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〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]

〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]

本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社


第17章 アジア諸地域の変革運動 2南アジア・東南アジアの植民地化と民族運動の黎明

東南アジアの大陸部では、18世紀後半から19世紀にかけて、ビルマ(ミャンマー)、タイ、ベトナムの3国のもとが形成された。ビルマでは、18世紀中ごろ、トゥングー王国がモン人のペグー王国によって滅ぼされたが、内陸におこったビルマ人の勢力が南下してコンバウン朝(Konbaung, アラウンパヤー朝 Alaungpaya, 1752~1885)をおこした。この王朝は、ほぼ現在のミャンマーと等しい地域を領有し、さらにタイにすすんでアユタヤ王国を滅ぼし、また西のインドのアッサム地方に侵攻した。
 19世紀のはじめ、ベンガル湾から東南アジア、中国への道をめざしていたイギリスは、コンバウン朝と3次にわたってイギリス=ビルマ戦争(1824~26, 52~53, 85~86)をおこし、1885年にコンバウン朝を滅ぼした。翌年、ビルマは直轄州としてインド帝国に併合された。
 ベトナムでは、17世紀以降、北部の鄭氏と中部の阮氏が勢力を二分していたが、18世紀後半にタイソン(西山)党の農民反乱がおこって、両氏はともに滅亡した。阮氏の一族である阮福暎(1762~1820, 嘉隆帝 在位1806~20)は、タイやフランス人の宣教師ピニョー(Pigneau, 1741~99)らの援助を得て、1802年、タイソン党をやぶって全ベトナムを統一して阮朝をおこしてフエを都とし、清朝に朝貢し、国号をベトナム(越南)と定めた。
 ナポレオン3世治下のフランスは、中国交易の拠点を求めて、インドシナへの侵略を開始し、1862年、サイゴン(現ホーチミン)を中心とする南部を奪い、直轄植民地とした(第1次サイゴン条約)。さらにフランスはメコン川をさかのぼってカンボジア王国、ついでベトナムを保護国化した(第2次フエ条約 1884)。しかし、宗主国の清はこれを認めず、1884年、清仏戦争(1884~85)がおこった。清にベトナムへの宗主権を放棄させたフランスは、1887年にベトナムとカンボジアをあわせてフランス領インドシナ連邦を成立させ、1899年にはラオスもこれに加えた。
 シャム(タイ)では1782年、アユタヤ王国の武将であったチャクリ(Chakri, ラーマ1世 RamaI, 在位1782~1809)がバンコクを都とするラタナコーシン朝(Ratanakosin, バンコクBangkok, 1782~)をおこし、ビルマの侵入を退け、現在のタイの領域全域に支配を広げ、華人商人を仲介とする対中国交易で栄えた。
 シャムは19世紀中ごろから英仏に不平等条約を強制されたが、開放的な政策を維持して独立を保った。1880年代、チュラロンコン大王(Chulalongkorn, ラーマ5世 RamaV, 在位1868~1910)のもとで、近代化政策(チャクリ改革)がすすめられた。これにより、近代的な内閣制度や財政システムが導入され、諸侯が廃されて全土に県が置かれた。また、非自由民が解放され、近代的学校制度が整備された。鉄道も敷設され、郵便局制度が導入された。外交においても、列強との交渉によって国境線を画定し、治外法権の撤廃にも成功した。

 1830年代にジャワ島のイスラーム諸侯の反乱(ジャワ戦争, 1825~30)を鎮圧したオランダは、強制栽培制度をつくり、コーヒー、サトウキビ、藍などの商品作物をつくって、大きな利益を得た。以後、オランダは着々と領土を拡大し、20世紀はじめまでに、ほぼ現在のインドネシアにあたる地域を植民地化した。
 現地人のカトリック化のすすんだフィリピンでは、早くから現地人司祭の任用を求める運動がはじまっていた。19世紀末にホセ=リサール(José Rizal, 1861~96)らが独立のためにフィリピン民族同盟を結成し、スペインの支配に抗議した。しかし、スペインはこれらの言語活動を弾圧したために、1896年、カティプーナン党が武力革命を開始した。革命軍はアメリカ=スペイン戦争に助けられ、1899年にはルソン全島を解放し、アギナルド(Aguinaldo, 1869~1964)を大統領とするマロロス共和国を樹立した。しかし、アメリカ=スペイン戦争の結果、フィリピンの領有権を得たアメリカ合衆国は、マロロス軍をやぶって(フィリピン=アメリカ戦争, 1899~1902)、フィリピンを合衆国政府の任命するフィリピン委員会が統治する直轄植民地にした。
 オランダ植民地下のインドネシアでは、20世紀のはじめに、ジャワの伝統文化の再評価を通じて、民族意識の形成をめざすブディ=ウトモ(Budi Utomo, 最高の英知)運動や、ムスリム商人の団体からはじまり、現地人の相互扶助や啓蒙活動を目的とするサレカット=イスラーム(Sarekat Islam, イスラーム同盟)が生まれた。これらの運動は1910年代末から、しだいに反オランダ独立運動に発展していった。
 フランス植民地下のベトナムでは、伝統的知識人のファン=ボイ=チャウ(Phan Boi Chau, 1867~1940)が、立憲君主政による独立をめざし、1904年に維新会を組織した。維新会が中心となって、日露戦争に勝利した日本に学ぶために、日本への留学をすすめるドンズー(Dong Du, 東遊)運動が展開された。しかしフランスとの協調をはかる日本政府によって留学生は追放され、運動は失敗に終わった。いっぽう、フランスとの提携によるベトナムの近代化を求めるファン=チュー=チン(Phan Chu Trinh, 1872~1926)らは、ドンキン義塾を設立して啓蒙活動を展開したが、これもフランスによって弾圧された。以後、ベトナムの民族運動は、ファン=ボイ=チャウらの武力闘争と、ファン=チュー=チンの系譜をひくフランスとの提携路線に分裂する。

3 清の動揺と変貌する東アジア

第18章 世界戦争の時代 4アジア・アフリカでの国家形成の動き

 オランダ領東インド会社では、1920年代から、地域や宗教の枠をこえインドネシアとしての統合をめざす独立運動が展開されるようになった。1920年に結成されたインドネシア共産党は、急速にその勢力を拡大し、26~27年にスマトラやジャワで蜂起したが、オランダ軍により壊滅させられた。しかし、1927年にはスカルノ(Sukarno, 1901~70)の指導下にインドネシア国民党が結成され、ムルデカ(独立)運動を提唱した。1930年代に入ると、オランダ側の弾圧が強化されて指導者の大部分が逮捕され、第二次世界大戦中の1942年には日本軍の侵攻を受けた。
 ベトナムでは、1920年代に植民地支配からの独立をめざす諸政党が生まれた。ホー=チ=ミン(Ho Chi Minh, 1890~1969)は、ベトナム青年革命同志会を母体に、1930年にインドシナ共産党を結成した。共産党はベトナム中部で蜂起し、また民族主義政党のベトナム国民党も30年に北部で蜂起したが、いずれもフランス軍によって鎮圧された。1936年にフランスに人民戦線政府が成立すると、ベトナムでも共産党と民族主義政党の統一戦線が結成され、地方議会に進出した。しかし、これも弾圧を受けて壊滅状況となり、1940年には日本軍が進駐してきた。
 ビルマでは、1930年にサヤ=サン(Saya San, 1876~1931)が指導する大規模な農民運動がおこったが、イギリス軍によって大弾圧を受けた。同年、ラングーン大学の学生を中心にタキン(Thakin, 主人)党が結成され、やがてアウン=サン(Aung San, 1915~47)の指導下に反英独立運動を展開した。いっぽう、タイでは、1932年に立憲革命がおこり、憲法を発布して議会を開設された。フィリピンでは、アメリカ合衆国が1934年に自治を認め、10年後の独立を約束した。これにより35年に独立準備政府が発足した。

第19章 戦後世界秩序の形成 2 植民地の独立と世界政治

 仏領インドシナでは、1945年、抗日組織ベトナム独立同盟の指導者ホー=チ=ミンが、ベトナム民主共和国の独立を宣言した。宗主国のフランスはこれを認めず、インドシナ戦争(1946~54)となった。フランスは、49年に阮朝最後の皇帝バオ=ダイ(Bao Dai, 在位1925~45)を元首にしてフランス連合の一員としてベトナム国を独立させ、ベトナム民主共和国に対抗させた。54年には、ディエンビエンフーのフランス軍要塞の陥落を機に、ジュネーヴ会議によって休戦協定が成立した。この結果、北緯17度線を境界に、北側をホー=チ=ミンを国家主席とするベトナム民主共和国が、南側をバオ=ダイを追放したゴ=ディン=ジエム(Ngo Dinh Diem, 在職1955~63)を大統領とするベトナム共和国が支配するようになり、それぞれ中ソ、アメリカ合衆国の支援に受けて対立を深めた。また、54年のジュネーヴ会議では、すでに独立を宣言していたラオスとカンボジアの独立が正式に承認された。ラオスでは左派と右派の政治対立があって内戦となったが、カンボジアではシハヌーク(Sihanouk, 1922~2012)が中立政策をすすめた。
 インドネシアでは、日本の敗戦直後に国民党のスカルノ(Sukarno, 在職1949~67)らが独立を宣言し、それを認めない宗主国オランダとの間に4年にわたる独立戦争をつづけ、1949年にインドネシア共和国の独立を認めさせた。
 ビルマ(現ミャンマー)も、1948年に共和国としてイギリスから独立したが、共産党や少数民族の内乱がつづいて政情は不安定であった。62年のクーデタでネ=ウィン(Ne Win, 1911~2002)の軍事政権が成立し、産業国有化や貿易統制による経済の自立をめざした。しかし、この政策はビルマの国際的な孤立と経済の停滞をもたらした。

第19章 4 合衆国の覇権の動揺と再編

 1961年に成立した合衆国のケネディ民主党政権は、キューバ危機でソヴィエト連邦と対決姿勢をとり、ベトナム戦争(1960~75)にも介入した。63年にケネディが暗殺され、後任となったジョンソン大統領(Johnson, 在職1963~69)は、南ベトナムが共産側となれば周辺諸国も共産化すると考え、「自由世界の防衛」をかかげて、本格的な軍事介入を行った。65年以降、北ベトナムに大規模な爆撃を行い(北爆)、50万人の大軍をベトナムに派遣した。これに対して、ソ連と中国は北ベトナムと解放戦線に大規模な軍事・経済援助を行った。ベトナム戦争は長期化して、第二次世界大戦後最大の戦争となり、数百万の人命が失われた。

 ベトナムでは北ベトナムが優勢となり、75年には解放戦線とともにサイゴンを陥落させ、南ベトナム全土を制圧した。翌76年にはベトナム社会主義共和国が成立した。ベトナム戦争終結後の1976年、カンボジアでは親中国のポル=ポト(Pol Pot, 在職1976~79)を首相とする民主カンプチア政府が成立した。この政府は農業中心で閉鎖的な社会主義建設という極端な政策を実行し、多くの人々が殺害された。また、反中国のベトナムとの間で国境問題がおこり、78年にベトナムが侵入したカンボジアでは、79年にヘン=サムリン(Heng Samrin)政権が成立した。ポル=ポト派は中国の支援を受けながらゲリラ戦を展開し、中国軍はベトナムに侵攻して79年に中越戦争がおこった。


第12章 アジア諸地域の動揺
2 南アジア・東南アジアの植民地化

 1870年代にはいると、イギリスは、それまでの港市だけの支配から、領域的な支配に取りかかった。イギリスはおもに出身地域別に組織されて対立抗争をくりかえしていた中国人秘密結社やマレー人スルタンたちのあいだの錫をめぐる利権争いに介入し、軍事と外交の巧妙な政策によって支配地域を広げた。95年にはマレー連合州(Federated Malay States)を結成させ、間接的に統治した半島部の諸州と北ボルネオ地域の諸州をあわせて支配を確立した。20世紀にはいると、ゴムが自動車生産と結びつく有力な商品となることが明らかとなった。広大な未開地が、おもにロンドンで調達される資本によって、ゴムのプランテーションとして開発された。このプランテーションの主力労働者として、南インドから大量の移民が導入された。
 ビルマでは、北部を支配していたタウングー朝が南部のモン人の侵攻で滅亡したが、新たにおこったコンバウン朝(Konbaung, 1752~1885)がモン人を撃退し、全土の支配を確立した。コンバウン朝はアッサムにも進出したが、インドでの支配を固めつつあったイギリスは、3次にわたるビルマ戦争(1824~86年)に勝利し、ビルマをインド帝国に併合した。



ベトナムは、16世紀以降、黎朝の名目的な支配のもとで政治勢力が南北に分裂していたが、1771年に圧政に苦しむ農民の不満を背景に西山(タイソン)の乱が生じ、南北両政権が倒され、統一がはかられた。一方、これに対し阮福暎(在位1802~20)が、フランス人宣教師ピニョー(Pigneau, 1741~99)が本国からつれてきた義勇兵やタイ・ラオスなどの援助をうけ、西山政権(1778~1802)を倒して1802年に全土を統一し阮朝(1802~1945)をたてた。阮福暎は清によってベトナム(越南)国王に封ぜられ(04年)、清の制度を導入し、行政制度を整備した。19世紀半ばになると、フランスはカトリック教徒への迫害を理由にベトナムに軍事介入しはじめ、南部地域を奪い(67年)、さらに領土拡大へと動いた。これに対し、劉永福(1837~1917)が組織した黒旗軍は、ベトナム北部に根拠をおいて頑強に抵抗した。しかし、それを口実にフランスは北部に進出し、ユエ条約(83年)により北部と中部を支配下においた。他方、清朝はベトナムへの宗主権を主張して派兵し、清仏戦争がおきた(84~85年)。その結果、清は85年の天津条約でベトナムへのフランスの保護権を承認した。ベトナムの植民地化に成功したフランスは、63年以来保護国としてきたカンボジアとあわせて、87年にフランス領インドシナ連邦を成立させ、99年にはラオスも編入した。

 東南アジアのほとんどの地域がヨーロッパ諸国の植民地となるなか、唯一植民地化の圧力を回避したのはタイであった。タイでは18世紀の終わりに、バンコクに首都をおき、現王朝のラタナコーシン朝(Ratanakosin 1782~、チャクリ朝Chakriとも呼ばれる)が創始された。19世紀前半は、ヨーロッパ諸国に対して閉鎖的な政策がとられていた。しかし、ヨーロッパの諸勢力からの門戸開放の圧力がしだいに強まり、19世紀後半、ラーマ4世(Rama IV, 在位1851~68)の時代に政策の転換がおこなわれた。王室による貿易独占が解除され、自由貿易の原則が確認されると、つぎつぎと先進諸国と外交関係が結ばれた。その結果、米の商品化がすすみ、デルタ地帯の開発がすすんだ。チュラロンコン(Chulalongkon, 在位1868~1910, ラーマ5世:Rama V)は、イギリスとフランスとの勢力均衡策をたくみにとると同時に、外国人専門家をまねいて行政・司法組織などを改革し、また外国への留学を奨励するなどして近代化に成功し、植民地化を回避した。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、291頁~294頁)

第14章 二つの世界大戦
3 アジア・アフリカ地域の民族運動

 オランダが支配するインドネシアでは、1920年にインドネシア共産党が結成され、独立をとなえた。その運動が弾圧によってほぼ壊滅したのちは、オランダから帰国した留学生が、運動の指導権をにぎった。27年にはスカルノ(Sukarno, 1901~70)を党首とするインドネシア国民党が結成され、翌年にインドネシアという統一された祖国・民族・言語をめざす宣言がなされた。
 フランスが支配するインドシナでは、1925年にホー=チ=ミン(Ho Chi Minh, 1890~1969)がベトナム青年革命同志会を結成し、それを母体に、30年にベトナム共産党(同年10月にインドシナ共産党に改称)が成立した。党は、徹底的な弾圧をうけながらも、村々にソヴィエト政権を樹立するなど農民運動を展開した。またイギリスが支配するビルマ(ミャンマー)では、1920年代から民族運動が始まり、僧侶による啓蒙運動やタキン党(Thakin)と呼ばれる急進的民族主義者の台頭がみられた。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、352頁~353頁)

英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より

Chapter 17 Reformation in Various Regions in Asia
2 Colonization of South Asia and Southeast Asia, and the Dawn of National Movements
■Change of Mainland Southeast Asia
■Colonization of Islands of Southeast Asia
■Intellectuals and the Racialism of Southeast Asia

