

5 pronged pasta forks and noodle handlers

2009-07-18 17:42:27 | Weblog
Conchita, these are the Chinese spoons before going mat.

I am not exactly sure if I can really depart for our mountain
cottage tommorrow. There are still so many things I
need to do.

K's girl called and she brought an extra income of
about JPY 10,000. That is my return from two days
of her selling campaign. I consider it not too bad.

I also settled my account with W's. At W's she is also
doing fine. There, I also helped her re-arrange her shelves.
She wanted to pay me for that, but I refused...

Here below, you are looking at those pieces pencil marked
for further processing.

You can now clearly see those reference lines. These cutting lines
were made by my small table saw. Naturally, you need to do all this
very systematically. Reference lines are there to help with

consistancy of cutting. Cutting with the table saw is the easiest
and with what remains to be cut I go jigsaw.

Jigsaw cuttings done and all that remains to be done is to
sand them into their eventual shape. These are all
Hiyamugi noodel servers and K's girl is suggesting that

we should put a price tag of JPY 1200, at the least. Well,
I am not an expert on pricing. I am a humble cutlery

They call the tune and I will sing to it...

Very realistically speaking I do not think I will have time
tommorrow for making more of these. I have mat coating work to do,
and above all I will have to pack my car with things.

I will try my best, though, pack everything I need and
prepare double forks for further work at our mountain
cottage when it rains.

I will also coat them and for that I need one of the nail beds.
I am just so buyy with things and I feel like
crying out for help, and none is coming my way, of course...


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