'No tree ,it is said can grow to heaven unless its roots stretch to hell '
Can anyone explain this ?
Not in places where there’s heavy clay. Roots spread outward rather than downward 👌
That’s a good observation. We could therefore equate clay to our shadow aspects that prevent us from making good progress on our inner work such as how collective norm belief systems keep us unconscious.
“Before it (Individuation) can be taken as a goal, the educational aim of adaptation to the necessary minimum of collective norms must first be attained. If a plant is to unfold its specific nature to the full, it must first be able to grow in the soil in which it is planted. ~Carl Jung; “Definitions,” CW 6, para 760
"錬金術師は、木の象徴の下に相反するものの結合を見ていました...この世に根を張り、天に向かって成長する宇宙の木の象徴...人間でもある木です。象徴の歴史の中で、この木は人生そのもの、つまり永遠に存在し変化しないものへの成長として描かれています。この木は相反するものの結合から生まれ、その永遠の存在によってその結合を可能にしているのです」。~CGユング、CW9i、para. 198
生きている者の中で、キリストであり、生きた肉体を持って地獄に旅立つ者がいるだろうか?~カール・ユング著『Liber Novus』300ページ。
"古代人は自分の魂を見つけるために、砂漠に行きました。これはイメージです。古代人はその象徴を生きていた...。こうして彼らは、魂の居場所が孤独な砂漠であることを教えるために、砂漠の孤独の中に入っていったのである。" ~ C.G.ユング『赤い本』より
死の間の三日間の地獄への降下は、消えた価値が無意識の中に沈み、そこで闇の力に打ち勝って新しい秩序を確立し、再び天に昇っていく、つまり意識の最高の明晰さを獲得することを描いている。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』脚注135、243ページ。
"魂の闇夜、信じていたもの、自分だと思っていたものを完全に消滅させなければ、再生はありえない。" ~ハズラト イナヤット カーン
生きようとする狂った意志を捨て、底なしの霧の中に落ちていくように見えるとき、本当に本当の人生が始まる 私はその入り口がココナッツオイルの1000の小さな炎に照らされているのを見た。
~ カール・G・ユング『赤い本』より
"イニシエートは水の中に潜り、そして新たに出てくる。水の中に潜るということは、無意識の中に入っていくということであり、深みの中では、人はもはや単一で分離した存在ではなく、すべてを包み込む存在であり、創造的な神そのものである。この非日常的な体験こそが、昔の神秘の教えでは意識的な行為であった無意識の中に入ることの本当の目的なのです。今では誰もそのような体験の本当の意味を知りません。" ~カール・ユング
It’s basically talking about the transcendent function, the coniunctio, the encounter with the Greater Personality, etc. The event where the ego become subservient to the Self.
No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. ~Carl Jung, chapter 5, Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self.
“The alchemist saw the union of opposites under the symbol of the tree… the symbol of the cosmic tree rooted in this world and growing up to heaven-the tree that is also man. In the history of symbols this tree is described as the way of life itself, a growing into that which eternally is and does not change; which springs from the union of opposites and, by its eternal presence, also makes that union possible.” ~CG Jung, CW 9i, para. 198
The transcendent function is not something one does oneself; it comes rather from experiencing the conflict of opposites. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 269
Without the experience of the opposites there is no experience of wholeness and hence no inner approach to the sacred figures. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 24.
The tendencies of the conscious and the unconscious are the two factors that together make up the transcendent function. It is called "transcendent" because it makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible.[The Transcendent Function," CW8, par. 145.]
This produces a new attitude to the world, whose very difference offers a new potential. It is equivalent to a renewal of life, which Eckhart symbolizes by God's birth. ~Jung, CW6 ¶ 427
I wait, secretly anxious. I see a tree arise from the sea. Its crown reaches to Heaven and its roots reach down into Hell. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 300.
Who among the living is Christ and journeys to Hell in living flesh? ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 300.
"To find their soul, the ancients went into the desert. This is an image. The ancients lived their symbols... Thus they went into the solitude of the desert to teach us that the place of the soul is a lonely desert." ~ C. G. Jung, The Red Book
The three days descent into Hell during death describes the sinking of the vanished value into the unconscious, where, by conquering the power of darkness, it establishes a new order, and then rises up to heaven again, that is, attains supreme clarity of consciousness. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Footnote 135, Page 243.
