

冒頭表示 現況 コンソール

2 r2 Tw KY(サブ foR Q Oj S C Pj Pe
キーボード配列QWERTYの謎 その仮説は本当に正しいか 猫式トロンキーボード TRON風キーボード はじめてみようμTRONキーボード


いまどこ ―冒頭表示2

キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo: に答えてってな形で部分統合しようかナとも思う。 ​http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/c11db5b33d4a1d67900e568ab0dc6273ではちょっとスレ違うと思う。
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を  http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、


2008-08-24 08:15:49 | LinkRecords


タフだが、タフには見えない か?(⇔が、実はタフ?)


小泉喜美子のフィリップ・マーロウ 対 村上春樹のフィリップ・マーロウ

双葉十三郎、田中小実昌、清水俊二、小泉喜美子、稲葉明雄、小鷹信光 、矢作俊彦、中田耕治、青木信義、村上春樹


日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1960/10 No.52 -特大号・ハードボイルド特集
「ヌーン街で拾ったもの」 Pick-up on Noon Street レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1961/1 No.55 -新年号
「殺しに鵜のまねは通用しない」 Smart Alleck Kill レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1962/6 No.72 -特大号
* 「二人の作家」 A Couple of Writers レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
* 「自分を語る」(Essay) レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1962/7 No.73
# 「自分を語るII」(書簡) レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1962/8 No.74 -7周年記念特大号
# 「自分を語るIII」(書簡) レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1963/4 No.82
# 「ビンゴ教授の嗅ぎ薬」 Professor Bingo's Snuff レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1964/10 No.100 -100号記念特大号
「ベイ・シティ・ブルース」 Bay City Blues レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1965/6 No.109
# 「マーロウ最後の事件」 Philip Marlowe's Last Case レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

日本版EQMM(Japanese Version) 1965/9 No.112
# 「カーテン」 The Curtain レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)


別冊宝石1950/10/10 No.11

* 『聖林(ハリウッド)殺人事件』 The Little Sister レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
* 『ハイ・ウィンドォ』 The High Window レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
* 『湖中の女』 The Lady in the Lake レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)

別冊宝石1951/8/10 No.13

* 『大いなる眠り』 The Big Sleep レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
* 『インクエスト』 Inquest パーシヴァル・ワイルド(Percival Wilde)

別冊宝石1954/12/1 No.43

* 世界探偵小説全集10/レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)篇
* 『さらば愛しき女よ』 Farewell, My Lovely レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
* 「スマート=アレック・キル」 Smart-Aleck Kill レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
* 『大いなる眠り』 The Big Sleep レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler)
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Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisc.

2008-08-23 11:55:44 | えっとお、(書きかけかも)
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee & Madison Wisconsin

Dear Department of History
Dear Department of the History of Science
Dear Department of Management and Human Resources
Dear Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Have you ever examined Shole's typescript's alignment history ?

Have you ever verified Current(1949) footnote22,26 ?

Richard N. Current『The Original Typewriter Enterprise 1867-1873』(Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol.32, No.4 (June 1949), pp.391-407)
  • In Japan , there is few The typewriter and the men who made it(Current 1954).
    • http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/EqualFromForm?mode=plus&dmax=10〈=1&txt_title=The+typewriter+and+the+men+who+made+it

    So, in alternation, I am examining facts on Current(1949).

I think ,
footnote 22, footnote 26 are important,especially .

There are some people saying "There is no relations between keyboard layout and typebar arrangement in typebascket.",like IBM PC Bible auther: Rosch and QWERTY-related-book Myth of QWERTY Keyboard, NTT Publishing, Tokyo (2008) one of auther: Koichi Yasuoka.

I guess , if IBM PC Bible auther:Rosch would know the Dickerson's diagram and the "alternate" arrangement sayings,
  • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/961ccad4dc012dd4b7a906d4fad2aaf2
  • http://etceterarehr1.googlepages.com/ETC.06.pdf#page=6

he wouldn't say so hard like "no relaxations"(I'm guessing original message from Japanese translation).

