

Bootsholders, self-supportive butter knives

2008-10-31 16:51:20 | Weblog
Conchita, it did not rain today, which was good!
By the way, I will be having a BBQ fiesta este domingo
que viene, so, there will be no entry on that day.

The first image, this was uploaded recently, of course.
However, I look back on it with some pride...

Ordinary people can never cut a die-cast alminium piece
like I did...

I have cut a full sized tin drum at our mountai cottage.
That is also an achievement. I saw in today's paper an ad
introducing a simple electrical tool, which will

reduce bulky household redundancies to manageable sizes.
My capability is far, far beyond that!

Anyway, today started off with inspecting the results of
mat coating. On the whole they were OK, so, I went on to
my painting work. Even the inside of the doors was painted!

Below is my wheeled mini table and this is OK now. I can work on it.
All these things, I should have done much earlier, to make my
life simpler and easier. I am now very happy with what I have done.

Naturally, all other regular works have had to be stopped,
except some light works.

Above? Yes, there are some accidents. I inadvertantly let my
paint drop onto my polycarbonate windown panes. It is no
good to use solvants. These will have to be removed mechanically,

by simply scratching on them...

3 images to follow. These all relate to my bootsholders
and the last to my free contribution to the department
store for their own display purposes.

These have been tapered and are ready to be cramped with my new
device. It will be the moment of truth...
failing that, I will have to come up with an alternative.

These are essentially round bars, with ends rounded so that
I can strike them into frames that they want.

Conchita, that is all for now. Take care!

パエ-リャ 126

2008-10-31 16:50:59 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy hace un poco frio y hay nubes.

de todos modos

al principio de naninani

al acabar el pase

una vez que dounokouno

Esto comprende NANINAI

por encima del hombro

La tradicion dice que DK

lo mas lejos posible

el matador da la vuelta al ruedo

lo antes posible

Le obliga a bajar la cabeza

Conchita, ahora vamos ingles!

That of course unleashed a wave of protests!

Get on the phone!

How doyou negotiate with the ghost!

There were some further discussions!

She is a bit reserved...

It is after all more of a personality thing, is it not?

I would not speculate on that!

In case she is delayed a long time...

He made a show of eaing it!

She has got such a short memory!

on the face of it

Conchita, ya me voy...
Haceria mucho sol mana-na? No se...
Vaya con Dios!

Self-supportive butter knives, bootsholders

2008-10-30 16:32:00 | Weblog
Conchita, I was so busy today I did not know if
I was coming or going! Added to that I had to take my
wife to her regular's.

Anyway first thing I did was making the current lot
go mat, as you see below.

By tommorrow, these will be ready for desptch. Here, below you
see my deck? I had to something here, too. It is a very samll deck
compared to what I have at our mountain cottage, but then,

I have my mmorning coffees here and I need a place to
put my mug on...

Fortunately, there is a pillar just for that kind...

My idea was to put a small table on top of this pillar.

Here above is such a table, upside down. Simple, but,
it takes time. Simply screwing these bars will crack
them, and that means pre-drilling, and that means

chaning the bits etc tetc...

But then, as seen above I managed to pyut it dead on!
I then moved on to something else and I had to
cut my vice into two halves.

After a good while see what emerged then...

This is meant to serve as my boots-holder squeezer. I talked
about the shearing effects of using conventional tools.
With any luck I should be able to sqeeze them, say, 20

of them in one go without shears.

Now, take a look at the following. I talked about this and
this is what I got. At a glance, you may ask what might be
the difference from the turtle.

To be honest, I am not exactly sure...
I do know I do not like this...

Anyway, I did some additinal work, re, earlier version
of butter knives. See that I have reshaped the butter blades?

I was basically, rounding the corners, and then
I realised that some of them were meta-stable, that is,
too much weight at the blade end.

All I could think of was to lose some mass there.
In fact, even this may not be enough, if you
take into account, inevitable residuals.

In fact, turtle 2 has its handle bottom receded.
This will be detrimental, too. All in all, this
self-supporting butter knife business is more

formidable than I initially thought it to be...

パエ-リャ 125

2008-10-30 16:31:32 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Hoy, estaba muy ocupado con una cosa y otra!

Es un hecho que DK

el la actualidad

DK, y, pese a que...
(same as a pesar de que ...)

a pesar de DK

ese mismo anyo

muy pronto

algo similar a una gran tienda de compa-nya

A se hizo famosa por B

por otra parte

en comparacion con NANINANI

es decir

la tapa se extendio dese el S. XVIII

en algunas ocasiones

en este sentido

al pedir una bevida

Conchita, esto es mas de bastante, no?
Vamos ingles!

What a beauty that is! (汎用的)

Excercise is good for you!

