
旅行, 遠距離通院, 農作業, お米の仕事, 日常生活, 脳脊髄液減少症 等です。

お米日記_165 /rice works_165

2010-12-03 14:34:47 | お米 / rice
Dec. 3rd 2010
Rainy in the morning, it's fine day in the afternoon.

I was cleaning machines in the factory.
The stone sorter was finished in the morning.
The rice polisher was braked down and built up, for a cleaning.

I was listening FMY’s program “Friday Goes On” with checking Ustream vide of FGO.
→It was over at 4:00pm.

I was braking down the motor grader and cleaning it.

Upside downed, and be cleaned.

It was finished at 5:00pm.

I was listening to the “radio shonan 83.1” by the internet, from 5 pm at the rest room.
I went to a sleep for one hour.

I started to clean the image sensor grader around 6 pm, remove outer parts and braked down every part.

It had been finished around 9 pm.
All of equipment was cleaned and setup to initial position.

11:30pm Dec. 3rd