We know after Jenne and company designed strong relation between keyboard and typebar arrangements.

footnote 22 is for alignment problem
and I think alignment problem was solved by arrangement relatings, not solved completely though.

footnote 26 is for nuisance of collision of typebars.
there is very few people to say "there was very few collision of typebars"
or almost zero cases, in the age before Jenne and company concerned to the design of typewriter.
Or Sholes and the company designed the keyboard layout, to the Remington ,manufacturer.


Documents on footnote22 and 26 , ie. http://slashdot.jp/comments.pl?sid=402428&cid=1360248

Acording to Yasuoka, some letters of Densmore are in Milwaukee Public Museum

And some letters of Sholes might be in Wisconsin Madison Museum






Dear Department of History
Dear Department of the History of Science
Dear Department of Management and Human Resources
Dear Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison

doc.s on footnote22 and 26 , ie.http://slashdot.jp/comments.pl?sid=402428&cid=1360248

According to Dr.Yasuoka, some letters of Densmore are in Milwaukee Museum

And some letters of Sholes may be in Wisconsin Madison Museum

Have you verified Current(1949) footnote22,26 ?

Key of QWERTY in Milwaukee & Madison Wisconsin
Keys of QWERTY are in Milwaukee&Madison Wisconsin
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisc.
Keys of QWERTY might be in Milwaukee&Madison Wisconsin


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チャンドラー マーロウ

2008-08-22 18:31:39 | LinkRecords

文学 村上春樹のマーロウ完全予想--清水良典、松尾貴史らが「ロング・グッドバイ」なりきり翻訳
アエラ 19(60) (通号 1027),36~38,2006/12/18(ISSN 09148833) (朝日新聞社 〔編〕/朝日新聞社)

フィリップ・マ-ロウを訪ねたチェスの名人--「はなし」をすりぬける田中小実昌の「女のコ」たち (学生企画特集少女・13歳)
早稲田文学 〔第9次〕 22(2),38~45,1997/07(早稲田文学編集室 編/早稲田文学会)

日本古書通信 54(12),p3~5,1989/12(ISSN 03875938) (日本古書通信社 〔編〕/日本古書通信社)

世界 (通号 451),p302~305,1983/06(ISSN 05824532) (岩波書店 〔編〕/岩波書店)

F.マ-ロウにおける過剰の蕩尽 (「チャンドラ-」--都市小説としての解読<特集>)
ユリイカ 14(7),p158~167,1982/07(ISSN 13425641) (青土社 〔編〕/青土社)

団長と呼ばれた男のフィリップ・マ-ロウ! (「チャンドラ-」--都市小説としての解読<特集>)

コルヌコピア 2,36_a-19_a,19911101(ISSN 09171096) (京都府立大学)
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2008-08-21 05:07:16 | Book
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2008-08-18 23:22:15 | Book


