shiwori + photo  ~ trip ・ travel ・ tour ~


Higashimurayama's landscape 1 我が街東村山!

2009-12-24 | JAPAN/Higashimurayama city 東村山






そう気づかせてくれたのは  姉妹都市の米・インディペンデンス市の友人。

 「Shiwori. Also don't forget that we like to see photos of Japan -even in Higashimurayama-  because they you are abroad to us.」



寒さも忘れて、気が済むまでシャッターを切った。 楽しかったなぁ・・・             



「こんな風景が(日本の東京の東村山に)あるんだ!」 と思ってもらえたらとっても嬉しいです。


I will introduce Higashimurayama and around beautiful landscape from now on.

I like to take photo of the place that I do not know. So, I had not taken my city's photo enough.

" I should take photo of my city also as one of Higashimurayama city's  photographer! ”                                                                   

I was influenced from my friend in Independence city as Higashimurayama's sister city and photographer's HP in near city Kansas city.
They take beautiful photo of their city's landscape.
And, my friend in Independence city Sandy said

"Shiwori, also don't forget that we like to see photos of Japan -even in Higashimurayama- because they you are abroad to us."

That's right!!! I noticed it once more.

So,I went taking of my city's landscape at my favorite place in Higashimurayama.
It named "TAMAKO".(It is a popular name.) TAMAKO is a reservoir.

Most of TAMAKO is city of Higashiyamato. However,it faces Higashimurayama a little.

 It was interesting.   I was mad about take. The cold of winter was also unrelated. 

I hope that many people like my photos and Higashimurayama's landscape.