ノルウエーにて、水棲巨大怪物「セルマ」を撮影!sea serpent in Norway
ノルウエーには シーサーペント(ウミヘビ)のような黒い目、馬のような頭部をもった怪物がいるという。昨年、学者が水中探査装置に何か未確認の生物の痕跡をキャッチしたが、今年はいよいよ捕獲にむけての活動にはいる模様である。
It is said that there is a monster who has black eyes like [shi-sa-pento] (sea serpent) and heads like the horse in Norway. It is finally in capture this year and will exist in the activity that can be peeled off last year though the scholar obtained signs of something an unconfirmed living thing for an underwater exploratory device.
A small aquatic organism is taken of a picture to the movie camera machine in water, and it is said that it will be Thelma's larva body.
It is said that there is a monster who has black eyes like [shi-sa-pento] (sea serpent) and heads like the horse in Norway. It is finally in capture this year and will exist in the activity that can be peeled off last year though the scholar obtained signs of something an unconfirmed living thing for an underwater exploratory device.
A small aquatic organism is taken of a picture to the movie camera machine in water, and it is said that it will be Thelma's larva body.
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