

Toast beds, my chopstics, panda looking dinosours

2009-03-31 17:56:42 | Weblog
Conchita, I am bothered about something...
It is the new IE. When the message came in I was
watching YAHOO USA and that may be why...

I have since convereted to YAHOO JAPAN, but I still get
some of the messages in English! Not only that,
parts of the URL are not highlighted!

I hope I still managed het my photos in the right manner...

Anyway, wet sanding photo below. I think I will
blow this up and take it to my department business,
just to show how much is actually involved in my coating.

Most of my time today was spent on my toast beds.
I have decided that I will not go for more than
30 of them. So, I am relaxed now...

Fine tuning has started and you may see the status
from the following image. Bits and pieces from my
earlier milling operation have been removed.

Even the bottoms have been taken care of. I still have
a smimilar number of these beds to take care of, but
these are now under control.

So, I moved my attention to"My chopstics" sets. See this big
chunk of wood here? This came from my earlier operation, long time
ago by now. It is birch, of some sort...

Very irregularly shaped, cannot help it as it is a left-over.
I need slices from this chunk to make them into square-cross section
bars before I make ditches.

Here are the slices. Tommorrow, I will be further slicing them
into bars, square bars in cross-section. Actually, if things go right
I might be tempted to contract out these tiring processes

to China or Vietnam, or whereever. I have some contacts...

My giant belt sander is back from repairs. I will have to be
very careful in its use. Because it is so heavy at
25kg, I thought that it was invincible, but it was not.

Accoring to the repair people even bearings were shatterd,
not just the belt! I cannot believe it! It set me back by
JPY 13000! Almost 23% of my last month's gain was lost!

All this makes me think... After all, I am not gaining
any pure profit from my operation. What comes in simply
goes out in consumables...

I just feel like crying on somebody's shoulder!!!

パエ-リャ 247

2009-03-31 17:56:19 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estoy bien y muy ocupado!

Me complace decir que no era muy frio hoy.
Creo que el clima va a ser estable
durante los proximos dias y que me ayudara!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

a lo bomba de humo ninja


No quiero irme que nadie se de cuenta siquiera
de que yo he asistido!

por sorpresa!

Cual es el comportamiento ideal!?


No estoy solo ahi fuera!

Mas escuchar y menos hablar!


Todo lo que digas puede volverse en tu contra!

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Vamos ingles aqui!

She hates everything about him!

What is your secret about!?

They are all having a go at each other!

I got a bit windy!

Those projects never got off the ground!

There is a summer sale on at Harrods!

to frighten kids away

A brighter afternoon is forecast!

I do not know what I expected!

Conchita, enough for now? take care and vaya con Dios!

Enough is enough! My chopstics sets to begin

2009-03-30 17:30:19 | Weblog
Conchita, today was not too bad...

Coating continued and the first image below is
just before protective coating was applied.

Quite when to proceed to the next step of coating
does depend on the surface status. You have to have
a good and long look at them before you decide...

In the meatime toast bed work continued and halfway
through I was beginning to think that I was perhaps
trying to fabricate too many of them...

There are nine here, those I made today, and combined
with earlier pieces I now have close to 30 of them.

Quite realistically, I do not believe for a moment that
people will be buying these at the constant rate of
5 or 6/day for the duration of the department thing...

So, what is seen below will be left untouched for the
time being. They will sell, yes, eventually, as earlier
pieces have been sold out!

Today, I was bored of making the toast beds, and I decided
to go out by car to buy a soft iron bar, and I came across
a smaller sanding bit, as shown here.

If you are into this kind of work as I am you need
a variety of sanding bits, and I immediately bought this!

The 5 mm soft iron bar was sliced into something like 5 mm
length. What is seen below is just a confirmation test,
with the neosium magnets and the sliced out soft iron counterparts.

I made 5 mm holes and they were just about right, and
what I did subsequently was to glue them in the holes
so that I can verify my theory of tow halves of my

chopstics covers sticking together with enough force.

