ローマ人への手紙 1:16 ESV
[16] 私は福音を恥じません。福音は、ユダヤ人をはじめギリシア人にも、信じるすべての人にとって救いを得させる神の力だからです。
Romans 1:16 ESV
[16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
ローマ人への手紙 1:16-17 で、パウロはローマ人への手紙の中心的な考えの 1 つについて論じ始めます。
さらに、すべての人が同じように救いにアクセスできます。神の前で最初に救いを得るための特別な特権や地位を持つ人はいません。 地球上のすべての人は、イエスを主であり救い主であると信じることで、神から救いを受けることができます。
Redeemed by God
Paul’s letter to the churches in Rome is packed with deep insights into the nature of God, the power of Jesus’ work on the cross, and how that shapes how we live our lives. In the beginning of the letter, Paul gives his readers a few summary statements before diving in.
In Romans 1:16-17, Paul begins to discuss one of the main central ideas in the letter to the Romans.
He begins with the gospel. The gospel message is that while humanity was enslaved to sin, Jesus came and lived a perfect human life, and died on the cross in our place. He took on the punishment that we deserved, and paid the price in full.
Now, true life and salvation is available to everyone who believes in that gospel message. It is only through the message of the gospel that we can be truly saved.
Additionally, everyone has the same access to salvation. Nobody has special privilege or status before God to attain salvation first. Every single person on earth can receive salvation from God by believing in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Paul says that this message originally came to the Jews first, as Jesus’ mission on earth began with the people of God. However, this message spread through Jesus and the apostles to the Gentiles as well. Thus, everybody has access to the saving power of God through Jesus.
If this message is new to you, spend some time each day in God’s Word learning about the message and hope of the gospel. Thank God that He sent Jesus to make salvation available to all people, including yourself. Now, live in the assurance that you are saved and redeemed by God.
A Prayer of Gratitude for Salvation
God, thank You for the great gift of salvation. Thank You for the grace and mercy that You've given to me. Thank You for sending Jesus to make it possible to have a relationship with You. Help me live in gratitude of my salvation each and every day. Show me ways that I can share this good news with others in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.