Incidentally-mustn't it be a peculiarly beautiful feeling to hit bottom in reality at least once, where there is no going down any further, but only upward beckons at best? Where for once one stands before the whole height of reality? ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 265.
Only those people who can really touch bottom can be human. Therefore Meister Eckhart says that one should not repent too much of one’s sins because it might keep one away from grace. One is only confronted with the spiritual experience when one is absolutely human. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 394
"There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were." ~Hazrat Inayat Khan
“You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame;
how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?”
~Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.
The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the center.
You find the jewel, and it draws you off.
In loving the spiritual, you cannot despise the earthly.
~Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion
When you can give up the crazy will to live and when you seemingly fall into a bottomless mist, then the truly real life begins I saw its entrance illuminated by a thousand small flames of coconut oil.
I knew I was to enter the temple and I would reach full knowledge. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 357-358
When I comprehend my darkness a truly magnificent night came over me, and my dream plunged into the depths of millennia and from it my phoenix ascended.
~ Carl G. Jung, The Red Book
"The initiate moves under water and then emerges renewed. Being submerged under water means going down into the unconscious, and there in the depths one is no longer single and separated, one is all-embracing, one is the creative god themselves. This extraordinary experience is really the purpose in going into the unconscious, which was a conscious act in the old mystery teaching. Now no one knows what such an experience really means." ~Carl Jung.
根に隠された秘密は、瓶の中に封印された精霊である。当然のことながら、最初から根の中に隠されていたわけではなく、まず瓶の中に封じ込められ、それが隠された。それを魔術師、つまり錬金術師が捕まえて封じ込めたのだろう。後述するように、この精霊は木の根源のようなもので、メルクリウスの定義の一つである「植物の精霊」です。木の生命原理として、木から抽出された精神的な真髄のようなものであり、個性化の原理とも言える。木は、自己の実現を外に向かって目に見える形で示すものとなります。錬金術師も同様の考えを持っていたと思われる。Aurelia occulta "には、「哲学者たちは、地上の楽園の真ん中に立つ木の中心を最も熱心に探した」と書かれている。同じ資料によると、キリスト自身がこの木であるという。この木の比較は早くもアレクサンドリアのエウロギウス(紀元600年頃)に見られ、彼は次のように述べています。メルクリウスも、trinus et unusです。
つまり、心理学的な言葉に置き換えると、メルクリウスの本質(principal individualuationis)は、自然条件の下では自由に発達するはずだったのに、外部からの意図的な介入によって自由を奪われ、悪霊のように巧みに閉じ込められ、追放されたという童話です。悪霊だけが閉じ込められなければならず、その悪霊の邪悪さは殺意によって示された)。仮に、このおとぎ話が正しく、その霊が本当にその話のように邪悪だったとすると、個性化原理を幽閉した主人には善意があったと結論づけざるを得ません。しかし、人間の個性化の原理を追放する力を持つ、この善意のマスターは誰なのだろうか?そのような力は、霊的な領域の魂の支配者にのみ与えられるものである」。
The purpose of nearly all rebirth rites is to unite the above with the below. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 260
“Therefore after his death Christ had to journey to Hell, otherwise the ascent to Heaven would have become impossible for him. Christ first had to become his Antichrist, his under-worldly brother.
No one knows what happened during the three days Christ was in Hell. I have experienced it. The men of yore said that he had preached there to the deceased. What they say is true, but do you know how this happened?
It was folly and monkey business, an atrocious Hell’s masquerade of the holiest mysteries. How else could Christ have saved his Antichrist? Read the unknown books of the ancients, and you will learn much from them. Notice that Christ did not remain in Hell, but rose to the heights in the beyond.”~Carl Jung, from The Red Book, page 224
Jung elaborates on the OP quote here:
“The oak stands for the still unconscious core of the personality, the plant symbolism indicating a state of deep unconsciousness. From this it may be concluded that the hero of the fairytale is profoundly unconscious of himself. He is one of the “sleepers,” the “blind” or “blindfolded,” whom we encounter in the illustrations of certain alchemical treatises. They are the unawakened who are still unconscious of themselves, who have not yet integrated their future, more extensive personality, their “wholeness,” or, in the language of the mystics, the ones who are not yet “enlightened.” For our hero, therefore, the tree conceals a great secret.
