I was born in Amakusa, in 1976. I entered Amakusa High School at the age of 16. I had the first encounter and impression of surrealism from the documentary film of Salvador Dali in art class there, drew oil painting piece of 1,167cmX910cm large inspired by abstract expressionism in the following year, and won the special award in the high school art competition of Kumamoto prefecture. For over 23 years since then, I present nihilism inspired by Dadaism through expressing phenomena and trends with drawings, solids, movies, performances, etc. Focusing on Japanese history in recent years since 2008, I found dépaysement of surrealism especially in attitude of porcelain making by Furuta Oribe, sengoku warrior and sophisticate in A.D.1600s, and continue creative activity inspired by commonality.
真珠子Shinjuko 1976年 天草生まれ。
16歳の時に、天草高校に入学。美術の授業で、サルバドール・ダリのドキュメンタリー映画を観て、初めてSurrealism(シュルレアリスム)に出会い感銘を受け、翌年、Abstract expressionism(抽象表現主義)の流れを汲んだキャンバス50号の油彩作品を発表。県の高校美術展に出展し特別賞を受賞。以後23年間、現実社会で起こっている現象や流行を絵画、立体、映像、パフォーマンスなどで表現しDadaism(ダダイズム)の流れを受け継いだ社会に対するニヒリズムを提示してきた。2008年以降~2015年現在は、日本の歴史に注目し特に、1600年代に活躍した戦国武将であり通人であった古田織部の作陶の姿勢にSurrealism(シュルレアリスム)で言うところの"Depaysement(デペイズマン)"的要素を見いだし、その共通性に影響を受け創作している。
2014.9~2015.Now All painting (on boad,Acrylic color pencil,on cloth,candle,)
2015.3 on boad,Acrylic color pencil
2015.3 on boad,Acrylic color pencil
2015.2 on boad,Acrylic color pencil
2015.5 on silk,Acrylic color pencil
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2015.1 on boad,Acrylic pencil
2015.1 on boad,Acrylic pencil
2014.11 on boad,Acrylic pencil
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2014.4 on Canvas Acrylic color pencil
2014,10 ceramic painting
2014,9 on cloth,candle,
2015.4 on boad Acrylic color pencil