

Jig in operation

2009-04-21 17:49:01 | Weblog
Conchita, today I could not do much in terms of
my fabrication.

I had to deliver the pack to my fellow president
of a furniture facotry, then went on to one of
the shops I am dealing with for another delivery.

Next two photos are showing you my soft iron bar
cutting jig in operation and the results.

I am actually amazed that a simple jig goes such a long way
to achieving my objectives. These cut pieces seen above are
pretty much the same in length at 10 mm.

Above? Yes, a single solitary piece of my baby feeder
spoon for my baby friend. Conchita, your design specs
have been taken into account. It was fun in that I could

concentrate myself on just a single piece of work.

With normally so many for sale I cannot have this kind of
special moment in time. You and your daughter will love
it when I send the final product from my mountain cottage!!!

My logging will be stopped for a few days from tommorrow,
then perhaps resumed for a few days, and then completely
stopped for about a month while I am away from here,

busying myself with the constcruction of my new and
much larger workshop at the moutain cottage in Yatsugatake.

My wife will be out in Okinawa in a few day's time for
a few days. We all have busy times!

パエ-リャ 267

2009-04-21 17:48:33 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Ha estado lloviendo todo el dia de hoy. Esta lloviendo
bastante en este momento. Creo que mi esposa se fuera
en Okinawa en unos pocos dias del tiempo

y yo estare muy ocupado con el departamento de ventas.

Voy a dejar mi registro de unos pocos dias
a partir de manya-na. Se reanudara despues de unos dias.

Sin embargo, ya no sera capaz de poner cualquier
articulos de alrededor de un mes.

Es que voy a estar lejos en mi caba-nya de monta-nya,
muy ocupado con mi trabajo de construccion...

Ahora entonces, vamos?

para evitar lesiones

la parte que no se lee nadie

No sera la primera vez!

por separado

los ejercicions diarios para penernos en forma

un minimo de treinta minutos!

hoy en dia

por no hacer un minimo de ejercicio diario

Basta con dar un tranquilo paseo cada dia!

Conchi, basta para ahora, no? Aqui vamos ingles!

They played up to that old lady!

It is very difficult to kick a habit!

We all looked up to our director!

Did you catch on to his jokes!?

We all set forth on our journey in the
highest sprits!

We drove down one of the side streets!

OK, Conchi, we stop here. Take care and vaya con Dios!

Various jigs

2009-04-20 17:38:42 | Weblog
Conchita, I could not do a lot today... This is because
I had to spend time on preparation for the sales opportunity
at the department store.

All morning was spent on final inspection. Most of the afternoon
I was counting and putting price labels on my work pieces.
On top of that I had to go to M's to deliver a few minor itmes.

On my way home, though, I bought a new adhesive, as shown below.

This is rather expensive, but it is supposed to withstand the
temperatures of up to 120 centigrade. The reason for buying this
was that trimming of the soft iron pegs very much affects

the bonding that already exists, all due to Jouele heating
during the sanding down process. The way forward, though,
is to minimize the time it takes to sand down unwanted

tips by the grinder. In order to do that, I need jigs of
various sorts. So, what little time left for me this
afternoon was spent on jig making.

As shown above, I needed two different types of jigs. A is
for bonding the magnets and the soft iron pieces at the right
protrusion and recess.

B is a soft iron piece cutting jig. I want 10 mm pieces,
and these jigs are meant to help me to achive just that.

Schematically, it looks easy enough, but in reality it
is not! It is a precision work we are talking about here!

Shown above are the rsults. There are some leeways built
into these jigs.

Above? I needed to remake a baby feeder spoon for my
baby friend. Her mouth is a little too small for the
baby feeder I sent for her.

Conchita, you know something? Making one for
somebody specfic in your mind is fun! That little
baby girl who is destined to be a wooman of

stunning beauty!

I am having to decide exactly when I can depart for my
mountain cottage. My gut-feeling is that it will be
1 May. I need at least two full days for sorting out

my things to take to the cottage.It will be a lot of
physical work I expect up there. However, it will be
worth my efforts.

My web logging, once departed for the cottage, will
completely come to a halt. I just do not have the net
connection up there.

I and my mother live there only for 90 to 100 days per year
and I do not want to waste money! We do not even have a TV!

パエ-リャ 266

2009-04-20 17:38:21 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Ha sido un dia muy tranquilo, sin viento.
No podia hacer mucho en terminos de la fabricacion
de cucharas y otros objetos.

Pase toda la manya-na en la inspeccion
y la mayor parte de la tarde la clasificacion
de las cosas para la exhibicion y venta

en la ocasion de tiendas por departamento.

Creo que tengo suficiente para vender, es decir,
si quieren comprar mis piezas.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Los videojuegos son peligrosos!


No solo lo son para los padres, sino para


todos esos malevolos juegos!


