

Contact free cutlery, no messing about!

2008-11-30 16:38:34 | Weblog
I only had a half day today, with this and that...

My concern and interest at the start of this
afternoon was the sanding bit. It is shown in the middle
of the next image.

Normally, I would use another sanding bit with
the yellow thing at the top. That is a short flexible
sanding tool. However, its own chuck

can only take small diamter spindles. So, I needed
another chuck, which is shown at the front. This will
comfortably take the shaft in question.

How-further-ever, its shaft cannot be taken by the
yellow tool.

In any event the yellow thing is not powerfull enough
for my purpose...

So, I decided to use a bigger engine that I have.
Above is it, the blue thing and the bit is now
separated from the chuck.

I was momentarilly happy with this new discovery.
The chuck came from an earlier discarded more
powerfull and longer flexible shaft assembly.

It pays, not to throw things away! In actual use,
however, it was not ideal for my purpose in hand...

Effectively, I am talking about a chuck chucking another
chuck, which in turn chucks a longish bit.
Net effect is that the whole assembly is not properly
centred, that is, not aligned to the ideal rotational axis.

I could use it, but the bit surface is very rough and
using it leaves deep scars... Good for roughing things
out, but not at the stage of going finer and finer.

This finer and finer thing is acutally demonstrated by
the item at the bottom of the very last image. I will
come on to that later.

Above? Yes, I am trying to make another 5 or 6
contact free butter knives. I did not get around to
side bars. I also made a dozen forc-knives to be.

The image was so blurred and I am not carrying it
here. As I have repeatedly told you what takes up
most of my time is not found in cutting out pieces.

Rather, it is the sanding of their surfaces. Because,
you need completely flat surfaces if you are to
fix side bars and on top of that! the side bars

themselves must be sanded nice and smooth enough!
It is a lot of work!

Nonetheless, though, I did spend some time on shape
forming and above and the next two images bear that out...

Above merely showing you the state of the things
immediately after being released from the clump.
You can see protrusions and steps all over...

Above is better. Side bars have been roughly shaped and
steps are no longer there. Stems have not been treated,
just yet...

Now, I come on to this final image. The one shown at the
front is more or less done, except that the concave surface
is not there yet. All others have convex bottoms.

It is here, at this stage of the game where
I need a more powerfull hand sander. Today,
as usual, I used my yellow thing shown above.

It does what is wanted, but not as fast as I want.
Actually, it is not even the power of the motor.
It is the sanding surface.

My gut-feeling is that I should perhaps make more use
of my belt sander...

That reminds me of flat surfaces I need. Hitherto,
I have tended to rely on the belt sander, simply
because the belt is flat enough and works

as a reference surface. However, if you have
undulating original surfaces you need to spend
a long time.

My current, in fact, immediately recent finding is that
I should use my disc sander for roughing out
unevenness. That actually clears the way forward.

I am so much happier with this small and innocent
discovery of mine...

パエ-リャ 149

2008-11-30 16:38:15 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hace mucho sol, pero un poco frio...
Entonces, vamos?

metido en su saco de dormir ante el frio que hacia

Por lo menos me doy cuenta de que NANINAI!

Estamos aislados!

los estereotipos marcados por la sociedad

El deber nuetro no es darles dinero o comida!

fuera de NANINAI

el jefe de estacion

junto con DAREDARE

a lo largo de NANINANI

a lo lejos

Conchita, desde aqui vamos ingles!

You pay into the scheme for 20 years
before you get your pension!

You come up Exhibition Road and turn ...

by and large

DOUNOKOUNO is long overdue!

You can get away with impunity!

DOUNOKOUNO, but then you are not going
to get anywhere!

Pinch somebody's idea and present it as yours!

I made a big blunder there!

My mind was not there!

I am sorry, but I have got a long standing engagement!

Conchi, this should suffice for now. Take care!

Contact free butter knives bootsholders

2008-11-29 16:49:49 | Weblog
I worked full-time today, well, nearlly...
And yet I have not got many in terms of imagery.

The first one indicates that a herde of dinasours
is emerging. I think I know the reason for these
scant images. Beasts take time to form up!

More or less coating ready but minus hand-sanding beasts
are also roamng, albeit sideways... some upside down...
One stumbling block to this stage is that my sanding tool

is rather inefficient. Tool size is OK with the sort of
dimensions I am dealing with at the moment, but something
is lacking...

I probably need a more powerful tool, or more efficient
and abrasive sanding bits, but then the sort of bits
I have now cannot be employed with my more powerfull

mortor. Their shaft diameter is not right. Would I stay with
the current set-up? I am unsure...

Small progresses are, of course, being made. Below you see
fermented beans mixers on way to their final shape (to be).

Quite unexpetedly, there was a new development in terms of
outlet for my pieces. My wife pointed out that there is a new
shop opening up in town and I drove to it this afternoon.

Outcome? It looks promissing in that the shop owner was
very much interested in my new generation cutlery pieces.
My share will be 70% of the turnover, which is fine.

I will scrutinize the conditions this evening, but
the main point is that the shop is located right in
front of a very large general hospital.

