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チェルシー、リーグ最終戦 ホーム無敗記録リヴァプールに並ぶ その2

Q: 63 matches of unbeaten run here has been completed, how much pride they did give you?

JM: I think if we can share that honour with such a historical Liverpool team 70's I think 70's or 80's is fantastic, and is the record that we can keep improving, and we can have the record only for us, if we get the result the first Premiership match next season, so I think the record belongs to everybody in the club. beause is the record you do at your home, so every people that during this three years was come here supporting every players everybody had that direct participation we have to be happy and proud of we did it, but un--, (いつものしぐさ)we finished second. I know in such a big football country, such a difficult league, being second is difficult. it's not easy to be second, especially with so many problems we had.

But at the same time, I'm very happy. (smile) at we are not happy. Do you understand the words? (smiling) I'm very happy we are not happy. I think that the motivation for the next season, we want more.

Q: What do you have to do to make yourself happier an year asigned , the next squad going to need big over hall in summer, to make end with a 6 points gap from Manchester United?

JM: No, I think what we need is - we cannot- I don't believe it's possible again to have eight surgeries and eight let us out legament and knees, I can't think possible pictures, we have sixteen big injuries, I thought because we start the season in the first day when Joe Cole had a knee legament problems, we start in the first day, it was never stopping. I thought one day it has to stop, and when I saw the team, February, March, winning, winning and winning, I thought, you know, the injuries, they will have to stop, and if we can reach April in conditions to fight for the competition, we'll have a better pictures, better condition to do it. But I was wrong. It never stop. We kept losing my players. When we lost Carvalho in April and Drogba after that I thought we have no conditions. Today after lose Mikel, we have for Wembley 15 players, so maybe I have 2 goal keepers on bench. Because Hiralio is not bad. He is not bad midfield player, so maybe I need Hiralio to give me a hand.

Q: So Mikel out from the Cup final?

JM: Evidently so.

Q: Right. Thank you. Cheers.


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