2 Colonization of South Asia and Southeast Asia, and the Dawn of National Movements
■Change of Mainland Southeast Asia
In the mainland Southeast Asia, the origins of three nations, i.e., Burma (Myanmar),
Thailand and Vietnam, were formed from the latter half of the 18th century to the
beginning of the 19th century. In Burma, in the mid-18th century, the Toungoo dynasty was
defeated by the Hanthawaddy kingdom of Mons, but then the Burmese group originated
in the inland advanced to the south and founded the Konbaung (Alaungpaya) dynasty.
This dynasty possessed almost the same territory as that of present-day Myanmar, and
further advanced to Thailand and ruined the Ayutthaya dynasty as well as invaded toward
the west into the Assam district of India.
At the beginning of the 19th century, Britain, which had sought the route to China and
Southeast Asia from the Bay of Bengal, provoked the Anglo-Burmese Wars against the
Konbaung dynasty three times, and in 1885, defeated the Konbaung dynasty. In the
following year, Burma was annexed into the Indian Empire as a province under
direct control.
In Vietnam, after the 17th century the Trinh lords in the northern area and the Nguyen lords in the central area competed against each other. However, in the latter half of the
18th century, both lords were destroyed due to the Tayson Rebellion (peasants’ riots).
Gia Long (嘉隆帝 Nguyen Phuc Anh 阮福暎) of the Nguyen clan defeated Taisson[sic]party
with the support from Thailand and Pigneau, a French missionary; unified Vietnam; and
founded the Nguyen dynasty with Hue as its capital in 1802. He brought tribute to the
Qing dynasty and named the country as Vietnam.
France, under Napoleon III, invaded Indochina seeking a basis for trade with China.
In 1862, it conquered the southern area, where Saigon (present-day Ho Chi Minh City)
was located as a center, and made it into a direct colony (the First Treaty of Saigon).
France went up the Mekong River, and made the Cambodian kingdom, and then Vietnam,
into protectorates (Second Treaty of Hue). The Qing dynasty, a suzerain of them, however,
did not approve this, and in 1884, the Sino-French War broke out. France, by defeating the
Qing dynasty, made them abandon suzerainty. And in 1887, France formed the Indochinese
Federation by combining Vietnam and Cambodia, and then in 1899 added Laos into the
In Siam (Thailand), General Chakri (Rama I) of the Ayutthaya dynasty founded the
Ratanakosin dynasty(ラタナコーシン朝, Bangkok[バンコク朝]) with Bangkok as its
capital; drove back Burma’s invasion; expanded its territory to almost the same
as today’s Thailand; and flourished by trade with China through Chinese merchants
as intermediaries.
Siam was forced into uneven treaties by Britain and France from the middle of the
19th century, but maintained independence by adopting an open policy. In the 1880s,
modernization reform (Chakri Reform) was promoted under King Chulalongkon
(チュラロンコン Rama V[ラーマ5世]). A modern cabinet and fiscal system were introduced
and the clan system was abolished, and in exchange prefectures were placed in the whole
territory. Also non-free people were emancipated and the modern educational system was
consolidated. Railways were constructed and a postal system was introduced. Diplomatically, through negotiation with the great powers, the national boundary was
decided and the extra territorial rights were successfully abolished.
In the latter half of the 19th century, the international price of crops rose rapidly and
consequently the development of rice fields in three major delta areas, the Mekong, the
Chao Phraya and the Irrawaddy, was promoted, and they became the granary of the world.
Most of the profits coming from the colonies were sent to the mother countries, but in
Siam, an independent country, profits were utilized as the source of modernization.

■Colonization of Islands of Southeast Asia
When the great trade period ended in the end the 17th century, the Dutch East India
Company (オランダ東インド会社) changed its business style from monopolizing trade of
luxurious goods into occupying the production areas of mass consumption goods such as
coffee and sugar. Consequently, Java became a territory of the Dutch East India Company
in the 18th century. In the end of the 18th century, as the French Revolutionary troops
occupied the Netherlands, the Dutch East India Company was dissolved, and in the
beginning of the 19th century British troops occupied Java. The Netherlands recovered
its control over Java at the Congress of Vienna, and obtained the right of control over
the west and south area of the Malacca Strait, in exchange for recognizing British control over the Malay peninsula, by executing the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824.
In the 1830s, the Netherlands, by suppressing the rebellion by Islamic clans in Java
(the Java War), obtained huge profits by instituting a forced cultivation system to produce
commodity crops such as coffee, sugarcane and indigo plants. Thereafter, the Netherlands
expanded its territory steadily, and by the beginning of the 20th century, colonized almost
the same area of present-day Indonesia.
From the end of the 18th century, Britain had held Penang and Malacca of the Malay
peninsula as intermediary places between the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. It
took Singapore in 1819 and constructed a free port and a modern city there. Singapore,
which intermediated between India, the colony of Britain, and the South China Sea,
developed together with Hong Kong as the two major British stepping stones to East and
Southeast Asia. Britain further put Muslim Malay nations successively under
a protectorate status and promoted the development of tin mines. In the Malay peninsula,
as the control was stabilized, a huge number of overseas Chinese(華僑) immigrated and
worked in the mines, and overseas Indians worked on rubber plantations which would be
developed in the 20th century, and thus a complicated multi-racial society was formed.
The Philippines, controlled by Spain from the 16th century, was originally utilized as
an intermediary point for the Acapulco trade. But from the latter half of the 18th century,
plantation of sugarcane, Manila hemp and tobacco were managed there following the
Netherlands, and the Royal Philippines Company took charge of their sales. In 1834, Spain
made Manila a free port and opened it to international trade. Spain further promoted the
expansion of its territory to the south, but received resistance from Muslim powers of the
Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago.

■Intellectuals and the Racialism of Southeast Asia
In the Philippines where conversion of local people into Catholic was advanced, the
movement toward the appointment of local priest began from an early stage. In the end of
the 19th century, Jose Rizal(ホセ=リサール) among others organized the Filipino
nationalist organization to achieve independence and opposed to Spanish rule. However,
since Spain suppressed such movements, the Katipunan initiated the armed revolution
in 1896. Thanks to the Spanish-American War, the Katipunan revolution troops liberated
Luzon in 1899 and established the Malolos Republic with Aguinaldo(アギナルド) as the
president. As a result of the Spanish-American War, however, the United States, which
obtained the right of possession of the Philippines, defeated Malolos troops (the Philippine-
American War フィリピン=アメリカ戦争) and made the Philippines a direct colony ruled
by the Philippines Committee which was installed by the U.S. Government.
In Indonesia, a Dutch colony at the beginning of the 20th century, the Budi Utomo
(supreme wisdom) movement (ブディ=ウトモ[最高の英知]運動) aiming to form racial
consciousness through reevaluation of the traditional cultures of Java occurred. And there
occurred also the Sarekat Islam(サレカット=イスラーム Islamic Union) movement aiming
to provide local mutual support and to enlighten activities which were initiated by a group
of Muslim merchants occurred. These movements gradually turned into anti-Dutch
independence movement from the end of 1910s.
In Vietnam, a French colony, Phan Boi Chau(ファン=ボイ=チャウ), a traditional
intellectual, initiated the Dong Du movement(ドンズー運動) promoting study in Japan
in order to obtain lessons from Japan which defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.
But the Japanese government deported Vietnamese students in order to cooperate with
France, resulting in the failure of the movement. On the other hand, Phan Chu Trinh
(ファン=チュ=チン) and others, seeking for modernization of Vietnam through coalition
with France, established Don Kynh Nghia Thuc(ドンキン義塾) and extended enlightening
movements. But this was also suppressed by France. Thereafter national movements in
Vietnam were split into armed strife by Phan Boi Chau and a route of coalition with
France succeeding Phan Chu Trinh.

<Wayang Kulit, or shadow puppetry in Indonesia (British Museum)>
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、261頁~264頁)

Chapter 18 The Age of the World Wars
4 Movement of Nation Building in Asia and Africa
■Ethnic Movements in Southeast Asia
In Dutch East India, movements toward independence were developed from the 1920s.
The movements aimed for unity of Indonesia(インドネシア), overcoming differences of
areas and religion. The Indonesia Communist Party, which was founded in 1920, expanded
rapidly; rose in revolt in Sumatra and Java in 1926-1927; but was given a crushing blow
by the Dutch army. In 1927, the Indonesian National Party(インドネシア国民党) was
formed, and led by Sukarno(スカルノ), advocated the Merdeka(ムルデカ, Independence 独立) movement. In the 1930s, the Netherlands strengthened the suppression and most of
the leaders were arrested. In 1942, during World War II, the Japanese army invaded
In Vietnam, various political parties hoping for independence from the colonial ruling
were formed in the 1920s. Ho Chi Minh(ホー=チ=ミン) formed the Indochinese
Communist Party(インドシナ共産党) based on the Revolutionary Youth League of
Vietnam in 1930. The Communist Party revolted in central Vietnam, and the Vietnam
People’s Party, a nationalistic party, rioted in northern Vietnam. However, both were
suppressed by the French army. When the Front Populaire (the Popular Front)
government was established in France in 1936, a united front of the Communist Party
and the ethnic parties was formed, and advanced to local parliaments. But again,
this was cracked down completely. In 1940, the Japanese army occupied Vietnam.
In Burma, Saya San led a large scale peasant movement, but the British army
completely suppressed them. In the same year, the Thakin (Master) Party(タキン[主人]党)
was established mainly by students of Rangoon University, and Aung San led the
anti-Britain independence movement. In Thailand, the constitutional revolution occurred
in 1932; a constitution was proclaimed; and a parliament was established based on the
constitution. In the Philippines, the United States accepted its autonomy in 1934, and
promised its independence 10 years later. Thus the government of the Commonwealth
of the Philippines was formed in 1935.

(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、292頁)

Part 5 Establishment of the Global World
Chapter 19 Nation-State System and the Cold War
2 Independence of the Asian-African Countries and the "Third World"
■Nation States in Southeast Asia
Just after the Japan’s defeat, Southeast Asian countries occupied by Japan sought
independence. However, since former suzerains did not grant independence to them,
independence movements occurred in each country.
In French Indochina, Ho Chi Minh(ホー=チ=ミン), leader of the Viet Minh(抗日組織
ベトナム独立同盟), an anti-Japan organization, declared independence for the Democratic
Republic of Vietnam(ベトナム民主共和国[北ベトナム]) in 1945. But the suzerain
France did not grant it independence, and this led to the Indochina wars (インドシナ戦争,
1946-54). France installed Bao Dai(バオ=ダイ, throne 1925-45), the last emperor of the
Nguyen dynasty(阮朝), as head of the state, and granted independence to the State of
Vietnam as a member of the French Union in order to confront the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam. In 1954, the Geneva Conference was held and the Geneva Accords were
concluded. They provided for a cease-fire at the event of the fall of French garrison at
Dien Bien Phu. As a result, Vietnam was divided by the 17th parallel (the latitude 17°N
北緯17度線). The northern half of Vietnam was ruled by the Democratic Republic of
Vietnam, and southern half of Vietnam by the Republic of Vietnam(ベトナム共和国),
where Ngo Dinh Diem assumed the role of president, expelling Bao Dai. Each side
received support from China and the Soviet Union, and from the United States,
respectively. In the Geneva Conference in 1954, the independence of Laos and Cambodia,
which had declared independence already, was officially granted. In Laos, the civil war
started due to political confrontation between the left and right wings. In Cambodia
(カンボジア), Sihanouk(シハヌーク) promoted a neutral policy.
The Philippines became independent from the United States to form a republic in 1946.
However, the communist powers continued to resist the government demanding land
reform. The government approached the United States and concluded the Mutual Defense
Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Philippines in 1951.
Britain established the British Malaya in favor of the Malay in 1948. The Malaya
Communist Party, strongly influenced by ethnic Chinese, started a military campaign
against this. Britain suppressed the fight completely and officially established the
Federation of Malaya(マレーシア連邦) as an independent nation in 1957. In 1963,
the Federation of Malaya, Singapore(シンガポール), Sava and Sarawak formed
the Federation of Malaysia. However, in 1965, Singapore was spun off as an independent
nation, led by ethnic Chinese, due to the Federation’s policy in favor of Malay people.
In Indonesia, Sukarno(スカルノ) of the Nationalist Party, and others declared
independence right after Japan’s defeat. The suzerain Netherlands did not grant its
independence, and fought a war for four years. In 1949, the Republic of Indonesia
(インドネシア共和国) was finally granted independence from the Netherlands.
Burma (ビルマ Myanmar [現ミャンマー]) declared independence from Britain as
a republic in 1948, but political conditions were unstable owing a large part to the
internal fights by the Communist Party and ethnic minorities. In 1962, Ne Win led
a coup d’état to establish a military government and aimed at economic independence
through industrial nationalization and trade control. Those policies led to Burma’s
international isolation and economic stagnation.
Thailand(タイ) announced the war against Britain and the United States in favor of
Japan during World War II. However, after the war, the country declared this
announcement was invalid and avoided becoming a defeated nation. Thailand succeeded
in maintaining independence and joined the United Nations in 1946.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、316頁~317頁)

3 Disturbance of the Postwar Regime
■Economic Growth of Asia(一部)

Southeast Asian countries also built foundation for economic development by the
compensation from Japan and the special demands from the Vietnam War. In 1965, in
Indonesia, the military coup d’état led by Suharto(スハルト) erupted; Sukarno was
disgraced (the September 30th Movement[九・三0事件]) and the Communist Party
was ruined. Suharto assumed president in 1968 and started government-led
economic development. In Philippines, Marcos became president in 1965 and promoted
developmental dictatorships. In 1967, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and
Thailand formed the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN東南アジア諸国連合).
At first, the association was an anti-communism alliance, and later changed to an
organization for economic cooperation.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、324頁)

4 Multi-polarization of the World and the Collapse of the U.S.S.R.
■Economic Growth in Japan and Asian Countries(一部)
In Southeast Asia, the ASEAN countries(ASEAN諸国) developed economies, owing to
the special procurement of the Vietnam War, and interlinking with Japanese capital
investments and expansion of the Japanese markets. In the late 1980s, the Marcos
dictatorship collapsed and the democratic government was born in the Philippines.
Behind its economic developments, there enlarged also the social distortion such as
the expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor, environmental problems
and the collapse of traditional cultures.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、329頁)

Final Chapter Globalization of Economy and New Regional Order
2 Questions about Globalization and New World Order
■Settlement of Conflict in Southeast Asia
In Southeast Asia, the Cambodian civil war(カンボジア内戦) broke out in 1978. But, taking
advantage of the withdrawal of Vietnam at the end of the 1980s, a peace treaty was concluded in 1991
and the war ended. In 1993, the general election was conduced under the control of a United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC 国連カンボジア暫定行政機構), then a coalition
government with Sihanouk(シハヌーク) as the head of state was established. The second general
election was held in 1998, then the country joined ASEAN in 1999. Thus Cambodia recovered peace
and has moved forward toward reconstruction under the Hun Sen administration(フン=セン内閣)
of the Cambodian People’s Party(人民党).
East Timor, a former colony of Portugal, was absorbed into Indonesia in 1976. Its
independence was authorized through a vote in 1999, which was sponsored by the United
Nations. In 2002, the Democratic Republic of East Timor(東ティモール民主共和国) was established,
and it is on its way to building a new nation under the supervision of the United Nations.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、343頁)


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〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]

本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社


 カンボジアでは9世紀以来、クメール王国(Khmer, アンコール朝 Angkor, 802ごろ~1431ごろ)がカンボジアや東北タイの平原の農業開拓に成功して、アンコールの地に大都市アンコール=トムを建設していた。12世紀に入ると、カンボジアやタイの物産を集荷して、メコン川を通じて南シナ海交易に進出した。クメール王国は13世紀はじめには、アンコールを中心にカンボジアからタイ、ラオス、マレー半島北部にいたる広大な地域を結ぶ交易路を支配下に置いた。
 クメール王国による大陸内部の交易ルートの形成は、チャオプラヤ、サルウィンなど大河川の流域で稲作農業を営んでいたタイ人をめざめさせた。13世紀後半、タイ人は各地でクメールから独立し、新しい交易網をつくりあげていった。13世紀末には中部タイのスコータイ王国(Sukhothai, 1257~1438)が、14世紀中ごろにはチャオプラヤ川中流域におこったアユタヤ王国(Ayuthaya, 1351ごろ~1767)が有力になった。とくにアユタヤ王国は、内陸の物産をタイランド湾沿岸に集め、これを中国や琉球に供給して発展した。また、上座部仏教を導入し、これを保護した。15世紀には北タイや東北タイで敵対する勢力をやぶり、ほぼ現在のタイにあたる地域の統合に成功した。
 ビルマでは、11世紀中ごろにビルマ人がイラワディ川中流域にパガン王国(Pagan, 1044~1287)を建てた。この王国は、雲南とベンガル湾を結ぶ交易で繁栄し、灌漑事業をおこしてビルマ平原の農業開拓に成功した。また、大乗仏教や密教と混在していた上座部仏教をとくに積極的に保護し、パガンを中心に多数の寺院を建立した。パガン王国は13世紀末以後、元軍の侵略とタイ系のシャン人の南下によって衰退したが、南部のモン人はベンガル湾沿岸にペグー(Pegu)などの港市国家を建設し、ベンガル湾交易を担った。

