

パエ-リャの旅行記 - 台湾北部

2016-07-24 05:11:04 | Weblog








1. 台北市内から直通バス
2. 乗合いタクシ-
3. 鉄道とロ-カルバス
























2016-07-24 05:09:22 | Weblog

ホ-ムセンタ-、 溶接機、 溶接棒、家庭用溶接機































8 May - narrated

2016-07-24 05:08:26 | Weblog

I am fairly impressed with what follows. This is without editing, at all.

I have tried Spanish language with the same engine, because Spanish is similar, in pronunciation, to Japanese. The result was miserable. I had to edit just about every single word before the whole thing became audible.

I have not yet tried pinyin, but I imagine it is going to be difficult with the 4 tones to be taken care of...

So, here it goes...

Trusting integral and differential calculus

2016-07-24 05:04:27 | Weblog

from a finite quantity to an infinite number of elements

I have been intrigued throughout my life by the theory of calculus. I once actually asked a mathematician about this issue. That is, the foundation of the theory. Not surprisingly, he blurbed a lot about it. What then was so obvious to him was not quite obvious to me, at all.

I now realize that the starting premises were diametrically different between us. Up until very recently I had been bothered about the possibility or (to me ) near certainty of adding infinitely small elements infinitely will lead eventually to an infinitely large entity.

While I have had to accept the theory on face value (to pass exams) I have had, throughout my life, a nagging thought and feeling that the whole thing somehow is a sheer lie.

If only (1/infinity) x infinity = 1, but that would be silly, and a voice at the back of my mind keeps saying that there can be infinitely infinite infinites.

However, it daunted on me a few days ago that you can start out from a finite quantity to create an infinite number of elements and integrate backwards, to arrive at the same finite quantity.

This, I can accept, intuitively, because no matter how large the number of elements is you cannot deny the fact that you started out from a finite quantity. On the other hand if you start out from an infinitely small element (an infinitesimal) and add them infinitely you will never know where and when to stop.

Let me illustrate what I am getting at with an example. If you have a foot long bar of soap and slice it into a million slices, say, and add them together and see how long the resultant is. It is one foot, no less, no more.

If you then slice the same bar into an infinite number of slices and put them back again you get the same one foot long soap bar. You have just added an "infinite" number of slices, whatever this "infinite" means, and in theory you have added them all.

I think, therefore, after all, that it is all philosophical. Nobody really knows how small these infinitesimals are. They only say "very small". Perhaps, it does not matter in creating the theory of integral and differential calculus. Perhaps, more so if the theory helps us find solutions to our practical problems.

So, let us put some numbers in and see how the whole thing might work out.

Let us imagine that we put a string all around the earth surface (along the maximum circumference) so that there is no gap between the string and the ground. The string does not stretch. It does not shrink, either.

Now, extend this string by one meter, just one meter only. Because it is longer the ring around the earth is a little loose and there should be a gap between the string and the ground. Here we imagine that somehow we can create and keep a constant gap all around the globe.

I do not know off hand how large the earth is. However, I do know that flying from Tokyo to London is something like 10,000 km, so double that, perhaps? That means the ratio is 1/(20,000x1000). It is an extremely small ratio and an extremely small number, I think. (2千万分の1)

Now, the question to be asked is as follows.

What is the height of this gap?

There are actually several ways to answer this question. Let us first take an order of magnitude calculation. Because we started with a 1 m extension the answer we are looking for should fall somewhere between 0.1 m and 10 m. Here, note that we are not dealing with a very convoluted system.

Now, the circumference, 2 xπx (radius of the earth) is equal to 20, 000 km from above consideration. Since 2 x π is equal to 10, you get, as the radius of the earth, 2000 km.

Given the ratio of 1/(20,000x1000) the answer is therefore likely to be 0.1 m. And, intuitively, that is about right.

Of course, at the elementary school level you can use brutal force calculation and put in exact numbers and do essentially subtraction and get the answer. But, that would be silly and not very elegant.

OK, we now look at it differently. Here, we want to talk about an infinitely small arc length. However, let us see before that how we actually arrive at 2πR as the length of the circumference of a circle with the radius of R.

Let us assume that we have an arc and its ends are connected to the centre by two straight lines which are equal to R in length.