Los ni-nyos se han hecho da-nyo jugando al tenis o al
beisbol del Wii Sports!

Claro!, es para preocuparse!

para estar en contacto co la naturaleza

y, cuenta gente va al hospital?

Conchi, bastante, aqui vamos ingles!


Do you seldom or never make mistakes!?

We made good time travelling to NY!

What important buildings did you find there?

It works a marvel!

over the next few years

It always takes two to make an agreenment!

Tturn it over on the other side!

if the rain holds off for a few days more

Conchita, enough for now?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Revolutionary chopstics cases

2009-04-19 18:01:59 | Weblog
Conchita, one of the things I tried today was to make holes
in a shpere. Next few photos are showing you jig making and
how my small spheres are fitting into the sphere holding space.

These fabricated shperes will be used, how? A's wants these and I made them, anyway.

These below are my rice spatulas going mat. Surprisingly,
at A's a couple of these were sold. I understand the
reason, I think. Not much more different from plastic

spatulas, but the quality is there and that is too obvious
if you care to look at my spatulas. Anyway, these are meant for
the department sales.

Above here just showing you the chopstics cases undergoing
coating by A polyurethane for the second time. Magnets and
soft iron pegs have been inserted into the holes and fixed.

However, another idea came about. With these cases shown
above you must pull them apart to take out your chopstics.

Why can we not have cases as shown above in the schematic
where lids just swing open? That would be far better than
pulling the lids apart.

In order to achieve that you need a fulcrum and B
in the same schematic is looking at the possibility
of having a wooden bolt like peg.

Schematic above is looking at how we might achieve this
kind of pivotal arrangement. This is actually far
cumbersome, and is almost imppossible to achieve.

This schematic above is pointing towards the way forward.
In place of having a complicated wooden pivotal peg my idea
now is to use the existing know-how of dealing with magnets and

soft iron pieces. A is one end with the locking (very nearlly)
mechanism, and B is the falcrum end. At the falcrum end
the soft iron piece goes much deeper than is suggested by B.

At the A end, no protrusion either by the magnet or
by the soft iron. Therefore, you would expect
a little bit of shear at this end because the lids

at this end could slide over each other, unless there is
a proper locking mechanism. I have given some thought
to this issue (such as shallow cuts). My conclusion is

that it is not worth any further efforts. This end is
self-correcting, anyway.

And the other end (B) is also attractively fixed as a pivot.
The whole mechanism looks a little tricky, but right in
front of me I have an experimental piece.

My gut feeling is that you need something like 100g or
more of pulling weight at the end A to cause a significant
amount of shear and on top of that it is ever so easy to

get them back into the right position due to the presence
of magnetic attraction.

Conchita, so, we have been looking at how an idea follows from
another. In any event, have you seen chopstics cases
opening like a pair of scissors?

パエ-リャ 265

2009-04-19 18:01:18 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y creo que eatas bien!

Ha sido un dia muy caliente de nuevo. Nada de viento,
y mi esposa esta disfrutando de su trabajo de jardineria mucho!

Hoy en dia, no pude hacer mucho en terminos de
fabricacion. He intentado algunas nuevas formas
de hacer mi trabajo mejor y mas eficiente.

Basicamente, sin embargo, no he logrado en mis intentos!

Entonces, vamos?


Ella convirtio un viejo galpon aleda-nyo
en estudio de grabacion!

sin hacer declalaciones

La causa podria ser el estres!

por problemas de salud

Ella nunca deja de pensar en ello!

Si vas a jugar a la Wii, mejor calienta antes!

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Aqui, vamos ingles!

a container with a mixed clutch of eggs

I felt a draught on my cheek!

a man opposite

I had it decorated all white inside and out!


She squirted soda-water into a glass!

She hung out some clothes to dry!

Conchita, enough for now?
Take care!

Fighting for the fear of loosing my fingers

2009-04-18 18:04:53 | Weblog
Conchita, it has been a mixed day. I made a short outing
to get hold of a vital piece of wood I needed for my
table saw. Otherwise, I did my usual work.

The first photo here is showing you the blade guidance
block I bought today. It is all hand-made in my workshop!
You can also see the no-go mark in red, beyond which

I should not stick my fingers out! Two pieces nearby are
the jigs I made for handling the pieces I want cut by this
horrible looking machine.

They actually come from a salad server set I made long time
ago. One of the shops I am dealing with is shouting for
these server sets. I am not that keen, though.

Now, the schematic below is showing you the directions
in which I will have to go to protect my fingers. If I loose
any of my fingers, I will no longer be able to play the piano!

What I really need is a soft iron cover which will go over the
blade area, and with a stopper at the end. I will be making one

These table saws are so dangerous and you must protect yourself
against kickbacks, but also against anything that could happen.
So, irom protection cover must be the way forward.