第3編 一体化する世界
第12章 大交易時代
1 アジア交易世界の再編と活況
2 海洋帝国の出現
3 大交易時代の世界

第3編 一体化する世界 第12章 大交易時代

14世紀 前期倭寇
15世紀 鄭和の遠征
1492  コロンブス、大西洋航路発見
1488  ヴァスコ=ダ=ガマ、インド航路発見
1511  ポルトガル、マラッカ占領
1522  スペインのマゼラン艦隊、世界周航
16世紀前半 スペイン、中南米を植民地化
1557  ポルトガル、マカオに居住権、東シナ海進出
16世紀末  タイのアユタヤ王国発展
1600  イギリス東インド会社設立
1602  オランダ東インド会社設立
17世紀 オランダ東インド会社、インドネシア交易を独占
1661  清、遷界令
17世紀末 大交易時代の終息

第12章1 アジア交易世界の再編と活況

 15世紀はじめ、明の永楽帝は、南シナ海方面の朝貢貿易を拡大するべく、鄭和の率いる大艦隊を前後7回にわたって派遣した。鄭和はチャンパーとマラッカ海峡に面した港市国家であるマラッカ王国(Malacca, 14世紀末~1511)を根拠地にして、東南アジアや、アフリカ東海岸を含むインド洋沿岸の諸国に明への朝貢を促した。この結果、明へ朝貢使節を派遣した国は50以上にのぼった。



第12章 2 海洋帝国の出現

 また、ポルトガル人マゼラン(Magellan, 1480ごろ~1521 マガリャンイス)は、スペイン王の援助を受けて1519年、西まわりのアジア航路を発見するために大航海に出発した。マゼランは南アメリカ大陸南端(現在のマゼラン海峡)を通過し、太平洋に出てさらに3か月の航海のすえ、1521年にフィリピン諸島に到達し、ここをスペイン領と宣言した。彼は現地人との戦いで戦死したが、部下はインド洋から喜望峰をまわって、1522年にスペインに帰還した。ここに最初の世界周航が達成され、大地が球体であることが確認された。16世紀後半には、スペインはフィリピンのルソン島にマニラ市を建設し、のちにスペイン領メキシコのアカプルコ港と中国の諸港を結ぶアカプルコ貿易の中継地とした。

第12章 3 大交易時代の世界

 マラッカは、1511年にポルトガルに占領された。しかし、マラッカ王家は同じマラッカ海峡沿いの島に交易拠点を移して、ムスリム商人を集めたために、ポルトガルのマラッカは孤立した。また、ムスリム商人たちもポルトガルの支配するマラッカ海峡をさけて、スマトラとジャワの間のスンダ海峡をぬけてインド洋からジャワ海に入るルートを開拓した。この結果、インド洋に面するスマトラ島北端のアチェー王国(Aceh, 15世紀末~1904)や、スンダ海峡の出口に位置し胡椒生産のさかんな西ジャワをおさえたバンテン王国(Banten, 16世紀~1813)が栄えた。両者ともイスラーム国家で、アチェーはオスマン帝国と直接交易を行い、東南アジアのイスラーム教の中心ともなった。同じころ、中部ジャワでもイスラーム教のマタラム王国(Mataram, 16世紀半ば~1755)がおこり、ジャワの米生産地とジャワ海の交易路を結んで栄えた。
 いっぽう、内陸部は、繁栄する諸港市に米や熱帯産品をさかんに供給するようになり、これとともに政治的な再編がおこった。13世紀末のパガン王国の崩壊以来、分裂していたビルマでは、16世紀前半にトゥングー王国(Toungu, 1531~1752)が全国統一に成功した。この王国は、東南アジア内陸部とベンガル湾を結ぶ交易を行うとともに、16世紀後半にはタイのアユタヤ王国を攻略したが、まもなく分裂した。16世紀末に再独立したアユタヤ王国は、東南アジアの諸港市に米を供給する一方、日本や中国、ポルトガル、そして17世紀には、オランダ、イギリス、フランスとも通商を行い、商業国家として繁栄した。トゥングー王国もアユタヤ王国も、米を港市国家に供給するなど、大河を通じて領域内の産物の海外輸出をすすめた。
 ベトナムの黎朝大越国では、16世紀中ごろから国内が分裂していたが、16世紀末に黎朝の実力者鄭氏がハノイに入って大越国を再建した。しかし、鄭氏に対立する阮氏が中部のフエに移って広南国(クアンナム, 1558~1777)を建設し、両勢力はともにポルトガル船やオランダ船、日本の朱印船とさかんに通商した。







第Ⅱ部 第4章 イスラーム世界の形成と発展
3 インド・東南アジア・アフリカのイスラーム化
 10世紀後半になると、チャンパーや三仏斉などが宋に対して朝貢し、また、ムスリム商人が広州や泉州などの居留地をつくり一方で、中国人商人も東南アジア各地に居留地をつくるなど、東南アジアと中国とのあいだで活発な交易がみられた。つづく13世紀後半、南宋を征服した元(モンゴル)は、アジアの海域へ進出した。その進出は軍事をともなうものであり、その結果、ベトナムの陳朝はこれを退けたが、ビルマのパガン朝は滅亡した。他方、ジャワでは朝貢を求めて侵攻してきた元軍の干渉を排し、マジャパヒト王国(Majapahit, 1293~1520頃)が成立した。元朝は海上交易に積極的であり、軍事遠征の終了後も、中国人商人やムスリム商人とともにこの地域での交易活動をすすめた。
 マラッカ王国(Malacca, 14世紀末~1511)は、明が15世紀にはいって鄭和を数回にわたってインド洋地域へ遠征させた際(1405~33)の重要な拠点となったことから、国際交易都市として大きく発展した。この王国は、明のうしろ楯を得てタイのアユタヤ朝への従属から脱し、かわって明と朝貢関係を結んだ。その後、明は対外活動を縮小させていく方向に転じ、鄭和の遠征もとだえたために、15世紀半ばにタイの勢力がマラッカ支配の回復をこころみた。しかし、マラッカの王はイスラームを旗印に、西方のイスラーム商業勢力との関係を強化することでそれを阻止した。そのことが、15世紀後半のマラッカ王国の有力化とイスラームの拡大の契機となった。
 マラッカを拠点にして、イスラームはジャワやフィリピンへと広まった。イスラーム政権として、スマトラではアチェ王国(Aceh, 15世紀末~1903)が成立し、ジャワではヒンドゥーのマジャパヒト王国の滅亡後、イスラームのマタラム王国(Mataram, 1580年代末頃~1755)が成立した。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、112頁~114頁)

第Ⅲ部 第7章 アジア諸地域の繁栄
1 東アジア世界の動向

~1408, 在位1368~94)は明から「日本国王」に封ぜられ、明との勘合貿易を始めた。明軍を撃退して独立したベトナムの黎朝(1428~1527, 1532~1789)も明と朝貢関係を結び、明の制度を取り入れ、朱子学を振興して支配を固めた。

 16世紀になると、大航海時代の世界的な商業の活発化が明を中心とする朝貢体制を動揺させた。東南アジアでは胡椒など香辛料の輸出が大幅にのび、貿易の利益をめぐって、ヨーロッパ勢力や、アチェ王国、ビルマのタウングー(Toungu, トゥングー)朝(1531~1752)など新興の交易国家が争いをくりひろげた。これらの新興国家は、明の権威にたよらずみずから軍事力を強化して、勢力を拡大しようとした。(中略)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、180頁~182頁)

4 ムガル帝国の興隆と東南アジア交易の発展

 東南アジア地域では、16世紀にはいってヨーロッパの諸勢力があらたに進出しはじめた。マラッカ王国は1511年に優勢な海軍力をもつポルトガルに占領され、王はその後拠点を転々と移動させた。他方、強権的な貿易管理体制をとるポルトガルに対して、ムスリム商人たちは拠点を移動させて対抗し、アチェ王国やマタラム王国などの諸港があらたな交易中心地として発展した。また大陸部では、タイのアユタヤ朝(Ayuthaya, 1351~1767)やビルマのタウングー朝などが、米や鹿皮をはじめとする特産物交易により繁栄を続けた。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、199頁~200頁)

英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より


1 Formation of the Three Maritime Worlds
■The South China Sea ; The Sea of Chinese Merchants

The Yuan dynasty(元朝), which destroyed the Southern Song dynasty(南宋) in 1279,
tried to military control over the maritime routes as they had over the land routes, in order
to continue to control the South China Sea trade as during the Song period. The Yuan
dynasty dispatched its legions to Dai Viet(大越国 the Tran dynasty[陳朝]) and Champa
(チャンパー王国) in Vietnam, and Singhasari(シンガサリ王国) in Java. Because
the states in Southeast Asia were forced to pay tribute, they all revolted together against the Yuan.
The army of the Yuan withdrew from Vietnam and Java, and its campaign ended in failure. Those were the same results as the expeditions against Japan.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、150頁)

3 Connection of Sea and Land; Development of Southeast Asia World
■Development of Port Polities
Although the Chinese economy lagged temporarily by the violent upheavals in China
in the end of the Tang(唐) dynasty, it recovered quickly under the Song. The South Sea
trade(南海交易) increased after the end of the 10th century. This brought big changes
to Southeast Asia.
In northern Vietnam, the Annan Protectorate(安南都護府) in Hanoi was dissolved
with ruin of the Tang dynasty. The junk ships which left South Chinese ports sailed
directly to Champa ports in central Vietnam. For this reason, northern Vietnam was
isolated from international trade. At this time, northern Vietnam became independent
of Chinese rule and the archetype of current Vietnam was made.
Instead of northern Vietnam, the Champa kingdom(チャンパー[占城]王国), which
was founded by Cham(チャム) of central Vietnam, prospered as a transit port of the South
China Sea route. Champa exported ivory and agarwood, which could be harvested in
its mountains, to China.
In that same period, on the coast of the Malay peninsula and Sumatra Island along the
Strait of Malacca, there emerged innumerable port polities which had connecting routes
among the South China Sea, the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. After the 11th century,
a federal state called San-fo-ch’i(三仏斉) was founded. It prospered from tributary trade
with the Song dynasty of China.
After the 11th century, the Kediri kingdom(クディリ王国), located in eastern Java,
prospered. The kingdom connected the Moluccas Islands that produced spices to the Strait
of Malacca. Thereafter, the Shinghasari kingdom(シンガサリ王国) prospered due to
the agricultural development of the inland region Java the relay trade of spices. They had
competed with San-fo-ch’i for hegemony, and by the middle of the 13th century their
influence expanded even to Sumatra. Although the Yuan dynasty attacked and conquered
the Singhasari kingdom at the end of the 13th century, the Javanese army repulsed the
Yuan and a new leader founded the Majapahit kingdom(マジャパヒト王国). The Majapahit
rode a wave of trade development, and overwhelmed San-fo-ch’i in the second half of
the 14th century. Then they controlled the trade of almost the whole area of what is now
Indonesia which ranges from eastern Indonesia, all the Javanese islands to the Sumatra’s
east coast.
Thus, in maritime Southeast Asia since around the 11th century, the port polities unified
the producing inland and port cities and formed vast territories beyond the conventional
rule over the coasts and the sea routes. Their states were strengthened by connecting
international commerce. At this time, the indigenous such as Wayang in Indonesia, Indian
and Islamic culture merged to ethnic cultures. Here, we can see the prototypes of
Southeast Asian island countries of today.

■Reorganization of the Inland States in Southeast Asia
Corresponding to the expansion movement of the port polities, inland states also
continued to expand their territories and came to govern vast domains.
As the Ly dynasty(李朝) of Dai Viet(大越国) built in northern Vietnam at the beginning of the 11th century, it was separated from international trade and not blessed with special produce. Therefore, it made efforts to receive the Chinese civilization, which emphasized
farming, and to consolidate its national strength. It also strove to expand the agricultural
output by cultivating the Red River Delta(紅河[ホン川]デルタ). The Tran dynasty(陳朝)
replaced the Ly in the 13th century and built the network of dykes in the Red River Delta,
thereby creating condition for a large farming population. The farmers of the delta fiercely
resisted three invasions from the Yuan army in the end of the century. The Tran dynasty,
which drove back the Yuan army, advanced south in order to participate in the South China
Sea trade, and it repeatedly invaded Champa, a port polity in the central coastal region,
thereby extending its domain to the south.
At the end of the 14th century, the Ho dynasty(胡朝), which replaced the Tran dynasty,
encouraged the use of the unique Chu Nom characters(チュノム[字喃]) of Vietnam. It also
promoted the translation of Chinese books using the Chu Nom and made efforts to develop
a new bureaucratic nation which appointed bureaucrats only who passed an employment
examination. Although Dai Viet was merged temporarily into the Ming in the early 15th
century, it soon regained its independence under the Le dynasty(黎朝). The Le introduced
Confucianism and built a centralized state which adopted the politico-legal system
(律令制度) modeled after the Chinese system. It merged the Champa kingdom and, by the
17th century, spread its domain almost to the whole area of present day Vietnam.
In Cambodia, since the 9th century, the Khmer kingdom(クメール王国, Angkor dynasty
アンコール朝) succeeded in agricultural exploitation of the plains of Cambodia and northeastern Thailand, and built the big Angkor Thom(アンコール=トム) city in Angkor. Since the beginning of the 12th century, the Khmer collected produce from Cambodia and
Thailand. It advanced into the South China Sea trade by carrying goods through the
Mekong River(メコン川). At the beginning of the 13th century, the Khmer kingdom
dominated the trade routes that connected the vast area around Angkor, including
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, to the northern Malay peninsula.
The development of the inland trade routes under the Khmer kingdom awoke the Thai
people, who were cultivating rice fields in the basins of great rivers such as the Chao
Phraya(チャオプラヤ) and Salween(サルウィン) Rivers. In the second half of the 13th
century, the Thais became independent of the Khmer in various places, and built a new
trade network. At the end of the 13th century the Sukhothai kingdom(スコータイ王国)
of central Thailand was dominant. The Ayutthaya kingdom(アユタヤ王国), founded in
the middle reaches of the Chao Phraya River, expanded its strength in about the
mid-14th century. It collected and brought inland produce to the Thailand bay
area and carried them to China or Ryukyu, thereby prospering. The king introduced and
protected Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教). The kingdom brought the district powers in
northern or northeastern Thailand under its control and succeeded in the integration
of the area that roughly corresponds to present day Thailand in the 15th century.
In Burma, the Burmese built the Pagan kingdom(パガン王国) in the middle Irrawaddy
River(イラワディ川) basin in the mid-11th century. This kingdom prospered from trade
which connected the Bay of Bengal(ベンガル湾) and Yunnan(雲南). It also started an
irrigation enterprise, and succeeded in agricultural development of the Burma plain.
The kingdom declined after the invasion of the Yuan army and southern incursions of
the Thai Shans(シャン人) after the end of the 13th century. The Mons(モン人),
who lived in the south of Burma, built port polities, such as Pegu(ペグー) on the Bay of
Bengal coast, and thereby controlled the bay trade.
Thus, in mainland Southeast Asia, the landlocked states built the inland routes and
continued to make their efforts to unify the coastal port polities. This is how the territories
of present nation state were gradually formed.