If you draw an auxiliary line from one of the arc ends to the line opposite to it at 90 degrees the length of this auxiliary line is equal to R x sine (whatever the angle between the two intersecting lines in radian). We call this angle Δtheta.

We have, therefore, the auxiliary line length = R x sine(Δtheta). Now, it is well known that if this angle is very small then sine (Δtheta) is equal to Δtheta in radian.

Therefore, if you integrate this infinitely short arc length over the entire 360 degrees (2π) of a circle you get 2πR. It is the length of the circumference. Here, remember that R is the radius, pointing outwards from the centre.

OK, we are now, at long last, at the starting point for the final stage of our consideration.

We are, here right now, talking about an infinitesimal increase in the circumference. What is the mathematical expression for the circumference? It is 2πR and R is the radius.

We are saying that the circumference has increased by a tiny amount. In the jargon of differential calculus, it is denoted 2πΔR. We are, in addition, saying that it is equal to 1 m.

So, we have a formula, 2πΔR=1. Please be reminded that ΔR is the radial increment that we are looking for. We therefore know that the gap height is about 16 cm. And, this is in line with our order of magnitude calculation.

We also see, interestingly enough, that it is independent of the radius. Quite clearly, we cannot take measurements with big objects like the earth, but we can easily do so with a foot ball, or even a ping pong ball.

The point of this article is to gain confidence in our integral and differential calculus. I am amazed that Takakazu Seki, our ancestral mathematician of the Yedo period produced his own version of the theory.

Dynamical motions in our universe are all governed by the laws of physics and mathematicians have been helping us find ΔVs so vital for the successful operation of our spacecraft out there in deep space, even at this moment in time...

Pelni timetable and greatest discovery of all times -12

2016-07-23 09:21:38 | Weblog

Jadwal Kapal Pelni AWU dan Harga Tiket Terbaru 2016

Above is just an example from the newly discovered Pelni URL.

It continues to introduce this ship (Awu) as follows, followed by a ports of call list.

kawah gunung awuJadwal Keberangkatan Kapal Pelni Awu Terbaru Tahun 2016 – KM. AWU yang merupakan salah satu nama kapal pelni, mungkin namanya berasal dari nama salah satu gunung yang ada di Indonesia. Penamaan beberapa kapal pelni bila dilihat secara seksama maka kebanyakan akan mengambil dari nama bukit atau gunung yang ada di wilayah Indonesia. KM. AWU ini mungkin diambil dari nama gunung berapi yang terletak di Pulau Sangihe, Kepulauan Sangihe yaitu Gunung AWU. Kepulauan Sangihe ini terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Ketinggian gunung ini mencapai 1.320 meter (4.331 kaki). Letak Gunung AWU ini berada pada titik koordinat 3°40’ LU 125°30 BT. Secara geologi gunung AWU ini bertipe Stratovolcano dan umur batuannya mencapai 100.000 tahun. Gunung AWU adalah gunung berapi terbesar dalam rantai Sangihe. Erupsi gunung berapi ini terjadi pada tahun 1711, 1812, 1856, 1892 dan 1966 dengan aliran piroklastik dan lahar yang merusak yang telah mengakibatkan 8000 orang tewas akibat erupsi dari gunung ini. Letusan terakhir dari Gunung AWU ini terjadi pada Juni – Agustus tahun 2004.

Kapal Pelni AwuJadwal Kapal Pelni AWU 2016 – Bila anda berniat memakai jasa transportasi yang disediakan oleh PT Pelni maka anda bisa memilih kelas sesuai dengan kemampuan kantong anda, karena disini ada berbagai kelas yang disediakan dari kelas ekonomi yang duduk lesehan dibawah atau dalam bangsal-bangsal sampai kelas dengan kamar yang hanya diisi 2 orang penumpang saja dengan fasilitas kamar mandi/closet sendiri, lemari, televisi, 2 tempat tidur. Bila anda ingin menggunakan kapal pelni, maka bagi kalangan tertentu, PT pelni memberikan diskon khusus, yaitu

Above is only part of what they talk about this particular ship "Awu". Pity, it is all in Indonesian., because I see from above that Pelni is serious about selling their services and corporate images, too. The first picture is perhaps related to past volcanic erruptions, by the look of the years in the article.

