

Chinese spoons on way

2009-02-28 18:13:59 | Weblog
Conchita, I think I did a fair amount of work
today. I had to take my wife to a nursery
in the afternoon and i took up some time.

It is fair to say that most of my time was spent
on hand-sanding the Chinese spoons. Part of my time
was also spent on machine-sanding forcknives.

See below? There are about 15 of them at the last count.
I have another 25 or so to go. If the weather holds out
for tommorrow I should be sitting out under the sun

and working on the spoons, as I did today.

I also sliced down the side pieces and they are
now about to be clamped.

I also spent a large part of this morning on the last
coating lot. They were not further coated today.
They wil be, tommorrow. Completion and delivery

so close now...

Here above and below, I keep losing sight of my pieces
in the workshop. They tend to surface unexpectedly...
Even rabits are there. They are small rabit looking

memo holders.

Today, I gained a new insight into coating
defects recovery. I now call it "Time shifted
double knifing (TSDK)", or TSK in short.

The idea is as follows.

I have been using wet sanding throughout my
coating stages. As a precursor to it it is
normal to do knfing off the defects.

However, you do not really want to lose
coating layers by sanding. Of course,
you need wet sanding and it is essential.

However, at the final stage of glossy coating
and all thanks to earlier wet sandings your
dfects are less menacing.

So, you knife them out after retrieval from
the coating shed in the morning while they are
still softissh. Leave them there.

You do the same knifing in the evening as I
did today, then you get almost perfect obliteration
of the scurrs. Anything that is left over

can be glossed out by the final gloss coating.
I will see if my instinct is right, and that is
for tommorrow.

パエ-リャ 216

2009-02-28 18:13:30 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Alla, primavera? o verano? Aqui, todavia no ha
llegado la primavera...

Hizo sol después de un tiempo tan largo.
Todavia suficiente frio... Vamos?

Los antidepresivos funcionan mientras
se toman!

Son muy eficaces a la hora de reducir
los sintomas de la deprecion!

cuand la gente deja de tomarlos

por partes

una via mucho menos costosa

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!


Poeple start off with a lot of ideas, but
as years go by ...

What I am on about at the moment is KOUIUKOTO!

All it gets back to is DOUNOKOUNO

At Harrods they have a tradition of doing things better!

between now and the end of the year

You put your finger in every pie!

all that while...

Conchi, ya me voy. Take care!

Forc knives, wood cutting jig

2009-02-27 18:13:49 | Weblog
Conchita, I have been wondering if I should limit
the number of images/day to a maximum of three.

Uploading half a dozen photos is heavy on my time.
If I could concentrate on a few crucial images
of the day I could talk more about how they came about?

Anyway, my daughter departed for the north today. It
does look as if she has been up in the sky too much
these days.

The first iamge for today is a cube, blurred, but
its contrast is good. There are two holes and grooves.
This is not meant for anything useful, but I do

think this might pave a new way to a new horizon...

Some shoehorns here. I will not be making any more of these.
Coating has also been terminated, after a few rounds.
After all, they are not meant for eatng aids.

Today's talk will centre around next few photos and the

What you are looking at are additional forc-knives.
I need them badly and as soon as possible in order
to increase the number of outlets.

Of course, coating on earlier forc knives continued.
These are additional pieces.

Today, I had a new insight into making side bars.
Here, you are talking about small square pieces
of wood. You can think of a number of ways to make them.

After all, they are simple pieces. Schematic A is telling
you how a large chunck of wood is made into smaller

Here, the lines in red are actual cut lines, meandering,
of course, and exagerated (mis-spelling, I know!).

If you take out a small piece the area to be sanded is
small enough on the belt sander. However, the thickness
is such that holding the piece often leads to


What you really wanted were the lines in blue and if
the staring line is not straight the line drawing jig
is not very happy. Ideally, the line drawing jig

should be pressed against a flat reference surface.

Here, I can kill two birds. Sand down the original surface
by the disk sander and then by the belt sander to produce
a flat surface. The jig likes it that way.

Naturally, even if the first surface is flat the adjacent
cut line is not straight. It does not matter. You have one
flat and straight surface for intimate contact with stems.

The jagged surface can be sanded down again for the jig.
This proces is repeated! Am I not clever?!

Above, side pieces are fixed to stems with rubber bands.
Here, side pieces are too thick to be bonded and constrained
by the instruments you see here.

I will work on them tommorrow. I really need a very good
contact and constraining side pieces firmly is vital...

パエ-リャ 215

2009-02-27 18:13:27 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, aparentemente nevo esta manya-na.
Yo no encontre ninguna huella de eso, aunque...
Es todavia muy frio!

Pues entonces, vamos!


para combatir la deprecion

en vez de obsesionarse con el pasado
y el futuro

tras una puenta

Estamos frente a una revolucion cientifica!

MBCT por sus siglas en ingles

Los pacientes han recaido!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

People are hurt in a coach crush!

out of mere freak

in the heat of summer

if only to give a boost to NANINANI

We are all in our own ways!

at a certain moment in time

We never see them very often!

Conchita, my Spanish bit is recursive at the
moment, until I create a new batch. Until then,
vamos con Dios!

パエ-リャ 214

2009-02-26 17:51:39 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Ellos estan en casa ahora. Hoy, ha estado
muy nublado, con un poquito de lluvia.
Hace frio, tambien.

Ahora, vamos?

los asuntos que me ocupan


Ella tampoco ha escatimado en gastos
para Nochebuena!