Without bonding these pieces will shoot out from the
holes and I will see for sure that I am right,
only tommorrow, or later this evening.

The schematic above is in relaton to precise
alingnment of the covers. Magnets and their
soft iron counterparts are only meant for

closing the gap between the covers. Actually,
with the presence of the magnets they are
intrinsically self-alligning (mis-spelling!).

However, an idea was put forward that we need
something more to ensure an exact contact. A very
naieve solution would have been to have

protruding pegs and counterpart holes to accept them,
as in A here.

My instinctive solution is to make the soft iron
itself to protrude as in B. Of course, tips will have
to be rounded and in the worst case bore diamtre may

have to be altered, but the basic idea is there,
I think.

Anyway, these are the thoughts which emerged today
during the boring process of groove cutting.

Tomorrow, I will be working on the chopstics containers
in earnest!

パエ-リャ 246

2009-03-30 17:29:53 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va alla?
Bien? Espero que shi...

No fue demasiado frio el dia de hoy.
Soleado y sin viento suficiente
para la mayor parte del dia.

Flores estan saliendo muy bien ...


Lejos de agradecer que fuera yo el que DOUNOKOUNO!

Me preste a darlo todo!

Siendo un hombre...
(Being a man...)

como el dia que NANINANI

Si habia que hablar yo hablaba!

No se me occurio otra cosa que decir DOUNOKOUNO!


diciendome que al siguiente me podria buscar otro

La verdad es que funciono!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

They have the control over the way these are

Go and have a look!

Meanwhile, we will organise something, shall we?!

This film is a sequel to National Velvet!

He stormed off!

We must not play down to an audience!

Conchita, this should suffice for now, no?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Toast beds, holes in spheres and how

2009-03-29 18:10:23 | Weblog
Conchita, you may say "Not again!", but that is exactly
what happened yesterday. I did add my comments on the photos,
and even gave titles, but somehow the whole thing never got

uploaded. Suffice to say that the main topic was about
working with spheres. I will talk about it today as well.

Anyway, the first image today is the dinosours immediately
after wet sanding and drying.

Coating by polyurethane A is such a crucial step
towards the quality of my works and I take my utmost care
in ensuring the right surface conditions for subsequent


Here below, 2nd application of polyurethane A and
they are drying. They will be subjected to 3rd coating
by A, and surface saturation will occur.

That is when they are ready for polyurethane C, surface
protecting glossy coating. You will be seeing
the result soon...

Most of my time today was taken up by these toast beds.

I actually measured the time it takes to make grooves
with each. It is about 22 minutes. It certainly is such
a boring job. I need to computerise my milling operation!

Just showing you how messy groove making operation is!

Anyway, the following schematic is about bore making
in spheres.

Spheres are funny creatures, unlike other basic elements
of the universe. Terrestially placed, they stand vertical,

This is because they do not know which way is up
nor which way is down, let alone which way is horizontal.
I may be the only person who is amazed by this fact...

This actually is a follow-on from yesterday's, how to make
a cylindrical bore in a given shpere. My wife is calling for me,
so I will have to cut short my story here.

The idea is to make a flat top by a rotating bit,
and that is easy, because the tip motion is horizontal.

However, making concentric bores is more of a problem. Here is
a secret. Do nt remove the shpere from the clump
with which the flat top was created.

Use anything you want to create the first circular bore,
and at the end of the day you want a circular step
as seen in yesterday's image.

Just simply change the bit to what you want. Do not move your
shpere from the clump, because if you do that the centre
will be sfifted!

Just only chnage the bit for the right diamtre and
dig in! Ifyou do anything else you will find that
you will be digging a hole off-centred!

パエ-リャ 245

2009-03-29 18:10:04 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien? Creo que si!

No llovio hoy, pero no estuvo tibio cualquiera.
Las plantas deben estar sintiendose la primavera
ha llegado y puedo verlo en mi jardin...