■Malacca and Zheng He
At the beginning of the 15th century, the emperor Yongle(永楽帝) of Ming conquered
Vietnam. Seven times he sent a large maritime fleet, led by Zheng He(鄭和), to the area
of the countries in Southeast Asia to the East African coast, urging them to pay tribute.
Through these activities, 50 or more countries dispatched tributary envoys to the Ming.
Zheng He, based at Champa, and Malacca (which was a port polity facing the Malacca
Straits), forced every state in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean to pay tribute to China.
After the Yongle emperor’s death, the policy of sea control which Zheng pursued did
not last long since the Ming’s foreign policy changed negatively. However, the Malacca
kingdom(マラッカ王国) suppressed the expansion of the Majapahit and Ayutthaya
kingdoms, and continued the tributary trade with China. Furthermore, its king was
converted to Islam, and promoted relations with the western Muslim world. Islam,
which obtained the propagation base at Malacca, spread to the northern coast of Java
along with the spice trade routes. The Muslim merchants carried spices, jewelry and
silver from the Indian Ocean to Malacca; the Chinese merchants brought pottery and
silk from the South China Sea; and the Javanese conveyed spices from Moluccas
Islands(モルッカ諸島, Spice Islands 香料諸島). Malacca became one of the centers
in the developing maritime trade world by connecting the “Muslim merchants’ sea
(ムスリム商人の海)”, the “Chinese merchants’ sea(中国商人の海)” and the distribution
network of Southeast Asia.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、153頁~157頁)

Chapter 13 The Age of Commerce
1 Emergence of Maritime Empire
2 World in the Age of Commerce

Chapter 13 The Age of Commerce
1 Emergence of Maritime Empire
■Portuguese Advance to the Indian Ocean
■Spanish Invasion of the Americas and Its Worldwide Voyage
In the following year (1511), Portugal occupied Malacca, a center of spice trade, by military power,
and advanced to the Moluccas(モルッカ諸島), the main producing area of spices. This was an attempt
to participate in the Asian trade…

In 1519, Magellan(マゼラン), a Portuguese, started off on a great voyage assisted by the Spanish
king to establish a westward route from Europe to Asia. He passed around the southern
tip of mainland South America (the present Strait of Magellan) into the Pacific Ocean and
three month later, he reached the Philippine Islands in 1521. He declared this land as a
territory of Spain. He died in the battle with natives, but his crew returned to Spain in
1522 via the Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope. Thus the first round-the-world
trip was accomplished and it was proved that the earth was round. In the late 16th century,
Spain established Manila city(マニラ市) in the Luzon Island(ルソン島) of the Philippines.
Later, they made it a intermediary port of the Acapulco trade(アカプルコ貿易), which connected
the ports of Acapulco of Spanish Mexico and China.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、180頁~181頁)

2 World in the Age of Commerce
■Prosperity of Southeast Asia
Asia, Europe and America were widely connected as Portugal and Spain advanced to
the Asian seas. Because of this, trade activities crossing seas in and around Southeast Asia
became even more active.
Malacca was occupied by Portugal in 1511. But the Malay sultanate of Malacca
transferred their trade centers to the islands alongside the Strait of Malacca, and gathered
Muslim merchants there, thus Portuguese Malacca was isolated. Also, Muslim merchants
avoided the Strait of Malacca (which was controlled by Portugal), and developed a new
route which ran from the Indian Ocean to the Java Sea(ジャワ海) by way of the west coast
of Sumatra through the Sunda Strait(スンダ海峡) between Sumatra and Java. This led to
the prosperity of the kingdom of Atjeh(アチェー王国), which was located in the north end of
Sumatra Island facing the Indian Ocean. This also led to the primacy of the kingdom of
Banten(バンテン王国), which was located at the exit of the Sunda Strait and controlled
West Java, a great pepper production area. Both kingdoms were ruled by Muslims, and
Atjeh directly traded with the Ottoman Empire and became a center of Islam in Southeast
Asia. At the same time, another Islamic state, the kingdom of Mataram(マタラム王国),
was established in the middle of Java, and enjoyed prosperity by connecting the rice producing areas of Java and the trade route in the Java Sea.
Since the late 16th century, Spain had crossed the Pacific Ocean and advanced to Manila
in the Philippines. After that, they gradually expanded power and established the Spainish
Philippines. The Muslim powers in Mindanao(ミンダナオ) and the Sulu(スールー)
Archipelago, which were hubs for trade with China in the South China Sea at that time,
opposed the territory expansion and trade monopoly by Spain and also opposed the
propagation by Christians. This was the start of the long conflict lasting until today.
On the other hand, the inland areas came to actively supply rice and tropical products to
the prosperous ports, and this resulted in political restricting.
Burma was fragmented after the fall of the kingdom of Pagan(パガン王国) in the 13th
century. In the first half of 16th century, the kingdom of Toungu(トゥングー王国)
successfully unified the whole country. This kingdom conducted the trade between
the inland sea of Southeast Asia and the Bay of Bengal. At the end of the 16th century
it attacked the kingdom of Ayutthaya and eventually split up. The kingdom of Ayutthaya
(アユタヤ王国), which became independent again at the end of the 16th century, enjoyed
prosperity as a commercial state by supplying rice to the port cities in Southeast Asia,
and also by trading with Japan, China and Portugal, then in the 17th century, with the
Netherlands, England and France. Through large rivers, both kingdoms of Toungu and
Ayutthaya promoted the export of rice and other domestic products to the port city-states
and other foreign countries.
Dai Viet of the Le dynasty(黎朝大越国) in Vietnam had been disintegrated since the
middle of the 16th century. The Trinh lords(鄭氏), “powerful figures of the Le dynasty”
entered Hanoi at the end of the 16th century and re-established the Dai Viet(大越国).
But the Nguyen lords were against the Trinh lords and moved to Hue(フエ) in the middle
part of Vietnam and established the kingdom of Quang Nam(広南[クアンナム]王国).
Both lords actively traded with Portuguese, Dutch and the Japanese ships(Shuinsen
[朱印船貿易], shogunate-licensed trading ships).

■International Trade in the South and East China Sea
The trade zones in the South and East China Seas were largely developed by the new
entry of Portugal and Spain and the large influx of silver produced in Japan.
In Japan, the production of silver rapidly increased by the development of new mines and
the introduction of cupellation, and demand for silk textile became greater since the middle
of the 16th century. The Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese merchants sold raw silk and silk
textiles produced in China at Manila or Nagasaki, then brought Mexican and Japanese
silver to China. Japanese merchants also actively joined international trade. In 1601,
Ieyasu Tokugawa promoted international trade by issuing shogunate’s license to ships
for overseas trade (shogunate-licensed trade). In the first half of the 17th century, Japanese
towns were established at port cities like Hoi An(ホイアン) in Vietnam, Manila in the
Philippines, Phnom Penh(プノンペン) in Cambodia, and Ayutthaya(アユタヤ) in Thailand.
Thailand and Cambodia exported deerskin, Vietnam exported raw silk and other local
specialties to Japan. They also imported silver and copper from Japan.

■The Dutch East India Company
The Netherlands, England and France conducted piracy against Spain and Portugal,
which kept the trading activities under the control of the royal family. In the beginning
of the 17th century, they established the East India Companies(東インド会社) respectively
and earnestly advanced to Asia backed by their army power. The Dutch East India
Company was authorized by the government to monopolize the colony management
and trade of the regions east of the Cape of Good Hope. It was the privileged company
having its own army, forts and monetary system. And at the same time, it was a very
functional organization which could be controlled and freely invested in by merchants.
Holland became independent from Spain in the end of the 16th century and its Dutch
East India Company immediately advanced to the Southeast Asian seas. In 1619, it
established a fort in Batavia(バタヴィア) in Java and made it as a base of Southeast Asian
trade. By taking advantage of the Amboyna Massacre(アンボイナ事件) in 1623, it expelled
English power from this region and took Malacca and Sri Lanka from Portugal. In addition,
the Netherlands established Cape Colony(ケープ植民地) in the southern end of Africa and
opened a new direct route from the Cape of Good Hope to Batavia by way of the Indian
Ocean and the Sunda Strait. It further occupied Taiwan, and then kept it as a base of
East China Sea trade. Particularly, it was the only European power to be permitted to
trade with Japan during that country’s policy of national isolation. So it made a large
fortune by exchanging silk textile and raw silk of China with silver and copper from Japan.
Thus, the Dutch East India Company became the most powerful trade power in the latter
half of the Age of Commerce.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、184頁~186頁)


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〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]

〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]

本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社


・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より


第6章 東南アジア世界
1 海の道の形成と東南アジア
2 東南アジア諸国家の再編成

第6章1 海の道の形成と東南アジア



第6章2 東南アジア諸国家の再編成






第11章2 海と陸の結合―東南アジア世界の発展

 マラッカ海峡と香辛料の産地モルッカ諸島を結ぶジャワ島東部では、11世紀以来、クディリ王国(Kediri, 928~1222)、ついでシンガサリ王国(Singhasari, 1222~92)がジャワ島内陸部の農業発展と香辛料交易の中継で繁栄し、三仏斉と覇権を争っていたが、13世紀中ごろにはスマトラ島にまで勢力を拡大した。13世紀末、元はシンガサリ王国を攻撃したが、ジャワ軍は元軍を撃退し、新しい指導者がマジャパヒト王国(Majapahit, 1293~1520ごろ)を建てた。マジャパヒト王国は交易発展の波にのり、14世紀後半には三仏斉を圧倒して、東インドネシア、ジャワ全島からスマトラ島東海岸に及ぶ、ほぼ現在のインドネシア全域の交易を掌握した。




 カンボジアでは9世紀以来、クメール王国(Khmer, アンコール朝 Angkor, 802ごろ~1431ごろ)がカンボジアや東北タイの平原の農業開拓に成功して、アンコールの地に大都市アンコール=トムを建設していた。12世紀に入ると、カンボジアやタイの物産を集荷して、メコン川を通じて南シナ海交易に進出した。クメール王国は13世紀はじめには、アンコールを中心にカンボジアからタイ、ラオス、マレー半島北部にいたる広大な地域を結ぶ交易路を支配下に置いた。
 クメール王国による大陸内部の交易ルートの形成は、チャオプラヤ、サルウィンなど大河川の流域で稲作農業を営んでいたタイ人をめざめさせた。13世紀後半、タイ人は各地でクメールから独立し、新しい交易網をつくりあげていった。13世紀末には中部タイのスコータイ王国(Sukhothai, 1257~1438)が、14世紀中ごろにはチャオプラヤ川中流域におこったアユタヤ王国(Ayuthaya, 1351ごろ~1767)が有力になった。とくにアユタヤ王国は、内陸の物産をタイランド湾沿岸に集め、これを中国や琉球に供給して発展した。また、上座部仏教を導入し、これを保護した。15世紀には北タイや東北タイで敵対する勢力をやぶり、ほぼ現在のタイにあたる地域の統合に成功した。
 ビルマでは、11世紀中ごろにビルマ人がイラワディ川中流域にパガン王国(Pagan, 1044~1287)を建てた。この王国は、雲南とベンガル湾を結ぶ交易で繁栄し、灌漑事業をおこしてビルマ平原の農業開拓に成功した。また、大乗仏教や密教と混在していた上座部仏教をとくに積極的に保護し、パガンを中心に多数の寺院を建立した。パガン王国は13世紀末以後、元軍の侵略とタイ系のシャン人の南下によって衰退したが、南部のモン人はベンガル湾沿岸にペグー(Pegu)などの港市国家を建設し、ベンガル湾交易を担った。





第2章 アジア・アメリカの古代文明
2 東南アジアの諸文明

 紀元前後から盛んになるインドや中国との交流のなかで、1世紀末に東南アジア最古の国家ともされる扶南(1世紀末~7世紀)がメコン川下流域に建国された。インドから来航したバラモンと土地の女性が結婚して国をつくったという神話をもつこの国の港オケオでは、ローマ貨幣やインドの神像が出土している。また2世紀末、ベトナムの中部に、チャム人がのちにチャンパー(Champa, 2世紀末~17世紀)と呼ばれる国をたてた。
 大陸部では、6世紀にメコン川中流域にクメール人によってヒンドゥー教の影響の強いカンボジア(Cambodia)がおこり、扶南を滅ぼした。この王国は、9世紀以降アンコールに都をおき、12世紀にはヒンドゥー教や仏教の強い影響をうけながらも独自の様式と規模をもつアンコール=ワット(Angkor Wat)を造営した。
 イラワディ川下流域では、9世紀までビルマ(ミャンマー)系のピュー(Phū)人の国があった。11世紀にはパガン朝(Pagan, 1044~1299)がおこり、スリランカとの交流により上座部仏教が広まった。チャオプラヤ川下流では、7世紀から11世紀頃にかけてモン人によるドヴァーラヴァティー王国(Dvaravati)が発展し、上座部仏教が盛んにおこなわれた。なお、のちの13世紀半ばにタイ北部におこったタイ族最古の王朝であるスコータイ朝(Sukhothai, 13~15世紀)の歴代の王も、上座部仏教を信仰した。
 諸島部でも「インド化」がすすみ、いくつかの王国が成立した。7世紀半ばには、スマトラ島のパレンバンを中心にシュリーヴィジャヤ王国(Srivijaya, 7~14世紀)が成立した。この王国は海上交易に積極的にたずさわり、唐にも朝貢使節を派遣した。義浄はインドへの往復の途中滞在し、仏教が盛んな様子を記している。中部ジャワでは、仏教国のシャイレンドラ朝(Sailendra, 8~9世紀頃)やヒンドゥー国のマタラム王国(Mataram, 732~1222)がうまれた。シャイレンドラ朝のもとでは、仏教寺院ボロブドゥール(Borobudur)が建造されたが、その後、ヒンドゥー教の勢力が強くなっていった。




(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、62頁~65頁)

第3章 内陸アジア世界・東アジア世界の形成
3 東アジア文化圏の形成

(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、90頁~92頁)

英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より

Chapter 4 :The East Asian World
3 World Empire in the East
■Chinese Civilization Spread
The expansion policy of the Han dynasty(漢) was also directed towards the south. It
destroyed Nanyue(南越) ; introduced a province-prefecture system in the Yunnan region; and expanded its territory to the middle of Vietnam and established nine provinces there
such as Jiaozhi (near Hanoi). However, the political and social situation in the Vietnam
area was always unstable. Northern part of Vietnam became under the control of the
Protectorate General to Pacify the South of the Tang dynasty. In Yunnan, Nanzhao
(南詔) of Tibet-Burma became independent. The center of their movement was Dali.
These states accepted a vassal relationship and tribute system with the Tang dynasty
and introduced Chinese characters and other aspects of Chinese Civilization. Champa
(チャンパー Linyi 林邑) in the middle part of Vietnam, Khmer (クメール Zhenla 真臘)
in the west, and Srivijaya (シュリーヴィジャヤ Sumatra) were under the influence
of India, but maintained a vassal relationship and tribute system with the Tang dynasty.
The Sui and Tang Empires were the only superpowers in East Asia at that time. Other
nations around the empires had to always consider the movement of the empires to keep
their own existence and growth. They adopted Chinese civilization such as Confucianism,
Buddhism, law systems, Chinese characters, and city planning and tried to make Chinese
Civilization to fuse into their own cultures. Thus, in East Asia, one civilized area was
created, where the surrounding nations more or less shared a common base of Chinese
This East Asian Civilization came into contact with Indian Civilization on the Tibetan
plateau and Southeast Asia.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、74頁~75頁)

Chapter 6 : The Southeast Asian World
1 Formation of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries

Chapter 6 : The Southeast Asian World  東南アジア世界
Southeast Asia which is located in vast region of the southeastern Eurasia
belongs to the hot and humid tropical zone and the subtropical zone. Monsoons
blow from the Indian Ocean in summer and from the South China Sea in winter,
bringing plentiful rainfall to this region. The tropical climate provides a lot of heat.
All of these factors generate its natural environment such as thick forests and big
rivers with huge amounts of water. Corresponding to this environment, areas in
the region share a common set of cultural elements such as villages with raised-
floor houses, wrap-around type clothes and fish and rice eating culture. There is
ancestor worship and animism that worship nature such as mountains, rocks and
trees. This common culture of this region is similar to that of Japan.
The natural environment of Southeast Asia is classified to thre categories.
The mountainous areas in the north are laurel forest lands with many forests, and
their climate is very similar to that of western Japan. The mainland Southeast
Asian region has grasslands of tropical savanna which are good for rice farming.
The archipelago area is covered with tropical forests and yields international
commodities such as spices. The northern mountainous areas and the grasslands
are connected by big rivers namely, from west to east, the Chao Phraya River, the
Irrawaddy River, the Mekong River and the Red River. The islands and the mainland
areas are closely connected by numerous sea routes such as the Strait of Malacca.
There is no common language nor religion in Southeast Asia, and no one political
power historically could consolidate all areas there.
Southeast Asia is surrounded by rich seas such as the South China Sea and the
Indian Ocean, which has rich and large markets. Southeast Asia has been a place to
connect East and West markets via the sea routes. Southeast Asia has been also a
region to produce tropical commodities sought by whole world, such as spices and
ivory in the ascent time, and coffee, sugar and rubber in the modern time. Southeast
Asia is a self-sufficient region and also an international trade area.
Southeast Asia had kept close relations with international markets, being strongly
influenced by adjacent India and China, and yet generated its own culture.
In this chapter, we will see the period to the 8th century when the trade networks
had been developed on the basis of fundamental culture and the produce of
Southeast Asia became connected to international markets.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、85頁~86頁)

Chapter 6 :1 Formatio:n of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
■Fundamental Culture of Southeast Asia
Rice cultivation of the lucidophyllous forest-type came to Southeast Asia in the 1st
millennium BC. Based on the development of rice cropping, metal culture called Dong Son culture
(ドンソン文化) was born around the northern Vietnam and Yunnan in southwestern China.
Dong Son culture was affected by Scythian art and the Chinese Bronze Age civilization.
Dong Son culture spread over current Thailand through the Malaysian peninsula to
Sumatra, Java and the eastern Indonesian islands on a route of the river and sea of Southeast
Asia. In the basins of these areas, many small states based on rice cultivation, were
founded. Figures of raised-floor houses, wrap-around type clothes, and farmers pounding
rice with mortar and mallet, as well as narrow river boats, were drawn on the bronze drum
which characterized this culture and we can see that the original model of Southeast Asian
culture was formed at that time.
On the other hand, the culture of fisherfolk, called the Sa Huynh culture(サーフィン文化),
spread over the coastal areas of the South Chinese Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, connecting the land
and sea of Southeast Asia together. Before and after the Christian era, the land of Southeast
Asia came to be tied together with sea by a common culture.