My take is that they are probably trying to encurage passengers (including overseas tourists, hopefully) to visit these places on the way, not just being content with being driven from one port to the next in a hurry. And, that is good, very good indeed in many ways.

I really think that they should translate this web site into Japanese to encourage an influx of more Japanese tourists into the regions distant from usual areas for tourism.

Ports of call for this ship are listed below. (only a tiny portion and heavily edited by me for simplicity and clarity)

SURABAYA/BENOA (21-05-2016 | 13:00)  -> DENPASAR (22-05-2016 | 16:00)
BENOA/DENPASAR (22-05-2016 | 19:00)  -> BIMA (23-05-2016 | 14:00)
BIMA (23-05-2016 | 15:00)                          -> WAINGAPU (24-05-2016 | 06:00)
WAINGAPU (24-05-2016 | 10:00)               -> ENDE (24-05-2016 | 21:00) 

I pride myself on this new discovery I made almost by accident, simply because up until now people like me have been struggling to find the right Pelni website. I am convinced that this is what we have been looking for in such a long time.

OK, these are only pre-planned operational schedules and there will be delays in reality, no doubt. However, we can now look at the latest planned status of Pelni operations and with any luck we may even be able to know up to date arrival/departure timings if Pelni is quick enough in updating. Who knows?

Nice thing about this discovery is that we no longer need to do guessing games like before, trying to find each ship's location by trial and error. What follows is the old version of Pelni web site.


In fact, if we use above older (?) web site by guessing in the right way and make some hits by sheer accident we may even be able to extrapolate from there, by inserting that information obtained (from the old web site) into the planned table of schedule on this new Pelni web site (URL is given below).


I have not yet examined in great details this newly discovered Pelni web site. However, the fact that we can at least find, albeit only by guessing work, the latest operational details of Pelni shipping service is of  great advantage to many of us, potentially interested in the far corners of Indonesia.

Indonesia clearly will have much to gain from translating these pages of their web site into Japanese.

It is not such a difficult job to do. In fact, I will be prepared to translate this web site into Japanese, completely free of charge if Pelni can assign somebody Indonesian and conversant in Japanese(or English)  to work with me.

How does that strike to you?, Pelni. He/she does not need to be resident in Japan as we can easily communicate over the net. I remain interested.


Pelni timetable and KM.Tatamailau in Banda sea - 11

2016-07-23 06:42:16 | Weblog

Jadwal Keberangkatan Kapal Pelni Tatamailau Juni, Juli, Agustus 2016

Pelabuhan BerangkatPelabuhan TibaJadwal BerangkatJadwal Tiba
SORONG FAK-FAK 03-07-2016 | 14:00 04-07-2016 | 04:00
FAK-FAK KAIMANA 04-07-2016 | 05:00 04-07-2016 | 18:00
KAIMANA TIMIKA 04-07-2016 | 19:00 05-07-2016 | 13:00
TIMIKA AGATS 05-07-2016 | 14:00 06-07-2016 | 03:00
AGATS MERAUKE 06-07-2016 | 04:00 07-07-2016 | 18:00
MERAUKE AGATS 08-07-2016 | 06:00 09-07-2016 | 14:00
AGATS TIMIKA 09-07-2016 | 15:00 10-07-2016 | 00:30
TIMIKA KAIMANA 10-07-2016 | 01:00 10-07-2016 | 20:00
KAIMANA FAK-FAK 10-07-2016 | 21:00 11-07-2016 | 09:00
FAK-FAK SORONG 11-07-2016 | 11:00 12-07-2016 | 00:01
SORONG MOROTAI 12-07-2016 | 02:00 13-07-2016 | 04:00
MOROTAI BITUNG 13-07-2016 | 05:00 13-07-2016 | 23:00


Update : 14 Juni 2016

Above is an extract from the Pelni timetable for KM.Tatamailau for July 2016. I have colour highlighted here and there for ease of reading..

Very important thing to remember is that timetables like above can be had by interrogating the ship name, albeit in Indonesian language only.

Anyway, we can learn a few things from above timetable by intelligent guessing.

1. The ship's starting point is Sorong (or Bitung).

2. It no longer does the looping..

3. There is an additon of Morotai. I have heared of "Morotai", and the following map is showing where this

addition is located.          

What this means is that the ship, upon leaving Soron makes this additional stop at Morotai before returning (? ) to Bitung. My instinctive question here is "Which port is the starting point?". I do not know the answer.

