

神は公正であり、慈悲深い God is Just and God is Merciful

2025-01-15 21:16:38 | 日記
God is Just and God is Merciful

Media headlines frequently express outrage at judges who are ‘soft on crime’ and fail to impose the appropriate penalty for the offence committed. When I worked as a barrister, I noticed that the legal profession did not respect judges who were regarded as too lenient. We expect judges to execute justice. We do not expect them simply to be merciful.

On the other hand, we do expect mercy in our personal relationships. A loving parent will be merciful to their child. We expect friends to be merciful to one another.

Justice and mercy do not normally go together. We tend to see them as alternatives. We expect *either* justice or mercy, but not both at the same time. Yet God is *both* a God who *judges with justice*, and also a *God of mercy*. How can he combine these two apparently contradictory characteristics? The answer is that the sacrifice of Jesus has made it possible for God to combine both justice and mercy.

When I first encountered Jesus, the following illustration helped me to understand what Jesus achieved for you and me on the cross: Two people went through school and university together and developed a close friendship. Life went on and they went their separate ways and lost contact. One went on to become a judge, while the other’s life spiralled downwards and he ended up as a criminal. One day the criminal appeared before the judge. He had committed a crime to which he pleaded guilty. The judge recognised his old friend and faced the dilemma, which, in effect, God faces. He was a judge so he had to be just; he couldn’t simply let the man off. On the other hand, he wanted to be merciful, because he loved his friend. So he fined him the correct penalty for the offence. That was *justice*. Then he came down from his position as judge and wrote a cheque for the amount of the fine. He gave it to his friend, saying that he would pay the penalty for him. That was an act of *mercy*, love and…

The illustration is not an exact one. Our plight is worse – the penalty we face is death. The relationship is closer – your Father in heaven loves you more than any earthly parent loves their child. And the cost is greater. It cost God far more than money – he came himself, in the person of Jesus, and paid the penalty of sin. God is not soft on crime. In his *justice*, God judges us because we are guilty. Then in his *mercy* and love he comes down in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ, and pays the penalty for us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, God is both just and merciful.

詩篇 9:13-20 NIV [13] 主よ、敵が私を迫害するのを見てください。あわれんで、死の門から私を引き上げてください。[14] 娘シオンの門であなたの賛美を告げ知らせ、あなたの救いをそこで喜ぶことができますように。[15] 諸国は自ら掘った穴に落ち、自ら隠した網に足を取られました。[16] 主は正義のわざによって知られ、悪者は自らの手のわざによって罠にかけられます。[17] 神を忘れる諸国の悪者はみな、死の国に下ります。[18] しかし、神は困っている者を決して忘れません。苦しむ者の希望は決して失われません。[19] 主よ、立ち上がってください。死すべき者たちに勝利を与えないでください。諸国の民をあなたの御前で裁いてください。[20] 主よ、彼らを恐怖で打ってください。 諸国民に、彼らがただ死ぬ運命にあることを知らせなさい。
Psalms 9:13-20 NIV [13] Lord, see how my enemies persecute me! Have mercy and lift me up from the gates of death, [14] that I may declare your praises in the gates of Daughter Zion, and there rejoice in your salvation. [15] The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. [16] The Lord is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. [17] The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God. [18] But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. [19] Arise, Lord, do not let mortals triumph; let the nations be judged in your presence. [20] Strike them with terror, Lord; let the nations know they are only mortal.

Rely on the justice of God

David knows that God is a God of justice: ‘The Lord is known by his justice’ (v.16). He also cries out for mercy: ‘Have mercy… that I may declare your praises’ (vv.13–14).

In this psalm, the desire for justice and the desire for mercy come together. David prays that God will have mercy on him by executing judgment on his enemies: ‘Arise, O Lord… let the nations be judged in your presence’ (v.19).

We sometimes think of justice in a negative way, as primarily about punishment. But justice is also profoundly positive. In Hebrew, the word for justice (mishpat) carries the sense of putting things right. It is because of God’s justice that David can be confident that ‘the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish’ (v.18).

Thank you, Lord, that you are a God of justice. Thank you that one day there will be justice for all those who face injustice in our world today. Thank you that one day there will be justice for the poor and the oppressed.