19780518 三好 徹 東京新聞
  • Scientific American. New series 72,15,April 13, p.235. https://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/opac/binding-query?mode=2&key=B121809914130795&zcode=30024708&zlplace=41001011&TGSRC=0&IRKBN=0&IRTYPE=0
  • William Wilson Nelsonが『Typewriter Reforms―The Combinational Keyboard』(Science Progress, Vol.16, No.62 (October 1921), pp.307-318) https://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/opac/serial-query?mode=3&zcode=30024660&key=B121907158032275&TGSRC=0&IRKBN=0&IRTYPE=0
  • Noyes, J. The QWERTY Keyboard: A review. Int. J. Man-Machine Studies 18, 265-281 https://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/opac/serial-query?mode=2&zcode=30006444&key=B121907217800704&TGSRC=0&IRKBN=0&IRTYPE=0 Norman, D.A., and Fisher, D. Why alphabetic keyboards are not easy to use: Keyboard layout doesn't matter much. Human Factors 24, (1985), 509-515. Nakaseko, M., Grandjean, E., Hunting W. and Gierer, R. Studies on ergonomically designed alphanumeric keyboards. Human Factors 27, (1985), 175-187. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/b9f2aeed78bc5d0322e6f1092dd80bd6 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/9a82d2655ee2330478f769dfe79f6e95 http://wine.wul.waseda.ac.jp/search*jpn?/i00187208/i00187208/1%2C1%2C2%2CB/frameset&FF=i00187208&1%2C%2C2 Rumelhart, D. E. & Norman, D. A.(1982)Simulating a skilled typist: A study of skilled cognitive motor performance, Cognitive Science, vol. 6, pp. 1-36. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/b9f2aeed78bc5d0322e6f1092dd80bd6 https://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/opac/serial-query?mode=3&zcode=30004033&key=B121907117731213&TGSRC=0&IRKBN=0&IRTYPE=0
  • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/ec245e162984f0eb05e916cf8fdf8282

* The Type Writer, Scientific American, Vol.27, No.5 (1872年8月10日), p.79.
# Remington Standard Type-Writer, Scientific American, Vol.48, No.24 (1883年6月16日), p.380.
# The Remington Type Writer, Scientific American, Vol.54, No.19 (1886年5月8日), p.289.
# The Remington Typewriter, Scientific American, Vol.59, No.24 (1888年12月15日), pp.374-375.

