

固い地盤を耕すBreaking Hard Ground

2025-01-16 03:35:42 | 日記
ホセア書 10:12 NIV [12] あなたたちは正義を蒔き、変わらぬ愛の実を刈り取り、耕されていない土地を耕しなさい。主が来て、あなたたちに正義を降り注ぐまで、主を求める時が来ているからです。
Hosea 10:12 NIV [12] Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.


ホセアはホセア書 10 章 12 節で同様の例えを使って神の民を描写しています。イスラエルは罪と不義の種を蒔き、彼らの心の土壌は神の命令を受け入れなくなっていました。そして神の民が神の裁きの収穫をまさに受け取ろうとしていたとき、預言者ホセアは切迫感をもって語りました。

ホセア 10:12

農夫が蒔いた種よりはるかに多くを刈り取るように、神は私たちも蒔いた種を刈り取ると約束しています (ガラテヤ 6:7-9)。しかし、この節は、正義を蒔くだけでは十分ではないことも示しています。私たちは耕されていない土地を耕さなければなりません (ホセア 10:12)。


待ってはいけません。今日、熱心に、期待しながら主を求めてください。ホセア 10:12 について黙想してください。 自分自身の人生を見つめ直してみましょう。あなたは正義の種を蒔き、揺るぎない愛の実を刈り取っていますか?


Breaking Hard Ground

Imagine yourself as a farmer, and your life is a vast field. You sow seeds on soil sparingly, and these seeds represent your intentions, choices, and actions.
Hosea uses a similar analogy in Hosea 10:12 to describe God’s people. Israel had sown seeds of sin and unrighteousness, causing the soil of their hearts to become unreceptive to God's commands. And right as God's people were about to reap a harvest of God’s judgment, the prophet Hosea spoke with urgency:

"Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD until he comes and showers his righteousness on you."
Hosea 10:12

Just as a farmer reaps far more than they sow, our God promises that we, too, will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7-9). But, this verse also shows us it’s not enough to sow righteousness. We must also break up the uncultivated ground (Hosea 10:12).

Our hearts become like idle ground when we allow it to grow hard and stubborn—resisting God's Word and work in our lives. But God wants His people to prepare the soil of their hearts to receive the seed of His Word by seeking Him. Seeking the Lord is like the early rain in farming season; it’s that essential ingredient that softens the soil and readies it for growth.

Don't wait. Seek Him eagerly and expectantly today. Meditate on Hosea 10:12; let it move you to examine your own life: Are you sowing seeds of righteousness and reaping the fruit of unfailing love?

It is never too late to seek the Lord—turn your heart to the One who promises to shower His abundant mercy and grace upon you.


God, sometimes my heart can be hardened to hearing Your Word. Forgive me! Break apart any stubborn sin in my life. Show me how to seek You first and shower me with Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