Things will never be the same!

Is there anyone who will speak for you?

Am I exactly the same as told!?

We have been driven to madness!

Wait!, perhaps I do know!

I stopped the car, walked to the house, and knocked on the door!

We will have a celebration tonight!

Something tells me that DK!

I have finally come home!

Conchita, this should suffice for now!
Take care and vaya con Dios!

パエ-リャ 124

2008-10-29 17:09:07 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy aqui, hece buen tiempo, no viento, nada...
Estare otra vez en nuestra casa de monta-nya.
Sera unos dias desde el nueve de Noviembre...

Ahora vamos!

Parece ser que DK

en alguna ocasion

a veces

solo si no es verano y fin de semana

Ya voy, ya voy!

Estaba haciendo unos macarroneos!

Me ha dado cuenta de que DK!

No te quedas ahi! Pasa, pasa!

Voy a mirar en la cocina!

No es necesario!

El otro dia tu tambien me dejaste un poco de aceite!

porque va a llegar Pepe

Conchita, basta con esto para hoy. Ahora, vamos ingles!

Oh!, she is not going to like it!

Something came over me! (premonition...)

It is two doors down the corridor!

Funny, she has never done that before...

Police were called in and weeks passed...

That is one of the things I want you to find out!

I cannot see what is behind her fear!

Is she old enough to DK?

It was almost a miracle one prays for!

DK, and how many of them are meaningfull, I do not know...

He was dragged into the mechanism and killed!

Conchita, let us call it a day. Vaya con Dios!

Self-supporting butter knives, bootsholders

2008-10-29 00:19:09 | Weblog
Now, take a look at this!

What you find here is a set of commercially available self-
supporting butter knives. The idea is certainly there...

However, I do not like it. In fact, I have seen similar
arrangements with something else. The sheer bulk and mass at
the bottom is just ridiculous.

Anyway, I did rather a lot today, mostly paiting the rest of my
workshop. What is below nearly went mat, but I decided against
it, in view of my dirty hands from paiting.

After my painting work I did a few other things, and
some are not shown here. Suffice to say that some
bootsholders are now ready to be shipped, as you see below.

I was tlking to one girl who pops by every Wednesday,
about the turtle looking butter knife. Well, she liked it
very much. She, in fact, said that this particular shape
will sell well.

Not entirely convinced, I did make a template, as seen blow.
I was also trying to hedge the whole thing with a new design.

They are seen here.

The clumped piece will be worked on tommorrow, according to
the grand scheme as shown below.

Here, the slunted blue lines indicate the angular separation
of the handes from the table top. This, I cannot interfere with.
Arrows indicate the position of pivotal lines.

To the left of the arrows you have knifing portion. With A,
the grand scheme was to turn it way as much as possible from
the table top.

The oblong square frame in black indicates the external
starting shape, also as shown in the photo above.

Anyway with A, I ended up with a turtle. With B, my intention is
to stay as close as possible to the table top. Thai is alright,
because the sm angular separation will ensure that there will be

a corresponding angle separation given to the knifing part.
It will be lifted automatically, once placed on the table.

My nagging question is this rather dull looking overall shape...
It loos just so dull. Of course, I will be attempting
to add curvatures, here and there.

It does look like one of those tanks used in WW I!

I never know until you have done it! It really does remainto be seen!

Self-supporting butter knives, bootsholders

2008-10-28 16:48:35 | Weblog
At the time of writing this I am a happy man...

Today, I had all the time to myself and did a few things
I should have done earlier in addition to the normal
line of work.

Specifically, I did my paint work at long last! see bewlo a series of

This large piece above will be used as my work area.

My small mobile bench was also painted and in fact the larger
bed above could go on top of this one.

My stable doors were also freshly painted. Why stable dooors?

My workshop door consists of two doors, up and down. This is because
doors are so thick and heavy, and normal hinges cannot
take them both in one go.

Above is my show-window to have been... My wife does not allow me
to display my works in here, fearing that she might be innundated with

Christmas decoration has been abiding by the time...
I will light it up some time in mid Novemver. Now, here on follow
my work today on self-supporting butter knives, but

I did do other owrks, such as coating, sanding of bootsholders,
shaping of pre-prototype butter knives, etc, etc...

Som it has been a fruitul day, really...

Now, below... This is the shape I formed today. I call this my "turtle",
looking like one, no?

There is a dire problem with this one. It is self-supporting enough and the centre of gravity is, I should imagine, well behind its chest.
Notwithstanding, though, it is awfully difficult to use this

as a butter knife, as it held in your hand as it stands on
the table. However, if you flip the whole thing through
90 degrees, then it does what it is supposed to do.

That is, putting your butter on top of its head does...

