


2012-02-24 19:51:23 | 占星学・数秘学

 さて、一週間の ”7Days" の配置に関する本題に入りたいと思います。

 この問題を考える上で重要なのが、可視(Visible)と不可視(Invisible)の問題です。 噛み砕いて言いますと、肉眼で見ることができる惑星と、一般の人間には肉眼では見ることはえないけれども特殊なツール(望遠鏡)を使ったら見る事が可能な惑星の取り扱い方です。 

 ご存知のように現在使われている一週間は、肉眼で見える可視惑星(日・月・火・水・木・金・土)を用いてアレンジして配置してあります。  この問題に 『The Perfect Horoscope』 の著者であるJhon Willner氏はこう解釈しています。 

[The Perfect Horoscope]

 As given above, outer planets also have physical and spiritual attributes. The first seven planets are fundamental to every life. The last three planets significantly expand interests and potentialities in this modern world in which we live. Metals assigned to these three outer planets are controvesial and were not given because sufficient proofs do not exist. Some would say Uranium applies to Uranus, intoxicating metallic liquids or gases to Neptune and ores to Pluto. However, sufficient proofs are simply not available to vaidate these associations. Edgar Cayce gave one very interesting reading in which he briefly idetified the nature of all the planets. Some might regard these keywords as being extremely positive or nagative, although they could fit any human being. It so happens that they were said about Jesus.



 ここで少し脱線にもなりますが、太陽系の7つの可視惑星にはそれぞれ対応する金属(Metal)がありまして、それらをColor Sequence(光の配列)順に並べますと、





 そうそう、インドのヴェーダ占星学には天王星と海王星が発見される前から、羅候(海王星)や計都(天王星)という形で、発見される前の架空の惑星として占術に用いていたようです。 ですが、冥王星に対応する惑星はないようです。 ヴェーダ占星学は、Sidereal(恒星時)を用いている占星術の代表的なモノです。 




In the creation of soul, we find the portion may become a living soul and equal with the Creator. To reach that position, when separated, must pass through all stages of development, that it may be one with the Creator. As we have is this:

Man. In the beginning, we find the spirit existent in all living force. When such force becomes inanimate in finite forces [it is] called dead; not necessarily losing its usefulness, either to Creator, or created, in material world. In that of creation of man, we find all the elements in a living, moving, world, or an element in itself; yet without that experience as of a first cause, yet endowed with all the various modifications of elements or forces manifested in each. For first there is the spirit, then soul (man we are speaking of), then mind with its various modifications and with its various incentives, with its various ramifications, if you please, and the will the balance in the force that may make all or lose all.

In the developing, then, that the man may be one with the Father, necessary that the soul pass, with its companion the will, through all the various stages of development, until the will is lost in Him and he becomes one with the Father.

In the illustration of this, we find in the man as called Jesus. In this: This man, as man, makes the will the will of the Father, then becoming one with the Father and the model for man.

5. (Q) Does the soul choose the planet to which it goes after each incarnation? If not, what force does?
(A) In the Creation, we find all force relative one with the other, and in the earth's plane that of the flesh. In the developing from plane to plane becomes the ramification, or the condition of the will merited in its existence finding itself through eons of time.

In the illustration, or manifestation in this, we find again in the man called Jesus.

When the soul reached that development in which it reached earth's plane, it became in the flesh the model, as it had reached through the developments in those spheres, or planets, known in earth's plane, obtaining then One in All.

As in Mercury pertaining of Mind.

In Mars of Madness.

In Earth as of Flesh.

 In Venus as Love.

 In Jupiter as Strength.

 In Saturn as the beginning of earthly woes, that to which all insufficient matter is cast for the beginning.

In that of Uranus as of the Psychic.

In that of Neptune as of Mystic.

In Septimus as of Consciousness.

In Arcturus as of the developing.

As to various constellations, and of groups, only these ramifications of the various existences experienced in the various conditions.