■Opening of the Sea Road
Around the beginning of the 1st century AD, the ships of kingdoms of South India, which
prospered in Indian Ocean trade(インド洋交易), came to visit Southeast Asia for its products
including spices. At the same time, under the Han dynasty in the east, the demand for Southeast
Asian products such as fragrant woods, spices, rhinoceros horns, pearls, and hawksbill sea
turtles began to increase in the cities of North China.
At the end of the 2nd century BC, Emperor Wu-di of the Han ruined the Nanyue Kingdom
(南越) in South China. He established command posts in the former region of the kingdom such as
the Nanhai Commandery(南海郡) in the Guangdong area, the Jiaozhi Commandery(交趾郡)
in the northern part of Vietnam and the Rinan Commandery(日南郡) in the central part of Vietnam,
and made them into hubs of the southern sea (Nanhai) trade(南海交易). In those days, the Chinese
merchants advanced along the seashore from the ports in South China and Vietnam to the east coast
of the Malaysian peninsula, and crossed the peninsula on land route. They appeared in the Bay of
Bengal, and arrived at South India. In the mid-2nd century AD, a man who called himself
a messenger of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus arrived in the Rinan
Commandery. The sea road(海の道) connecting two worlds of the east and the west was opened to

■Birth of a Port Polity
When the maritime trade through coastal sea routes was developed, the port polities(港市国家) were
created on the Southeast Asian coast, which intermediated between the Indian Ocean and
the South China Sea. At the end of the 2nd century, the Champa(林邑) kingdom of Chams,
which was based on the Sa Huynh culture, was built in the central coast of Vietnam. Also,
Funan(扶南) was founded in the area of the southern part of Vietnam and Cambodia. Tin pieces
with Sanskrit characters, the Chinese bronze mirrors in the age of the Han dynasty as
well as Roman coins in the 2nd century were excavated from the remains of Oc-Eo(オケオ) which
was a port of Funan. This indicates that the civilizations of East Asia, South Asia and the
Mediterranean Sea interacted in this area.
When the 5th century began, and the Southern dynasties in China prospered, demands
for products from the southern seas, including spices, increased in the cities of Central
China. Funan collected tropical products from the Moluccas in the east and port polities of
Sumatra in the west by sea and river and exported them to China. The Champa kingdom
also collected such tropical products from plains and mountains behind and delivered them
to China. In this way, in Southeast Asia, East-West international markets were formed,
and trade networks between the port polities were also formed in conjunction with the
international markets.
As the relations with East-West worlds were strengthened, Chinese civilization, including
Chinese characters and Confucianism, was passed along to the northern part of Vietnam.
In addition, Indian civilization, such as Sanskrit, literature, Hinduism and Buddhism, was
passed along to the port polities in Southeast Asia. They were mixed with the Dong Son
culture of agricultural people and the Sa Huynh culture of fisherfolk, and eventually formed
the original Southeast Asian civilization(東南アジア文明).
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、86頁~88頁)

2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries

■States Ruling Maritime Routes
When the Strait of Malacca became the principal route, port polity groups formed a
coalition centering around Palembang of Sumatra and built Shrivijaya
(シュリーヴィジャヤ), a maritime state, and to manage the strait. Shrivijaya introduced
Buddhism of India and it became a Buddhism propagation center in Southeast and East
Asia. In the South China Sea, the power of Funan, which could not cope with the change
of the route, weakened, and instead, Champa in the central part of Vietnam, presided over
maritime trade of the South China Sea. It carried merchandise of the western world and
Southeast Asia to the East Asian markets.
On the other hand, the Malays around the Strait of Malacca also went into the northern
coast of Java, and connected the Moluccas, which was a production center of spices, and
the Strait of Malacca. In the 8th century, the Malays in Java established the Sailendra
(“Lord of the Mountain”)dynasty(シャイレンドラ朝), and succeeded Shrivijaya, and ruled
over the Southeast Asian maritime routes with mighty maritime power. In the 9th century,
Shrivijaya of the Sailendra dynasty built the largest Mahayana Buddhism(大乗仏教)
temple in the world in Borobudur(ボロブドゥール) in central Java.

■Development of Inland States
In the mid-7th century, the rice cultivation techniques of South India spread to Southeast
Asia and the rice cropping developed on the tropical savanna plain. A powerful nation
was built in inland Southeast Asia, which was also a production center of Southeast Asian
In Cambodia, the Khmer cities in the plain and the Khmer cities on the Mekong basin
built a coalition state respectively. The Chinese called the former Land Zhenla(陸真臘) and
the latter Water Zhenla(水真臘). Two Zhenlas introduced Hinduism from India and traded
with Protectorate General to Pacify the South (Annan Protectorate) that was a regional
government of the Tang dynasty in northern Vietnam. The savanna plain and the South
China Sea were connected by them.
In the same period, the Mons built the Dvaravati kingdom(ドヴァーラヴァティ) by
unifying port polities along the Chao Phraya River that flows through present-day
Thailand, and expanded powers into inland. In Burma, cities along the Irrawaddy River
were combined together and formed the state. They connected southwestern China with
the Bengal Bay by land route. Both the Dvaravati and the Pyu introduced Buddhism,
mainly the Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教) from India.
In the basin of central Java, where rice growing agriculture was prosperous,
the Javanese built Old Mataram(古マタラム) in the mid-8th century, and connected
the Java Sea with the inland. Old Mataram adopt Hinduism and built the Prambanan
temple complex(プランバナン寺院群) in central Java. In the 7th and 8th centuries,
political powers were born in each area of Southeast Asia, and by connecting routes
of land and sea, they built a network which connected Southeast Asian products
with the international markets of the East and the West.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、88頁~90頁)

3 Connection of Sea and Land; Development of Southeast Asia World
■Development of Port Polities
Although the Chinese economy lagged temporarily by the violent upheavals in China
in the end of the Tang(唐) dynasty, it recovered quickly under the Song. The South Sea
trade(南海交易) increased after the end of the 10th century. This brought big changes
to Southeast Asia.
In northern Vietnam, the Annan Protectorate(安南都護府) in Hanoi was dissolved
with ruin of the Tang dynasty. The junk ships which left South Chinese ports sailed
directly to Champa ports in central Vietnam. For this reason, northern Vietnam was
isolated from international trade. At this time, northern Vietnam became independent
of Chinese rule and the archetype of current Vietnam was made.
Instead of northern Vietnam, the Champa kingdom(チャンパー[占城]王国), which
was founded by Cham(チャム) of central Vietnam, prospered as a transit port of the South
China Sea route. Champa exported ivory and agarwood, which could be harvested in
its mountains, to China.
In that same period, on the coast of the Malay peninsula and Sumatra Island along the
Strait of Malacca, there emerged innumerable port polities which had connecting routes
among the South China Sea, the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. After the 11th century,
a federal state called San-fo-ch’i(三仏斉) was founded. It prospered from tributary trade
with the Song dynasty of China.
After the 11th century, the Kediri kingdom(クディリ王国), located in eastern Java,
prospered. The kingdom connected the Moluccas Islands that produced spices to the Strait
of Malacca. Thereafter, the Shinghasari kingdom(シンガサリ王国) prospered due to
the agricultural development of the inland region Java the relay trade of spices. They had
competed with San-fo-ch’i for hegemony, and by the middle of the 13th century their
influence expanded even to Sumatra. Although the Yuan dynasty attacked and conquered
the Singhasari kingdom at the end of the 13th century, the Javanese army repulsed the
Yuan and a new leader founded the Majapahit kingdom(マジャパヒト王国). The Majapahit
rode a wave of trade development, and overwhelmed San-fo-ch’i in the second half of
the 14th century. Then they controlled the trade of almost the whole area of what is now
Indonesia which ranges from eastern Indonesia, all the Javanese islands to the Sumatra’s
east coast.
Thus, in maritime Southeast Asia since around the 11th century, the port polities unified
the producing inland and port cities and formed vast territories beyond the conventional
rule over the coasts and the sea routes. Their states were strengthened by connecting
international commerce. At this time, the indigenous such as Wayang in Indonesia, Indian
and Islamic culture merged to ethnic cultures. Here, we can see the prototypes of
Southeast Asian island countries of today.

■Reorganization of the Inland States in Southeast Asia
Corresponding to the expansion movement of the port polities, inland states also
continued to expand their territories and came to govern vast domains.
As the Ly dynasty(李朝) of Dai Viet(大越国) built in northern Vietnam at the beginning of the 11th century, it was separated from international trade and not blessed with special produce. Therefore, it made efforts to receive the Chinese civilization, which emphasized
farming, and to consolidate its national strength. It also strove to expand the agricultural
output by cultivating the Red River Delta(紅河[ホン川]デルタ). The Tran dynasty(陳朝)
replaced the Ly in the 13th century and built the network of dykes in the Red River Delta,
thereby creating condition for a large farming population. The farmers of the delta fiercely
resisted three invasions from the Yuan army in the end of the century. The Tran dynasty,
which drove back the Yuan army, advanced south in order to participate in the South China
Sea trade, and it repeatedly invaded Champa, a port polity in the central coastal region,
thereby extending its domain to the south.
At the end of the 14th century, the Ho dynasty(胡朝), which replaced the Tran dynasty,
encouraged the use of the unique Chu Nom characters(チュノム[字喃]) of Vietnam. It also
promoted the translation of Chinese books using the Chu Nom and made efforts to develop
a new bureaucratic nation which appointed bureaucrats only who passed an employment
examination. Although Dai Viet was merged temporarily into the Ming in the early 15th
century, it soon regained its independence under the Le dynasty(黎朝). The Le introduced
Confucianism and built a centralized state which adopted the politico-legal system
(律令制度) modeled after the Chinese system. It merged the Champa kingdom and, by the
17th century, spread its domain almost to the whole area of present day Vietnam.
In Cambodia, since the 9th century, the Khmer kingdom(クメール王国, Angkor dynasty
アンコール朝) succeeded in agricultural exploitation of the plains of Cambodia and northeastern Thailand, and built the big Angkor Thom(アンコール=トム) city in Angkor. Since the beginning of the 12th century, the Khmer collected produce from Cambodia and
Thailand. It advanced into the South China Sea trade by carrying goods through the
Mekong River(メコン川). At the beginning of the 13th century, the Khmer kingdom
dominated the trade routes that connected the vast area around Angkor, including
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, to the northern Malay peninsula.
The development of the inland trade routes under the Khmer kingdom awoke the Thai
people, who were cultivating rice fields in the basins of great rivers such as the Chao
Phraya(チャオプラヤ) and Salween(サルウィン) Rivers. In the second half of the 13th
century, the Thais became independent of the Khmer in various places, and built a new
trade network. At the end of the 13th century the Sukhothai kingdom(スコータイ王国)
of central Thailand was dominant. The Ayutthaya kingdom(アユタヤ王国), founded in
the middle reaches of the Chao Phraya River, expanded its strength in about the
mid-14th century. It collected and brought inland produce to the Thailand bay
area and carried them to China or Ryukyu, thereby prospering. The king introduced and
protected Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教). The kingdom brought the district powers in
northern or northeastern Thailand under its control and succeeded in the integration
of the area that roughly corresponds to present day Thailand in the 15th century.
In Burma, the Burmese built the Pagan kingdom(パガン王国) in the middle Irrawaddy
River(イラワディ川) basin in the mid-11th century. This kingdom prospered from trade
which connected the Bay of Bengal(ベンガル湾) and Yunnan(雲南). It also started an
irrigation enterprise, and succeeded in agricultural development of the Burma plain.
The kingdom declined after the invasion of the Yuan army and southern incursions of
the Thai Shans(シャン人) after the end of the 13th century. The Mons(モン人),
who lived in the south of Burma, built port polities, such as Pegu(ペグー) on the Bay of
Bengal coast, and thereby controlled the bay trade.
Thus, in mainland Southeast Asia, the landlocked states built the inland routes and
continued to make their efforts to unify the coastal port polities. This is how the territories
of present nation state were gradually formed.


2023-10-08 19:00:50 | ある高校生の君へ~勉強法のアドバイス



〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]

〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]

本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社

〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]

Introduction to World History
1 Natural Environments: the Stage for World History
2 Position of Japan in East Asia
3 Disease and Epidemic
Part 1 Various Regional Worlds
The Humans before Civilization
1 Appearance of the Human Race
2 Formation of Regional Culture
Chapter 1
The Ancient Near East (Orient) and the Eastern Mediterranean World
1 Formation of the Oriental World
2 Deployment of the Oriental World
3 Greek World
4 Hellenistic World
Chapter 2
The Mediterranean World and the West Asia
1 From the City State to the Global Empire
2 Prosperity of the Roman Empire
3 Society of the Late Antiquity and Breaking up
of the Mediterranean World
4 The Mediterranean World and West Asia
World in the 2nd century
Chapter 3
The South Asian World
1 Expansion of the North Indian World
2 Establishment of the Hindu World
Chapter 4
The East Asian World
1 Civilization Growth in East Asia
2 Birth of Chinese Empire
3 World Empire in the East
Chapter 5
Inland Eurasian World
1 Rises and Falls of Horse-riding Nomadic Nations
2 Assimilation of the Steppes into Turkey and Islam
Chapter 6
1 Formation of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries
Chapter 7
The Ancient American World

Part 2 Interconnecting Regional Worlds
Chapter 8
Formation of the Islamic World
1 Establishment of the Islamic World
2 Development of the Islamic World
3 Islamic Civilization
World in the 8th century
Chapter 9
Establishment of European Society
1 The Eastern European World
2 The Middle Ages of the Western Europe
3 Feudal Society and Cities
4 The Catholic Church and the Crusades
5 Culture of Medieval Europe
6 The Middle Ages in Crisis
7 The Renaissance
Chapter 10
Transformation of East Asia and the Mongol Empire
1 East Asia after the Collapse of the Tang Dynasty
2 New Developments during the Song Era ―Advent of Urban Age
3 The Mongolian Empire Ruling over the Eurasian Continent
4 Establishment of the Yuan Dynasty

Part 3 Unification of the World
Chapter 11
Development of the Maritime World
1 Formation of the Three Maritime Worlds
2 Expansion of the Maritime World
3 Connection of Sea and Land; Development of Southeast Asia World
Chapter 12
Prosperity of Empires in the Eurasian Continent
1 Prosperity of Iran and Central Asia
2 The Ottoman Empire; A Strong Power Surrounding
the East Mediterranean
3 The Mughal Empire; Big Power in India
4 The Ming Dynasty and the East Asian World
5 Qing and the World of East Asia
Chapter 13
The Age of Commerce
1 Emergence of Maritime Empire
2 World in the Age of Commerce
World in the 17th century
Chapter 14
Modern Europe
1 Formation of Sovereign States and Religious Reformation
2 Prosperity of the Dutch Republic
and the Up-and-Coming England and France
3 Europe in the 18th Century and the Enlightened Absolute Monarchy
4 Society and Culture in the Early Modern Europe
Chapter 15
Industrialization in the West and the Formation of Nation States
1 Intensified Struggle for Economic Supremacy
2 Industrialization and Social Problems
3 Independence of the United States and Latin American Countries
4 French Revolution and the Vienna System
5 Dream of Social Change; Waves of New Revolutions

Part 4 Unifying and Transforming the World
Chapter 16
Development of Industrial Capitalism and Imperialism
1 Reorganization of the Order in the Western World
2 Economic Development of Europe
and the United States and Changes in Society and Culture
3 Imperialism and World Order
World in the latter half of 19th century
Chapter 17
Reformation in Various Regions in Asia
1 Reform Movements in West Asia
2 Colonization of South Asia and Southeast Asia,
and the Dawn of National Movements
3 Instability of the Qing Dynasty and Alteration of East Asia
Chapter 18
The Age of the World Wars
1 World War I
2 The Versailles System and Reorganization of International Order
3 Europe and the United States after the War
4 Movement of Nation Building in Asia and Africa
5 The Great Depression and Intensifying International Conflicts
6 World War II

