

Wooden cutlery, butter knives, bootsholders

2008-09-30 16:51:47 | Weblog
Today, I decided to go mat with the current lot. See below.

There are some more, still remaining in my shed for drying overnight.
I am quite satisfied with these results. They look lovely...
Some of these will be shipped within the next few days,

to K's shop, in particular.

Seen above are the spacers for the next lot of portable
bootsholders. They look simple enough, but they take a lot of time.
For a start you have to have the right thickness and

that means cutting with the bandsaw to 6 mm, then sanding down
to 5 mm.

Here above, I now have a complete set of chopstics
to be, all 13 pairs of them! 3 of them wilbe retained here
for domestic use and the rest will be given away as gifts.

As seen above, I also made provision for further 14
bootsholders. Right now, I have another 6 in the pipeline, and
10 of them will be shipped, and the remaining 10 will be

given away as gifts. Anyway, all these above are routine
jobs, as it were. Today's main conceren was what is shown
below, a new type of butter knives...

This schematic has been put into reality, as shown below.

The centre piece is oak, to be sandwiched by 2 pieces of
dark walnut. This is just experimental, so I only made one.

One on the right is a template. Mind you, I have not yet
firmly decided on the design. So much so, the centre piece
is not smoothe at all.

The main reason is the discontinuity at the sandwiched
portion of the stem. It is awfully difficult to sand down
the dark walnut pieces only.

Even if you can do it, no, you cannot possiblely do that!,
My expectation is that I will be sanding down the walnuts,
but also the oak piece as well, so that somooth curvature

is obtained. More on that tommorrow with schematics.

パエ-リャ 110

2008-09-30 16:51:32 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, la lluvia ligera todo el dia!
Hace un poco frio, ademas...

Ahora vamos?

Resulto que el cuadro se llamaba DK!

El se cayo al seulo de la risa!

acto seguido

para no ser menos

Ella se saco un rotlador para escribir en el cuadro!

y, entonces se acerco corriendo el guardia del museo!

, nos pregunto por nuestra senyorita

y, nos llevo a donde estaba nuestra senyorita!

Esta es la calle por donde pasan muchos coches!

Sigamos de frente esta calle!

un cuadro de toda la familia mirando de frente

Copnchita, bastante, no?
Ahora entonces, la lengua inglesa!

I was anonoyed with him!

I think I have done a good job in explaining DK!

No thank you! I have got to keep my head clear today!

She seemed aware of my preoccupation!

She burst into my office, demanding DK!

Take your wife away for the weekend?

The hours went by and soon it was three o'clock!

She was shuffling around in the kitchen!

She was shedding the cabbage!

What s it that you want?!

Conchita, thise should suffice for now.
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, butter knves, boots holders

2008-09-29 16:46:53 | Weblog
You sell things and some of them are returned to you for repair.
Seen below is one such damaged chopstic. What do I do with these?
Simple, I do not repair them, and instead I make new ones, and

let them have them free of charge. It is a lot quicker than reparing things, and do not forget the fact that I am grateful to whoever
bought them in the first place!

They might come back for more, who knows! On top of that, I can always
turn the damaged item into slightly smaller versions, an still
sell them...

These are the yoghaurt spoons and they are now coating ready.
It is imperative that I do these as soon as possible, along
with a few others, as these are part of the standingder from that gallery.

Six more portable boots holders. These and some more will be
given away as gifts, not as from me, but as from a friend of mine,
to her new colleagues in office, so that she can well settle

in her new environment...

I did these also, and they will be sold. There will be 13
pairs and I will retain 3 of them, the rest to be sold by
the same friend of mine for her own profit.

With increasing demands for my chiopstics I decided that
it was about time I had length jigs. They are being made
of alminium pieces shaped like a gutter.

The gallery from which I have a standing order for my works
also want butter knives. Above is a new design. I do not
think that this particular shape is prevalent on the market.

The red parts will be made from dark walnut, and the knife
portion will be from shining white beeches. They will be
bonded at the gripping end. I am excited about this new design!

