

Essay代写:Association law in British associative psychology

2018-11-16 17:00:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Association law in British associative psychology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国联想心理学中的联想律。最基本的联想律是接近律,指的是当我们想起某件事情时,往往想到和它一起发生的事情。相似律是指当我们想起某物,便想到和它相似的事物。而联想副律中的持久即后来的强度律,是有实际意义的,应该加入到联想律中。从现实生活中的经验我们可以知道,我们留意一个对象的时间越久,记住他们的可能性就越大。事物给我们最初留下的印象越生动,则思想系列内的相应部分联想得越牢固。

The psychology of associationism in the 17th to 19th centuries was mainly produced and developed in England. Descartes and Hobbes pioneered the mechanical model of lenovo. The term association was coined by Locke. Beckley showed that the formation of ideas depends on association. Hume explores the mechanisms and laws of association. Hartley, the founder of associationism, insisted on explaining various psychological phenomena with association, and tried to reveal the physiological mechanism of association with nerve vibration.

The law of association goes back at least to Aristotle. By association with memory, Aristotle conceived of the so-called law of association. The most basic associative rule is the law of proximity, which means that when we think about something, we tend to think about what happened with it. The law of similitude means that when we think of something, we think of something similar. The law of contrast is when we think of something we tend to think of the opposite. Aristotle says that when two things occur together, we rarely have strong associations with them if we only experience them once. Typically, the more two things occur together, the closer they are, the stronger the association. Here Aristotle implies the existence of the principle of frequence, that is, in general, the higher the frequency of simultaneous experience, the stronger the association.

For more than 2,000 years, Aristotle's law of association has become the basis of learning theory. In fact, the concept of mental association is still the core of most learning theories today.

In fact, even as far back as Plato, there were initial descriptions of approaching and similar laws.

The term association was first used by Locke, an advocate of associationist psychology in the history of European psychology. He thinks, the association of idea has natural union and learned union. He attached more importance to the association of acquisition, believing that habit was a force that united ideas. This is the beginning of the intermediate frequency cause of the later associative law.

Hume first proposed three laws for the formation of association: the law of similitude refers to the fact that it is easy to transfer from one idea to any other similar idea in our thinking process. For example, when we think of a friend, we think of other friends. The law of space-time proximity refers to the fact that, as the senses change their objects in a regular manner, and accept them in the order in which they approach each other, imagination must acquire the same method of thought by the force of long habit, and in thinking of its objects in order to exceed the parts of space and time. For example, when you think of a gift, you think of the person who gave it. The law of cause and effect refers to the idea of something which is related to the idea of cause and effect. For example, when we see lightning, we think of thunder. Later, Hume changed the law of association from three terms to two terms, that is, the law of causality was merged into the law of proximity. He regarded causality as the result of time sequence and space proximity, with "habitual association" or "empirical inference" as the leading role. He regards causality as the most important associative rule, because "no relation can form a stronger bond in the imagination than the causality between objects, and no relation can more easily produce another idea from one idea". In fact, for Hume, causality is nothing more than a continuously observed relationship. Therefore, causation is not necessarily related, but a kind of psychological experience.

According to Hume, it's not reason that makes us live effectively; It's experience, or what Hume meant by custom.

Kant, on the other hand, thinks that the law of causality is the result of human reason. Kant agrees with Hume that the law of causality does not come from experience, but he believes that it can prove natural law, because natural law is the law of human cognition. The law of cause and effect is the expression of human reason.

While acknowledging that the law of proximity is the basic associative law, brown proposed the associate law of association, which is used to explain why a concept only causes one of the concepts and excludes other concepts in the concepts that have been associated with it. There are nine of them, of which three are the principal: the more vivid the original sense, the more firmly the corresponding parts in the series of thoughts; The more the thought series reappear, the greater the chance that it will be generated later. The closer the event is, the more chance of being remembered. These minor laws that brown proposed are not derived from logic, but from some practical observations. But they are not produced passively, but by the active role of the mind formed. These laws have become the permanent wealth of psychology.