Part 5 Establishment of the Global World
Chapter 19
Nation-State System and the Cold War
1 Hegemony of the United States and the Development of the Cold War
2 Independence of the Asian-African Countries and the "Third World"
3 Disturbance of the Postwar Regime
4 Multi-polarization of the World and the Collapse of the U.S.S.R.
Final Chapter
Globalization of Economy and New Regional Order
1 Globalization of Economy and Regional Integration
2 Questions about Globalization and New World Order
3 Life in the 21st Century; Time of Global Issues
The Rises and Falls of Main Nations


・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より


第2編 広域世界の形成と交流
第8章 イスラーム世界の形成
1 イスラーム世界の成立
2 イスラーム世界の発展
3 イスラーム文明

第8章 イスラーム世界の形成
1 イスラーム世界の成立
 メッカに住むクライシュ族のハーシム家に生まれた商人ムハンマド(Muhammad, 570ごろ~632)は、610年ごろから神の啓示を受けた預言者として宗教活動を開始し、多神教の偶像崇拝を批判して、唯一神アッラー(Allah)への信仰を説くイスラーム教(Islam)を広めた。故郷の有力者らに迫害されたムハンマドは、622年に北方のオアシス都市メディナ(ヤスリブ)へ亡命し、この地に新たなムスリム共同体(umma ウンマ)を成立させた。彼らは多神教徒と数度の戦争を行い、630年にはメッカを征服することに成功した。
 632年にムハンマドが没すると、残された人々は預言者の後継者としてカリフ(Caliph)の役職を設立し、クライシュ族から有力な信徒を選出して、ウンマの指導を任せた(正統カリフ時代 632~661)。第2代正統カリフのウマルは、アラブの大征服とよばれる大規模なジハード(聖戦)を行い、東ローマ帝国からシリアやエジプトなどの肥沃な土地を奪うとともに、642年のニハーヴァンドの戦いでササン朝ペルシアをやぶって、その領土を獲得した。ムスリム軍が征服した地域には軍営都市(misr ミスル)が建設され、カリフから任命されたアミール(総督)が治安の維持と征服地からの徴税を担当し、兵士には年金(ata アター)が支給された。

 661年に第4代正統カリフのアリー(Ali, 在位656~661)が不満分子によって暗殺されると、彼と対立していたシリア総督のムアーウィヤ(Muawiya, 在位661~680)が政権を握り、それまでの慣例をやぶって、自分の一族であるクライシュ族ウマイヤ家の出身者が代々のカリフ位を世襲する体制を確立した(ウマイヤ朝 Umayya, 661~750)。ウマイヤ朝はダマスカスに都を定め、さらなる征服戦争をおしすすめて、西方ではイベリア半島の西ゴート王国を滅ぼし、東方ではアフガニスタンや中央アジアを支配下に組みいれた。また、第5代カリフのアブド=アルマリク(Abd al-Malik, 在位685~705)は、ササン朝や東ローマ帝国の旧官僚が担っていた行政の用語をアラビア語に統一し、独自の金貨・銀貨を鋳造するなどの行政改革を行った。


9世紀以降に整えられたイスラーム法(シャリーア)は、啓典『クルアーン(Quran, コーラン)』と、ムハンマドの言行を伝えた伝承(ハディース)が基盤となっている。イスラーム法は、ムスリムの義務として神・天使・啓典・預言者・来世・天命の六つを信じること(六信)と、信仰告白・礼拝・断食・喜捨・巡礼の五つを行うこと(五行)を定め、その具体的な方法を規定している。たとえば断食は、ラマダーン月(イスラーム暦の第9月)の1か月間、日中は断食しなければならないとされるが、夜は盛大に飲み食いをする一種の祭りであり、また、旅人、妊婦、病人などは断食を免除されるなど柔軟な規定となっている。イスラーム法はまた、婚姻・相続などの社会規範や、国家や政治指導者に関する政治的規定も含み、国家や社会のあり方を規制している。



3 イスラーム文明
 イスラーム世界の中心となる大都市の人口は数十万人規模で、人口十数万人から数万人規模の都市は各地に数多くあった。都市の中心部にはモスク(mosque, 礼拝所)と常設店舗市があり、隣接して外部から訪れる商人のための隊商宿(キャラヴァンサライ karvansaray)、町の人や旅人が利用する公衆浴場や公衆便所があった。
 住宅や店舗は賃貸物件が多かった。支配者や裕福な商人は、賃貸アパートや賃貸商店街を建設したが、それを私有せずに公共のための信託財産(ワクフ waqf)とした。モスクやマドラサ(学院)、道路などの公共施設は、ワクフからの収入によって維持されていた。
 ギリシア語による学問をアラビア語で発達させた分野を、イスラーム世界では「外来の学問」とよんだ。これとは別に、イスラーム法学を中心とする「固有の学問」とよばれた領域があった。法の基礎である『クルアーン』(コーラン)がアラビア語で記されているため、アラビア語の文法学と詩学が、固有の学問の基礎であった。さらに、クルアーン解釈学やムハンマドの言行などの伝承(ハディース)を学ぶ伝承学が発達し、それらを基盤として法学があった。スンナ派では、四つの法学派が成立し、それぞれがたがいを認めながらも、独自な法学体系をつくっていった。また、イスラーム世界の歴史を学ぶ歴史学も発達し、タバリー(Tabari, 839~923)は『預言者たちと諸王の歴史』を編纂し、イブン=ハルドゥーン(Ibn Khaldun, 1332~1406)は『世界史序説』を著して、「文明の民(都市民)と粗野な民(荒野の民)との関係を通じて歴史が展開する」という独自の歴史理論を展開した。ガザーリー(Ghazali, 1058~1111)が神秘主義を理論化したことにより、神秘主義も学問の一つの領域となった。
 法学を中心に、固有の学問を教授する機関としてマドラサ(madrasa)が、11世紀ごろから各地に設けられた。シーア派のマドラサであったカイロのアズハル学院も、アイユーブ朝の時代からは、スンナ派の学院として名声を誇った。マドラサで学問を修めた者はウラマー(ulama, 宗教知識人)とよばれ、裁判官(カーディー)、教師、礼拝の指導者などをつとめ、社会のエリートとして大きな影響力をもった。
 マドラサの講義は、イスラーム世界全体で共通していて、どこで学んでも、同じ教養を身につけることができた。同じ教養をもち、同じ方法論で法判断をするウラマーの存在が、政治的な分裂にもかかわらず、イスラーム世界が一体性を維持してきた最大の要因であった。教養あるウラマーになるためには、なるべく多くの地域で学ぶことが望まれ、また教養あるウラマーは各地を遍歴して教えていた。『三大陸周遊記』で知られるイブン=バットゥータ(Ibn Battuta,
 文学では、詩が著しく発達した。アラビア語の詩に加えて、9世紀後半からはペルシア語の詩がさかんにつくられ、四行詩の『ルバイヤート』を著したウマル=ハイヤーム(Umar Khayyam, 1048~1131)など、多数の詩人が輩出した。散文学では『千夜一夜物語(アラビアン=ナイト)』など大衆文芸が好まれた。
 美術面では、偶像崇拝を否定するイスラーム教の影響から、絵画や彫刻などの造形美術は未発達であった。アラベスク(arabesque)とよばれる幾何学的な紋様が、建造物、陶器、書籍などを飾り、絵画ではミニアチュール(miniature, 細密画)が広まった。建築ではイスラーム文明を代表する芸術として発展し、高度な技術を駆使したドームと優雅な尖塔(ミナレット)を特徴とするモスクや墓廟が、多数建てられた。


【8世紀の世界 文明世界の成立】









第Ⅱ部 第Ⅱ部概観
第4章 イスラーム世界の形成と発展
1 イスラーム世界の形成
2 イスラーム世界の発展
3 インド・東南アジア・アフリカのイスラーム化
4 イスラーム文明の発展

第Ⅱ部 第Ⅱ部概観
第4章 イスラーム世界の形成と発展
1 イスラーム世界の形成
 この町にうまれたクライシュ(Quraysh)族の商人ムハンマド(Muhammad, 570頃~632)は、610年頃唯一神アッラー(Allah)のことばを授けられた預言者であると自覚し、さまざまな偶像を崇拝する多神教にかわって、厳格な一神教であるイスラーム教(Islam)をとなえた。しかし富の独占を批判するムハンマドはメッカの大商人による迫害をうけ、622年に少数の信者を率いてメディナに移住し、ここにイスラーム教徒(ムスリム Muslim)の共同体(ウンマ umma)を建設した。この移住をヒジュラ(hijra 聖遷)という。

ムハンマドの死後、イスラーム教徒は共同体の指導者としてアブー=バクル(Abu Bakr 在位632~634)をカリフ(caliph)に選出した。アラブ人はカリフの指導のもとに大規模な征服活動(ジハード jihad<聖戦>)を開始し、東方ではササン朝を滅ぼし、西方ではシリアとエジプトをビザンツ帝国から奪い、多くのアラブ人が家族をともなって征服地に移住した。しかし、まもなくカリフ権をめぐってイスラーム教徒間に対立がおこり、第4代カリフのアリー(Ali 在位656~66)が暗殺されると、彼と敵対していたシリア総督のムアーウィヤ(Muawiya 在位661~680)は、661年ダマスクスにウマイヤ朝(Umayya 661~750)を開いた。アブー=バクルからアリーまでの4代のカリフを一般に正統カリフ(632~661)という。(下略)
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、100頁~103頁)

4 イスラーム文明の発展

 また10世紀以後のイスラーム社会では、都市の職人や農民のあいだに、形式的な信仰を排して神との一体感を求める神秘主義(スーフィズム sufism)が盛んになった。12世紀になると、聖者を中心に多くの神秘主義教団が結成され、教団員はムスリム商人の後を追うようにして、アフリカや中国・インド・東南アジアに進出し、各地の習俗を取り入れながらイスラームの信仰を広めていった。
最初に発達したイスラーム教徒の学問は、アラビア語の言語学と、『コーラン』の解釈に基づく神学・法学であった。その補助手段として数多くの伝承(ハディース)が集められ、それが歴史学の発達をうながした。9~10世紀の歴史家タバリー(Tabari, 839~923)は年代記形式の大部な世界史『預言者たちと諸王の歴史』を編纂し、14世紀の歴史学者イブン=ハルドゥーン(Ibn Khaldun, 1332~1406)は『世界史序説』を著して、都市と遊牧民との交流を中心に、王朝興亡の歴史に法則性のあることを論じた。
 イスラーム教徒の学問が飛躍的に発達したのは、9世紀初め以後、バグダードの「知恵の館」(バイト=アルヒクマ)を中心に、ギリシア語文献が組織的にアラビア語に翻訳されてからである。彼らはギリシアの医学・天文学・幾何学・光学・地理学などを学び、臨床や観測・実験によってそれらをさらに豊富で正確なものとした。インドからも医学・天文学・数学を学んだが、とくに数学(のちのアラビア数字)と十進法とゼロの概念を取り入れることによって、独創的な成果をあげることができた。フワーリズミー(Khwarizmi, 780頃~850頃)らは代数学と三角法を開発し、これらの成果は錬金術や光学でもちいられた実験方法とともにヨーロッパに伝えられ、近代科学への道を切り開いた。また、『四行詩集』(『ルバイヤート』)の作者ウマル=ハイヤーム(Umar Khayyam, 1048~1131)は数学・天文学にもすぐれ、きわめて正確な太陽暦の作成に関わった。
 イスラーム教徒はギリシア哲学、とくにアリストテレスの哲学を熱心に研究した。イスラーム思想界は、10世紀以後しだいに神秘主義思想の影響を強くうけるようになったが、信仰と理性の調和はよく保たれていた。それは神学者がギリシア哲学の用語と方法論を学び、合理的で客観的なスンナ派の神学体系を樹立したからである。イスラーム信仰の基礎として神秘主義を容認したガザーリー(Ghazali, 1058~1111)は、このような神学者の代表である。また哲学の分野では、ともに医学者としても有名なイブン=シーナー(Ibn Sina, 980~1037; ラテン名アヴィケンナ Avicenna)とイブン=ルシュド(Ibn Rushd, 1126~98; ラテン名アヴェロエス
 文学では、詩の分野が大いに発達し、説話文学も数多く書かれたが、アラブ文学を代表する『千夜一夜物語』(『アラビアン=ナイト』)は、インド・イラン・アラビア・ギリシアなどを起源とする説話の集大成であり、16世紀初め頃までにカイロで現在の形にまとめられた。また、メッカ巡礼記を中心とする旅の文学も盛んであり、イブン=バットゥータ(Ibn Battuta, 1304~68/69または77)はモロッコから中国にいたる広大な世界を旅して、帰国後、口述筆記によるアラビア語の『旅行記』(『三大陸周遊記』)を残した。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、115頁~119頁)

英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より


Part 2 Interconnecting Regional Worlds
Chapter 8 :Formation of the Islamic World
1 Establishment of the Islamic World
3 Islamic Civilization

1 Establishment of the Islamic World
■The Prophet Muhammad
It was Muhammad(ムハンマド), a native of Mecca in Arabia, who first preached Islam in the
7th century. In the Arabian peninsula, people introduced the technology using groundwater for
irrigation in the 1st millennium BC, and established oasis to live on agriculture in various
parts of Arabia, and because of this, cities developed there as well. At almost the same time,
nomads began to breed camels and engaged in caravan trade in cooperation with the
people of the city. When the monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Christianity had
been transmitted to Arabia since the 4th century, the majority of Arabs(アラブ人), residents of
Arabia, were polytheists who believed in various gods.
Mecca was one of the holy lands of Arabian polytheists, and various gods were enshrined
at the Kaaba(カーバ神殿) in Mecca. Qurayshi people(クライシュ族) in Mecca had become
merchants by organizing caravan trade since the middle of the 6th century and had made a society
centered on commerce.
Muhammad, a Quraysh merchant who believed in the one God(Allah[アッラー] in Arabic),
the same as the one God in Judaism and Christianity (Yahweh in Hebrew), called himself a prophet
after receiving revelation from Allah. He then preached faith in Allah. However, very
few people in Mecca followed his religion, and Muhammad, along with his followers,
were persecuted for their beliefs. Because of this, Muhammad and his followers moved
to Medina (メディナ Yasuribu ヤスリブ) in 622 (hijra[Hegira] ヒジュラ[聖運]). Muhammad
established Islam(イスラーム教) as a new monotheistic religion in Medina, defining unique rituals,
such as praying toward the Kaaba in Mecca. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim(ムスリム).
Muhammad created a Muslim community (umma ウンマ) in Medina, returned to Mecca and
conquered it in 630, placing most of the Arabian peninsula under his political influence in the
following year.

■Conquest by Muslims
After Muhammad died of illness in 632, Muslims made a system that allowed all
members to choose his successor (Caliph カリフ). They then swore allegiance to that person,
thus maintaining unity. The first four Caliphs chosen in this way were called the “Rightly Guided
Arabs, who became Muslims during this period, embarked on conquest (jihad [holy war]
ジハード[聖戦]) beyond the Arabian peninsula. In those days, Sassanian Persia and the Eastern Roman
Empire battled against each other repeatedly, exhausting themselves in the process. The
Muslim army defeated Sassanian at the Battle of Nahāvand(ニハーヴァンドの戦い) in 642 and
annexed its territory. The Muslim army then attacked Syria and Egypt just after the Eastern Roman
Empire recaptured them from the Sassanians and conquered the lands. Thus a huge empire where
Arabic Muslims ruled over many ethnic groups and believers of various religions was
The Muslim army established military towns (misr ミスル) in the key areas of the land they
conquered. They received tax revenues from the conquered areas in the form of pensions
(ata アター), and continued conquest activities led by a Caliph-appointed Governor-General. The
conquered ethnic groups were guaranteed autonomy, safety, and were allowed to keep their
property as well as retain their own traditional faiths; such as Judaism and Christianity; but
they had to pay poll taxes (jizya ジズヤ) and land taxes(kharaj ハラージュ).

