

C4ISR衛星,2018/7 CST-100 Starliner &Crew Dragon ->2018/9 Telesat 3D-printed components

2018-10-13 11:01:17 | 連絡
2018/7/31,Boeing and SpaceX test the next U.S. ride to space: The international space station is expecting two visitors this month: Starliner and Crew Dragon=ボーイングとSpaceXは、スペースへの次の米国道のりをテストします:国際宇宙ステーションは、今月、2人の訪問客をあてにしています: Starlinerとクルー・ドラゴン=
Two possible successors to NASA's space shuttle are scheduled to visit the International Space Station this month, in their last big step before they transport humans. A successful flight test for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft would show that these vehicles are finally ready to carry both NASA astronauts and space tourists into orbit.
2018/9/28,New Spot-Beam Antennas Boost Communication Satellites’ Bandwidth=新しいスポットビーム・アンテナは、通信衛星の帯域幅を押し上げます=
SSL’s satellites constructed for Telesat also feature 3D-printed components= Telesatのためにも造られるSSLの衛星は、3Dをプリントした構成要素を特徴とします=
Over the past few months, the spacecraft manufacturing company SSL put the finishing touches on three massive communications satellites. It built two of them for Canadian operator Telesat. Then it initiated its plan to have them launched, one after the other, into distinct geosynchronous orbits 36,000 kilometers above Earth—perches that will keep each satellite hovering over a particular spot, even as the planet turns.
From their respective vantage points, the pair built for Telesat will deliver high-speed communications services, including broadband Internet, to Asia and the Americas for the next 15 years.
At more than 7,000 kilograms, Telstar 19 Vantage became the heaviest commercial communications satellite ever launched when it left Earth on 22 July. But the record-setting 19V and its sibling, Telstar 18 Vantage (which was launched on 10 September), are also noteworthy in other ways.
What makes them so special? The 18V and 19V feature antennas that can transmit a type of beam that will vastly improve their data throughput. What’s more, SSL used 3D-printing techniques to build and customize both satellites.

C4ISR衛星,2018/7小型衛星需要->2018/7 Small Satellites

2018-10-13 10:59:46 | 連絡
(-)2014/12/11,6.3. AES衛星 “SOCRATES”の開発および軌道上評価結果
2018/7/6,Small Satellites with Big Missions=ビッグミッションの小さな衛星=
In preparation for an upcoming CubeSat deployment from the International Space Station, crew members installed a NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer on the Multipurpose Experiment Platform last week. The deployment, which is targeted for next week, includes nine CubeSats that were launched to the space station on Orbital ATK CRS-9: RainCube, Radix, CubeRRT, HaloSat, TEMPEST-D, EnduroSat AD, EQUISat, MemSat, and RadSat-g.


2018-10-13 10:58:45 | 連絡
C4ISR: Command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance(指揮、統制、通信、コンピュータ、情報、監視、偵察)
2017/Summer, Detection of Large Scale Man-Made Explosions by the Global Navigation Satellite System
2015/1/15、SpaceX To Build 4,000 Broadband Satellites in Seattle、-SpaceX、シアトルで4,000基の広帯域衛星を製造-
2018/2/23、スペースX 高速通信網構築へ 試験機打ち上げ、
2018/2/28,Telesat to announce manufacturing plans for LEO constellation in coming months=テレサット、来月にLEO編隊飛行衛星群の製造計画を発表=
Telesat also has regulatory advantages over many competing systems. The company received a license from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission in November for the system, the first of the new generation of LEO megaconstellations after OneWeb to do so, and also has Canadian government approvals. Hudson noted the company is “first in line” to access four gigahertz of Ka-band spectrum from the International Telecommunication Union.

2018/3/D,Small satellites range in mass from a few kilograms to half a metric ton. =小型の衛星は、数キロから1/2メートルトン(500kg)までの質量範囲=。“The government has a couple of really strong reasons to go and use small launch and small satellites,” said Dan Hart, president and CEO of Virgin Orbit, which recently signed a contract to launch several smallsat payloads for the U.S. Air Force. “One is the economics, but the other is resilience.”