


2021-03-28 19:12:27 | 心理学


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            司会進行:海野裕美子(同) 資料協力:山口正男
    第11回:4月1日(木)20:00 〜 22:00 (開場19:45)
  ■ テキスト: C.G.ユング『分析心理学セミナー』
   ・ 適宜、英語原文、創元社版邦訳も参照します。
   ・ テキストを読んでいない方でも、資料を見ながらの進行なので参加可能です。
   ・ シリーズ途中からでの参加でも全く問題ありません。お気軽にご参加ください。
  ■ 会場:オンライン開催(zoomミーティングルーム形式)
  ■ 会費:1,000円

  ■ 参加申し込みページ https://jungstudy20210401.peatix.com
  ■ 主催:ユング心理学研究会 http://jung2012.jimdo.com/
  ■ 問い合わせ:研究会事務局 jungtokyo_info@yahoo.co.jp

夢は神様からの手紙のようなものです。 そろそろ手紙の返事をしてみませんか?

2021-03-28 05:10:33 | 心理学


Dreams are like letters from God.
Isn't it time you answered your mail?


フォン・フランツ しかし、一般的には、非常に若い人たちの夢は、人生に適応するのを助けようとするものだと言えるでしょう。



Marie-Louise von Franz


Our conscious life seems to go through definite stages of development - childhood, adolescence etc. Do dreams show a parallel development?
Von Franz: There is an essential difference between the dreams of very young people and of ageing people, and in the middle of life there is a transition stage where it’s mixed up, but you can say that in general in very young people the dreams try to help them to adapt to life;
 there is an outward moving towards adaptation of life - to fulfil the love life, the personal ambition, the ego identity and all these goals of the first half of life. 

And then the more people are ageing, after 35 or 40 years old, there is an adaptation towards the inner life - finding one’s own meaning of life - but nowadays even that becomes sometimes urgent with young people.

We are so crushed by the mass mindedness of our civilizations due to the problem of overpopulation. Everybody feels superfluous, everybody feels ‘If I would be removed to the cemetery that would change nothing in the whole reality, mankind would just teem on on this planet and there would be just one less who eats the food and that would be really a blessing.’
 So the mass mindedness and our whole situation crushes us and makes us feel superfluous and unimportant. In our professional life we can always be replaced by 20 others who want the same post, there is a bustling around about having the same position, and that has a very destructive effect on modern man; either he compensates it by becoming ambitious and megalomanic and wanting to be the top dog to at least achieve something, or he feels completely crushed and superfluous, and there is a kind of sneaky depression coming up in him. And that sneaky depression you find for instance nowadays in many young people. They are kind of in a hidden way deeply depressed and discouraged. 
They don’t believe in their own life and in the meaning of their own existence. Now all the dreams centre around pointing out to the individual the unique meaning of its unique life and that is perhaps the most important aspect of the dreamlife.

Marie-Louise von Franz






2021-03-27 23:35:09 | 心理学

感謝の気持ち アラン・ホフマン
- ゲーテ

Gratitude Alan Hoffman
"In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the universities and academies. If someone else comes along with new ideas that contradict the Credo and in fact even threaten to overturn it, then all passions are raised against this threat and no method is left untried to suppress it. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally being accepted." 
— Goethe


"I have found over and over again that it is not worthwhile speaking to an unprepared public. My whole psychology is such that it can be accepted only by someone who is ready for it. It is too little in accord with the conscious expectations of the time to be grafted on to something known."
~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pg.130. (responding to an invite to speak in France)


2021-03-27 21:03:00 | 心理学


Mass man as a black hole from which individual thinking arises. How far have we come?

~ジェームス・ヒルマン、James Hillman on Changing the Object of Our Desire、youtube.
ジェームズ・ヒルマン 欲望の対象を変えることについて

How far have we come as a society in our Individuation process of becoming more and more conscious out of the Mass-man state of unconsciousness?
Did I reword the OP properly?
[that’s what 9/11 was, a wake-up call]
37.17-- Sometimes the only healing is radical shock and sometimes it is very gradual. The healing of our consciousness is to ‘wake up’ and that is what Socrates said and what the Buddha said, to awaken. We need a wake-up call… that’s what 9/11 was, a wake-up call, God… it takes that to wake us up? You have to blast the twin towers to wake us up? And that didn’t do it, it didn’t do it… Paul Revere tried to run around waking people up, that’s, one of the earliest myths of America, Wake up, the British are coming! It doesn’t matter who’s coming… we don’t wake up. So we’re committed to staying asleep or to staying in Plato’s cave or staying innocent. So healing is not something very easy, it may take catastrophe, it may take an enormous amount of change before there’s that awakening. Maybe it is actually happening. Maybe there is an awakening going on in small places by individual people all over the place and in all kinds of things. I think that that kind of change is happening, there is a waking up. But let’s watch out for ‘hope’, hope doesn’t do it. Hope…is an evil… because it projects you forward and takes you away from what is…” (like voting and hoping that the candidate is able to manifest the values that we project onto him or her.)
~James Hillman, James Hillman on Changing the Object of our Desire, youtube.
James Hillman on Changing the Object of our Desire