■From the Umayyad to the Abbasid
When Ali(アリー), the 4th Rightly Guided Caliph, was assassinated in 661, Muawiyah
(ムアーウィヤ) of the Umayyad, who was the Governor-General of Syria at the time and was
opposed to Ali, took up the position of the Caliph in Damascus. The Umayyad went on to
monopolize the post of caliph for generations to build the Umayyad dynasty(ウマイヤ朝).
During the Umayyad period, the Muslim army kept conquering from Central Asia in the east to
the Iberian peninsula in the west. This dynasty issued original gold and silver coins to link areas
which had been divided into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanid until then, and made
a large, vast trade zone. Moreover, it established Arabic(アラビア語) as the official language
and built the foundation of the Islamic world…
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、96頁~97頁)

3 Islamic Civilization
■Cities and Commerce in the Islamic World
Islam, born in Mecca in the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century, had no thought of
despising commerce in the beginning. Even after becoming main religion in West Asia
and North Africa, where the commerce had highly developed since Ancient Oriental
civilization, Islam evolved as a religion that respected the ethics, such as fair trade, of the
merchant. Since one of the main duties of Muslims was to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, the
rulers in the Islamic world could not forbid Muslims to move for purpose of pilgrimage.
The pilgrimage route to Mecca, crisscrossing the Islamic world, was also the route for
commerce, and a road of the trip to seek learning. The rulers were expected to ensure the
safety of pilgrimage routes to promote free movement of people, things and information.
The Islamic civilization supported by Islam had a strong character as a highly developed
urban civilization(都市文明) with a focus on commerce.
In rural villages around cities in the Islamic world of West Asia and North Africa,
irrigated agriculture progressed, and grains such as wheat and barley, and fruits such as
dates and grapes, were being cultivated. Since the 9th century, cultivation of rice also
became active, and agricultural crops of South Asian or Southeast Asian origins such
as sugar cane, bananas and oranges were also being cultivated. These agricultural crops
were produced not only for self-sufficiency but also for sale, and the owners of the farms
employed farm workers under one-year contracts to manage farming.
The city was the center of the regional economy where people traded agricultural
products and handicrafts made by city folk. It was also a base for trade between cities
or with the outlands. The commercial systems, such as joint investments or methods
of payment using checks and bills, were improved for long-distance and large-scale
commercial trade under Islamic law. The trade network was extended outside of the
Islamic world. Muslim merchants(ムスリム商人) would advance to Southeast Asia, China,
Africa, and Europe, and Islamic law functioned as the law of international trade.
Population of large cities, which were the center of the Islamic world, was in hundreds
of thousands; there were many cities with the population of between tens of thousands and
well over a hundred thousand in various places. There were mosques(モスク
places of worship) and permanent market shops at the center of city. Caravanserai
(隊商宿 karvansaray[キャラヴァンサライ]) for merchants coming from outside, and public
baths and toilets for city people and travelers were located next to them.
Most of the houses and stores were rented. Although the rulers and the rich merchants
built apartments and shopping districts for rent, they made them into public trust assets
(waqf ワクフ) without owning them privately. Public facilities, such as mosques, madrasas
(マドラサ institute[学院]), roads, etc. were maintained by the income from waqf.

■Madrasa and Ulama
Some fields of studies, which had originally been in Greek and were developed in
Arabic, were called “foreign studies(外来の学問)” in the Islamic world. Apart from that,
there was a field called “specific studies(固有の学問)” with a focus on Islamic law. Since
the Quran which was the base of law, was written in Arabic, Arabic grammar and poetics
were the base of specific studies. In addition, the study of the Quran and the lore, sayings
and doings of Muhammad (hadith ハーディス) as the base of law, had evolved. For the
Sunni, four law schools were established and they accepted each other but made their own
separate original law systems. In addition, historiography, the learning of the history of
the Islamic world, made progress as well. Tabari(タバリー) compiled History of the
Prophets and the Kings(預言者と諸王の歴史), and Ibn Khaldun(イブン=ハルドゥーン),
representing Introduction to World History(世界史序説), explicated his original theory
of history, namely, “history is expanded through the relationship between the people
of civilization (urban people) and the people of savagery (wild people)”. Mysticism also
became one field of study theorized by Ghazali(ガザーリー).
Madrasas(マドラサ) were built as institutions to teach specific studies, mainly the study
of law, in many places since about the 11th century. The Al-Azhar institute(アズハル学院)
in Cairo, which had been built as a madrasa of the Shia, became proud of its reputation
as an institute of the Sunni since the days of the Ayyubid. People who learned at madrasa
were called ulamas(ウラマー intelligent persons), and served as judges, teachers, leaders
of worship, among other occupations, and were very influential as the elite of society.
As lectures in madrasas were common throughout the Islamic world, people were able
to acquire the same culture regardless of where they learned. The existence of ulamas who
had the same culture and made a legal judgment in the same methodology was the biggest
factor for the Islamic world to maintain the integrity in spite of its political divide. People
should better learn in many places to become cultured ulamas, and cultural ulamas went
to various places to teach. Ibn Battuta(イブン=バットゥータ) known for Rihla;
three continent tour(三大陸周遊記) was typical of the ulama who was an Islamic
intelligent person.

■Art of the Islamic World
Poetry evolved as literature remarkably. In addition to poetry in Arabic, much poetry was
also written in Persian since the second half of the 9th century, and a large number of poets
appeared one after another. For example, Umar Khayyam(ウマル=ハイヤーム), who wrote
Rubaiyat(ルバイヤート) of four-line poetry was one of them. In the field of prose,
mass literature including works such as Stories of the Thousand and One Nights
(Arabian Nights アラビアンナイト 千夜一夜物語) were preferred.
In terms of art, figurative art such as painting and sculptures did not progress because of
the influence of Islam, which prohibited the worship of idols. Geometric patterns
(called Arabesque[アラベスク]) decorated buildings, potteries and books. Miniature
(ミニアチュール) became popular in paintings. Architecture developed as an art
representing the Islamic civilization, and many mosques and Saints Mausoleums which
were characterized by domes and elegant steep towers (minaret ミナレット) were built,
making full use of advanced technology.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、105頁~107頁)

■World in the 8th century
After ancient empires were ruined by migrant movements and others, new
empires appeared again in the 8th century, which governed vast areas. Byzantine
Empire of Christianity, Abbasid dynasty of Islam and Tang dynasty of Confucianism
and Buddhism flourished. And three worlds centering around those empires were
Frankish Kingdom 732 Battle of Tours-Poitiers
Byzantine Empire ~Constantinople
Abbasid dynasty 751 Battle of Talas Transmission of papermaking to West
Tang dynasty ~Chang’an
Southeast Asia Borobudur
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、108頁~109頁)


2023-10-01 19:00:33 | ある高校生の君へ~勉強法のアドバイス



〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]

〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]





本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社


・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より


第3章 南アジア世界
1 南アジアにおける文明の成立と国家形成

 前1500年ごろ、インダス川中流域のパンジャーブ地方に、西北からカイバル峠をこえてインド=ヨーロッパ語系のアーリヤ人(Aryans)が移住してきた。彼らは二輪の戦車を駆使して、先住民と戦いながら各地に進出していった。アーリヤ人は、火や雷などを自然神として崇拝した。この時期に、これらの神々への讃歌を集めた『リグ=ヴェーダ(Rig Veda)』が編纂された。
 前1000年ごろ、アーリヤ人はガンジス川中流域に進出し、森林を焼き払い、稲作を開始した。牧畜社会から定着農耕社会へ移行するとともに、軍事指導者が世襲的な王族・武人階層(クシャトリヤ)を形成した。先住民の信仰や儀礼はアーリヤ人の宗教のなかにとりいれられ、司祭者(バラモン)がつかさどる祭儀は複雑化し、つぎつぎとヴェーダが編纂された。ヴェーダを中心とした宗教をバラモン教という。バラモンは高い権威をもち、人々をバラモン(brahmana)、クシャトリヤ(kshatriya)、一般庶民(ヴァイシャ vaishya)、隷属民(シュードラ shudra)の四つの種姓(ヴァルナ Varna)と枠外の賤民(不可触民)に分ける身分制によって社会を秩序づけようとした。ヴァルナはのちのカースト(caste ジャーティ jati)制度の基礎となった。

 前7世紀ごろ、ガンジス川流域では稲作農業や手工業が発展し、商業活動が活発になり、城壁のある都市をもつ国家が数多くつくられた。こうした社会的・経済的な発展を背景に、前6世紀ごろ、哲学的な「ウパニシャッド(Upanishad)」(奥義書)文献が編纂された。そこでは宇宙の根本原理(ブラフマン brahman)と自己(アートマン atman)を合一すれば、業(カルマ karma)によって決定された輪廻からときはなれたれ解脱することができると説かれた。
 業、輪廻、解脱の考えは、前5世紀ごろ、ガウタマ=シッダールタ(Gautama Siddhartha ブッダ Buddha, 前563ごろ~前483ごろ)によって深められた。現在のインドとネパールの国境周辺で王国を形成していたシャーキャ(釈迦)族の王子として生まれたブッダは、苦の原因から離脱する正しい認識の方法(四諦)と、正しい実践の方法(八正道)を説いて仏教の祖となった。また、マガダ国のクシャトリヤ出身のヴァルダマーナ(Vardhamana マハーヴィーラ Mahavira, 前549ごろ~前477ごろ)は、禁欲的な苦行と徹底的な不殺生により解脱を得るとするジャイナ教を創始した。ヴェーダの権威を批判する仏教やジャイナ教は、保守的なバラモンの支配に不満をもつ商人や王侯に支持され、インド全域に広がった。

 十六大国といわれた北インドの国家群のなかではコーサラ国(Kosala)とマガダ国(Magadha)がとくに有力であったが、マガダ国が前5世紀ごろにコーサラ国を滅ぼし、前4世紀にはマガダ国がナンダ朝(Nanda)のもとで北インド最大の勢力に成長した。この時期、アケメネス朝ペルシアはインダス川西岸に進出していた。その後、ペルシアを倒したアレクサンドロス大王が前326年までにインダス川流域を制圧し、北西インドは一時彼の大帝国に組みいれられた。いっぽう、マガダ国では前317年ごろ、武将チャンドラグプタ(Chandraguputa, 在位前317ごろ~前269ごろ)がパータリプトラ(現パトナ)を都とするマウリヤ朝(Maurya, 前317ごろ~前180ごろ)を建てた。マウリヤ朝は、西はアフガニスタン南部、東はガンジス川下流域、南はデカン高原にいたるインド最初の大帝国を形成し、第3代アショーカ王(Ashoka, 在位

 マウリヤ朝は前2世紀の初頭に滅び、北インドの中央部は4世紀のグプタ朝の成立まで政治的な分裂がつづいた。しかし、この間にも仏教は商人などの都市民の支持を得て、インド各地で栄えた。このころ、仏教は、僧が守るべき戒律の教えや解釈をめぐっていくつかの部派に分かれた(部派仏教)。さらに、衆生の救済を重視し、悟りや知恵を求める修行者を広く菩薩として信仰する大乗仏教がおこった。2世紀ごろ、ナーガールジュナ(Nagarjuna, 竜樹, 2~3世紀)がその教理を体系化した。
 西北インドに接するバクトリアでは、アレクサンドロスの退却後もギリシア系の人々がとどまり、都市国家を形成していた。前2世紀にはいると西北インドに勢力を広げ、仏教をはじめとするインドの文明の影響を受ける一方、ヘレニズム文明をインドに伝えた。前1世紀にはイラン系のサカ人が、後1世紀には、大月氏の支配下にあったクシャーナ族が西北インドを征服した。クシャーナ族が建てたクシャーナ朝(Kushana, 1~3世紀)は、2世紀中ごろにはカニシカ王(Kanishka, 在位130ごろ~170ごろ)が北インドから中央アジアに及ぶ地域を支配し、都のプルシャプラ(現ペシャワール)から東西交易をおさえた。中国の絹、中央アジアの玉がクシャーナ朝領内にもたらされ、ローマに向けて船積みされ、かわりにローマからは金貨がもたらされた。こうしてインド、中央アジア、ペルシア、ギリシアの諸文明がこの地で混じりあった。


 4世紀前半に、ガンジス川中流域、かつてのマガダ国の故地から台頭したチャンドラグプタ1世(Chandraguputa I 在位320ごろ~335ごろ)がパータリプトラを都としてグプタ朝(Gupta 320ごろ~550ごろ)を建てた。同世紀後半には、チャンドラグプタ2世(Chandraguputa II 在位376ごろ~415ごろ)が北インドの大部分を統一した。



 7世紀前半にハルシャ=ヴァルダナ(Harsha Vardhana, 在位606~647)がカナウジを都として、一時、北インドの大部分を統一したが、その死とともに帝国も解体した。以後、インド各地に諸王国が分立する状況が長くつづいた。この時代、南インドには活発なインド洋交易にも支えられて有力な諸王国が出現した。東海岸ではパッラヴァ朝(Pallava 3世紀~9世紀末)が7世紀から栄え、デカン高原を本拠として8世紀に成立したラーシュトラクータ朝(Rashutrakuta, 754~973)は、西海岸を支配するとともに北インドにも勢力をのばした。11世紀には半島南端のチョーラ朝(Chola, 前3世紀ごろ~13世紀)が有力になり、スリランカやスマトラにも軍を派遣し、インド半島から東のインド洋の覇権を握った。チョーラ朝は海上交易のさらなる発展をめざして中国の宋に使節を派遣し、以後、15世紀まで南インドの諸王国と中国との間で使節の交換が行われた。
 インド各地の諸王国では、グプタ朝の文化が継承されるとともに地域色の強い文化の発展もみられた。サンスクリット語とならんで、さまざまな地域語によっても文学作品が書かれるようになり、ヒンドゥー教の寺院は地域的に特徴のある様式でつくられた。また、農業開発が各地ですすみ、農村を直接支配する領主層が生まれ、農村での分業が発達した。ヴァルナの概念がヒンドゥー教とならんで社会に広く浸透していくとともに、商業や、各種の手工業、サービス業などの職業が世襲化されて各職業集団が固定化し、カースト(caste ジャーティ)制度の基盤が成立した。こうして、ヒンドゥー教とカースト制度を共通の特徴としつつ、政治的にも文化的にも独自性が強い諸地域からなるインド社会の原型が形成された。


第13章 ユーラシア諸帝国の繁栄
3 インドの大国―ムガル帝国
 ムガル帝国時代に、イスラーム教はインド全域に広まり、アクバルをはじめとする歴代皇帝が異教徒に対する融和政策をとったこともあって、ヒンドゥー文化と融合したインド=イスラーム文化が発達した。言語の面では、ペルシア語が公用語とされたが、北インドの地域語(のちのヒンディー語(Hindi))にペルシア語の語彙をとりいれたウルドゥー語(Urdu)も成立した。美術では、イランから入ってきたミニアチュールが、インドの伝統的様式と融合し、主として肖像や花鳥を描くムガル絵画に発展した。建築では、第5代シャー=ジャハーン(Shah Jahan 在位1628~58)が建てたタージ=マハル(Taj Mahal)に代表されるイスラーム建築が発展した。いっぽう、ムガル帝国の平和のもとでヒンドゥー教徒の全インド的な交流が活発化し、多くの巡礼者が訪れる聖地は、寺院などの壮麗な建築物でいろどられるようになった。



第2章 アジア・アメリカの古代文明
1 インドの古典文明
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、53頁~54頁)


(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、54頁~55頁)

 このような都市国家で勢力をのばしてきた武士階層のクシャトリヤや、商業に従事するヴァイシャの支持を背景にして新しい宗教がうまれ、影響力をもつようになっていった。第一は、仏教である。開祖ガウタマ=シッダールタ(Gautama Siddhartha 前563頃~前483頃[諸説あり]、尊称はブッダ)は、動物を犠牲に捧げる供儀や難解なヴェーダ祭式、バラモンを最高位とみなすヴァルナ制などを否定した。ガウタマは、心の内面から人々の悩みをとくことを重視し、生前の行為によって死後に別の生をうける過程がくりかえされるとする輪廻転生という迷いの道から、人はいかに脱却するかという解脱の道を説いた。第二は、ヴァルダマーナ(Vardhamana, 前549頃~前477頃)を始祖とするジャイナ教である。ジャイナ教は、仏教と同じく、バラモン教の祭式やヴェーダ聖典の権威を否定した。とくに苦行と不殺生を強調した点に特徴がある。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、55頁~56頁)

 前4世紀にあると、マケドニアのアレクサンドロス大王がアケメネス朝を滅ぼし、さらに西北インドにまで進出した。王はインダス川流域を転戦し、その影響で各地にギリシア系の政権が誕生した。この混乱から前4世紀の終わりに登場したインド最初の統一王朝がマウリヤ朝(Maurya, 前317頃~前180頃)であった。創始者のチャンドラグプタ王(Chandragupta,在位前317~前296頃)は、ガンジス川流域を支配していたマガダ国のナンダ朝(Nanda)を倒して首都をパータリプトラにおいた。つづいてインダス川流域のギリシア勢力を一掃し、さらに西南インドとデカン地方を征服した。
 マウリヤ朝の最盛期を築いたのはアショーカ王(Ashoka, 在位前268頃~前232頃)であった。王は、征服活動の際に多くの犠牲者を出したことを悔い、しだいに仏教に帰依するようになった。そして、武力に訴える征服活動を放棄し、ダルマ(法、まもるべき社会倫理)による統治と平穏な社会をめざして各地に勅令を刻ませた。また、仏典の結集(編纂)や各地への布教をおこなった。しかし官僚組織と軍隊の維持が財政困難をまねいたことや、王家に対するバラモン階層の反発もあり、マウリヤ朝はアショーカ王の死後、衰退した。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、56頁~57頁)

