


2025-01-15 11:40:53 | 日記
マタイ5:43-44 NIV [43] 「『隣人を愛し、敵を憎め』と言われていたことは、あなたがたも聞いているところである。[44] しかし、わたしはあなたがたに言う。敵を愛し、迫害する者のために祈りなさい。 5:43-44 NIV [43] “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ [44] But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

This Teaching Clip made me think of you. Watch Matthew 5:43-44 by Darasimi Oyor:


いいえ、私たちが聖書の知識に富んでいるから神が私たちを愛しているわけではありません。神が私たちに対して惜しみなく愛を注いでいる主な理由は、神が愛だからです。神がその性質に逆らうことは不可能です。さらに、ローマ書第 5 章第 8 節には、神が私たちに対する愛を証明するのは、私たちがまだ罪人であったからであり、キリストは私たちのために死んでくださった、キリストの信奉者として私たちは神の霊に人生を従わせなければならない、とあります。そうすれば、神が愛するように神を愛する力と能力を得ることができるのです。私たちを愛してくれる人を愛するなら、それは今の世の人々よりも優れていることにはなりません。私たちと主は、彼らの中から目立つように私たちを召しておられるのでしょうか。

Mark you chapter 5 verse 43 to 44 you have heard and was said Love your neighbor and hate your enemy But I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. You know this scripture projects one of the many steps Jesus took to change the narrative from how things were to how things should be and That's why he started with you have heard as followers of the one true God Jesus needed to help us understand that our nature is to be a direct reflection of the nature of God He made us understand that God doesn't love us because we're good.

No He doesn't love us because we're a vast in biblical knowledge a Primary reason or his abundance of love for us is because he is love And it is impossible for him to go against his nature Plus the scripture in the book of Romans chapter 5 verse 8 says God proves his love for us in that's why we were yet sinners Christ died for us as Followers of Christ we are to submit our lives to the Spirit of God So we may receive the strength and the ability to love God as God loves If we love those who love us It wouldn't be any better than the people of the world now Would we and the Lord is calling us to stand out from among them?

For it is by this that the world will know that we are of Christ And just like Jesus pursuit of our sin-ridden souls while we took no cognizance of him We are to intercede for the salvation of those that persecute and demean us If we extend this divine traits to those that hate and despise us We would be a direct and an accurate extension of God to them Thank you.





神は私たちをこのように扱われました。私たちが神の敵であったときも、神は私たちに愛を示してくださいました。 神は私たちに息と命を与え、またイエスを遣わして神との関係を修復してくださいました。

Loving Difficult People Matthew 5-7 is often referred to as The Sermon on the Mount, which is a series of teachings that Jesus gives near the beginning of His ministry. Most of what Jesus talks about is not necessarily new teaching, but rather a reorientation of how the Jewish people understood the Old Testament laws. It's easy to love people who are close to us. It’s also easy to love those who are similar to us, and even those who love us as well. But Jesus’ command isn’t just to love those who are easy to love. Jesus says we should also love our enemies. He also says to pray for those who persecute us. This isn’t a prayer for them to stay away, but rather a prayer for their good. We should be praying for the salvation of those who intend us harm, asking that they would recognize their actions and turn to God. This is how God treated us. When we were enemies of God, He still showed love to us. He gave us breath and life, and also sent Jesus to restore our relationship with Him. Take a moment to consider some people in your life who are difficult to love. Begin by praying for them. Pray for their salvation if they’re not Christians, and pray for their wellbeing. Think of one or two ways you can show love to your enemies and share the hope of Jesus.

A Prayer for People Who’ve Hurt Me

God, I forgive them: the people who’ve caused me pain, the people who’ve wronged and betrayed me. I forgive them, because You forgave me. Please bless those people, Lord. Transform their lives and bless them like You have blessed me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