1993年に出版された著書「We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy-And the World's Getting Worse」についてのJames Hillmanインタビュー
"心理学者の仕事は、人々を目覚めさせることである。" ~「ジェームズ・ヒルマン-A Deeper Look」。
ヒルマン; 麻酔。ロバート・J・リプトンはそれを心理的麻痺と呼んでいます。私たちは麻酔をかけられているので、反応することもなく、怒りを感じることもありません。15万人のイラク人、主に子供たち、主に若者たちが爆撃され、破壊されました。政府がこの事実を教えてくれないのではなく、誰もこの事実を尋ねようとしないのです。それが麻酔なのです。
10.20- 英雄的な個人主義、ある種の「自分ファースト」?
21.00-. 心理学者の仕事は人々の目を覚ますことです。ソクラテスの時代からずっとそうでしたし、アリストテレスは「人間はもともと政治的な動物である」と言っています。つまり、セラピストのオフィスに入ってくる人は、まず第一に市民であり、次に患者であり、市民としての生活を送っていなければ、病気になるということです。
ジェームズ・ヒルマン - 深い考察
ジェームス・ヒルマン - A Deeper Look

James Hillman interview on the 1993 release of his book; “We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy—And the World's Getting Worse”
I don’t think it’s the job of the psychologist to have a program.
"The job of the psychologist is to wake people up." ~“James Hillman - A Deeper Look”,
2.30—dysfunctional society, so maybe there’s a collective-level thing that is going on, something that is beyond you, me or me and my wife or me and my son… there’s something in the collective psyche, in the soul of the world, at a level beyond personal solutions.
3.20—what do we do about it? I say in the book that instead of the couple looking into each other’s eyes, trapped in their room and fighting it out, they also need to stand side by side and fight the world and abuses that are going on So it’s not only you trying to solve my loneliness in my relationship but realize that my loneliness is part of a political, social and economic situation. So I’ve got a lot to do with the abuses put on me from the world, not only the abuses that are put on me by my spouse or my father and my mother.
Rather than two people fighting each other the fight could then be towards the corruptions and pollutions and intoxications that are going on in the world… so that psychotherapy would make you more sensitive to what’s going on immediately in your life rather than what happened to you 40 years ago.
9.04—Question; what would you say are the most pressing psychiatric problems of society as a whole, the ones that need fixing the most?
Hillman; Anesthesia. Robert J. Lipton calls it psychic numbing. The fact that we are an-asthetic or numbed so that we don’t react, we are not outraged. 150,000 Iraqis mostly children, mostly young people were bombed and destroyed. Its not that our government doesn’t tell us this fact, it’s that no one even asks this fact. That’s anesthesia.
Would it be healthier if everybody was sensitized to that fact? Yes, absolutely. It hurts a lot less to not see it. That’s called denial. We live a culture of denial. And then we can perpetrate terrible horrors from Panama to Salvador to Iraq to the homeless, to anything because we don’t want to feel it.
10.20— heroic individualisms, a sort of me first?
21.00—. The job of the psychologist is to wake people up. Ever since Socrates its been that way and Aristotle said; “Man by nature is a political animal”… so that means the person who walks into the therapist’s office is first of all a citizen and then a patient, and if you’re not living your citizen life you’re going to be sick… if you’re ‘first of all’ a political animal.
Interviewer says; it sounds in a way like you’re urging people to take more responsibility for what goes on around them, not simply be a passive victim. (Hillman agrees.)
Hillman says; I think the whole notion of being a victim and a survivor, or an abused child or an adult child or the child of an adult children or whatever the recovery names are, it is all saying the same thing; “I’m focused on my inner child and therefore I don’t vote because this thing is bigger than me.” What voice is saying this thing is bigger than me, I can’t do much about it? That’s a child speaking and we have infantilized our culture with this therapeutic stuff about the inner child.
22.30—it depends on the kind of therapy. A lot has to do whether you’re thinking communally or individually first. And in our culture, especially in the last 100 years since the 19th century, the heyday of individualism, we think of the “me-first” (me too campaign)… We don’t think of the community first. Once you begin to shift a little bit, is what I’m doing and thinking and feeling good for the community or a community, whatever community it is, you will think differently.
25.20—or go to therapy and talk about it.
25.45—there’s nothing about tearing down, the thing (society) is already crumbling, we don’t have to tear it down, as Ventura says in the book, we’re living in an avalanche. Another metaphor is, we’re on the Titanic and the ship is going down, do you fix the plumbing while the ship is going down, what is therapy going to do when the ship is going down, assuming that the world is getting worse? And if the ship is going down, what is the task of the individual?
James Hillman - A Deeper Look
James Hillman - A Deeper Look



2021-03-27 10:16:46 | 心理学

私たちの中には、自分の知らないもう一人の自分がいます。彼は夢の中で私たちに語りかけ、私たちが自分自身を見ているのとは違った見方をしていることを教えてくれます。そのため、私たちが解決策のない困難な状況に陥ったとき、彼はときに私たちの態度を根本的に変える光を灯すことができる--困難な状況に陥ったときの態度そのものを。~CGユング『全集』第10巻、par. 325.

In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves. When, therefore, we find ourselves in a difficult situation to which there is no solution, he can sometimes kindle a light that radically alters our attitude – the very attitude that led us into the difficult situation. ~CG Jung, Collected Works, vol. 10, par. 325.
Within us there is someone who knows everything, wills everything, does everything better then we do ourselves. ~Hermann Hesse.