James muller insisted that the law of proximity was the master law of association, and added to explain two associative associate laws such as vitality and frequency law.

All three psychologists agree that the proximity rule is the main associative rule, but they haven't stopped studying the associative rule, and they have each proposed the accessory rule, doing their best to explain everything.

John mueller studies the problem of associative law from the common base of the whole associative process. He thinks, each association law is under association general principle joint effect. His specific discussion of the associative law was varied from beginning to end, and by 1865 he proposed the law of proximity, the law of similitude, the law of frequency and the law of indivisibility. John mueller argues that similar ideas tend to inspire each other; Feelings or experiences are often experienced together, whether they are experienced simultaneously or in succession. The connection strength varies with frequency. The stronger the bond formed by those more vivid feelings or ideas; He later deleted the law. The importance of the principle of frequency is gradually accepted by later generations by John mueller.

I agree with John mueller's original argument about associative law. The author thinks that the "persistence" in the associative associate law proposed by brown, namely the later strength law, is of practical significance and should be added to the associative law. We know from real life experience that the longer we keep an eye on an object, the more likely we are to remember them. And then there is brown's "vividness," the later law of emergence. James mueller has also proposed paralegal - vividness. This associative rule is something we can understand and accept. We find that the more vivid the initial impression of something, the stronger the association of the corresponding parts within the series of thoughts.

The associative psychologists of the 17th to 19th centuries all had their own views and research on the associative law, but their views did not come out of thin air, they were the results of thought and practice. The law of proximity is generally recognized by them, but everyone has different definitions of the law of proximity. They all put forward the associate law of association, which has some implications for us. We should not be satisfied with obtaining an invariable law, but should think in multiple dimensions and dare to question authority. No doubt, no deep inquiry, no progress. But we cannot easily assert who is right or wrong, for every opinion has its own truth.


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Assignment代写:Merican presidential system of government

2018-11-16 16:59:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Merican presidential system of government,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的总统制政府制度。美国的总统制政府制度指的是美国国家元首和政府首脑由美国总统一人担任的一种政府制度,这种政府制度的实质就是美国总统同时行使国家元首和政府首脑两个职位的职权。美国总统制政府制度的形成是由多种综合复杂因素影响而成。西方资产阶级政党所操纵的政府,以掌握政权为目的,它们的全部活动就是为了竞选,争夺选票。

The American presidential system of government refers to a system of government in which the head of state and head of government of the United States is held by the President of the United States. The essence of this system of government is that the President of the United States exercises the functions of both head of state and head of government. How did this system come about? What are the internal mechanisms that determine the creation of such institutions? The constituent assembly of 1787 was one of the direct causes of the establishment of this system. The federal government is "a fragile coalition of states," according to the federal statute passed by the continental congress in 1777. Although the states are under the unified leadership of the federation, the states are independent and powerful, while the federal government is loose, weak and has no effective power to govern a large country. Faced with severe complexities at home and abroad, the new American government was in danger of being toppled at any moment. In May 1787, the constituent assembly met in Philadelphia to discuss amending the 1777 federal statute and establishing a strong central federal government to deal with the dire situation at home and abroad. After a heated and serious debate, the conference adopted the fundamental establishment of the U.S. presidential system of government system on "how did the President come into being? How long is the term? How much power? How many heads of government? How to recall?" Wait for five critical questions.