My gut-feeling is "Go, go! go medical"

...how?, though...it has to be traditional things
made cosy for the patients, such as spoons and
forcs, to make their life easier and colorful...

I will think about it all...

パエ-リャ 148

2008-11-29 16:49:03 | Weblog
Conchita, alla como estas?

Aqui, hace buen tiempo. Es muy agradable!

El objetivo es concienciar a la sociedad!

Un cumulo de desgracias les ha colocado aqui!

detras de NANINAI

los dibujos annimados

en frente de NANINAI

al fin, por fin, en fin

las cerca de 6,000 personas sin techo que hay
en la ciudad de Madrid

DK, de las cuales entre 1,200 - 1,800 duermen
en las calles!

Manu lleva siete meses en la calle!

Estoy en forma!

de cualquier forma

Conchi, vamos ingles!

God is always with us!

God is always with us!

Is it something that should really be!?

Somewhere between them a balance must be struck!

I have been shimmering for some time, but today
I bew up!

I was not sure if I could make it!

Keep it humbles, boys!

He was out and away!

Do you find amongst your friends who DK?

We are happy the way we are now!

Conchita, that is it for now!
Take care!

Contact free cutlery, bootsholders

2008-11-28 16:49:57 | Weblog
I keep saying this. There is a limit to what one can do
in a single day. Today is no exception...

What I am trying to do at the moment is to get
a minimum of 6 pieces each of my repatoire to
get to the showroom of the factory.

Below is my renewed attempt at the bean curd thing.
Stems are longer as requested. I intend to garnish the
stems with side bars.

In order to do that I will have to make the stems
as flat as possible. That will come tommorrow.

My working hours are from 10:00 to 16:00 and even if
I could do something more I do not! I just call it a day.

Can you see a protoype astriding the pieces?
Side bar position is wrong. That was my conclusion.

These above? Redundancies from the bean curd cuttings.
I suppose they will have to be made into short chopstics.
I hate redundancies...

Above? Yes, they are also prototype beans mixers.
I made them from uselss redundant pieces.
Picture is not exactly clear.

Let me explain. Those whitish ones, two of them
are to be tested tommorrow. The rest is a failure and
an earlier shown prototype.

My attempt at a spatula formation failed, mainly because
the mixing bar did not have enough width, no matter how
I wanted.

This is because you cannot have a very thick piece
to work on with. If you want a beak (or beak-like
spatula) you can have it only if you have a massively thick

handle to start with and you do not want that...

Yesterday's experiment indicated the lack of stiff
response to the mixing bar motion, prinmarilly because
the bar's across section was circular, I think...

So, what I made today was a square cross-section bar.
I also added a small decorative feature at the handle
end of the bar. There, the bar is round(ish).

I also tried two handle patterns, one slim and the other
no so slim. Can you see? I will try them out with
my breakfast tommorrow.

One at the extreme end is a failure. Tried to make two grooves to
the mixing bar. That itself was tricky and not worth the effort,
when rectangular cross secion might just produce enough

traction once in the stikky beans. In any case you do not
expect to have an extensive beak moving about in a tiny
beans pot in the first place...

Above? Yes, contact free butter knives being pressed down
wit another kind of weight, blass gears, very heavy!

Tommorrow is projected to be a free day, free from chores.
So, with any luck I might make a good progress!

PS: My bootsholders are selling well at the deprtment

パエ-リャ 147

2008-11-28 16:49:31 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas hoy?

Creo que todo es OK con ti!
Aqui, hace buen tiempo y un poco calor...
Ahora vamos?

por si acaso

alrededor de NANINAI

por aqui

asi como NANINAI


el entido comun

para la larga noche que les eperaba (過去形)

cuando nos topamos con uno de ellos


la verguenza de que en el siglo XXI
haya gente que todavia duerme en la calle

Estas personas no estan en la calle proque quieren!


Nadie elige pasar frio en la calle como su
forma de vida!

Conchita, es bastane para ahora, no?
Vamos ingles!

Some are get swept down the carpet!

I am afraid that is the case...

The only disappointing aspect of it is DK!

He dropped his trousers!

We dropped our proposal!

You have DAREDARE calling you from KL!

Yes, but underneath it all we still have DK!

Let us have your views on DK!


How did you react to that!?

Conchi, that is for now, OK?
Take care!

Contact free cutlery, bootsholders

2008-11-27 16:55:19 | Weblog
I tried it out...

You can see that the stirring portion is wet from
fermented beans. I have a mixed view about this.

It does eventually what it is supposed to do, but the very
initial feel you get as you insert the thing
into the bean pot is that something is lacking.

It is the lack of mass movement of the beans. Contact
free element is OK, as you can see from this image.
I will amplify on this later with a schematic.

I had to take my wife to her regular and then I went on
to the department store for delivery, then further on to
the shop girl's flatfor another delivery.

So, yet again I did not have a lot of time. The most
important gain was these small two pronged forcs.

They are only just yet halfway to completion, but
I encountered a small problem. More on this with
the schematic

One of the by-products of these forcs-to-be was that
I was left with 4 thin pieces, long enough to be
chopstics. I have been wanting to, for such a long

time by now, to make oak chopstics. I really love oak
texture! They are at 21cm and 23cm respectively.

