

Major reconfiguration of spoons

2009-01-30 17:48:57 | Weblog
Conchita, today I do not have a lot of photos.
It is not to say I was being idle. On the contrary,
quite a lot went on, but they are all behind the cambus!

The first picture carris three table ladles, taken
sometime ago. Reconfigurative work has been going on
since yesterday.

Here, reconfiguration means adding side bars to the

You can see two of them standing up while
drying from side bar addition.

This major operation also extended to other large
(and small) spoons.

With earlier spoon handles stems were rounded at the
edges, as shown here in red. A lot of time was spent
on bringing out only the portion surounded by

the dotted lines in red, making the whole thing very thin.
This was neccesary for obvious reasons you can guess from the
schematic A.

On reflection it might be as well, because what you have lost
is filled by the thickness of the side bars, as shown with
schematic B.

Above two photos just showing you the state they are in
at the moment. You may see that stems are so thin...

So, yes, your potential question, of why...

One comment made by the shop owner about my forc-knives
still lingering in my memory. They had small and round
mini side bars. Apparently, customers who bought them

thought they were neat. I am not exactly sure whether
they were bought on the strength of the side bars, but
I myself would prefer dual color pieces.

I am certain that pretty much all of my future works
will have side bars, for another practical reason
I talked about yesterday.

I want to make the best us of two side redundants
per one large (or even small) spoon making. This is
a very neat solution to my perrenial problem of

what to do with these redundants...

Conchita, that is the lot for now. Vaya con Dios!!!

パエ-リャ 192

2009-01-30 17:48:29 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Ha sido un dia ocupado. Y, aun lloviendo.
Espero que manya-na sea lluvioso tambien.

Entonces, vamos!

No puedo cambiar la hora ni tan siquiera


Espero que sea convincente!

por suerte


Ella lo acaba de dejar con su pareja
desupues de 6 anyos!

Lo que menos me apetece es DOUNOKOUNO

Ella empieza a intimar con un companero
de trabajo!

ellos dos solos

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

Something I was just going to say
slipped out of my mind!

Let us open the shop!

I am having a lot of trouble with that!

If you visualise the map!

Bad light stopped the play!


Is it patching up or grossing over?!

Conchita, I just leave it there. Take care!

New milling machine, bi-color spoons

2009-01-29 17:23:03 | Weblog
Conchita, I had to let one day go yesterday for
various reasons, but I am now back.

For a start my new mliing machine arrived yesterday.
See the box here? It is in my parking lot and you may
think it is rather small.

Well, I would say yes, but all this is mighty heavy!

I opened the box and had to drag the machine into
my house. It is so heavy and it is still
sitting there!

I will have to do a few more things before I can place
it in my workshop. Sort out the bench and move the
old milling machine into my bedroom.

And then, call for help to move the monster into
my workshop. My pal next door is away at the moment,
so it will be while before I can do anything...

In the meantime, work on adult feeders continued.
Here above, you are looking at oak spoons with
side bars.

Here above, these are pine spoons with side bars.
The pine material came from the north and look
more or less broad leaved, very similar to

domestic walnut...

Here above, I am reffering to today's realisation.
As I keep telling you my spoon making starts from
a rectangular block.

Normally, stem ends are wider. So, I am inevitably
left with crescent shaped side reduntants. They are
difficult to use any longer.

However, if your initial cutting lines are just like
those dotted lines, then you are left with a piece
in the schematic B at the top.

This type of reduntant pieces could be turned into
two pronged mini-forcs, and in fact that is what
I had been doing over the years.

That is to say, I sometimes get these shapes if
spoons are straight stemmed. However, if all other spoons
are also straight stemmed, those redundant

left-overs could be used in conjunction with
straight stems as shown lower in B.

Naturally, if you are talking about the same material
for spoon making you do not go to this trouble.

However, I could combine two different materials this way.
I will show you what I mean tommorrow. This evening,
I will be working on bonding of different materials...

