Nowaday my interests

2012-04-15 23:33:33 | 小さなこと
Hello, my name is Tatsuya, who lives in Nara, Japan.

I usually write my weblog in Japanese, but this time I declare that I try to write it in English.

First, I'd like you to introduce myself.

My name is Tatsuya. I live in Nara and work at an ad agency. I went to university until this March and I graduated.

My major was translation between English and Japanese, especially the localization how Japanese specific cultures are translated in English.

I've been learning English for 12 years and have got interested in comparing Japanese and English.

I want to brush up my English - that'ds why I write my weblog in English.

Until now, I went to some foreign countries and communicated with people in English. I really appreciate my environment to learn many things.

At the same time, I've thought I want to use English to express my opinion on the web.

Actually, I have many interests (this is the theme of this article) to many things. But sadly, I've only had opportunities to tell those interests to only my friends in Japanese.

I'm not satisfied with it, because I can't know other people's opinions in this world. Even though there are 120 million people in Japan, it means I can communicate with only 120 million people.

I have another reason to use English.

As using English, I think I can tell what Japan is like to all over the world.

There are many "common senses" in Japan that are not "common" in this world. Some are because of the cultural diferences, others are because of the states' backgrounds are different. (But it's very difficult to clarify the definition of "cultures". It includes foods, religion, state's mechanism...)

Even though it's said there are diversities in Japan, I think the roots (origins) are similar in each person.

Almost all of Japanese believe Buddhism or Shinto religion.

We eat rice mainly.

Many go to university and then decide which ways to live.

Even though we emphasize "diversity", is there any "common value" in the bottom of our (Japanese) heart?

This weblog is a good tool to tell my opinion and communicate with the people who have totally different backgrounds, the ways of thinking.

Off course it might be challenging to communicate without same basis, I want to try.

That's why I decided to use English here.

OK, so I write my interests nowadays below.

1. the relationships of a person, company, and state - I'm wondering how companies or state (government and administration) work to stand on the state person's own feet. I think Japan as a state isn't mature to support each person and it doesn't work.

2. the values of currency - I don't think it is absolutely only one measure to define value. I'm wondering the tie with people (like SNS) or reliability (it can't be measured by currency) will become one of measures (alternatives of currency) in this world.

3. how to live (earn money), how to realize my dreams - Though I don' want to be depend on money, it's necessary to live in some phases. I'm wondering how I earn and live. My vision is to create some ways to earn a bit of money. If I have 10 ways to earn 30 thousand yen a month, I can earn 300 thousand yen in each month. (It's namely how to disperse risks.)

4. enhance the way of thinking, broadening my eyes to accept many sense of value. I want to be a person with horizontal thinking.

5. how to cultivate foods - Now I work and earn to buy foods, but finally, it's true that making foods (rice, vegetables, meets...) in my own field is the best way, because there are no insurance that I can exchange currency and foods.

6. how to provide electricity - I can't live without electricity. I use my mobile, my laptop. I commute by train. I use a microwave to cook. How can I (we) live without electricity?
As a big earthquake happend in Japan, it told us that electricity is indispensable and it's very rare if the plant stops.
Now I use it without anxiety, I wonder what if I cannot use it when some disaster happens...

I have more things to write, but those above are my nowadays interests.

I try to tell my thought and opinion in English now and then.