パエ-リャ 109

2008-09-29 16:46:32 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas alla?

Aqui ahora esta lloviendo un poco, la lluvia muy ligera....
como en Londres...

Ahora, vamos, no?

Nunca llegue a ver eso!

en el camino

Nos quedamos alli plantados!

Me planto!

Me planto aqui hasta que me dejen entrar!

El llego a ser ministro!

El paseo me vino a ser indispensable!

Eso te haces a la idea!

el ninyo no se ha hecho a la idea de que su madre ya no vive

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Entonces, en la otra lengua...

You must make the first move!

Put down your drink!

It will speed things up!

Once you get started there is no going back!

Push it to one side!

Run your finger along DK!

You are taking a calculated risk!?

I should imagine that DK...

You have got yourself into the right state of mind!

I did all I knew in the book!

coming as it did, not from the background of strength, ...

Conchita, enough for now? I then go...
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, boots holders, spoons

2008-09-28 16:49:43 | Weblog
I was not taking things easy today, but the mere fact
that I overslept a bit took a toll in the end, added to
the fact that I had to take my wife to her regular session.

Above is showing you a set of coating aids, a tong and a
plastic glove. The tong idea has turned out to be superb!
In the absence of the tong I would have to employ

two gloves, and they are rendered pretty much useless
after one coating session. The glove you are looking at,
on the other hand, has been used more than 5 times by now.

The main reason being that my right hand is rarely in contact
with polyurethane sodden workpieces.

Hereafter, two images follow, showing you today's coating.

They look pretty, do they not? Polyurethane is notoriously
difficult to work with, but by now I am used to it...

Further two images down below are today's physical
output. My intuitive view is that spoons will be ready
for coating and the boots holders for nailing by

close of tommorrow.

Following two photos relate to my workshop. People passing by,
walking their dogs and kids admire my workshop, saying
"How pretty this!", "Cute!" and all other kind of things

to marvel at my treasure... Comforting to know that
some people do take notice of the tiny presence of it all...

You may wonder what this black thing might be. It is an
empty box, a void, for my (nearly) zero impedence free
space for my dusts controller.

Dusts created and collected inside my workshop are
channelled into this void and settle down on the
bottom. About time I cleared them out...

パエ-リャ 108

2008-09-28 16:49:23 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Que tiempo hace alla?

Aqui ahora hace mucho frio, y ademas hace viento
fuerte! Vamos?

Poneos en fila que vamos al museo!

No te creas que el espanyol es facil!

Lo sabiamos desde hacia una semana!

Nos tiramos todos a la puerta!

las que estan alla

un hombre al que le gustaban los animales

Ella nos queria llevar a verla!

el que se portara mal

Alla esta la maestra con la que estudiamos!

No conozco el museo al que fuisteis!

Conchita, basta con esto! Desde aqui en la otra

to cut a long stroy short

There is something about the look in her eyes!

He rolled onto his side!

He stretched out beside me!

and that in one stroke!

There was a stroke of luck!

Good to know that something has never changed!

There is a time when DK!

There was an article in the paper tt DK!

to best illustrate this if DK

anything between 20 to 30!

Conchita, this should suffice for today.
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, boots holders, soons

2008-09-27 16:42:47 | Weblog
Today being Saturday there was no chore, OK.

One of the things I did today was to construct a footrest
for my wife's caligraphy work.

Looking very primitive, but this should do what
it is intended for, I think. Edges were rounded,
of course.

Above indicating th latest status with the brush
hanger, the root of the vertical bars struck into
the slots, gaps filled with smudges, for smoothing later.

Quite apart from these more or less one-off things
two projects are predominant, one that of coating,
as shown in succession per below.

With all of these protective surfaces are building up
day by day, making them all as tough as car surfaces!

After all, plyurethane is the coating material
predominantly used in car industry.

The other project going on right now is yoghurt?
spoons. What is above is just before concave
surface are worked out.