マタイによる福音書 12:1-21 NIV [1] そのころ、イエスは安息日に麦畑を通って行かれた。弟子たちは空腹だったので、穂を摘んで食べ始めた。[2] パリサイ人たちはこれを見て、イエスに言った。「ごらんなさい。あなたの弟子たちは安息日にしてはならないことをしています。」[3] イエスは答えられた。「ダビデとその仲間が空腹だったとき、何をしたか、あなたは読んだことがないのですか。[4] 彼は神の家に入り、仲間たちと聖別されたパンを食べた。それは彼らに許されておらず、祭司だけが食べていた。[5] あるいは、安息日に宮で務めをする祭司たちが安息日を汚しても罪がないと、律法で読んだことがないのですか。[6] わたしは言います。ここには宮よりも偉大なものがあります。[7] 『わたしが求めるのはあわれみであって、いけにえではない』という言葉の意味を知っていたなら、あなたがたは罪のない人たちを罪に定めなかったでしょう。 [8] 人の子は安息日の主であるからである。」 [9] イエスはそこから進んで会堂にはいられた。 [10] すると、そこに片手のなえた人がいた。彼らはイエスを訴える口実を探して、イエスに尋ねた。「安息日に人をいやすのは、よいことでしょうか。」 [11] イエスは言われた。「あなたがたのうちに、羊を一匹飼っている人がいて、それが安息日に穴に落ち込んだら、それをつかんで引き上げないだろうか。 [12] 人は羊よりも、はるかにすぐれたものである。だから、安息日に善を行うことはよいことである。」 [13] そこで、その人に、「手を伸ばしなさい」と言われた。そこで、手を伸ばすと、すっかり元通りになり、もう一方の手と同じようになっていた。 [14] ところが、パリサイ人たちは出て行って、イエスを殺そうと相談していた。 [15] イエスはそれを知って、その場所から立ち去られた。大勢の群衆がついて来たので、イエスは病人をみなおいやしになった。 [16] イエスは彼らに、自分について他の人に話さないようにと警告されました。[17] これは、預言者イザヤを通して語られたことを成就するためでした。[18] 「見よ、わたしが選んだわたしのしもべ、わたしが愛し、わたしが喜ぶ者。わたしは彼にわたしの霊を与える。彼は諸国民に正義を告げ知らせる。[19] 彼は争わず、叫ばず、街路で彼の声を聞く者はいない。[20] 彼は傷ついた葦を折らず、くすぶっている灯心を消すことなく、正義を勝利に導く。[21] 諸国民は彼の名に望みを置く。」
Matthew 12:1-21 NIV [1] At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. [2] When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.” [3] He answered, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? [4] He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. [5] Or haven’t you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent? [6] I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. [7] If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent. [8] For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” [9] Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue, [10] and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to bring charges against Jesus, they asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” [11] He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? [12] How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.” [13] Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. [14] But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus. [15] Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill. [16] He warned them not to tell others about him. [17] This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: [18] “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations. [19] He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets. [20] A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory. [21] In his name the nations will put their hope.”

Receive the mercy of Jesus

私たちは時々、「壊れ物 - 取り扱いにはご注意ください」という文字が貼られた小包を送ります。あなた自身もこのようなステッカーが必要だと感じたことはありませんか? あなたがそう感じる時、イエス様はあなたのためにそこにいます。
We sometimes send parcels with the words ‘Fragile – Handle with Care’ stuck on them. Have you ever felt in need of one of these stickers yourself? Jesus is there for you when you feel like this.

Jesus utterly rejected the legalism of the Pharisees (vv.1–12), quoting and fulfilling the prophecy of Hosea: ‘I desire mercy not sacrifice’ (Matthew 12:7; Hosea 6:6). Justice and legalism are not the same – indeed they can be opposites. Jesus breaks the legalistic pharisaical laws by healing a man on the Sabbath in an act of great mercy, love and compassion (Matthew 12:13–14).

イエスは正義と慈悲を兼ね備えています。イエスは神が諸国に正義をもたらすという旧約聖書の約束をすべて果たしました。ここでマタイはイザヤの預言(イザヤ書 42:1–4)を引用しており、イエスはそれを成就しました(マタイ 12:18–21)。イエスは「諸国に正義をもたらし」(18c節)、そして「正義を勝利に導く」(20c節)のです。
Jesus combines justice and mercy. He fulfilled all the promises of the Old Testament about God bringing justice to the nations. Here Matthew quotes Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 42:1–4), which Jesus fulfilled (Matthew 12:18–21). He would bring ‘justice to the nations’ (v.18c) and lead ‘justice to victory’ (v.20c).

