

Baby feeders, washing boards, chopstic cases

2009-04-09 18:22:25 | Weblog
Today has been a typical day in that I had to
take my wife by car to her regular gathering.
I di one outing in the afternoon to settle last month's

turnover. It was not too bad. By the way, I will be
away in my mountain cottage for about one month
starting at the end of this month. My logging will

be totally disrupted during that time. I do intend to
introduce an internet connection up there, but then
I will be spending my time only for a maximum of

three months per year. Would it be worth it? Sometimes,
I think I want to be away from everything technological.

Anyway, above, a net set of baby feeders now coated for
penetration. They will be taken to the department store
for display and sale on the spot.

Same goes to these above, and they will go mat as soon
as the rest catches up for matting.

These 6 pairs of chopstics were coated for A, late this afternoon.
I will be fabricating a lot more of these from tommorrow on.

Here above, most of my time today was spent on these.
It does make you think, that is, operational procedures.
Do you make grooves first?

Or, do you make them right at the end of everything?
I will come back to this issue with more details.

What I want you to note at this stage is that there is a lot
of difference between these pairs, widhtwise, that is.

My intention is to make these casings skin thin in walls.
In order to do that, you really need to think hard. It is
not that easy at all! You do it yourself, and you will see WHY!

At A's I was again asked to coat these. I will do it reluctantly,
but I am very much interested in on of them, the one that looks
brownish. This is cherry, and I know from my experience that

once coated this will be looking gorgeous. There are issues,
though, how much should I charge for coating? Coating is
not just one of applying the coating material at all.

You need to sand the surfaces to start with. You then need
a lot of coating material for the surface size of this kind.

However, an overwhelming thought is that it will be a lot
cheaper to do the whole lot right from the beginning. That
is, starting from the same material, same thickness, no

nothing with the material piece. I say this, because I know
that this cherry thing was purchased for JPY 1,000.

I can do something similar for JPY 200!


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