ノ・ムヒョン前大統領暗殺という都市伝説The president assassination ?
The president assassination urban legend before Roh Moo Hyun
It is a contribution from author's reader. The president had committed suicide on the morning of the 23rd before Roh Moo Hyun pursued by a lot of doubts. It jumped off a cliff suddenly while strolling in the hillback at the inside and home that the person related to the police observed, and the fall death was done. At first, it is said that the murder theory has been rumored among supporters in local of the president before Roh Moo Hyun though the testament addressed to the family is discovered from former president personal computer and it is hardening in the suicide theory though the accident theory flowed, too. The former president is that it actually knows the secret of a certain group, and the party who had feared the indication killed the former president. It is said that it is uncertain it whether is the one that the grounds [sareru] testament of the suicide was stricken with the personal computer, and what the person in question made.
関連記事 他殺 陰謀?
The president assassination urban legend before Roh Moo Hyun
It is a contribution from author's reader. The president had committed suicide on the morning of the 23rd before Roh Moo Hyun pursued by a lot of doubts. It jumped off a cliff suddenly while strolling in the hillback at the inside and home that the person related to the police observed, and the fall death was done. At first, it is said that the murder theory has been rumored among supporters in local of the president before Roh Moo Hyun though the testament addressed to the family is discovered from former president personal computer and it is hardening in the suicide theory though the accident theory flowed, too. The former president is that it actually knows the secret of a certain group, and the party who had feared the indication killed the former president. It is said that it is uncertain it whether is the one that the grounds [sareru] testament of the suicide was stricken with the personal computer, and what the person in question made.
関連記事 他殺 陰謀?
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