

Chinese spoons, giant spons

2008-12-31 17:06:54 | Weblog
Today was not any different from any other days.
Coating continued, and a few minor chores
around the house.

So, the first thing in the afternoon was spent
on making a primitive cut guide (jig) for my

Below showing you the set up of my milling
machine with a 6 mm endmil.

I normally use this machine for making holes and
grooves in wood. However, whenever I use it for
its orginal purpose of metal works I am reminded

that I have a mother machine at my disposal.
Mother machines?, yes, and I have a lathe for metal
works, too and together I will be even able to use

them for making their replicas! They are so

Above is simply showing you my jig, cutting jig, or
cutting fence. It is fixed on the bed with bolts
through the oblong holes I made.

Above, to the right of my own jig is a commercially
available cutting fence. It is no good at all. You
just cannot fix it firmly on the table!

Above, showing you the result of my test cutting.
This is no good, either... and I will tell you the
reason using the following schematics.

There is an assumption before making use of a cutting
fence. And, that is that the piece of wood you are
trying to cut has a flat (and straight) face,

when it is set against the fence. It is shown as A.
The line in red is the intended cut line. This,
however, is rarely the case.

Under these circumstances your actual cut line is
along the bule dotted line. In reality, you want
several segments from the cut piece.

So, locally, they may or may nothave more or less flat and straight
sides. It is not a big deal. More of a problem is that
the blade is undully pressed into the direction

of the fence. This leads to a redduction in cutting speed
and a stress on the blade. For this reason alone
I will be abandoning the use of my cuttig fence.

That way, I will have more of freedom in choosing
the actual cut line...

Having convinced myself with my conclusion I then worked on
a few Chinese spoons. I managed 4 in 30 minutes operation
limit, but I can do 5 easily.

I am naturally mindfull of the productivity and
this is OK by me... I have yet to decide what I want
to do with the stems. Round thef course, but...

I will have to sleep on this issue.

パエ-リャ 174

2008-12-31 17:06:18 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hace frio, mucho mas frio que ayer.
No se porque... Ahora, vamos?

en una rueda de prensa

en el campo de la fisica

el cambio climatico

el pais de procedencia

la mayor implicacion de los jovenes

No estoy preparada para eso!

en la hora de NANINANI

lo que pasa por algo importante

Tiene que haber un sistema que alientan a los jovenes!

en el mismo sentido

Eso me lleva a darme cuenta de qe DK!

los logros que les han hecho mercer el premio

en un comunicado

los procesos antes desconocidos

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

That is the nice thing about it!

I will come over and see you there!

cuts and grazes

the dog played dead

Any chance of a repeat performance!?

I have a fettish for DK, which nobody seems to share!

We did not get anywhere near enough of them!

They are always on the look-out for new ideas!

Luckilly though, ...

on the brink of 21st century!

Conchita, that is it for now!
Take care and a very happy 2009!

Giant spoons, Chinese spoons, dinosour kives

2008-12-30 17:11:57 | Weblog
Conchita, today was a bit hectic, with the year end
clearing operation and all that. Oh, by the way
I will be going numeric with my milling machine

some time in the new year. CAD, CAM and
codes for the machine... I will tell you more about it later.
Right now I am saving up for it!

Anyway, I found some time and the first thing
I did was to try out the new sanding bid, seen below.

As it turned out this was just the thing I had been
looking for! Its larger diameter means flatter sanding
plane. Just what I could do with!

I managed to sand about 2/3 of the Chinese spoons.
I also used it with my giant spoons. It was OK,
but you need caution, as its abrasive power is so much!

Conchi, see two spheres above? They are all used for
spoon concaving. The smaller one is a new acquisition,
have not tried it yet, should work, I think...

Above, you are looking at my new templates. Actually,
I have a template for longer stemmed version. The K girl
called on me yesterday and asked if I could make

shorter version. I would not dare say no!

More of a problem is this. Having got the template for its
side profile how would you determine the thickness
of the starting material?

Above is the actual. Very short stemmed. Template making is
not too difficult. You just trace the contour with a pencil.

Above showing you one idea I use. I use an alminium piece
with an angle at 90 degrees. Place your original up
against the wallnd see its contour falls

within the wll height (blue in colour). If not you must
insert a few plane pieces until you get to the right

Desperate to get the plate business done and over
I used my lathe, to clean the surfaces.
The plate is being grabbed by the largest set of jaws

that I have.

Above?, medium sized jaws, temporarilly removed.

What I was hoping to complete today and did not
get around to is the (cutting) width jig for my
band saw.

I will have to do that tommorrow...
I am being busy, am I not!?

パエ-リャ 173

2008-12-30 17:11:28 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes, y como estas?

Hace buen tiempo tambien... Faltan solo dos dias, no?

hace dos meses

hace apenas dos semanas

la fiesta del pasado diciembre

un oso polar

Eso tiene un sabor agridulce!

una sabrosa tarta a base de arroz, verduras y frutas

la direcion del parque

por (lo) tanto

No me pesa haber dejado ese trabajo!