However, the biggest discovery is that this ship no longer does the looping. It simply goes back and forth along the western coast of PNG. So, I will need to look at all the ships below to find out what they do.

Sangiang, Pangrango, Ciremai, Gunung Dempo, Dobonsolo, Umsini, Lambelu, Binalya, Doro Londa, Wilis, Bukit Siguntang, Kerinci, Leuser, Kelud, Bukit Raya, Labobar, and Lawit

However, following Pelni URL makes life easier. It does give us the list of all the routes.


You need to make the right guesses, though, because it is all in Indonesia language. I wish they had an English version, if not in Japanese!

One of these may or may not  do the looping I want. I have little time left before setting out for General Santos on Monday, so my next article may well be delayed, or even stopped until early August if internet connections are bad in the Phyls as it was in Bohol in April.


Pelni timetable and looping in Banda sea - 10

2016-07-20 17:46:52 | Weblog

Before looking at individual routes in Banda sea area we might just as well look at statistics of the number of shipping routes radiating out from each of the ports in the area.

What follows is what we find.

7 routes: Bitung (northern Surawesi, almost next to Mindanao)

6 routes: Ambon (right in the middle of Banda sea)

5 routes: Tual (south east of Ambon)

/Kupang (extreme west end of Indonesian Timor and extreme south of Banda sea)

4 routes: Sorong (extreme northwest end of PNG)

/Fak-Fak (immediately south of Sorong, east of Ambon on western PNG)

/Bau-bau (extreme southeast of Surawesi, west of Wanci)

/Maumere (straight south of Bau-bau on Sunda )

/Larantuka (between Maumere and Kalabahi)

/Kalabahi (extreme east end of Sunda)

3 routes: Kaimana (south east of Fak-fak, very close)

(Hawaiian song coming in here?)

/Namlea (just west of Ambon on big island)

/Ternate (between Bitung and Sorong)

/Babang (extreme south west of Surawesi)

2 routes: Saumlaki (on Jamdena, between Timor and PNG)

/Wanci (almost Bau-bau, east)

/Dobo (south east of Taul on biggest island in vicinity)

/Banda (next to Ambon,short distance south)

/Sanana (north west of Ambon on small island)

I was surprised when I had a first look at this list when it was complete. I had expected that Ambon would be near the top as it is, but Bitung was a surprise.

Kupang is not a surprise because it is long way down south and is in a strategically important location for Indonesia, but not artificial. Tual is also very closely behind Ambon. So are Sorong and Fak-fak, all on western coast of PNG.

So, I can draw an imaginary line linking Bitung in the north and through Ambon, Tual, and going around a little bit to the west to reach Kupang at the bottom of Banda sea.

Of all the Pelni routes what follows might best resemble this imaginary route.


There are problems with this route map.

First of all, it is a closed loop. The port (Merauke) at the very bottom is probably insignificant, from the viewpoint of history in this region. Its location looks too artificail, being so close to the country border.

I think, therefore, we can knock off bottom two ports (Agats and  Merauke) on PNG, leaving a completely closed loop.

Bitun - Sorong - Fak-fak - Timika - Dobo - Tual - Banda - Ambon - Bitung

It does not take you to Kupang, either. If it does, it maybe possible to trod back along the Sunda to Surabaya/Bali way by local ferries.

Also, how would you get into the loop and how would you get out?

That is where Bitung comes in prominently. Because if Bitung is easily connected to General Santos you can get in and out that way. It will be particularly convenient if you are flying into Davao.

I will be visitng General Santos next week just to find out exactly what we can expect there. I will be amassing very precious information from that visit.

If not, you will then have to fly in and out. Presumably, Sorong, Bitung, and Ambon, I think. I will be looking at these with some more details in the next article.





Pelni timetable and Ambon/Ternate - 9

2016-07-19 16:47:56 | Weblog

In the last article I talked about general issues.

In forming ideas about possible routes it is probably best to talk about individual ports of call for reasons both for and against (mainly historical and to some extent out of geographical reasons), I think.

Only then can we visualise a few of the possiboe routes for actual travel.

With this in mind let us take another closer look at the Pelni map.