山田尚勇 Scientific American
79,265, U.S.Patent Office Report, 1868-1869, 4:p.803. [Scientific American, July 7, 1868, p.25
79,868, U.S. Patent Office Report 1868-1869, 4, p.887. [Scientific American, July 29, 1868, p.76 に報告あり.こちらが第1の試作機]
No.52, 254, qwoted in Scientific American, February 3, 1866, p.91.
A.V., 1876, The Type-writer, ( Sketches from the exihibition), Scientific American Supplement,2,39,
Boyer, Jacques, 1913, Are men better typists than women? , Scientific American, October 25, pp.316 & 326.
Chicago Record, The, 1898,The typewriter barred out, Scientific American, April 16, p.246. [引用]
Churchland, Paul M., and Patricia Smith Churchland, 1990, Could a machine think?, Scientific American, 262(1):26-31, January.
Dvorak, August ; Nellie L. Merrick, Gertrude C. Ford, and William L. Dealy, 1939, Scientific Type- writing, Chicago, Ill.: American Book Co., 266pp.
Fodor, Jerry A.,1981, The mind-body problem, Scientific American, 244(1):124-132, and 148,January.
Friberg, Joran, 1984, Numbers and measures in the earliest written records, Scientific American, 250(2):
Giuliano, Vincent E., 1900, The mechanization of Office work, Scientific American 247(3): 125-134.
Gradenwitz, Alfred, 1912, A syllabic typewriter ,Scientific American, May 11, p.424.
New York Sun, 1895, Speed of typewriters, Scientific American 72,15,April 13, p.235.[引用]
Peck,A.P., 1899, A Chinese typewriter, Correspondence, Scientific American, January 26, p.55.
Plummer,H.C., 1915, Color music ─ a new art created with the aid of science, Scientific American,
Rosenzweig, M. R., Bennett, E. L. & Diamond, M. C., 1972, Brain changes in response to experi- ence, Scientific American, 226(2):22-30, February.
Schmandt-Besserat, D., 1978, The earliest precursor of writing, Scientific American, 238(6):50-59, June.
Scientific American, 1867, Type writing machine, July 6, p.3.
Scientific American, 1870, Female type-setters, November 26, p.344.
Scientific American, 1871a, Type-setting Machines, February 4, p.87.
Scientific American, 1871b, Brown's patent type-setting and distributing machinery, April,8, pp.223-224.
Scientific American, 1879, An improved typewriter, February 15, p.98.
Scientific American, 1886, The first type writing machine,December 18, p.383 and 389.
Scientific American, 1887a, The first American type writer, April 30, pp.271 and 276.
Scientific American, 1887b, Improved type composing and distributing machine, July 23, pp.48-52.
Scientific American, 1888, The Remington typewriter, December 15, pp.374-375.
Scientific American, 1889, A machine to supersede type setting, March 9, pp.143 and 150, and
Scientific American, 1890, An improved typewriter, April 19, p.244.
Scientific American, 1891a, The Type-writer, a French invention, May 23, p.328.
Scientific American, 1891b, An improved typewriting machine, November 21, p.323.
Scientific American, 1893, A shorthand typewriter, December 30, p.425.
Scientific American, 1894, A device enabling the typewriter to see and read work as it is written, May 12,
Scientific American, 1896a, Alfred Ely Beach ,January 11, p.18-19.
Scientific American, 1896b, The Invention of Alfred Ely Beach,January 18, p,40-41.
Scientific American, 1896c, The manufacture of the Hammond typewriter, March 7, pp.145 and 151.
Scientific American, 1897, A shorthand typewriter, May 22, p.325.
Scientific American , 1898a, The typewriter and health, February 19, p.122.
Scientific American , 1898b, Typewriter's cramp, August 27, p.133.
Scientific American, 1899, A Chinese typewriter, June 3, p.359.
Scientific American, 1901a, The Paige typesetting machine, March 9, pp.146 and 150.
Scientific American, 1901b, A new typesetting machine, July 20, pp.37-38.
Scientific American, 1902, The Hanson-Lee typewriter, April 19, p.279. ( also October 17, 1903,
Scientific American, 1903, The invention of Dr.William Church -The first patented type-casting and
Scientific American, 1905, An early typewriter, September 30, p.256.
Scientific American, 1906, A new composing machine, January 20, p.73.
Scientific American, 1911, A typewriter for the blind, December 30,p.600.
Scientific American, 1912, Machine for typewriting by syllables, September 28, p.264.
Scientific American, 1913, A machine that writes shorthand, January 4, p.13.
Scientific American, 1915, The largest typewriter in the world, February 27, 1915, p.202.
Siegel,R.K., 1977, Hallucinations, Scientific American, 237(4): 132-140.
Smith,C.E., 1913, Are men better typists than women?, Scientific American, November 29, p.411.
Virginian, 1869, New type-setting and distributing machine, quoted in Scientific American, June 5, 1869, p.362.
White, Randall, 1989, Visual thinking in the Ice Age, Scientific American, 261(1):74-81, July.
Whitford, William , 1898, The typewriter and hearing, Scientific American, July 9, p.28.
Wood, R.J., 1871, Type-setting machines, Correspondence, Scientific American, May 20, p.324.
World ( News Paper ), 1869, Type-setting and distributing machine wanted, quoted by scientific American,

28) The New Century Caligraph. Scientific American, Vol.79, No.24, 1898, p.372.
29) The Underwood Typewriter. Scientific American, Vol.83, No.21, 1900, p.325-326.

Scientific American. New series

touch system
The new touch system of typewriting (location method) Arranged for the Underwood typewriter.
by Hobart H Todd
Language: English Type: Book
Publisher: New York, Underwood Typewriter Co., cop., 1903.


The Griffin System of Type-writing by Touch, Or Don't Look at the Keyboard
By B J Griffin
"For business colleges, public schools & all institutions where typewriting is taught."
More detail
The Griffin System of Type-writing by Touch, Or Don't Look at the Keyboard: A Scientific Manner of Operatiing the Typewriter : Letters, Invoices, Specifications, Legal Forms, Etc.
By B J Griffin
Published by B.J. Griffin, Publisher, 1901



Wisconsin : a Bicentennial history / Richard Nelson Current.

実務と用字実務と用字,1(3): 2-16, 3月号.
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