いまどこ ―冒頭表示2
キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo:
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee & Madison Wisconsin
Dear Department of History
Dear Department of the History of Science
Dear Department of Management and Human Resources
Dear Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Have you ever examined Shole's typescript's alignment history ?
Have you ever verified Current(1949) footnote22,26 ?
Richard N. Current『The Original Typewriter Enterprise 1867-1873』(Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol.32, No.4 (June 1949), pp.391-407)
I think ,
footnote 22, footnote 26 are important,especially .
There are some people saying "There is no relations between keyboard layout and typebar arrangement in typebascket.",like IBM PC Bible auther: Rosch and QWERTY-related-book Myth of QWERTY Keyboard, NTT Publishing, Tokyo (2008) one of auther: Koichi Yasuoka.
I guess , if IBM PC Bible auther:Rosch would know the Dickerson's diagram and the "alternate" arrangement sayings,
he wouldn't say so hard like "no relaxations"(I'm guessing original message from Japanese translation).
We know after Jenne and company designed strong relation between keyboard and typebar arrangements.
footnote 22 is for alignment problem
and I think alignment problem was solved by arrangement relatings, not solved completely though.
footnote 26 is for nuisance of collision of typebars.
there is very few people to say "there was very few collision of typebars"
or almost zero cases, in the age before Jenne and company concerned to the design of typewriter.
Or Sholes and the company designed the keyboard layout, to the Remington ,manufacturer.
Documents on footnote22 and 26 , ie. http://slashdot.jp/comments.pl?sid=402428&cid=1360248
Acording to Yasuoka, some letters of Densmore are in Milwaukee Public Museum
And some letters of Sholes might be in Wisconsin Madison Museum
Dear Department of History
Dear Department of the History of Science
Dear Department of Management and Human Resources
Dear Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison
doc.s on footnote22 and 26 , ie.http://slashdot.jp/comments.pl?sid=402428&cid=1360248
According to Dr.Yasuoka, some letters of Densmore are in Milwaukee Museum
And some letters of Sholes may be in Wisconsin Madison Museum
Have you verified Current(1949) footnote22,26 ?
Key of QWERTY in Milwaukee & Madison Wisconsin
Keys of QWERTY are in Milwaukee&Madison Wisconsin
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisc.
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisconsin
Dear Department of History
Dear Department of the History of Science
Dear Department of Management and Human Resources
Dear Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Have you ever examined Shole's typescript's alignment history ?
Have you ever verified Current(1949) footnote22,26 ?
Richard N. Current『The Original Typewriter Enterprise 1867-1873』(Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol.32, No.4 (June 1949), pp.391-407)
- In Japan , there is few The typewriter and the men who made it(Current 1954).
- http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/EqualFromForm?mode=plus&dmax=10〈=1&txt_title=The+typewriter+and+the+men+who+made+it
So, in alternation, I am examining facts on Current(1949).
I think ,
footnote 22, footnote 26 are important,especially .
There are some people saying "There is no relations between keyboard layout and typebar arrangement in typebascket.",like IBM PC Bible auther: Rosch and QWERTY-related-book Myth of QWERTY Keyboard, NTT Publishing, Tokyo (2008) one of auther: Koichi Yasuoka.
I guess , if IBM PC Bible auther:Rosch would know the Dickerson's diagram and the "alternate" arrangement sayings,
- http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/961ccad4dc012dd4b7a906d4fad2aaf2
- http://etceterarehr1.googlepages.com/ETC.06.pdf#page=6
he wouldn't say so hard like "no relaxations"(I'm guessing original message from Japanese translation).
We know after Jenne and company designed strong relation between keyboard and typebar arrangements.
footnote 22 is for alignment problem
and I think alignment problem was solved by arrangement relatings, not solved completely though.
footnote 26 is for nuisance of collision of typebars.
there is very few people to say "there was very few collision of typebars"
or almost zero cases, in the age before Jenne and company concerned to the design of typewriter.
Or Sholes and the company designed the keyboard layout, to the Remington ,manufacturer.

Documents on footnote22 and 26 , ie. http://slashdot.jp/comments.pl?sid=402428&cid=1360248
Acording to Yasuoka, some letters of Densmore are in Milwaukee Public Museum
And some letters of Sholes might be in Wisconsin Madison Museum

Dear Department of History
Dear Department of the History of Science
Dear Department of Management and Human Resources
Dear Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison

doc.s on footnote22 and 26 , ie.http://slashdot.jp/comments.pl?sid=402428&cid=1360248
According to Dr.Yasuoka, some letters of Densmore are in Milwaukee Museum
And some letters of Sholes may be in Wisconsin Madison Museum
Have you verified Current(1949) footnote22,26 ?
Key of QWERTY in Milwaukee & Madison Wisconsin
Keys of QWERTY are in Milwaukee&Madison Wisconsin
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisc.
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisconsin
