マスコミが報じない?!野口選手のコメントPlayer Noguchi of comments
Player Noguchi of the marathon not so reported comments though it flowed several times at the midnight at the LIVE relay etc.The comment is the one "Because UFO and [tsuchinoko] were able to be seen, the gold medal was able to be taken". Is it a gag of the first class of player Noguchi, and it close or is it an occult lover?Close though it is considerably wonderful when it likes to read like [mu-] ….
Player Noguchi of the marathon not so reported comments though it flowed several times at the midnight at the LIVE relay etc.The comment is the one "Because UFO and [tsuchinoko] were able to be seen, the gold medal was able to be taken". Is it a gag of the first class of player Noguchi, and it close or is it an occult lover?Close though it is considerably wonderful when it likes to read like [mu-] ….
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