Earlier, I perhaps waxed poetic on her.
However, the compound atmosphere on that day looked very surreal, with
all that faintly shining, eerie mist in the soft drizzling rain, hiding her
resting place on and off, and partially.
Besides, she was singing, from nowhere, and it was quite obvious that she was
not exactly happy that she had had to depart from this world, so prematurely.
Recent news relating to her anniversary alone compels me to accept it, that
she had regrets. I would not have been surprised had she been there and
slowly turned my way and smiled, as if she had been expecting me, wanting to
tell me all about them...
Yes, we would have talked in Japanese, perhaps, or possibly in English. She was
fluent in several different languages anyway, and that alone would have taken
care of one of her worries. I would have patted her on the back. About her
other worries and regrets I could not have said a lot, I think...
We all live with that sort of things. Perhaps, she would be there, trying
to sing them away. Perhaps, we could do with talking graves. You point your
smart phone at the bar code, engraved somewhere on the stone and you hear of
all the things she would have liked to talk to you about.
It would not be purely by way of her pre-recorded voice. Rather, it would have
been computer generated, and subsequently modulated by her own recorded voice
for reference purposes...
Would I want one? I think I do...
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