Now, take a look at these schematics. My original idea was
A, the butter putting face as far as possible from the
table surface.

However, today's experiment is telling me that B is far better!
This is outrageus! I wanted a maximum separation! and yet
my experiment is demanding the other way round...

I think of two things. What is wrong with flipping the whole thing
when it is picked up...

Secondly, ... well, it is a protoype, after all, and it is
gratifying to know something is wrong at this early stage.
At least, I have something concrete to think about

What follows are for comparative viewing of these
prototypes, their side view and top (bottom?) view for your

I know, though, I am probably very close to it...
An aethetically viable and practical butter putting tool
of my own design!

パエ-リャ 123

2008-10-28 16:48:14 | Weblog
Conchita, como estast? Cantando y bailando bien?

Aqui hoy el tiempo esta muy agradable...
Hace sol, no hace viento, no hace lluvia, nada...

Bueno, vamos?

Parece que DK!

Siempre llega la noche y, con ella, la tranquilidad!

hasta altas horas de madrugada

Nadie quiere morirse solo y en silencio!

acostumbrados a las discotecas

debido a la buena situacion geografica

en las vacaciones de verano

La situacion cambio!

el relacion a lo expuesto anteriormente

por lo que respecta a las instalaciones hoteleras

Bastante para ahora, no? Conchita, y, entonces
vamos ingles!

Action is what is called for!

She absolutrely adores the child!

You certainly have my sympathy!

I smelt smoke. I know I did!

There is a double lock to this door!

I can tell you categorically that DK!

Of course he claims that DK!

How unwell is she?

I am perfectly capable of looking after myself!

She is not well, feverish!

Conchita, that is the lot for now. Take care!

Self-standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-10-27 16:52:55 | Weblog
Last night, I was going over the day's achievements, and
it suddenly dawned on me that I had got it all wrong!

The culprit is this spatula like thing in the following picture.

Because I was so fond of this particulr design, it dragged itself into
the design configuration of my self-standing butter knives!

Needless to say that there are expansions from it, as crudely depicted by the following schemetics, mainly so that the knife portion
is at an ange to the table surface.

However, the shape of the scooping portion is entirely wrong!
It simply removes the possibility of coming up with a more
elegant scooping portion!

On top of that, it is difficult to micro-fabricate the coupling
of two pieces. Inevitable gaps, as indicated and as talked about
yesterday are nightmares!

Gaps are indicated by the dots in white, as seen below.

Current arrangement of two pieces is too complicated,
leading easily to unwanted gaps. What I really need is a simpler
arrangement as with D and E here.

The handlu now consists of two planar pieces, glued to
the end of the knife portion. Once ou have done that,
it is just like a white camvass, upon which you can

draw freely!

However, I had to cose these gaps with the current handle
pieces, so what I ended up with is seen below.

Here, the gaps have been forced to close by the brutal force
of these clumps... They will have to be given away...

My renewed design concept was put into a concrete
action as seen below.

What I have in mind may be taken to mean something like
F and G below. F is very crudely drawn, but, the idea is
squarely there!

Red arrows indicate where the eventual fulcrum lines (pivotal lines) will be, to the left of which the centre of gravity is not allowed to reside.

What I am looking for here is a (near) complete freedom in
designing my self-standing butter knives. Easy to say, eh?

So, what is next? Yes, the centre of gravity should be as close
to the end of the hundle as possible. In reality, that means
a lot of bulk goes to that end, which is detrimental to my


What I came up with is seen below. This is a piece of Borneo iron tree,
the dry relative weight of which exceeds one. Yes, it sinks in water...

With overall weight handsomely on my side, I now have my

What I will do tommorrow is to curve out what I want, in my
own instinctive way, using whatever tools I can, and once
I get what I want, then I will transcribe the external shapes

into a few templates and stay with them forever and ever!

パエ-リャ 122

2008-10-27 16:52:24 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Comiendo bien?

Aqui ahora no hace sol, no hace viento, no hace nada...
Pero, el tiempo es agradable...

Ahora vamos!

por mucho que lo pienso

Mas bien DK...

desde el comienzo hasta el final

DK, aunque sea corto...

Manya-na, hay que madrugar!

Camarero! Cuando pueda, nos traes lacuenta!


algunas escenas son muy divertidas!

Pero, no me convence mucho!

tomando una copa despues del cine

Conchita, bastante, no? Vamos ingles!

I will take the evening train back to ...!

Is that something about the toolshed that is

They stoned him to death!

It is musty in hee!

What does that sign represent?

Was it worth it, I wonder...

Let us move to my study...

How can I put it....

a missionary who turned to archaeoloy

We must come up with a lan of action!

Conchita, ya me voy...
Take care!