Yet he is full of mercy, love and compassion: ‘A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out’ (v.20). There are times in life when we are physically, emotionally or spiritually fragile – like a ‘bruised reed’ or a ‘smouldering wick’.

Jesus continues to show us mercy, love and compassion when we are weak and fragile. When you are fragile, Jesus handles you with care.

Jesus is quoting one of the ‘servant songs’ from Isaiah 40–55. These songs are all about a suffering servant who will sacrifice his life in order to bring forgiveness of sins (Isaiah 52:13–53:12).

In these ‘servant songs’, God’s mercy and justice come together. The world is set right: injustice and oppression are ended, and the needy and broken are set free. Yet it is God himself who makes the sacrifice, who bears the punishment and consequences of our sins. Rather than being crushed by God’s justice, you are set free by it. At the cross, justice and mercy meet.

Thank you, Jesus, that you came as the suffering servant. Thank you that you enable justice and mercy to come together through your sacrifice on the cross.

創世記 31:1–55
Genesis 31:1–55
創世記 31:1 新共同訳 [1] ヤコブは、ラバンの息子たちが、「ヤコブは我々の父のものを全部奪ってしまった。父のものをごまかして、あの富を築き上げたのだ」と言っているのを耳にした。

Rejoice in the sacrifice of God

昇進の約束が果たされなかったり、報われない仕事を終わらせるために数え切れないほどの時間を遅くまで働いたりした経験はありませんか? 嫉妬、虚偽の告発、またはまったくの欺瞞の被害者になったことはありますか?
Have you ever experienced a promise of promotion that never came, or spent countless wasted hours working late to complete some thankless task? Have you ever been the victim of envy, false accusation or downright deception?

So much in this passage resonates with our day-to-day lives. In our everyday situations of frustration and pain, it is reassuring to know that the Lord always has the last word.

本質的に家族経営だった事業が崩壊したのがわかります。ラバンは義理の息子を当然のことと考えていたのかもしれません。ヤコブは自分の善意が悪用されたと感じたのは確かです。彼はラバンの「自分に対する態度は以前とは違っていた」と感じました (2 節)。彼は自分の仕事に 100% の力を入れ、全力を尽くして働きました。「私は全力で奉仕しました…」 (6 節、AMP)。
We see a breakdown in what was essentially a family business. Perhaps Laban took his son-in-law for granted. Certainly Jacob felt his goodwill had been abused. He felt Laban’s ‘attitude to him was not what it had been’ (v.2). He had given his job 100% effort – he had worked with all his strength: ‘I have served… with all my might and power’ (v.6, AMP).

Jacob’s terms of employment had been very tough. His father-in-law had been a fairly draconian boss. He had made Jacob pay for any loss that occurred due to accident or theft by others (v.39). His working conditions were very unsatisfactory (v.40).

Further, he felt cheated. Instead of putting his salary up, Laban appears to have put it down ten times (v.7). Rachel and Leah also felt they had been hard done by. They had been sold off to Jacob and then watched as their father envied their husband’s success (vv.14–16).

It is understandable that they all felt resentment towards Laban. However, their response was not very gracious. They all ran off when Laban was out at work. They did not give him the opportunity to say goodbye to his children and grandchildren (vv.26,28). On top of all that, for some incomprehensible reason, Rachel steals from her father without telling her husband.

In spite of all this, God blesses Jacob: ‘But God did not allow [Laban] to hurt me’ (v.7, AMP). He becomes more prosperous than Laban. It was actually God who had called Jacob to return home to Isaac and promised him ‘I will be with you’ (v.3). Although Jacob was doing the right thing, the way it was done was not right. Nevertheless, God intervened on his behalf by speaking to Laban in a dream (v.24). But for that, Jacob might have been sent away empty-handed (v.42).

In the end, they negotiate a satisfactory settlement. In the midst of this passage we see hints of the foreshadowing of what was to come. Both Jacob and Laban look to God for justice (v.53). Then there is sacrifice (v.54).

As they seek God’s justice and offer this sacrifice, we are reminded once more of the cross, where God’s justice and mercy come together.

創世記 31:32

Pippa Adds
Genesis 31:32
I wonder what on earth Rachel was doing stealing her father’s household gods? And, what was Laban doing having household gods in the first place?

Rachel had been stealing, lying and dishonouring her father. No wonder God needed to give us the Ten Commandments!

