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2023-08-26 22:37:28 | 光と闇の戦い

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September 9 2021 Bill Cliton dead at GITMOビル・クリトン、GITMOで死亡
September 9 2021 Delta Force arrests Chelsea Clinton
September 21 2021 Bill Gates military tribunal: Day 2
September 22 2021 Cuomo military tribunal
September 23 2021 Bill Gates military tribunal: Day 4
September 24 2021 Gates Foundation threatens
September 25 2021 Military Tribunal convicts Bill Gates
September 25 2021 At GITMO Bill Gates denied retrial
September 26 2021 Trump vows swift return as military completeselection fraud investigation

September 29 2021 Cuomo Tribunal delayed until October 11
September 30 2021 Bill Clinton death ruled a homicide death by poisonビル・クリントンの死は毒殺と断定される
October 5 2021 Bill Gates hanged at GITMO ahead of scheduleビル・ゲイツ、予定より早くGITMOで絞首刑
October 6 2021 Chelsea Clinton to face military tribunal
October 10 2021 Hunter Biden military tribunal: Day 1
October 11 2021 Military convicts Hunter Biden deathpenaltyハンター・バイデン死刑囚に有罪判決
October 11 2021 Gavin Newsom wants white school kids to learn howto sharecrop
October 11 2021 Military onvicts Andrew Cuomo
October 12 2021 Hunter Biden hanged at GITMOハンター・バイデンがGITMOで絞首刑
October 13 2021 Pfizer clot shot is tracking you if you got it
October 18 2021 Colin Powell commited suicide
October 18 2021 Delta Force raids adrenochrome warehouse
October 19 2021 Hanks former co-star Peter Scolari executedby militaryハンクス元共演者ピーター・スコラーリ、軍により処刑される
October 20 2021 Trump opens investigation into Baldwin shooting
October 20 2021 Chelsea Clinton military tribunal Day 1
October 29 2021 Baldwintried to pimp his preteen daughter Ireland in 2007
October 30 2021 Chelsea Clinton military tribunal: Day 2
CDC whistleblower admits to rrn that the current vaccines have killed at least 25000 people. Also, military study done by us army medical and research command suggests that less than 5,000 Americans really died from COVID 19, 98 per cent of whom were morbidly obese sick or had multiple comorbidities
October 31 2021 Military convicts Chelsea Clinton
October 31 2021 Raid cargo ship full of smuggled children
November 2 2021 US Marine Corps mulls defecting from traitorous armedforces
November 4 2021 Military executes Andrew Cuomo軍がアンドリュー・クオモを処刑
November 7 2021 Military arrests bedridden Gavin Newsom
November 11 2022 Child porn dungeon found in Newsoms basement…
November 11 2021 Chelsea Clinton hanged at GITMOチェルシー・クリントン、GITMOで絞首刑
November 9 2021 Gavin Newsom awakens from vaccine coma at GITMO
November 11 2011 Deep-state unveils Newsom-doppelganger
November 13 2021 Deep State CIA spooks defecting to White Hats
November 15 2021 Military arrests former president George W Bush
November 16 2021 At GITMO Newsom blames Pelosi for everything
November 18 2021 Mark Mezvinsky (George Soros nephew, and Chelsea Clinton’s husband to face military-tribunal







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