First of all, we are not interested in any of the ports west of Surabaya, except Jakarta for embarking purposes. There must be direct flights from Tokyo to both Surabaya and Bali, I think. So, Jakarta and west can be totally neglected.

As I mentioned earlier we are not interested in the Lessor Sunda Islands either between Bali and Maumere, say, because there are non-Pelni ferries along this chain of islands. Here is the relevant map.


This chain of islands, in its own right, is an interesting route and we note with satisfaction that Denpasar and Kupang are major nodal points on this Pelni map.

In particular, we also note with pleasure that it is possibe to go from Maumere to Makassar. This was a missing link on some of other privately edited Pelni maps.

Having said that one island which is of particular interest is Ambon. We can easily single it out because all of the stories in this region started with this island in 1513.

It is also sitting right in the middle of Banda sea.

Ambon 1513

The Portuguese came to this island first in 1513. Then came the British and the Dutch and all the way across the Pacific the Spaniards. In 1623 there was a historically famous massacre on this island.

The Dutch beheaded 10 British merchants, 9 Japanese mercenary soldiers and a large number of locals and one Portuguese after torturing them by fire and amputating their legs.

Consequently, everybody got so pissed off at the Dutch atrocity and the British went away and concentrated on colonising India. The Spaniards went further north to the Phyls. The Portuguese retrieted to South America. The Japanese also went away and closed its borders.

The Dutch therefore thrived in this region of present day Indonesia for the next 300 years until they were eventually driven out by the Japanese.

So, this is a very interesting area to visit.


By 13th century there had been a long standing and well established Islamic kingdom around Ternate before a Portuguese ship got shipwrecked there and sailors were all rescued and well looked after by the locals.

Just like the Turkish navy ship shipwrecked off the coast of Nagoya in 19th century Japan. The only difference being that the Portuguese in return quickly decided to colonise this kingdom. In so doing they were forced to killing a very large number of locals indeed. They were eventually driven out, all thanks to the Dutch, however.

That is all histroy, what we call histroy, though.

Where do we go from here?

My gut feeling is that rather than forming out a route of your own making we might just as well look at some of the existing Pelni routes and see how well or not well they might fit with what you are potentially interested in.

At Pelni they have about 25 liners and consequently there are about 25 ready-made routes to consider. So, in the next article we will be looking at some of them for scrutiny.

Pelni timetable and Banda sea - 8

2016-07-19 11:51:46 | Weblog

In order to discuss navigation in Banda sea area let us first take a look at the

 railway map of Tokyo.

With each of these routes there is a very detailed and strictly adhered to timetable, but you do not normally care about timetables. It does not matter because trains are very frequent, arriving every 3 minutes or so, anyway.

So, in practice you go to your nearest station and then move to the next station where you must change trains. At that station you will not be waiting for long before your next train arrives. You just keep repeating it till you reach your destination.

Why are we then talking about Banda sea in the first place? It is not because anything else outside Banda sea is not interesting, historically, but more importantly the Pelni route map covers a lot of Banda sea and is somewhat misleading. 

Let us now take a look at the Pelni map. It looks like this.


It looks like a network and it is one.

However, unlike Tokyo network you cannot expect an immediate transfer at any of the nodes on the network. Put simply, ships are too few and far between. That is what it boils down to.

Let us take a look at a portion of the formal Pelni timetable.

Here, we are looking at the timetable for Jakarta-Jayapura leg of Pelni operation by 3 different German made boats, each carrying anything up to 4,000 passengers. You see departure and arrival times here.

Many, many moons ago I once did the Kobe-Gdainsk leg (unsure about spelling) across the Indian Ocean and round South Africa, then up and across the Bay of Biscay into Europe. There was delay in every port of call. Many reasons. Same here in Banda sea with Pelni. I am not blaming them at all.

There is another issue. Connectivity. In Tokyo, arrival at a node on one route is closely related in time to departure on another which shares the same node. Trains do not run independently of one another.

However, in Banda sea and in surrounding areas, too,  ships operate independently because it is difficult/impossible not to. Set agains this background let us now think what we normally expect from a transport network. There are many nodes on a network.

So, we naturally expect to be able to hop from one node to another without wasting too much time. With Pelni you cannot do that. Let us think about a hypothetical network with only one node.


Above is a crude model of my minimum configuration network. Since Jakarta-Jayapura takes 6 days one way both red and blue lines are 6 days long, with a nodal point in the middle. On this model you want to go from A to C via node N.