 マウリヤ朝の衰退に乗じて、前2世紀にギリシア人勢力がバクトリア地方から西北インドに進出した。つづいてイラン系遊牧民が西北インドに進出し、紀元後1世紀になると今度はバクトリア地方からクシャーン人(Kushans)がインダス川流域にはいってクシャーナ朝(Kusana,1~3世紀)をたてた。2世紀半ばのカニシカ王(Kanishka, 在位130頃~170頃)の時代が最盛期であり、中央アジアからガンジス川中流域にいたる地域を支配した。
 紀元前後には、仏教のなかから新しい運動がうまれた。それまでの仏教は、出家者がきびしい修行をおこなって自身の救済を求めるものであった。それに対して、新しい運動では、自身の悟りよりも人々の救済がより重要と考え、出家しないまま修行をおこなう意義を説いた菩薩信仰が広まった。この運動を、あらゆる人々の大きな乗りものという意味をこめてみずから大乗と呼び、旧来の仏教は自身のみの悟りを目的とした利己的なものであると批判し、小乗と呼んだ。また、それまでブッダはおそれ多いものとされ、具体的な像がつくられることはなかったが、ヘレニズム文化の影響をうけ、仏像がうみだされた。クシャーナ朝の保護をうけた大乗仏教は、ガンダーラ(Gandhara)を中心とする仏教美術とともに各地に伝えられ、中央アジアから中国・日本にまで影響を与えた。また、すべてのものは存在せず、ただその名称だけがあると説いた竜樹(ナーガールジュナ Nagarjuna, 生没年不詳)の空(くう)の思想は、その後の仏教思想に大きな影響を与えた。
 クシャーナ朝は3世紀になると、西はイランのササン朝に奪われ、東は地方勢力の台頭をうけて滅亡した。クシャーナ朝とならんで有力であったのは、西北インドから南インドにかけての広い領域で勢力をもったサータヴァーハナ朝(Satavahana, 前1~後3世紀)であった。仏教やジャイナ教の活動が盛んであったこの王朝のもとで、北インドから南インドへ多くのバラモンがまねかれた。その結果、北インドと南インドの文化の交流がすすむことになった。また、ローマとの交易もみられた。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、57頁~59頁)

 4世紀にはいるとグプタ朝(Gupta, 320頃~550頃)がおこり、チャンドラグプタ2世(Chandraguputa II, 在位376頃~414頃)のときに最盛期を迎え、北インド全域を統治する大王国となった。
 この時代には、『マヌ法典』や、サンスクリットの二大叙事詩『マハーバーラタ』『ラーマーヤナ』などが長い期間をかけてほぼ現在伝えらえるような形に完成した。また宮廷詩人カーリダーサ(Kalidasa, 5世紀)により、戯曲『シャクンタラー』がつくられた。天文学や文法学・数学なども発達し、十進法による数字の表記法やゼロの概念もうみだされ、のちにイスラーム世界に伝えられて自然科学を発展させる基礎となった。美術では、ガンダーラの影響から抜け出て、純インド的な表情をもつグプタ様式が成立し、インド古典文化の黄金期が出現した。都市での経済活動も活発であり、王の像が描かれた金貨や宝貝などさまざまな貨幣が発行された。
 グプタ朝は、中央アジアの遊牧民エフタルの進出により西方との交易が打撃をうけたことや、地方勢力が台頭したことにより衰退し、6世紀半ばに滅亡した。その後、ハルシャ王(Harsha, 在位606~647)がヴァルダナ朝(Vardhana, 606~647)をおこして北インドの大半を支配したが、その死後、急速に衰退した。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、59頁~61頁)

第Ⅲ部 第7章 アジア諸地域の繁栄
4 ムガル帝国の興隆と東南アジア交易の発展

 16世紀にはいると、中央アジア出身のティムールの子孫バーブル(Babur, 在位1526~30)が、カーブルを本拠にして北インドに進出しはじめた。バーブルは、1526年のパーニーパット(Panipat)の戦いでデリー=スルタン朝最後のロディー朝の軍に勝利をおさめ、ムガル帝国(Mughal,1526~1858 )の基礎を築いた。

(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、197頁~199頁)

英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より

Chapter 3 The South Asian World 1 Expansion of the North Indian World
■Indus Urban Civilization
Around 2500 BC, many cities such as Harappa(ハラッパ), Mohenjodaro(モヘンジョ=ダロ) and Dholavira(ドーラ=ヴィーラ) sprang up in and around the Indus River basin.
This urban civilization was called the Indus civilization(インダス文明). Characteristics of
this civilization were in a planned urban construction. Along the roads,
which were defined in an orderly manner, houses of fired bricks were constructed and well
maintained sewers were equipped. And public facilities such as baths, conference rooms,
and grain warehouses were also built. Additionally, forts were built adjacent to the city
centers. However, it appears that neither palaces nor tombs will ever be found. It might be
concluded that it was a society without a mighty ruler. Wheel-made pottery with patterns
painted in black on red clay, and steatite seals with inscriptions have been excavated from
the ruins. Although the Indus script(インダス文字) has not yet been deciphered, many similar seals have been found in Mesopotamia. It is believed that there had been active
interaction between the two regions. Little is known about the ethnic groups that played
an important role in the Indus civilization, but we know they worshiped bulls and Bodhi trees. Lingas and statues resembling Siva have been excavated. So, it can be assumed that
the origin of South Asian civilization had been made already. It is thought that around 1800 BC the Indus civilization declined due to the changes of climate and the path of the river.

■Aryan Living
Around 1500 BC, in the Punjab region located in the middle of the Indus basin, the Indo-
European Aryan people(アーリア人) moved through the northwest crossing the Khyber Pass. By making full use of two-wheeled chariots, they went on to conquer the indigenous people. The Aryans worshipped fire, lightning and other forces as gods of nature. During this time, the Rigveda, a collection of hymns to these gods, was compiled.
Around 1000 BC, the Aryans advanced into northeastern India along the Ganges River.
They burned the forest of the river basin and started planting rice. Along with the transition to an agricultural society from pastoral society, military leadership formed a hereditary royal-warrior class (Kshatriya). Indigenous beliefs and rituals were incorporated into the Aryan religion, which developed more complex rituals. Veda scriptures were compiled one after another and increased authority was given to priests
(Brahmins バラモン), who were familiar with the rituals. They divided people into four classes of people(Varnas), namely Brahmin (priests), Kshatriya(warriors クシャトリア), Vaishya (commoners ヴァイシャ) and Shudra (servants シュードラ). There were also
the untouchables ― the lowest people who were outside the other castes. People were
forced to strictly observe this caste system(カースト制). Varna was the basis of the caste
(Jati) system in later ages.

■Emergence of New Ideas
Around the 7th century BC, rice farming and handicrafts developed; commercial activity
in the Ganges River basin became active; and many walled city-states were established.
Around the 6th century BC, within the background of this constant development of society
and the economy, The Upanishads(ウパニシャッド), an esoteric book of philosophical
literature, was compiled. It was preached that when fundamental principles (Brahman)
of the universe and the self (Atman) were combined, people could be free from samsara
(metempsychosis 輪廻) which is determined by the actions (karma 業[カルマ]) and nirvana
(解脱) could be attained.
Around the 5th century BC, the idea of karma, samsara and nirvana were deepened by
Gautama Siddhartha (ガウタマ=シッダールタ, Buddha ブッダ). Born as a prince of the
Shakya tribe, he founded Buddhism(仏教). He taught the correct way to escape the cause
of suffering (Four Noble Truths 四諦) and the correct method of practice
(Eightfold Noble Path 八正道). In addition, Vardhamana (ヴァルダマーナ Mahavira
マハーヴィーラ) born at Kshatriya of Magadha, founded the religion of Jainism
(ジャイナ教). It preached the liberation by ascetic practices and complete non-violence.
Buddhism and Jainism criticized the authority of the Vedas. These two religions spread throughout India, supported by the merchants and princes who were dissatisfied with the dominance of the conservative Brahmin.

■The First Unified Dynasty ―the Maurya Dynasty
Groups of city-states in North India, which had been said to be sixteen great powers
(mahajanapadas), were integrated into two big powers, i.e. the Kosala area and the
Magadha(マガダ) area. The Magadha area annexed the Kosala area in the 5th century BC
and became the greatest force in North India. During this period the Achaemenid Perisian
empire, which advanced to the west bank of the Indus River, had been in contact with the
Magadha country. In 326 BC, the army of Alexander the Great defeated the Persians.
He had advanced to the Indus River basin but turned back due to opposition of his
subordinates. This event gave a great stimulus to the political situation in India.
Then Chandragupta(チャンドラグプタ), a Magadha’s warlord, established
the Maurya dynasty(マウリア朝) around 317 BC with Pataliputra (present Patna)
as its capital. The Maurya dynasty formed the first great empire of India, having its
territory from southern Afghanistan in the west through the reaches of the Ganges
River in the east and to the Deccan plateau in the south. The heart of the empire
in the territory was directly controlled area governed by a vast number of bureaucrats, and royal families were sent to tributary countries of the frontier to govern. At the time of
King Asoka(アショーカ王), the third king, the Empire had the largest territory;
almost all of India except the southernmost part of the peninsula. Strongly influenced by
Buddhism, Asoka followed the philosophy to govern a vast empire with the ethics (law or
Dharma) of non-violence, obedience and mercy. He carved the imperial proclamation of
Dharma into stone pillars and rocks in the local languages. These imperial edicts have
been found all over the vast territory. However, after the death of Asoka, the vast empire
was divided due to the forces opposing Buddhism, including the Brahmin, and the collapse
of the national budget.

■The Kushan Dynasty and Mahayana Buddhism
In the central part of North India, after decline of the Maurya dynasty in the 2nd century
BC, political schism lasted until the establishment of the Gupta dynasty in the 4th century
BC. However, with the support of the people of the cities such as merchants, Buddhism
also flourished in many parts of India during this period. Around this time, the Buddhism
was divided into several sects (Buddhist schools). The Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教)
spread to Sri Lanka and became the source of Buddhism in Southeast Asia
(Southern Buddhism).
Mahayana Buddhism(大乗仏教), which emphasized the relief of all sentient beings
and the worship of bodhisattvas, began from around the 1st century AD. Around the 2nd
century, Nagarjuna(ナーガールジュナ) formulated its doctrine and Mahayana Buddhism
spread to Central Asia and East Asia through the trade routes (Northern Buddhism).
After the Maurya dynasty went into decline, people from Iran and Greece frequently
invaded northwestern India. In the 1st century BC, the Saka tribes (of Iranian origin) and
Parthians invaded. In the 1st century AD, the Kushana (also of Iranian origin), which was
under the control of the Yuezhi, conquered northwestern India and built the Kushana
dynasty(クシャーナ朝). Around the 2nd century, King Kanishka(カニシカ王) of the Kushana
dynasty dominated the area ranging from the North India to Central Asia. He established
its capital in Purushapura (present Peshawar) and controlled the East-West trade. Chinese
silk and jade from Central Asia were brought to Purushapura to be shipped to Rome.
In exchange, gold coin was brought from Rome to Purushapura. The civilizations of India,
Central Asia, Persia and Greece thus mixed in this area.
King Kanishka supported Mahayana Buddhism, and the anthropomorphic
representations of Buddha were made under the influence of Hellenistic civilization around
this time. The Gandhara style(ガンダーラ様式) of Buddhist art spread from Central Asia
to East Asia through the East-West trade routes, together with Mahayana Buddhism.
In the 3rd century, the Kushana dynasty was ruined by the invasion of the Sasanian Persia.

(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、55頁~58頁)

Chapter 3 The South Asian World
2 Establishment of the Hindu World
■Development of the South Indian World
As the inland trade between the east and the west became active, marine trade between
the east and the west also became popular from around the 1st century. This is because a
navigation method to make direct, nonstop voyages from the Arabian peninsula to the coast of the Indian peninsula using the monsoon of the Indian Ocean was developed.
Merchants from Syria, Egypt and Abyssinia (Ethiopia) launched their operation in the
Indian Ocean. Through the sea routes, large quantities of spices such as pepper were
exported from India to the Mediterranean world, and Roman gold coins, glass and metalwork were brought from the Mediterranean world to India. A large number of such
gold coins contributed to the development of South India.
In accordance with the development of the Indian Ocean trade, many dynasties were
established in South India. The Satavahana (Andohra) dynasty(サータヴァーハナ朝),
which was established around the 1st century BC in the Deccan plateau, integrated
the east and west coasts of South India at the end of the 2nd century and flourished
by the Indian Ocean trade. Since this dynasty aggressively absorbed the culture of
North India, Buddhism and the Vedic religion (Brahmanism) spread in South India.
Also, at the southern tip of the peninsula, the Chola and Pandyan dynasties lasted
long on the basis of the maritime trade, and the culture based on the Tamil, a Dravidian
language, flourished.
On the other hand, around the 5th century BC, the Sinhalese (of Aryan origin) of North
India came to Sri Lanka and built Sinhalese kingdom(シンハラ王国) around the
4th century BC. Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka around the 3rd century BC,
and after that it became a center of preaching Southern Buddhism.
Since around the 2nd century BC, the Tamil in South India came there intermittently.
They are the origin of present Sri Lankan Tamil.

■Establishment of Hinduism and the Gupta Dynasty
In the first half of the 4th century AD, Chandragupta I(チャンドラグプタ1世), who
emerged from the middle reaches of the Ganges River, a homeland of the former Magadha,
built the Gupta dynasty(グプタ朝) with Pataliputra as its capital. In the second half of
that century, a large part of North India was unified under the control of Chandraguputa II
In the period of Gupta, various sects which incorporated folk religions to traditional
Vedic, were born and, the basis of Hindu(ヒンドゥー教), a religion peculiar to India,
was established. In the Hindu religion, Vishnu(ヴィシュヌ), which was the preserver of
the universe and almighty God, and Shiva(シヴァ), the God of destruction and creation,
became chief gods replacing Vedic god. In addition, the Mahabharata, a war epic
that had been handed down through the ages, and the Ramayana, a story of Prince Rama,
were compiled. They became popular literature though recitation and plays. Introduced
to Southeast Asia through the sea routes, they had a major impact on the traditional arts
of Southeast Asia. In addition, the Laws of Manu(マヌ法典) were compiled where norms
for the people depending on each Varuna were integrated with obligations of the king, civil
law and the penal code. Since then, the Laws of Manu became the principles and order in
Hindu society.
Brahmins developed astronomy, mathematics and medicine. Particularly of note,
Indian mathematics, such as numerals(数字), the decimal system(十進法) and the concept
of zero(ゼロの概念), was later passed on to Europe through the Islamic world.
These became the basis of modern mathematics. In the court of Gupta, Sanskrit literature
(サンスクリット語) became popular and a poet, Kalidasa wrote a play called Shakuntara.
Thus the foundation of Hindu civilization, which was popularized and survives today,
was established.
Buddhism flourished during the Gupta period and the Naranda monastery
(ナーランダ僧院) became the center of Buddhist learning. The main part of the cave
temples in Ajanta(アジャンター石窟寺院) was also built during this period. Buddha
statues of this period were called Gupta style with grace and kindness. The Gupta style
was exported to the east and became the basis of Buddhist art in China and the Korean
peninsula, as well as Japan.
The Gupta dynasty had strong nature of union from the local forces subjected to the
dynasty and the control was decentralized. In the 5th century, East-West overland trade
declined due to the confusion of the Roman Empire, and local autonomy became enhanced.
When the Ephthalites invaded northwestern India in the middle of the 6th century,
the Gupta dynasty collapsed and North India entered a long period of turmoil..

(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、58頁~60頁)

Chapter 12 Prosperity of Empires in the Eurasian Continent
3 The Mughal Empire; Big Power in India
■Indo-Islamic Culture
In the Mughal Empire’s period, Islam spread over the whole of India, and being
influenced by Hindu culture, Indo-Islamic culture developed. Persian was an official
language, but people in North India spoke Hindi(ヒンディー語), and Urdu(ウルドゥー語)
was formed by incorporating Persian words into Hindi. In the arts, miniatures
(ミニアチュール), which were introduced into the culture from Iran, were transformed
into Mughal pictures with the main subjects of portraits, flowers and birds, and being
influenced by such Mughal one, Hindu drew Rajput pictures(ラージプート絵画).
In architecture, Islamic architecture represented by the Taj Mahal(タージ=マハル),
which the fifth emperor Shah Jahan(シャー=ジャハーン) constructed, developed,
while new style Hindu temples were also built in South India.

(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、165頁)