Sirimau is based in Agats in Papua New Gunia. She spends 2/3 of her time east of Maumere.
However, she briefly goes as far as Semarang and then returns to Agats way. Interesting. Case close for the moment.
Sirimau is based in Agats in Papua New Gunia. She spends 2/3 of her time east of Maumere.
However, she briefly goes as far as Semarang and then returns to Agats way. Interesting. Case close for the moment.
This was found to reach Ambon. Similar to one of the earlier ones of this family, but included here for completeness.
Only one chart and case closed until comparison.
This boat is interesting. She is based in Pontianak and largely operates in the western half of Indonesia, but it does go north, to places not normally visited by tourists.
Operation is recursive and two charts to follow to vindicate that.
Not interesitng, concentrating too much on Jakarta and immediately surrounding areas. Case closed.
This boat is very similar to one of the boats looked at earlier. Not worth carrying separate charts and case is closed.
This boat is so uninteresting, not worth carrying charts. Case closed.
This is uninteresting. Two charts follow. Bau bau based. Very similar to Ciremai.
I remember this boat well. One Japanese backpacker boaded this boat and left an impressive record on his experience with his 3rd class ticket. At that time, however, Ciremai operated in a different region.
First chart is interesting, but not the second. Case closed.