I habitually make more or less 99% complete pieces,
just a few of them, trying to see I am on the right track.
Seen below is just one such. I am happy with it.

With the rest remaining in the pipeline, as seen below.
Can you the concaves?

With the 5 pieces below the edges have been

Here, let me iterrate to you what is involved in forming
concave surfaces, with the schematics below.

Roughing out the concaves surface is done by a piece
as in A, a rotating sphere with a lot of spikes on its surface,
driven by a powerful and speed-controlled motor.

Once roughing out is done, then, a flapper like in B
is used for smoother surfaces. Flappers are effectively
rotating flap sanders.

With the stems rough rounding of the shaprp edges is
made by the belt sander. Once it is done, then, I rely on
what is depicted as C. I calthem tube sanders.

They, like all other sanding devices, have very abrasive
grains on their surfaces. They are marvellous!

パエ-リャ 107

2008-09-27 16:42:18 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Ahora aqui no hace calor, no viento, es simplemente
muy agradable. Uno de estos dias ire a nuestra casa de naturaleza
en la monta-nya.

Comiendo bien alla? Bueno, ahora vamos!

a pie!?

Que desea?

Puedo probarme las botas de cuero del escaparae?

Que sorpresa!

Me encuentro bien!

Me alegro de oirlo!

A que te dedicas, Conchita?

Mira esa foto!

Se parece a su madre!

Tiene los mismos ojos!

Tu siempre tan amable!

Conchita, bastante, no, para hoy?
Vamos ingles!


She crossed over!

I make no apology for that!

for a good ten minutes

I lost the count of the number of times
he said it!

Pull your head back and come up for air!

Water came spurting out!

Push it in as far as it will go!

She let out a cry!

She was rolling in the bed!

That is OK with me!

Conchita, this should suffice for now.
Have a good weekend! And, take care!

Wooden cutlery, spoons and forks

2008-09-26 16:53:21 | Weblog
Since Friday is a swimming pool day for my wife
I had all day to spend my time on my projects.

Immediately below is my latest project. There is
no stannding order for most of these, but then
I should prepare myself for opportunities arising...

Can you see that almost all of these look dull at the moment,
and this is because they are still undergoing penetration
coating. Polyurethene has not saturated up to the surface

of the material, and for that reason their surfaces are
not yet grossy enough to reflect the sunlight.

A stark contrast is seen in this image above. They have
come thorough to protective coating stage and are very
grossy, already...

Most of my time today was spent on these above. They are
to be yogart spoons, pretty soon, all 14 of them, although
my standing order is for 12 of these.

Now, if you are talking about only a few of these you could
get away with not having a proper template for their side profile.
However, with the premonition that I will keep

receiving a lot of orders for these I decided to make a
template for the side profile, which is one at the top, and in fact
it is seen to be upside down!

I had some time still left for breaking up for the day and
did up the remaining 6 of the bootsholders. As I mentioned before
there is a limit to what one can achieve in a day.

Today was not exceptional...

パエ-リャ 107

2008-09-26 16:52:59 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Aqui hace viento muy fuerte, pero es
agradable, tambien...

Has pensado en viajar el proximo invierno?
Yo voy a esquiar a Canada en enero!
Que te parace si vamos juntos?!

Ahora, vamos!

Que bien!

A proposito, tu has estado alguna vez en Puerto Rico?

Que tiempo se tarda en ir desde aqui hasta
Puerto Rico?

Tantas horas dentro de un avion!?

Oye, Conchita!

Porqe no vamos a Nueva York en vez de ir a Puerto Rico?!

Este verano ha hecho mucho calor!

Este mes ha llovido mucho1

subir a un monte

ir a un concierto

Conchita, debe de ser bastante para ahora, no?

We arrived in midafternoon

As we drove through London I had a good look all around!

during the course of the night

She made me a coffee!

It had been ages since I did that!

It flicked the tip of its tongue over and

licked at it!

I took it into my mouth and sucked hard on it!

I rolled it around under my tongue!

It suddenly convulsed all over!

Conchita, OK for now?
Take care!