パエ-リャ 191

2009-01-29 17:22:41 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas hoy?

Es todavia muy frio aqui. Sin lluvias, sin embargo.
Mi nueva maquina llego ayer y es muy pesado!
Entonces, vamos?


No quiero irme que nadie se de cuenta
siquiera de que he asistido!

Cual es el comportamiento ideal?

No estoy solo ahi fuera!

Mas escuchar y menos hablar!


Todo lo que digas puede volverse en tu contra!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

You push your worry into the back of your

It is a lot better than watching TV!

Nothing acts faster than XXX!

a single line alternate traffic

There is a long delay on BE144!

Two died from heart attacks!

5 o'clock news is coming up!

I will keep your place for you!

Conchi, now I go. Take care!

Flag shaped spoons for infants and adults alike

2009-01-26 17:45:29 | Weblog
I was not being idle today, not at all...

Quite a lot of time still goes into
coating. That is why I keep showing you
similar pics day after day...

Can't help it. However, I do make my comments.
What you see below are tea spoons, that is,
tea leaves handlers.

They are not new, they are not very special,
and they are made of (mostly) cheap wood.
I love them, though.

How could I sell them? The only thing I can think of is to
coat them to an extreme. My intention is to
keep coating them until 15th time.

Conchi, you may say it is too much, but why not?
If you take care of them to that extent they will
respond to your aspiration and start shinning?

That remains to be seen...

These below are infant feeders, on way to completion soon.

What you are looking at below is the double density
nail bed with new members. You can see my latest
favourite, that is, yesterday's new spoon.

What shall I call them? Adults feeders?

Here below, you see my dinosours. I actually have
another herde of them waiting for coating.

Most of this afternoon was spent on these below.
These 5 of them are now resting in my bedroom,
waiting for further work expected for tommorrow.

The main material is pine, from the north. You may
immediately say that they are no good, but these are
high density pine pieces.

You will be surprised how well they turn out to be
once coated.

I also did some more fine tuning with these three table
ladles, and you also see some unbound adults feeders.

The ladles will be up and ready for coating tommorrow.
Feeders must find side bars. Coating will be
continuing tommorrow.

I've got to find some new works to idle away
my time. Chopstics?, no, they can come later.
Perhaps, some more of the adults feeders, with

oak, perhaps. Oh, I must also reconfigure my
lack in the bedroom to accommodate my old milling machine...

I like it busy!

パエ-リャ 190

2009-01-26 17:45:01 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Todavia es frio aqui. He encontrado
las heladas sobre el terreno.
Mi nueva maquina llegara aqui

el dia después de mañana!

Entonces, vamos?

No se me ocurrio otra cosa que decir DOUNOKOUNO!

La gente que ni siquiera trabaja!

deciendome que al siguente me podria buscar
otro apartamento

La verdad es que funciono!

a lo bomba de fumo ninja

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

It is the wrong kind!

On the rare occasions that I do NANINANI, ...

gas works
road works

This works with gravity principle!

We keep this closed until after Cristmas!

The lorry careered off the road!

I think he will drift back again!

OK, Conchi, we call it a day, shall we?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Giant spoons, odd shaped spoons

2009-01-25 17:47:06 | Weblog
Conchi, two pics side by side, just by accident,
but it is nice, is it not?

The first one, a bit blurred, is the state in
which a lot of my earlier lot rests. One next to it
is the clumping of the new type of my table spoon.

I worked on this today and you will see the outcome

Below? Yes, my corn flakes spoon, before
being coated. I like this, actually...

It may be that the concave volume is not
exactly adequate for corn flakes, but
who cares. People find all sorts of

reasons for liking this, I hope...

In any event, it is the texture and the pattern
on this piece that attracts me most..., and
I am single mindedly convinced that other

people will like this.

Here above, you find a conventional metal spoon
in the presence of my wooden ones. Atop of all these
you see my latest experiment.