Generally, the government system is influenced by a variety of complex factors, and the formation of the U.S. presidential system of government is no exception. The internal mechanism of American presidential system of government is mainly determined by the following four aspects. First, on the basis of political theory: the principle of separation of powers political theory provides a political system framework for the presidential system of government established by the constitution in 1787. The constituent assembly unanimously approved of the federal government's separation of powers, the principle that the three branches of power can check each other to ensure the balance of power. In accordance with this political principle, the administrative departments should be created by the legislative organs and responsible to the constitution and the people. Second, on the basis of political thought: the political thought of Washington and most political figures opposing the monarchy clears the way for the establishment of the presidential system of government. Madison's "has developed a tendency to embrace the monarchy in the minds of several leading figures. The majority of the people seem to prefer the second place, that is, to split the union rather than establish a monarchy. Together with Washington, they blocked the attempt to establish a monarchy in the constituent assembly, clearing ideological hurdles for the creation of a presidential system of government. Thirdly, in terms of political system reference basis: the successful constitutional practice system of New York's governorship became the reference system for the establishment of the us presidential system of government. In the constituent assembly, delegates discussed the system of government of the federal government with reference to the state constitutions, especially those of New York state. Finally, the meeting determined that the governor of New York state was the reference base of the federal government system. Fourthly, in terms of the personal charisma of political leaders, the personal political charisma of Washington and the illustrious experience of leading the American people in the war of independence were also important factors in the establishment of the presidential system of government. At the meeting, Washington strongly supported the establishment of a strong presidential system of government. There was a fierce debate between congressional and presidential factions on the power of the new government, but in the end, congressional factions made major concessions under the influence of Washington's personal political charm and passed a bill on the presidential system of government.

The above four factors are the important factors for the establishment of American presidential system of government and the internal mechanism for the formation of this system.

According to the relationship between the head of state, the legislature and the executive body, and the form of government organization, the U.S. presidential system of government has the following five basic features.

Judging from the relationship between the President and the parliament, the parliament has no binding force on the President except when the President has a serious unconstitutional act to bring forward impeachment. Because the way the President is born, the source of power and the length of his or her term are not determined by parliament, it can be said that the President is completely independent of parliament. The President is elected directly or indirectly by citizens, and the President is responsible to the voters. The President's powers are enshrined in the constitution and cannot be delegated to parliament; The President's term is also defined by the constitution. Confidence in parliament does not determine the length of its term; Parliament has no power to remove the President, only when the President is seriously unconstitutional to propose limited impeachment.

From the point of view of the relationship between the head of state and the head of government, the head of state and the head of government is held by the President alone. The President himself is the head of state and government. The President exercises the actual power vested in him by the constitution and the law. The President and government ministers form the cabinet, the President himself is the head of the cabinet, the executive power alone, the country's armed forces.

From the relationship between government and parliament, the government and parliament are completely separate. Members of the government shall not concurrently be members of parliament and shall not participate in debates and votes on legislation of the parliament.

From the relationship between the President and members of the government, they are the relationship between the leader and the led. The President is responsible for appointing and dismissing members of the government, who work under the President, must report to the President, and must obey all decisions made by the President.

From the relationship between the government and the parliament, the government only pays the political responsibility to the President, the President only pays the political responsibility to the voters, the government does not pay the parliament joint liability. The President has no power to dissolve parliament, which cannot force the President to resign by a vote of no confidence. The President reports to parliament on the state of the union. Bills passed by parliament must be signed by the President before they can take effect. When the President disagrees, parliament can pass it again by a two-thirds majority, and the bill becomes law.

By analyzing the intrinsic mechanism of the establishment of American presidential system of government and expounding the basic features, we can clearly understand: what kind of political soil is needed for the generation of a political system? What kind of political soil can foster a proper political system? Blindly copying an external political system without considering the political reality of the country will only lead to soil erosion or even great destruction. In China, which is undergoing the transformation of government administrative functions, we should not only learn from the essence of all civilized political systems in the west and even human society, but also see the dregs of their systems. What is more important is that we should constantly improve and enrich our own social and political systems under the premise of having a confident system. The following is an analysis of the characteristics of American presidential system of government.

The presidential system of government in the United States was created by the American people in the late 18th century based on the historical and cultural traditions of the United States and the political practice of the founding of the United States. The end of the 18th century, the north American bourgeoisie in the constitution, the big bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie democratic struggle, maintained the form in the democratic republic of the results, but in the constitution gives the President with larger power, also provides the corresponding system of checks and balances, make us presidential government system become a part of the system of separation of powers. This system has withstood the test of history in the political practice of the United States, and should be one of the relatively successful western governmental systems, later adopted by many countries in Latin America, such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia in Asia, Pakistan, Egypt and Kenya in Africa.

