Ghost story story that actor Koji Matoba announced in downtown DX. Matoba who heard the story that a certain age and a certain dam dried up went out to see with friends. The female figure to stop at night on the way was seen though it went out by several companions by one car. It came to be worried and it turned back though it passed by thoroughly as it is. However, there is no appearance of the woman. There are some bouquets when suddenly looking down one's throat. It returned to the car while making it to [zo] and it aimed at the dam as it was. However, it was not possible to pass on the road because of the landslide on the way, and it made a detour. It went for a while however, the cliff collapsed, and it did not get it ..no detour... It reached the graveyard at last when suddenly noticing repeating such a detour several times. Moreover, woman's laughter sounded in the ear of Matoba into whom driving changed with the friend and it extended.
関連記事 心霊 Japanese ghost photo
Ghost story story that actor Koji Matoba announced in downtown DX. Matoba who heard the story that a certain age and a certain dam dried up went out to see with friends. The female figure to stop at night on the way was seen though it went out by several companions by one car. It came to be worried and it turned back though it passed by thoroughly as it is. However, there is no appearance of the woman. There are some bouquets when suddenly looking down one's throat. It returned to the car while making it to [zo] and it aimed at the dam as it was. However, it was not possible to pass on the road because of the landslide on the way, and it made a detour. It went for a while however, the cliff collapsed, and it did not get it ..no detour... It reached the graveyard at last when suddenly noticing repeating such a detour several times. Moreover, woman's laughter sounded in the ear of Matoba into whom driving changed with the friend and it extended.
関連記事 心霊 Japanese ghost photo
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