Conchita, apogies forvery similar photos...
I cannot help it. Wood working is incremental
by nature. Photos are even worse. I am not
uploading same photos, at all, and the truth is
that what you see is the result of infinitesimal
changes that have been added to my pieces.
You may not be able to see differences with the photos
for this evening. Let me explain. The first photo down below
is the adult off-sets, about to be hand-sanded.
That is to say these are very close to coating ready status.
With the lot shown here, it should not take more than
30 minutes, but then they will not get coated unless
I have some more to get coated.
Here above, very similar spoons, but these need
to be further treated. The edges down the length
of the stem must be rounded, before hand-sanded.
However, they are also very close to coating.
Here above, you see side-banded broad table spoons.
Again, there are still sharp edges, and irregular
discontinuities on the spoon surfaces, both in and out.
These are oak adult off-sets, not even concaved, just yet...
My current prioritiy is to get these off-sets coated and
delivered to the shops as soon as possible. In fact, today
I delivered some of my current stock to the second shop
I will be dealing with from now on. Let us see how
things might develop there...
At the third shop, which is opening soon, I will be
making no profit. The owner was made reduntant
just recently, so I will be giving my products
free of charge. Therefore, I need a 4th shop where
I can make some gain and the shop owner is to find one
for me. That is the deal, anyway.
Do I know what I am doing? To be honest, I am not sure...
In the world of the spanish language, that is
Que sera sera!
I cannot help it. Wood working is incremental
by nature. Photos are even worse. I am not
uploading same photos, at all, and the truth is
that what you see is the result of infinitesimal
changes that have been added to my pieces.
You may not be able to see differences with the photos
for this evening. Let me explain. The first photo down below
is the adult off-sets, about to be hand-sanded.
That is to say these are very close to coating ready status.
With the lot shown here, it should not take more than
30 minutes, but then they will not get coated unless
I have some more to get coated.
Here above, very similar spoons, but these need
to be further treated. The edges down the length
of the stem must be rounded, before hand-sanded.
However, they are also very close to coating.
Here above, you see side-banded broad table spoons.
Again, there are still sharp edges, and irregular
discontinuities on the spoon surfaces, both in and out.
These are oak adult off-sets, not even concaved, just yet...
My current prioritiy is to get these off-sets coated and
delivered to the shops as soon as possible. In fact, today
I delivered some of my current stock to the second shop
I will be dealing with from now on. Let us see how
things might develop there...
At the third shop, which is opening soon, I will be
making no profit. The owner was made reduntant
just recently, so I will be giving my products
free of charge. Therefore, I need a 4th shop where
I can make some gain and the shop owner is to find one
for me. That is the deal, anyway.
Do I know what I am doing? To be honest, I am not sure...
In the world of the spanish language, that is
Que sera sera!