The designers of the American presidential administration system in the top-level system design, fully consider the organization form of organs of state power, the exercise of state power organs personnel way of produce and the relationship between the organs of state power, and based on the principles of political theory of separation of powers, design a set of the mutual restriction and balance the presidential system of government institutional framework. In this constitutional system, the President of the United States has a prominent position and role. The President is both the head of state and government and the supreme commander of the armed forces. In fact, in political practice, the President of the United States also ACTS as party leader, legislative advocate and chief diplomat with many important political and national sovereign powers. There are obvious differences between the presidential system and the cabinet system. In a country with a cabinet system, the prime minister or the prime minister does not hold concurrently the head of state. The cabinet is formed in the parliament and is responsible to the parliament. The prime minister or the prime minister has the right to request the head of state to dissolve the parliament. In the United States with a presidential system, presidential and parliamentary elections are conducted separately. The President is independent of the parliament. The President also serves as the head of state and head of government. From the perspective of the power structure of the government, the President of the United States has become the power center of the entire American politics, and the President of the United States has become the most important and powerful position in the entire American government system due to the great power endowed by the constitution itself and the general trend of the expansion of executive power. The power of the President of the United States is mainly derived from the constitution. The President also has some important powers in political practice that are not explicitly defined by the constitution or the law. These powers can include extensive executive power, DE facto legislative power, judicial power, military power, diplomatic power and ceremonial and symbolic power and function.

Since the 2020s, due to the emphasis on the regulation and interference of the state in social and economic affairs, the national institutions of the United States have expanded rapidly. In addition, the United States pursues the cold war and hegemonism policies after the war, and the national interests of the United States after the second world war. With the development of the trend of presidential centralization, the separation of powers and checks and balances between the President and the parliament established by the constitution has changed. The President exercises or partially exercises the power of the parliament, which weakens the power of the parliament and deepens the conflicts between the President and the parliament. Since the 1970s, the parliament has taken certain measures to limit the expansion of the President's power and play a certain role in restraining the President's power.

Due to the differences in the political ecological environment such as history, society and culture, the Chinese government system is obviously different from that of western countries. First of all, the differences in the institutional nature of the state power determine the differences in the governmental system of a country. The Chinese governmental system has the character of the people, while the American governmental system has the character of the bourgeoisie. The purpose of the Chinese government system is to serve the people wholeheartedly and safeguard the fundamental interests of all the people. The American system of government serves the big bourgeoisie and its purpose is to maintain private ownership of the means of production. Secondly, following different principles also determines the establishment and operation of government systems. The Chinese government system is established and operated according to the principle of "unification of policy and practice", which is different from the principle of "separation of powers" adopted by western governments. In essence, the system of unity of action and action is a system of "no decentralization and division of labor". It can better reflect the role of people's will in national political, economic and social life than the separation of powers. Thirdly, the different influence of party system on government system also determines that Chinese government system is different from western government system. The Chinese government system is compatible with the party system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by the communist party of China. Multi-party cooperation and political consultation can enhance the unity and cooperation of all parties, fully mobilize and give full play to the initiative of all parties, and promote the improvement of government work efficiency and the rapid development of various socialist undertakings. As a result of the implementation of the two-party system or multi-party system in the major western countries, the parties attacked each other and involved each other. All the parties tried their best to control the government and seek for their own interests. Finally, the different goal value orientation also makes the Chinese government system different from the western major capitalist country's government system. The Chinese government system regards the realization of the most beautiful social system as its goal value orientation. In contrast, the government manipulated by the bourgeois parties in the west is aimed at seizing power, and all their activities are to run for election and compete for votes. Although more than 300 years of rule have made the bourgeois government system more sophisticated and experienced in management, it has not and cannot assume the historical responsibility of planning the future of mankind and the lofty goals of social development.