Solo quiero lo mejor para Conchita!

la mudanza a la que sera su nueva casa

cuantos antes

si bien la decision final

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

a dual carriage way

Take care what you say!

DK1, and that is despite the fact that DK2!

It is fun!

Breeze is nice!

Trouble with you is DK

I got a pretty sharp reply!

to top it all

and they got chatting!

the man looked up, sweat pouring off his brow

Give me a break!

Conchita, I may take a few days off
duing the new year's festivities!

Take care!

Model jet engines, cutlery making, CNC

2008-12-29 17:23:08 | Weblog
Conchita, I am back. It has been a while...

You know something? Working just one hour longer
makes all the difference!

The first pic of today is jusng you rough cuts
of the chinese spoons.

And yet, I managed to get them to this stage below.
There are 20 odd of these pieces and once I have concaved them
there will not be a lot more to do.

Here, below. Yes, the demise of the DIY shop I
used to frequent to meant that I now have to
purchase my materials from else where.

This "else" meant that the nearest I could get
was also widthwise a little "else" in that it was
wider than what I had in mind.

I know that these extremely large spoons will sell
well. I do not see why I should not make more of them.
In fact, even larger ones. Can you see the difference?

The one I am talking about is wider, shown above.

Above, you see materials for these wider and extremely
large spooons. I bought 14 spoon equivalent for JPY 3400,
and my intention is to sell them at JPY 3000 each.

That would be a handsome return on my investment.
If they fail to sell, then I will give them away to
friends and for free of charge.

Above is a discovery. It really is! It is a spherical spiky,
as I call them. I have a larger one, for instance, for
making extensive concave surfaces, with the large spoons

I have just descrived above. However, with smaller concave
surfaces I want a smaller spiky. I have been looking for one
like this one. Now, I am in bisiness!

I went up to the closing DIY shop again and bought
a sanding drum I have been looking for. Up until now,
I have had to be content with the cone shaped sander.

You can see it just to the left of BS here. It is no
good. Discontinuity in the sanding surface makes it
awfully difficult to use...

The problem is this. This is very much similar to
those smaller ones I have been using. The shop never
carried larger ones for sale, till its closure.

I am a bit cross about it!

Anyway, above. These are not coasters, and yes they are,
in that these were meant, originally, for new year's
ceremony. They were throw away pieces, therefore,

very cheap at JPY 150/piece. Quality is unsatisfactory,
but I can make them better and may sell at JPY 1,000/piece.

Naturally, I can make these pieces myself, but the mere
thought of comleting them to this state is not worth
my time.

Again, if they do not sell as planned my wife will be
happy to use them...

I am now saving up for my numerically controlled
environment. Originally, my workshop was set up,
not for cutlery making, but for fabricating jet engines.

I need precision and a PC controlled milling machine
wil go a long way to my eventual goal!

パエ-リャ 172

2008-12-29 17:22:37 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Volvi a casa ayer. Aqui, hace buen tiempo
y no viento. Muy agradable! Vamos?

La felicidad es contagiosa!


Cuanto mas personas felices conozcas
mas probable es que tu seas feliz!

Conectar con personas felices mejorara

tu propia felicidad!

Es una gigantesca investigacion sanitaria!

un tesoro de datos

Esto se remota a 1971!

una puntuacion alta

Tu fuiste calificado como feliz!

las personas con mas conexiones sociales

Cada persona feliz adicional, te hace mas felz!

un amigo de un amigo

El oso mide 2 metros y medico!

en los proximos meses

Conchi, aqui me voy ingles!

Keep down left and you will see it!

Whatever that is it is on our mind!

We cannot tell them that to their faces!

I always wanted to round the Horn!

He squinted up the main mast!

The food was bad and there was little of it!

Come up quick! Something big has come up!

OK, I will be right over!

It is a bit of cheek!

I canot see any harm in it!?

O<, Conchi, that is the lot for now.
Take care!

Floating cutlery, Chinese spoons

2008-12-25 17:03:34 | Weblog
Conchita, I did rather a lot today, mainly because
I suddenly decided that I might as well workup to
17:00 instead of 16:00.

Today started with wet sanding, as seen below.

They are of course drying after the sandng.

Five more jumbo spoons were concaved. Actually, there is more
to this than just. Because I worked longer I managed to
smoothe out the convx sides, too. No picture.

These are not yet coating ready. I will work on them
when I get back from our mountain cottage.

These, on the other hand, are coating ready.
I should imagine that I will be able to nick just
a little time tommorrow morning to

coat them...

Six of these spoons seen above are conventionally
shaped. They will sell OK, as they have. However,
I am now into the next generation as you see below.

Here above, side bars have been added. For cosmetic reasons?
No, aethetic reasons... The K girl, she does not
like my idea, though.

