岩佐和裁のブログ、裁縫記:IWASA WASAI's blog, SAIHOUKI


ウールの長ゴート。Long goat of wool.

2025年01月20日 19時14分37秒 | 道中着
ウールの長ゴート。Long goat of wool.


A coat made of wool, staggered beige and yellow, with a kimono collar.
The length of the coat is 143.64 cm from the shoulders, and the distance from the sleeve to the sleeve is 73.341 cm,
The body width is 29.484 cm at the hem, the front width is 23.814 cm, the width of the collar is 15.12 cm, the back width is 30.996 cm at the under bust, and the front width is 25.326 cm, 1.512 cm wider. The vertical collar width is the same size.
This coat is sized for a person who is 172 cm tall, has 94 cm hips, and a bust of about 90 cm.
It is available at IWASA WASAI for 40,000 yen.
The inner cord of the coat is “HISAE cord” designed by “HISAE”, a kimono tailor.
HISAE's blog is “Everyday life of a kimono tailor who loves kimonos”.
男物をベースにした対丈のウールのコートです。This wool coat is based on men's wear.

洋服地で創りましたので背縫いはありません。This coat does not have backstitching.

袖は男袖で全て身頃に付いています。The sleeves are men's sleeves.

袖口は防寒対策で5寸(18.9cm)にしました。The cuffs are 5” (18.9 cm) in length to protect against the cold.

脇の裾は9寸(34.02cm)の馬乗りが空いています。The side hems have a 34.02 cm slit.

衿肩明の衿幅は2寸(7.56cm)です。The width of the collar around the neck is 7.56 cm.

紐を結びスナップをはめる前です。Before tying the strings and attaching the snaps.

衿下(褄下)のスナップをはめます。Snap in the bottom of the collar.

衿先に付いている紐を結びます。Tie the string attached to the end of the collar.

内紐は着物職人のひさえさん考案のひさえ紐です。The inner cord is a HISAE cord designed by HISAE, a kimono craftsman.

肩すべりは正絹の竜巻絞り風の柄です。The shoulder pads are silk with a tornado-shibori style pattern.

このコートの重さは1.7kgです。This coat weighs 1.7 kg.
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