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2018-11-16 16:59:28 | 日記

















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Paper代写:Public power

2018-11-16 16:59:08 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Public power讨论了公共权力。原始形态的公共权力,指的是人们所共同掌控的、协调和管理社会共同生活的权力。原始形态的公共权力产生于人类共同生活的需要,其基本功能是调解和处理人们共同生活过程中所可能出现的争端和纠纷。近代社会中早期的资产阶级思想家们对权力的公共性做出了充分的理论证明,形成了主权在民的思想共识,观点比较理论化和系统化。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Public power and political power is the core concept and the starting point of the study of politics, academic research has been a lot, and made great achievements. In a lot of books and literature equate the public power and political power, that public authority is the political power; Public power is different from the political power, has a certain difference between them. This paper discusses the difference between public power and political power, in order to make some explain and attract the public's thinking.

The concept of "power" is an ancient, both in China and western countries, has long been discussed on the concept of "power". In the west, the typical American scholar Peter blau said: "power is a person or group will impose the ability of others, despite resistance, these individuals or groups can also be through deterrence to do so." German Max weber thinks: "the power is a regardless of the opposition and the actors have to carry out the possibility of his will, no matter what is the basis of this possibility is based on." Mike Ross king thought: "power is a relationship between people, may be one person to another person by its ability to command to do". Power is a kind of social relationship, only when people activities involving others there is power, power is always has the directivity, means that the subject's ability to implement control to implement their will on others.

Engels said: the original form of public power is jointly controlled by people, coordination and management of social living power; Original form of public power generated by the need of common human life, its basic function is people live together in the process of mediation and processing possible disputes and disputes. Public power to confirm and guarantee in the form of the original natural community of equal status, the democratic rights of all members of the premise and foundation. In the modern society of the early bourgeois thinkers publicity on power has made the full theory has been proved that formed the sovereignty in the minds of the people, is a typical theoretical and systematic view, "theory of divine right of Kings" theory of "natural rights" of "popular sovereignty", etc.

About political power representative mainly include: the definition of political power is, in fact, the contrasts of power in a particular relationship, the main body of political power in order to achieve and maintain their own interests and with the restriction of the political power of the object. Political power is in the political relations, relying on a certain subject of political force, in order to achieve a certain interests and applied to power the object of a political force. Refers to reflect the will of the ruling class of state power, and as a representative of the society as a whole, in order to force security implementation, management, the power of the social public affairs. Marxism thinks that: "the political power is in the social and economic development to a certain historical stage of the product, is produced when human society class after a unique phenomenon."

From what has been discussed above we can see: out the concept of public power is the power "and" relationship between subject and object, that is, the power is the people, given by the authority must serve for the people, also must be the supervision of the audience, in this way, the exercise of public power can not be one-sided, but must with the franchisor namely the social public power restriction relationship to each other. Out the concept of political power is the power subject to the object "cure" relationship, namely the public management, is a kind of top-down unidirectional power, this power can easily evolve into despotism, rule oppression and even abuse of power. Political power is the product of history, it has historic.

Citizens and the relationship between the authority and officials are: citizen entrust public power authority, authority by specific officials responsible for enforcing, responsible for the citizens, citizen oversight. In this kind of multi-level principal-agent relationship between citizens is the ultimate owner of public power. In the human political history have representative views "have a divine right theory", "violence" and "social contract", etc. The exercise of political power is highly centralized and one-way, the operation of power from the supervision of citizens, in political darkness, as the rule of the ruling class.

The understanding of legitimacy has two aspects: one is refers to the legal norms and principles; The second is the value of mutual recognition by social members. Max weber said: "the legitimacy and based on the material motivation, emotional motivation or obey the desire of value rationality motivation is different, the latter is not a reliable basis, any rule to consolidate its persistent, will arouse to the legality of the faith". The legitimacy of public power system refers to the value of mutual recognition by social members. Social members to get their citizenship social members by the authority of the recognition and trust, and by the authority agents and exercise, members can supervise the power of operation, there was a big mistake once the authority in the exercise of power, the power of the social members to choose their agent, public power is the value of the social members generally recognized. And the legitimacy of political power is based on legal norms and principles. Of legitimacy and legal norms are not, the legitimacy of political power is in the country, with the principles and norms related to the laws and regulations, etc before the real formation and guaranteed, political power works is to see whether it conforms to the relevant national laws and regulations.

