

パエ-リャ 16

2008-06-05 16:53:23 | Weblog
Conchita, I am happier now! Here we go!

He will not make it!

What follows is a little problematic, because I cannot
easily come up with its counterpart in Japanese.

For instance, you may be talking to your friend about
something somebody else suffered, perhaps, swindling, fatal desease
daignosed, something like that and he may say

I am afraid he had it!

Take another example, I was repairng an electron microscope
as my second year project with one of my classmates at Imperial College, London.

Outgassing, diffusion pumps, and all that. The electron gun
was activated and I thought, OK, we are not going million volts,
but what about the stray X-ray photons out in the statistical

end of the distribution?

There was a Geiger Muller tube in the room and I do not know why it was
there. I took it up anyway and held it very close to the top of the
electron microscope, where the electron gun is installed.

The beep I heard immediately was horrifying! We had been working
with our eyeballs all the time close to right there!

My immediate thought was, and of course, as now, I was thinking in
English constantly, that "I had it". I imagined that I will
die from exposure. ”もうお終いだ”?

However, I thrived on! Because the tube response was very non-linear!

That pales into insiginificance compared with dounokouo!

I am not sure what it is!

The popular term for this is DOUNOKOUNO

Can I remind you that dounokouno!

While it is correct, dounokouno...

The yacht turned over, but it righted itself!

It righted itself!

Conchita, this is the lot for now. Take care!


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