Siempre que intento dar consejos

Que es lo que he hecho mal!?

para que podrias hacer just lo contrario

Me aburri como una ostra!

La conversacion me pasaba por encima!

..., y no me enteraba de nada!

asi que me tire toda la cena callado!

Conchi, bastante, no? Vamos ingles!

2000?, of the top of my head?...

It is a tongue in the cheek thing!

in a fluid situation

I have never had one letter from anybody!

Oh, how you told me the tale!

You will not have the remotest chance of getting there!

I cannot think of a single thing to keep
them occupied!

Conchita, enough for now. Take care!

パエ-リャ 244

2009-03-28 17:34:08 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Estas
bien y feliz? Creo que si!

Estoy seguro de que la primavera ya esta aqui,
pero hoy en dia la temperatura no era elevada ...
Me alegro, sin embargo, que no hay lluvia como se predijo.

Entonces, vamos?

Pero, no todo el mundo tiene la suerte!

un par de historias

Prometo que es real!

(Es que) se lo prometi a mi mama!

Si sale bien (mal)

Te vas a arrependir todo el a-nyo!

Se lo bebio de un tiron!

Conchi, bastante para hoy, no?
Aqui vamos ingles!

Have you got to where you wanted to get to?

I have not got any sleep!

Just as things are easing up for me

There it is again!


She (Tatum O'Neal) admitted looking forward to
meeting the Royal family!

They turned out in force!

Conchi, these should suffice for now?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

La primavera que esta aqui, slimmer dinosours

2009-03-27 18:07:53 | Weblog
Conchita, I do realise that I did not upload my
comments on yesterday's. No way I am going to
reproduce what I might have said. (I did write)

That is all history now and life goes on.

The first picture today is the neosium disc
magnets which arrived this morning. I did touch
on the magnets in yesterday's.

There are 130 disc magnets, and in theory I should be
able to fabricate 65 "My chopstics" sets with these
small magnets.

I took them out from the plastic bag and toyed with
them. See how strong they are? They are forming two
magnet sticks and are standing still as seen here!

I have a problem here, though...

I need counterpart iron discs. Using two of these
will not double the magnetic density, only an increase
by 10% of the nominal value.

So, far btter to prepare similar sized discs.
The only way to get them is to slice out these
discs either by my milling machine or by my

metal bandsaw. I have not yet decided which to use.

Anyway, today's output is seen here and below.
I did count them and I seem to have just about 70
of these dinosours. These above in the shift are

more or less coating ready.

These here in the box are yet to be refined, actually,
by hand-sanding. It is a messy process and time consuming...
No wonder I am asking for JPY 2000 for each of these.

Here below, bean curd disolvers resurrected from
an earlier lot. I am not exactly sure why, but,
these inocent pieces are selling well at A's.

I am already lagging behind the schedule by half a day.

I am hoping that by close of the morning tommorrow
I will have finished with my dinosours and move on
to other things...

Conchita, la primavera Japonesa ha llegado aqui! Esta aqui
por fin! Lo mismo en Mexico! Creo que si!

Hasta luego, entonces!

パエ-リャ 243

2009-03-27 18:07:29 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Todo bien?

Hoy en dia no fue demasiado malo.
Solo salio a dos lugares, muy brevemente.
Ha sido soleado y no demasiado frio.

Espero que manya-na sera lo mismo! Vamos?

Se ha producido un error al ejecutar la accion!

Intentalo de nuevo mas tarde!

Dejamos pasar un rayo del sol por un prisma!

como resultado de dounokouno

De ahi que NANINANI!

naninani1, sino que naninani2

antes de alcanzar al suelo terrestre


Se supone que es la epoca de la familia!

Conchi, desde aqui ingles!

He centered the blade foresight on the target
and squeezed off a short burst

What is your secret all about!?

They are all having a go at each other!

I got a bit windy!

You have to wind up your personal affairs before
you take up the job here!

It is too soon to say!
It is too early to say!

The roads were all clogged up everywhere!

Conchi, bastante para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!