Public power is the power of all social members, maintenance is the basic interests of all members of society generally, what is the exercise of authority is the power of all social members have to hand over, it's just a social member's agent, all the members of the community of the value orientation of public power is a basic value orientation, it represents all the social members in the face and deal with all kinds of contradictions and conflicts, relationship of the basic value position, as well as the basic tendency of value attitude. Political power is exercised by some interest group or class elite rule of its power object, it represent the basic interests of the subject, its value orientation is part of the value orientation of the ruling elite.

Public authority pursues goal is to protect the interests of all the social members of the public and let it to obtain the maximum protection and enhancement, promote the progress of human civilization. And political power to the certain rule group, its goal is the most basic guarantee social members benefit on the basis of maintaining the stability of society's most basic, in order to maximize maintenance and the pursuit of self-interest maximization rule group.

The dynamic mechanism of public power comes from the social public, the dynamic mechanism of political power comes up within the ruling group to the superior; On the operation mode, open to the public power must run, political power is a closed operation of; The operation of public power transparency is far higher than that of the political power operation transparency. Under the public power, the interests of the citizens is the core of the public power agency operations, citizen satisfaction evaluation to its decided to its fate. Under the political power, the executive branch layer level promotion is the pivot of political operation, won the higher satisfaction and joy decides the political future of officials, the dynamic mechanism of typical surface is highly centralized feudal regime.

Constraint mechanism is the agent or manager in accordance with the laws and regulations, value orientation and cultural environment, etc., to the principal or the behavior of management object from the material, spiritual and bound to make its behavior mechanism of convergence or change. Public power constraint mechanism is mainly composed of citizens, society, market and agency of four aspects, the reasonable operation of public power is to rely on those four sorts of mutual cooperation, mutual supervision, play the proper role. Under the modern democratic political system, the law is the main way of constraint and regulate political power, political power, there must be a legal operation in accordance with the law and the constraint mechanism of political power is the a mechanism stipulated in the laws and regulations.

In this paper, we can see that the public power and there are many different political power. Although public power and political power with similar sex, both in terms of function is basically the same, but the political power is the alienation of public power.


Essay代写:The view of betrayal in Harold pinter's works

2018-11-16 16:31:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The view of betrayal in Harold pinter's works,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了哈罗德·品特作品中的背叛观。从道德上来说,背叛是一种不光彩、令人厌恶的行为,但在品特的作品中背叛有了一种全新的解释,他对背叛保持中立的态度,且这种背叛的因素贯穿了他所有作品。背叛在品特的作品中并没有让人深恶痛绝,也没有让人高度赞扬,他始终保持着中立态度。他认为每个个体都是平等的,没有谁生来就该被人制约,个体有争取自由和抗争的权利,而背叛作为争取抗争个人权益的一条渠道,我们不该批判这种行为。

Betrayal is morally disgraceful and repugnant, but there is a new interpretation of betrayal in pinter's work, he is neutral to it, and the element of betrayal runs through all his works. When we appreciate pinter's works from the standpoint of the betrayer, we have a deep understanding of the inner emotional struggle of the betrayer. The betrayal is not only the pain of the betrayed, but also the heart of the betrayer when he makes the choice. This paper analyzes the works from the perspective of the characters of the betrayer in pinter's works to see the interpretation of pinter's works on the concept of betrayal.

