

冒頭表示 現況 コンソール

2 r2 Tw KY(サブ foR Q Oj S C Pj Pe
キーボード配列QWERTYの謎 その仮説は本当に正しいか 猫式トロンキーボード TRON風キーボード はじめてみようμTRONキーボード


いまどこ ―冒頭表示2

キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo: に答えてってな形で部分統合しようかナとも思う。 ​http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/c11db5b33d4a1d67900e568ab0dc6273ではちょっとスレ違うと思う。
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を  http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、

技術史研究者 OR 歴史学者 yasuoka

2007-07-14 08:56:39 | LinkRecords
技術史研究者 OR 歴史学者 yasuoka
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the typebar circle

2007-07-14 07:30:24 | LinkRecords
the typebar circle
Effect of keyboard formats on typing performance
Reviewing the history of the so-called standard typewriter keyboard, Dvorak’ noted that the original keyboard design was based on the assumption “that typistsw ould ‘hunt and peck’ with the first finger of each hand,” and that in 1873, to avoid mechanical problems, the designer, c . L. Sholes, was therefore forced to locate “in different quadrants of the typebar circle the letters most frequently used in words.”2 The result was, Dvorak asserted,“one of the worst arrangements possible” for the modern touch typist. Declaring that “there is a better typewriter keyb~ard,”h~e thenp roposed what has since been generally known as the Dvorak-Dealey keyboard. Although convincing evidence was submitted to support his Dvorak’s design did not (for reasons that need not be discussed here) displace the original Sholes arrangement, and keyboard configurations continue to be a subject of investigation.

The Yost introduced the grasshopper movement for type bars and produced extremely well-aligned work, due to the square alignment hole that guided the type (pict.5).

the grasshopper movement
the grasshopper movement typewriter
The Virtual Typewriter Museum: Yost 1
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hammer and arm typewriter OR qwerty -arm-chair

2007-07-14 05:35:21 | LinkRecords
hammer and arm typewriter OR qwerty -arm-chair
"hammer and arm" OR "hammer arm" OR "hammer key" typewriter OR qwerty -arm-chair
I am pretty sure but not entirely certain that these included superscript "st," "nd," and "th." It was a traditional hammer-arm design with a carriage that raised, and it showed both horizontal and vertical misalignment.

hammer-arm design

Binds in hammer arm, control arm, and platen.

The pivotal hammer arm also includes a cam follower roller which is spring biased to engage a rotatable cam driven by a reversible electric motor.

fullermusic: Good Vibrations
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2007-07-14 00:06:10 | LinkRecords
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