Above are cut-outs ready for further work. They are
Chinese style spoons. I simply call them Chinese.

There are 22 of them and that means there are 44
redundant pieces, shown to the right.

Up until recently they were simply turned into
irregular shaped objects, mostly spatulas.

This time, I am determined to make the better use
of them. I think I will turn tme into
neatly shaped mini forcs or mini spatulas

with small side bars...

This is a number game, in a way, as I am now dealing with
two fully fledged shops and I need to keep my
supply end going with good quality pieces.

パエ-リャ 171

2008-12-25 17:03:01 | Weblog
Conchita buenas tardes, y como estas?

Todo esta muy tranquillo aqui. Actualmente,
hace buen tiempo. Como te vas alla?

Como te dije estara en nuestra casa de monta-nya,
antes de que vuelvo a casa en dos dias. Es desde
la many-ana que viene. Vamos!

..., ,mientras que en Grecia eran ellas las que
pensaban asi

en vez de obsesionarse con el pasado y
el futuro

tras una puenta

Estamos frente a una revolucion cientifica!

MBCT por sus siglas en ingles!

Los pacientes han recaido

Los antidepresivos funcionan mientras se toman!

cuando la gente deja de tomarlos

por partes

una via mucho menos costosa

tratar a mas pacientes a la vez

antes de unirse al grupo de meditacion

una solucion para seguir adelante

las cosas que antes me habrian derribado

Tienes que pensar en como superarlas!

para buena parte de las personas con
esta enfermedad

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

It was a very close contest!

It was a give-away question!

Bees spread pollen from flowers!

When I sat for O-levels

He clambered up the drain pipe!

I got the message quick enough when

the next rumble sent the wall pictures of the wall!

I was not surprised when later they said


He did not instantly think DK!

You have been descibed to me as DK?

a blind man tapping down the road

Conchi, that is it for now. As I told you I will
be away until 2, 3 days from tommorrow.

Take care!

Non sticky cutlery, roll cabbage spoons

2008-12-24 16:32:34 | Weblog
Conchita, I did something potentially dangerous today!

Prior to that I managed to coat some more pieces
for delivery in early part of January.

you see those below.

This large spoon seems in good demand and
I have a few more in the making.

Baby feeders for mothers to use. They can be used for
something else once the babies are self-propelling...

Some more chopstics. They also sell well.

This is the high-light of today. Here, I am trying to
cut walnut into slices with my table saw.

Because it is such a dangerous machine to operate
I brought its RPM down from 4,000 to its 40% range.
The high whinning sound at its maximum speed is

so disturbing. However, this was a mistake.
The machine overheated soon as the thick
walnut overloaded it.

So, I had to revert to itsfull operational
speed and lived with it. Naturally, there are a few
precautionary mechanisms built into the machine.

If I loose my finger tips I will not be able to
play my piano, which is an old Steinway, brought
all the way from NY...

Anyway, the result from my agonising moments.
Actually, I am happy, because to get 21 slices
of this thickness it would have taken my

bandsaw easily something like 2 hours. Instead,
today's operation was over in 20 minutes, or even less.
Such is the power of a table saw...

Above, yes, I refined the convex surfaces of all the
remaining pieces and even managed to concave
three of them.

Concaving three can be over within the operational
limit of 30 minutes, which is good, for this size.
The only problem is that I use the same motor

to power my sanding disc, so I have to let it cool
down for 15 minutes or so. But then, I can do
something else during that time span.

I wonder if my borther has managed to take off...
Seatle is deeply covered in snow.

Conchi, as I told you earlier I will be away
from home for a few days with my brother. My
logging will be stopped for the same duration.

Oh, by the by, you must have received my greeting from
outer space!

Take care!

パエ-リャ 170

2008-12-24 16:32:04 | Weblog
Conchita, feliz Nadidad!, y como estas?
La Navidad con mucho sol? Jajaja!

Aqui, en cambio, hace frio, pero no viento,
gracias a Papa Noel por eso. OK, vamos!

un pequenyo porciento

El hombre debe saber estar y tener

una gran onrisa!

Pelo, o no pelo, no parece mucha importancia!

puesto que DOUNOKOUNO

Palabras como distinguido, refinado,
o digno son las utilizadas

para describir a hombres!

Es lo que a algunos solo nos favorece!

estar recien afeitado

solo el uno porciento

La apariencia de un varon mejora
con la edad!

DK, y la cuestion tambien llego a la

llevar locion para despues del afeitado

Conchi, basta con esto para ahora!
Vamos ingles!

He was fined 15 pounds for speeding!

Vacuum cleaners suck in dusts

I have got a dead line to bet!

There is a precident to this!

An articulated lorry jacknifed!

He is a light sleeper!

He may loose his tail, but
regenarate it soon!

He may whip his tail around!

He lives on tree branches over rivers!

Rabbits nibble grasses!

He has good eyesight!

Do you specialise in any particular area?

What is your verdict!?

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Merry Christmas!