As a kind of emotional animal, human beings are easy to be manipulated by emotions. When the act of betrayal comes, it indicates that the betrayer satisfies his inner needs. Such behavior is a redefinition of personal status and a concrete manifestation of respecting his inner needs. However, as a kind of social animal, people live in social groups, so they have many moral and moral constraints and cannot act completely according to their inner thoughts. Living in a social group, we are inextricably linked to the individuals around us. The status and prestige of the group determine one's ability to act. When a relationship is stable, the status of the person in the relationship is determined. If you want to change the status, you need to reposition the relationship. The essence of betrayal is to change the original relationship. The difference between the executor and the receiver is the size of gain and loss. Betrayals are not deeply resented or highly praised in pinter's work, and he remains neutral. He believes that every individual is equal, no one is born to be restricted by others. Individuals have the right to fight for freedom and struggle, and betrayal is a channel to fight for individual rights. We should not criticize such behavior.

"Mild", a description is a betrayal of her husband chose an old man's story, first we analyze the status of the woman in the marriage, the husband Edward by monitoring broke the old man of the match and easy and comfortable life and nervous, in order to eliminate the sense of crisis, he took the old man please go to the home, the husband's behavior and the old man's manner was Laura see in the eye, but she didn't stop her husband to the old man please go to the home, instead she obediently accept. Before the old man appeared, we can see the Laura is very weak, the degree of protection from her husband for her Edward can see, when she saw a bumblebee panic, though the hornets were caught, she will still be afraid to seek the protection of the husband, is only an insect can let her frightened so, visible she is weak in the life. And obediently embodied in her husband said to please match the old man to come to the house, she was no need to care about, but because her husband a word she obediently put the old man went home, please, in the face of her husband's comments no rebellion consciousness, whether her husband was right or wrong, so, Laura in marriage in the subject position, in front of her husband's vulnerability and obey all identified her place in the relationship.

In the face of the weak position of submissiveness, we don't see any dissatisfaction with Laura, but she betrayed her husband, which is really confusing to readers, and causes readers to hate her. From the perspective of Laura, although she is gentle and weak, the fact that she asked her husband to kill bumblebee shows her character contains cruelty and determination. On the other hand, she is very satisfied with her appearance. She thinks that women are the final winner, so she always wins easily in the confirmation of the relationship. When her husband told her nothing had come out of the old man, she offered to try it, tried to use looks and even body language, under the control of this mentality she began to make it true, she fell into her crazy reverie, in her eyes the old man's silence is a way of expressing love to her. In her battle with the old man, she thought she was in a good position and made the final success. There are two reasons for Laura's betrayal. First, her long life with her husband has made her very familiar with his life habits. To her, the husband has nothing to attract her. Secondly, in the relationship between Laura and her husband, she was in a weak and obedient position, while in the relationship between the old man and her, she was the winner. The disparity of status led to her betrayal, and the betrayal changed her personal status.

Betrayal is based on a relationship, and the reorganization of an existing relationship is a betrayal. Betrayal is a way to change the existing life. The reason for betrayal lies in the traitors' dissatisfaction with the present life and their pursuit of a new life. The new combination meets their inner needs. Betrayal is relative to moral and emotional factors. Every individual needs a space in his life, and the comfort level of the space determines the individual's state of existence. Therefore, for the betrayer, betrayal can bring their state of existence back to the truth.

Coming home is about a woman named Ruth who betrays her husband teddy in order to live an ideal life with her brother-in-law. Teddy was a college professor in the United States, while Ruth lived in London with her three children, father-in-law and brother-in-law. As the only woman in the family, teddy and her husband lived an exotic life. In this relationship, Ruth was a betrayer while her husband and father-in-law were in a state of opposition. In this paper, the original relationship refers to the relationship, in silk and teddy in silk and her husband are living in the United States, six years of marriage they have three children, from teddy's description we can know that at the time of life in the United States helped teddy many wire shavings, teddy praised her silk is a great wife and great mother, at the same time as a woman she has many friends, good with people like. College life, a lovely house, everything.. Teddy used a lot of nice words, and it was obvious that teddy liked his wife, Ruth. Ruth's efforts were rewarded by her husband, who was very loving and caring for her. On the way of traveling in Europe, teddy brought tea, caring and caring, and showed his respect and love to Ruth.