You start out from A and get off your boat at node N and wait for transfer to C  (that is all you can do) by another boat which runs along the blue line.

I am going to list the longest theoretical waiting time at N by clasification as follows.

1. 3 days: If the blue boat is between N and D and travelling towards N

2. 6 days: If the blue boat is between N and D but travelling towards D

3. 9 days : I fhe blue boat is between N and C and travelling towards N and beyond

4. 12 days: If the blue boat is between N and C but travelling towards C and beyond

So, it could take, from A to C, anything from 3+3 days to 3+12 days.

In practice it will be more complicated. Note also that what happnes at a certain node is independent of what happens at another node.

What it means is that if you have waited a maximum of 12 days at one node you may also wait for another maxium of 12 days at the next node. Very severe world, indeed and probably good for backpackers.

From reading a lot of weblogs made by Japanese backpackers I know that it is a mess in reality, complete mess. You coud even see ships coming almost everyday into the port of your waiting, going in the same direction you want.

Anyway, it is clear, from these considerations, that you cannot plan your Pelni navigation in Banda sea. You may ask then why we cannot find ship locations via internet. My gut feeling answer is that it is no good.

Situation is very fluid with each of the ships and you are also on the move, without access to internet (I will come back to this usse later).

From purely efficiency point of view you can choose a single route, wherever the starting and ending points on the route are.  For example, the starting part of Jakarta-Jayapura leg, particularly Jakarta-Surabaya portion can be omitted.

Also, unless you choose to cross Sandakan-Zamboanga route you can also omit the Kalimantan-Makassar straight. It is a recently developped lane, for oil and timbers.

OK, that is for efficiency, more or less. Another problem with Pelni ships is that they are meant to take people from A to B disregarding anything else, so they only stay at any port of call for a minimum amount of time.

What tends to happen on a typical Pelni voyage is that you keep watching tropical waters for days and days from morning till night and not experience anything at the back of each port of call.

All in all, given the spontaneous operational delay of up to a few days the best strategy and course of action in moving about in Banda sea is not to plan ahead and stay at each port of call for a few days for:

1. enjoying the stay on the island because you need a few days anyway

2. waiting for the next Pelni boat to arrive

The only other thing you must be mindful about is where and how eventually to exit from Banda sea area. This is an acute issue and I will be looking at this perennial problem with the next article.

Pelni timetable and General Santos, Mindanao - 7

2016-07-19 08:06:40 | Weblog

Title of this article has been modified to reflect its contents.

What we should know about General Santos in terms of the sea route transfer to Surawesi is put togerther in this map.

In what follows we will see that both EPA and Eaga Agro Marine are well establihsed in this warf area of General Santos.

First, let us take a look at the relative location of General Santos with a map

as follows.          My gut feeling is that it is Davao that you should come to if you are flying into the Phyls.

There are myriads of ways to get to General Santos, however. You could perhaps fly local, or even take a ferry, all the way from Cebu or even Manila, I think. Let us get 

closer.  Here, we see that the town centre of Gensan (General Santos, locally) is away from the warf area by quite a distance, something like 5 km.

                         That an airport is there is somewhat reassuring, even if it may be an air strip.

If we get even closer to the warf we see what follows.

                Let us have a loo at a satellite pictures.

 What we can see here is that both EPA and Eaga Agro Marine we have been talking about have very large buildings.

In fact, they are the most promonent buildings in the warf area along with the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA). That gives us some confidence about the integrity of their operations.

See some more photos.



                     This last image is showing us the location of the Philippine Ports Authority and in particular the entrance gates to PPA.

If we come down to the ground level we begin to see somethig like what follows.

       This is what the gates area looks like. You go in and turn left then you will see the PPT building.


There is a major junction nearby and this above photo is looking into the PPT gate area from that junction. Very far ahead you can actually see some cranes at the warf.

           This is the major junction, not terribly important on its own, though.

I will finish off with this article by looking at the town centre with a few photos.

       There is an Immigration office at the Robinsons. Satellite photo is next.


It shoud not be too difficult to locate this large structure in town. Some more

 photos follows.


There is a consulate of Papua New Guinea in General Santos, very near the warf.

However, the nearest Indonesian consulate is located in the town of Davao.