The secret is hidden not in the top but in the roots of the tree; and since it is, or has, a personality it also possesses the most striking marks of personality—voice, speech, and conscious purpose, and it demands to be set free by the hero. It is caught and imprisoned against its will, down there in the earth among the roots of the tree. The roots extend into the inorganic realm, into the mineral kingdom. In psychological terms, this would mean that the Self has its roots in the body, indeed in the body’s chemical elements. Whatever this remarkable statement of the fairytale may mean in itself, it is in no way stranger than the miracle of the living plant rooted in the inanimate earth. The alchemists described their four elements as radices , corresponding to the Empedoclean rhizomata , and in them they saw the constituents of the most significant and central symbol of alchemy, the lapis philosophorum , which represents the goal of the individuation process.
The secret hidden in the roots is a spirit sealed inside a bottle. Naturally it was not hidden away among the roots to start with, but was first confined in a bottle, which was then hidden. Presumably a magician, that is, an alchemist, caught and imprisoned it. As we shall see later, this spirit is something like the numen of the tree, its spiritus vegetativus , which is one definition of Mercurius. As the life principle of the tree, it is a sort of spiritual quintessence abstracted from it, and could also be described as the principium individuationis. The tree would then be the outward and visible sign of the realization of the Self. The alchemists appear to have held a similar view. Thus the “Aurelia occulta” says: “The philosophers have sought most eagerly for the centre of the tree which stands in the midst of the earthly paradise.” According to the same source, Christ himself is this tree. The tree comparison occurs as early as Eulogius of Alexandria ( c . A.D. 600), who says: “Behold in the Father the root, in the Son the branch, and in the Spirit the fruit: for the substance [ οὐσία ] in the three is one.” Mercurius, too, is trinus et unus.
So if we translate it into psychological language, the fairytale tells us that the mercurial essence, the principium individuationis , would have developed freely under natural conditions, but was robbed of its freedom by deliberate intervention from outside, and was artfully confined and banished like an evil spirit. (Only evil spirits have to be confined, and the wickedness of this spirit was shown by its murderous intent.) Supposing the fairytale is right and the spirit was really as wicked as it relates, we would have to conclude that the Master who imprisoned the principium individuationis had a good end in view. But who is this well-intentioned Master who has the power to banish the principle of man’s individuation? Such power is given only to a ruler of souls in the spiritual realm.”
~CG Jung, CW 13, Paragraphs 241-244.
カール・ユング、"Coniunctio" "Unus Mundus" レキシコンについて
ユングが使用した他の錬金術用語で、心理学的にほぼ同等の意味を持つものには、unio mystica(神秘的な、あるいは神聖な結婚)、coincidentia oppositorum(相反するものの一致)、complexio oppositorum(相反するものが一つのイメージに具現化されたもの) unus mundus(一つの世界)、賢者の石などがある。
Carl Jung on the “Coniunctio” “Unus Mundus” Lexicon
Literally, “conjunction,” used in alchemy to refer to chemical combinations; psychologically, it points to the union of opposites and the birth of new possibilities.
The coniunctio is an a priori image that occupies a prominent place in the history of man’s mental development.
If we trace this idea back we find it has two sources in alchemy, one Christian, the other pagan.
The Christian source is unmistakably the doctrine of Christ and the Church, sponsus and sponsa, where Christ takes the role of Sol and the Church that of Luna.
The pagan source is on the one hand the hieros-gamos, on the other the marital union of the mystic with God.[“The Psychology of the Transference,” CW 16, par. 355.]
Other alchemical terms used by Jung with a near-equivalent psychological meaning include unio mystica (mystic or sacred marriage), coincidentia oppositorum (coincidence of opposites), complexio oppositorum (the opposites embodied in a single image) unus mundus (one world) and Philosophers’ Stone.