In this relationship, despite her husband's love and care and prosperity and stability, Ruth betrayed her husband. Let's analyze the position of Ruth in this relationship. When her husband was in high spirits, Ruth's attitude was tired, restless and even evasive. Before teddy introduced Ruth to her family, Ruth met her brother-in-law lenny. Although they were polite to each other, there was hostility in their eyes. Beginning in silk tease brother-in-law in words, in order to satisfy his perception of life style, with the development of things into a physical and honest, in addition to lenny and joey, intimacy, hug, kiss, physical methods such as induction from the husband family men to have to jump through, every day running around, her in a position of ruler in these relationships. Ruth had been a mannequin before she married teddy. Ruth wanted to tell her husband's family about her past, but he wouldn't let her. The stability of marriage changed Ruth's expression of emotion from body language to moral language, and the change of life style made her feel nervous and depressed. And father-in-law home atmosphere smelled the smell of his former life for her, she let the arrival of the family together, "reunion" injected fresh vigor, struggling, with each member gave her an inner demand get great satisfaction, before her life again at ease, for her husband's betrayal let her back to the previous state.

Defectors choice restructuring is my heart to lost emotion in her relationship, "the past" for "now" is disturbed, despite the betrayal is a kind of the behavior of the hated, even though the characters in the works of pinter not abide by the moral emotion, but we look behind the betrayal of cold reason and emotion, disclosing all traitors to emotional missed in the past. The tolerance of betrayal is because we don't have a clear boundary to the act of betrayal, especially when the memory of the past is infiltrated into the reality for research. We can't measure what's right or wrong in the past until some day in the future. Maybe what's wrong is right, but it's just a matter of probabilities. We can't guarantee anything. The word reality is very stable, so the state associated with reality should also be stable, but reality is always less than desirable, but it's also the best state, not the best state and not the worst state. Moral standards are the consensus of people's long-term life. They are used to restrain and measure our daily behaviors, but we can't control the reality. So how can moral standards measure whether our behaviors are normative or not?

"Auld lang syne" tells the story of Kate's lesbian lover, Anna, who is about to visit, and makes her husband feel uneasy. Kate and Anna, who are close friends but also suspected of being gay, were put on hold for a while as their marriage stabilized. However, Diana's visit makes dili feel threatened again. For the sake of peace, dili must erase the memory of Kate and Anna in the past. Anna represents the past, tilly represents the present, and Anna's arrival creates a conflict between the past and the present. In this set of contradictions, the two antagonists struggle to evoke their emotional memories with Kate, with tilly focusing on the present and Anna on the past. In this heated discussion, we can't tell who is telling the truth and who is telling the truth, the "past" is confusing and the reality cannot be proved, so we are always in such a state that the continuous presentation of memory also indicates that Kate's betrayal is a sentimental attachment to the past.

Tilly is defensive and hostile, while Anna is sociable, which keeps the betrayer passive and aloof between the antagonists. Her position as the opposition to persuade wavering, to show her support to her husband, she said that she had forgotten the past, don't even want to see Anna, and Anna, Kate suddenly become quiet unusually, she no longer, but has been in memories of the past events, an innocuous word could receive a positive response to Anna, Anna is very concerned about Kate, also points out that various not due diligence and blame DiLi as a husband. The fact that Kate is content with her current life and constantly reminisces about her time with Anna underscores the status of the antagonist. Combined with the memories of these three people, we can conclude the story that Kate knew that dili was friendly to Anna at the party, and she knew that her relationship with Anna was under threat. Therefore, she planned to meet dili and date him, to get rid of Anna for her own interests, so she decided to marry him. Kate and Anna are in a homosexual relationship, but Kate feels that Anna has a tendency to betray, in order to ensure her own interests, she took the initiative to marry tilly. Kate is a betrayer in this relationship, she has been maintaining the relationship between the three, so her betrayal is to be attached to the past feelings.