The photo below, and those three objects at the bottom left
are meant for the same shop. I am not keen on them, either,
but I will have to comply with her request.

Here are my conventional chopstics, still being coated.

Here below, potential porblems. These are smaller
chopstics cases, for shorter chopstics. I had discarded
the possibility of mas-production. However!,

I talked to another shop today and she said that the prototype
was of 20cm long for 17cm long chopstics. Moreover, she said that
the chopstics length was just about right for ladies.

All this makes me think hard! I also do want to go for
smaller outfits. If she were right....

These got coated today for the first time, of 23 cm long
for 20 cm long chopstics. Either, I am totally wrong
about these specs, or it is still OK with my friends.

There is a one problem with these cases above. They are so
finely made (my credit!) that they just simpley look like
a single piece of wood, let alone having a pair of chopstics

inside them.

You can pul apart the component covers, but the irony here
is that they are direction-specific when being combined
to a single piece again.

So, I need two markers to indicate which ends need to
match which ends.

My solution was to have a small hole in the head of the soft iron
piece and an extra space around the entry hole to the magnet.

That way, you will always be able to tell immediately which end
must meet its counterpart end. The result? one single piece of
wood! No discontinuity, just nothing to indicate that it is

actually made of two seperate pieces of wood!

パラエ-リャ 264

2009-04-18 18:04:10 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Ha sido un dia calido de nuevo. El clima es
muy estable en estos dias. Ocasionales lluvias
son de gran ayuda para las plantas en mi jardin.

La foto de abajo me recuerda a la vez
que debe ir a mi caba-nya de monta-nya con mi madre.
Me encanta Azarias!

Tambien espero con interes comer plantas
comestibles, desde el jardin!

New discovery! Table saw operation

2009-04-17 17:28:30 | Weblog
Conchita, I am feeling a bit happier now. There was
a discovery. I went to the furniture factory I often
talk about, this time in relation to the display/sale

opportunity at the Isetan. The president showed me
various cutting machines that they use. One of them
was so attractive, but it was a very large machine,

and I cannot afford it. One other machine that he showed
me was a surprise. I have one of those myself, rarely
used in my workshop, because of the risks invloved.

He gave me a hint, though, og how I might use the machine.
It made me think a lot upon return to my workshop.

Next two images show you what I am talking about.

Here above, the big chunck of wood seen to the left is
a holding jig I improvised for the purpose. It does work!

Let me re-cap my issues, though. I want to have starting
wood pieces of the dimenstions I want. My latest discover is that
I can have my wood purchased at the DIY shop

cut into the slices of the width I want. However, the good story
suddenly end there. I will need to further cut these
pieces to the depths I want!

Up until yesterday, the cutting had been done with my bandsaw.
Very safe, but slow and VERY INACCURATE in cutting along
straight lines!

What is shown above is that I managed to do what I wanted,
desipte the enormous fear that I have with this machine.

In order to do just that, I even had to remove the safety
cover originally inslatted with the machine. As a matter of
fact, having this safety measure is more dangerous in my

operation! The safety cover is shown above, the plastic thing
with bits and pieces.

Anyway, what knowledge and practical experience I gained today
is that in return for the fear of loosing the tip of my
fingers I can slice out the pieces to the dimensions I want.

That is very, very significant. Right now, I am constrained the
small size of my woroshop, but my intention is to construct
a much larger workshop in our family cottage.

Above, showing you I also worked on chopstics containers.
These willl be dealt with during the course of this evening.
I may add that I also did a lot of work, relocating my

machine positions.

Here above, can you see a difference? Same chopstics
cases, but one's sharp edges have been rounded. Basically
the same dimensions, but rounding makes these look smaller.

That is what I want.

In rounding I am greatly assisted by having these grain 40
belts I bought recently! Grain 40, I have only had them
with my disk sander, which really is a lathe machine.

If and when I go to Borneo, I want everything to be
compact, and having these extremely rough sanding
surfaces with my portable belt sanders will be of

great help!

パエ-リャ 263

2009-04-17 17:27:39 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Creo que todo es tranquilo!

Se ha nublado hoy, con lluvias ligeras ocasionales.
No es fria, sin embargo. Se espera que manya-na
va a ser muy caliente. Me gusta eso!

Tambien me complace que su hija le gustaba
a mi bebe alimentador cuchara! Foto fue fantastico!
de su celebracion de la cuchara que yo habia tenido

la intencion es que se celebrara!


una alarmente noticia

Me seria de gran ayuda!

dounokouno, pero si no...

al cabo de unas horas se compone!

Eso es solo temporal!

a cambio de privacidad

sin NANINANI a la vista

140km al este de Montevideo

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

Pierce metal seal with a pin!

a one-off event

We were being followed hot on our heels!

I bought myself a pair of shoes!

I poured myself a glass of wine!

It takes two parties to make a deal!

Conchi, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care and vaya con Dios!