Sin tetas no hay paraiso!

No quiero quedar atras!

Bueno, Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

You could make a fool of yourself!

to invite a friend to supper

I will accept it with grace!

It seems to be catching on in a big way!

Hello, Mr daredare here?!

Mots roads are clear!


People race down the streets chased by bulls!

Conchi, you know what it is like in Pamplona!
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Chinese spoons, conifer spoons

2009-02-25 17:54:05 | Weblog
Conchita, I was not being idle today. There was a new insight,

First, take a look at my spools. These at the request of A's.
It has been a pain in the neck, easy to make, but I had
been reluctant.

The main reason was controlling the depth of the holes
I would need to make, for that matter, the diameter as well.

Diameter thing was OK, I had bought 8 mm pieces. Often, you
do not go XXX mm to XXX mm. I chose a 7 mm dril bit. It is
all empirical, but that does it, as a rule of thumb.

More of a problem was depth control, and in this I was greatly
assisted by the depth lock mechanism with my new
milling machine, seen below.

It is infinitely better than the arrangement I had
with my old machine.

Here above, can you see a small round metal piece?,
roughly in the middle of this image. It is a hexagonal
bolt, which fixes another metal piece behind it.

With this image, it is looking black and square.
It is this piece that stops the whole assembly
(on the right) going down further than its position.

You do not need to refer to the scale at all. You decide
on the depth you want and fix the stopper position
(or height) and that is all you need!

Here above, see some more deep cavity spoons?
I concaved them today. Here for now, I will
talk about convex surfaces, how to sand them.

Here above, this is a disk sander, a very versatile
tool for sanding down the outer bottom of Chinese

One problem here is that it is so abrasive (grain
rating at 60) that scurrs are left over the convex
surfaces. You want to remove them, naturally.

How would I do that? Up until now, I have been
using a belt sander, shown below. This is abrasive enough,

However, the problem is that you cannot see the side
that is hidden from you while the convex surface is
in contact with the sanding belt.

That often leads to unfortunate over-sanding and it
can ruin te piece.

Today, instead, I decided to use what is seen below.
In many ways, it is a mini belt sander and it does wonder!
You have every bit of your convex surfce in your

field of view! Abrasive enough, too. I just wonder
why on earth I did not think of this approach before!

I am a happy man now... My wife and daughter will be
back from Sicilly after two weeks there. I may skip
my logging for that reason tommorrow. I do not

know yet...

パエ-リャ 213

2009-02-25 17:53:34 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estas OK?

Aqui, no hemos tenido tiempo bueno por dias ahora...
Mi mujer e hija volveran a casa many-na
despues de las dos semanas en Sicilly!

Ahora, vamos!

Esto bastara llevar en el bolsillo!

durante un maximo de 7 dias

como extras

un paseo virtual a traves del espacio


Si no tienes plan de salir, no es mala opcion
quedarse se casa!

sea cierto o no

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles, no?

You'd better do the same!

You take the kid home!

We will all do our own thing!


Funny, I did not think seagulls went XXX!

Everything is allright, then?

Conchi, ya me voy y vaya con Dios!

Chinese spoons, oak chopstics

2009-02-24 18:09:36 | Weblog
Conchita, yes, I skipped yesterday's. My sister -in-law
came homw with me after out hospital visiti.

Today, despite the weather I have been active.
C coating was applied, no photo here. I then delivered
an assortment of pieces to A's.

I then moved on to a DIY shop, a little more about that

Some of my time today was spent on the Chinese
spoons. The photo below is showing you that now
all of them are into their final stage of being shaped

for A coating, that is penetration coatng. Of course,
I will need to work on them by machine and hand sandings,
but they are almost there.

I think you can see that from this image. With these
Chinese spoons the rate at which I can concave them
is stll standing at 6 per 20 minutes.

This is not too bad, in view of the fact that they sell well...

Here below, oak chopstics completely ready for
delivery. The only thing that remains to be done
is to house in plastic bags individually.

I talked about a DIY shop I went to today. What I bought
is seen at the centre of this image. It is a sanding bit.
Unlike those nearby, this is not a flapper.

I am most intrigued, particularly its useful lifetime.

See two thin bars? I will be usinf them for A's so that
she can display threads? You will see the outcome soon.

A plastic bag? Yes, to cover the engine of my milling machine.
I cannot afford to have it mulfanction due to dusts...

My immediate future work is this. Once these Chinese spoons
are up and ready for delivery I will have some time to
experiment with other things, such as brush hangers.

The ideas is squarely this. Once I have completed fairly
a large number of the same pieces and have them delivered
the rate of any one of them being sold is less than

that at which I can reproduce them on request. That is
exactly what I want. I will see how it might work...

パエ-リャ 212

2009-02-24 18:09:15 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, esta lloviendo en este momento.
Se ha resfriado el dia de hoy. Mi esposa
e hija se encuentran ahora en Palermo.

Ahora, vamos.

por separado

los ejericicios diarios para ponerse en forma

Un minimo de 30 minutos!

hoy en dia

por no hacer un minimo de ejercicio diario

Basta con dar un tranquilo paseo cada dia!


Tal vez podriamos bajarnos una parada antes!

Cocnchi, aqui vamos ingles!

That is yet another example!

Traffic is almost standing still!

Traffic is moving reasonably well!

after that flurry of excitement!

I will meet you downnstairs!

I am happy to say that I do not
understand that joke!

She is only young yet!

Conchi, ya me voy!
Vaya con Dios!