The very last image of today concerns the longer pair.
You can see the thickness jig, the black thing there.
Jig is painted black, because these small things often

go astray and unless painted prominently it gets
awfully difficult to find them from amongst all
other pieces in my workshop.

Anyway, on to the schematics. With the beans thing
what you could do with might be a small, not a large
fin (or a paddle), or spatula at its smallest.

With my current tool the stirring bar simply
walks into the beans. You do not get a lot of resistance,
and it is this suttle feeling of being met

with some reluctance on the part of the beans, which is
normally associated with this noble task of morning
rituals. I will make another prototype, tomorrow...

Alternatively, I could make the cross section of the bar
into something like as shown with B. I have seen
this before, somewhere...

Yes, it is the honey thing! I might try this, too...

Anyway, what upset me slightly today was the medium sized
two pronged forcs. My intention was to add side bars
to the handle. Alas!, I cannot do it with ease!

The handle part is vent! You cannot easily stick
bars there, unles the handle is flat and straight!

Trying to follow individual curvatures will be a
nightmare. If I am to realise what I want I will have
to re-design the whole thing from scratch...

Actually, I might do just that. Eventual curvatures
to be accommodated within the flat handle end+ the bars...

パエ-リャ 146

2008-11-27 16:54:35 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas alla?

Aqui hoy hace mal tiempo...
El japones en el aeropuerto, interesante, no?
Ahora vamos!

en suma

con suma frequencia

sin descanso desde finales de junio

a pesar de que ella les habia perdido que
la dejaban tranquila

vespera el dia anterior

Estaba en visperas de comerlo!

las personas sin hogar

por si acaso

ademas de los otros

ponerse en su lugar aunque sea solo por un dia

Conchi, vamos ingles?

What a beautiful personal philosophy to have!

We cannot let democracy slip out of our hands!

Let him have a go at it!

I am not really impressed by DK!

I was given 3 weeks notice!

The earlir you go on they become more and
more interesting!

This was when things really got going!

Is that on!?

I am rather alarmed at DK!

One of the things I realised I was doing was DK!

Conchi, this should be enough for now?
Take care and send me mails

No contact Nattou mixer, bootsholders

2008-11-26 17:14:23 | Weblog
I have had a full daytoday, except that I overslept
until 10:30! Mat coating was OK, no images.

See how tight I usually clump my little pieces?
Clump marks, can you see?

These were to be turned into my second generation

Shown above is the result, shown also is the
template. It is very thick, at something like 5 mm.

It is the transcription. Side bars are also of
something like 5 mm more more in thickness.
So, you have to press your template at an angle

against the combined embryo. If the template is
too thin bending occurs and you do not want it.
Tempalte must be stiff enough.

Anyway, they do not look it by this image, but
side bars are squarely there. Once coaing gets
started you will see clear a clearer contrast.

The highlight of today's work must be above!
The dinosaurs is there just for comparison.

What this is is a nattou mixer. Every morning I mix
my nattou thing with my chopstics, directly in
the plastic container.

That itself is fine, no problem, but once you have
mixed your thingy you have a dire problem...

Do you stick out your chopstics? Do you leave the
whole set-up against something on the table?
I choose the latter.

I normally set the whole thing against a tea pot
my wife left on the table. She is not happy...

So, the thing has been made such that once taken out
from the container and placed on the table
the chostic equivalent does not come into contact

with the table.

Naturally, this is an experimental piece, and the
final version will be somewhat different, but
the idea is there...

An addition to my workshop, a solitary dinosaurs at the
moment, but it will be full soon...

My clumping jig, fully loaded to its maximum capacity.
No shear is found. However, a sliding problem sneaked in.
More on that later.

Sliding apart, bulging up is contained, actually,
there is no significant bulging up, but just in
case it occurs overnight.

Yes, it is a very heavy Dutch oven lid!

パエ-リャ 145

2008-11-26 17:13:51 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Aqui, hace buen tiempo, no viento, nada...
Me he emborrachado un poco. Es el fin del a-nyo, no?!
Entonces, vamos?

un individuo se acarso a la caja

Ella se percato, pero fue empujada por el asaltante


El escorte reacciono interponiendose el el camino,
esquivo un golpe que este le lanzo y logro inmovilizarle

Podria implicar a otros celebridades!

peliculas tales como DK

Ella ha invadido mi privacidad!
Ella ha violavado mi privacidad!

ハラスメント (過去完了)

una compa-nya de acoso que habia hecho su vida

La agencia accedio a pagar la compensacion

con tales intenciones

poco mas de una sema-na

Conchi, basta con esto, no?
Aqui vamos inges!

The number to ring is NANINANI!

I am ringing you about DK...

You have to take it in good faith if you do
not know about it!

When he is trying put his points across

I was always brought up in Christian faith!

We look after people as you would like

yourself to be looked after!

whatever way it was like

I am putting it badly!

What I wanted to talk to you about is DK

We always try and find deeper seated reasons!

Conchita, I go now. Take care!