In fact, I am most pleased about this, and unless
I am forced all my table spoons will be of
this type from now on.

Why? Simple, people love things strange, something new
to them, something unusual and that is the way
things go, is it not?

Here above, my table ladles. Convex surfaces have
not been treated, just yet. My discovery of today was
that sanding of the 3 concave surfaces here

only took 20 minutes, altogether. I am amazed and
pleased, of course...

Here, a comparison, sizewize, that is.

The giant, on the right, has a straight stem.
Actually, my new spoon at the bottom, has a
bend, just so slight, because the side bars

take care of that aspect of the bending business.
I had it in my hand and it feels just right!

The point to make is this, is it not?
Spoons need not be shaped symmetrical at all.
It is the feel of the stem that counts.

Mine feels just right! Too large a spooning area?
No, I do not think so... If they request smaller
spooning areas, yes, I can comply with their

specs. Anyway, I am a lot happier now with my
latest design!

パエ-リャ 189

2009-01-25 17:46:38 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Es muy frio el dia de hoy. Sin embargo,
he hecho un buen progreso. Mi esposa
se encuentra aun en Okinawa.

Ahora entonces, vamos!

La conversacion me pasaba por encima!

..., y no me enteraba de nada!

..., asi que me tire toda la cena callado!

Lejos de agradecer que fuera yo el que DOUNOKOUNO!

Me preste a darlo todo!

como el dia que ITSUKA

Si habia que hablar yo hablaba!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles, no?

sporting reporters

quick time check now, it is 1/4 to 2

It is always tempting to do DOUNOKOUNO!

A lot of thought went into all this!

They were refused permission!

You get more for your money!

Conchi, as you can see I am no longer sticking to
10:10 rules! Take care and vaya con Dios!

Corn flake and irregular shaped spoons

2009-01-24 17:30:02 | Weblog
Conchita, it's been a while...
It was very warm in Okinawa, and the monorail
was even airconditioned!

I saw girls wearing half-sleeves and with
boots! My bootsholders might sell in Okinawa?

Anyway, today I am mostly showing you my
new nailbeds.

This is a single density bed, meant for large objects.
You can see my pot placer with 9 cubes interconnected.
As a matter of fact, this single density thing has been

converted to a double density bed.

Here again, you see a single density bed. My medium
sized objects sitting rather precariously sitting
on the bed...

These here, you are looking at the tripple and
double density beds.

Here on, the images are in the wrong order.
What you are looking at is the side bar reduntants
from the table-size ladle.

From which emerged another smaller ladle like
deep cavity spoon. I call it a corn flake spoon.

Here, at the lower bottom right you see the
original ladle. The rest are simple wide
spoons. Actually, I aslo have redundants from

these. I might make them into something...

These are the templates for the corn flake spoons.
I call them corn flakes, but they are really
beans scrapers, are they not?

Anyway, there is good news. My dinosour butter knives
are selling well. One female customer apparently
sent a thank you e-mail to the shop where she

had bought one. It is gratifying...

Going back to the baby feeders you have seen
today, I announce that I intend to make
similar shaped spoons for general usage.

I will show you more about them from tommorrow on...
I think they will be popular.

パエ-リャ 188

2009-01-24 17:29:30 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes! Como estas?

Regresé a casa el día de ayer.
Fue muy cálido en Okinawa.
El tranvía es incluso con aire acondicionado!

Entonces, vamos?

Te vas a arrepentir todo el a-nyo!

Se lo bebio de un tiron!

Siempre que intento dar consejos

Que es lo que he hecho mal?

para que podrias hacer justo lo contrario

Me aburri como una ostra!

Aqui ahora vamos ingles?

Some people want everything done for them!

It just comes down to one simple thing!

Funny! I thought seagulls all went "XXX", "YYY"!

Congestion is still there!

There is still plenty of room!

on a much smaller scale

Conchi, basta con esto, no?
Take care!