these ice spoons.

All thanks to this machine here. This allows me to cut 25mm
maximum thickness, but if you invert the material being cut
you can go double that. And, not many materials come

thicker than 50mm. This is probably one of the most valuable
machines I have purchased.

Yes, today, I had my panes cut for the frames. It set me back
by JPY 6300, but it is worth it. Actually, I will have to
purchase two commercially available windows, far larger

than these and their price tag is at something like JPY 25000.
It makes me think...

Anyway, I will have to fix these panes with glass-fibres
and polyester resin and that will set me back by another
JPY 5000, I think. Building a house is a costly business!

However, it is a lot of fun! More interesting than
making cutleries!

パエ-リャ 281

2009-06-26 17:50:58 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Creo que estas bien, cantando y bailando como siempre...

Realmente es una temporada de lluvias en seco!
No precitacipacion importante durante
las ultimas dos semanas.

Un dia puede empezar con la lluvia, pero pronto
se vuelve soleado y caluroso, muy!

Mi habaneros estan creciendo muy bien y
quiero ver el resultado de todo esto, pero
entonces voy a estar lejos en la monta-nya

cuando esto sucede, creo...

Bueno, vamos?

por ello, por eso

el rumor de fondo sobre un posible embarzo

la toma de posesion del nuevo presidente

la polemica modelo Kate Moss

una travesia por una de las laderas del pico

la unida canina especializada en la busca de personas

en primer lugar DONOKOUNO1, y posteriormente dounokouno2

Quisiera algunos consejos!

Conchita, vamos ingles aqui, no?

I do not care either way!

We have got to a move on!

You made such an exhibition of yourself!

I have a complaint to make!

That is about right!

in my spare time

in a place like this?

in a big way

a hide-out

That is for now, Conchita. Take care!


2009-06-25 18:31:39 | Weblog
Conchita, I just could not do much today. There was an escorting job
in the morning and so on.

Coating continued, and chopstics will be ready for going mat,
at least by noon the day after tommorrow. That suits me,
because other things are waiting in the queue for the

drying bed. The first photo below is in relation to the
pizza house? Why pizza and why stupid spoons?

Below, at K's request I made the stem thicker. She called on
me this afternoon and she did not like it. So, back to the
drawing board!

I now really feel that I should be building up a database
for all these artefacts, with detailed comments. Otherwise,
I will not be able to reproduce any of these pieces!

I could not go and buy the panes. I might be able to that
tommorrow. There are other minor things I must do. It is all
making me busy!

Things I notice everyday is that they need to be recorded somehow
for posterity. After all, I have been doing all this logging
just exactly for that...

Am I low today? Yes, I might be... it is just that that unless
K's girl comes back with denitive answers I just cannot
proceed with the work!

Beside, my mother wants to do things and I need to check them
up on the net. I really am having a busy time!

パエ-リャ 280

2009-06-25 18:31:06 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hoy comenzo nublado, pero despues de unas horas
tuvimos un buen dia soleado. Me hace saber
si debo estar aqui ahora mismo.

No debo estar aqui, quiero continuar con el trabajo
de construccion! I Quisiera regresar tan pronto
como sea posible!

Bueno, entonces vamos?

el numero ha ido aumentando a lo largo del dia

dos perros de busqueda y rescarte


las tareas de rescarte

a la primera hora de la manya-na

una persona desaparecida en la vaguada

al final de las pistas de esqui

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui?

Let us have a good stretch!

Stretch up as tall as you can!

What have you got around your neck!?

a consolation prize

Nobody has ever done that!

What ever is that!?

Yes, it is thereabout!

Conchita, I stop here. Take care!