走るナースプラクティショナー ~診断も治療もできる資格を持ち診療所の他に診療移動車に乗って街を走り診療しています~



2021年09月24日 | 仕事

診療看護師(NP)とは「NP協議会が認める NP 教育課程を修了し、本協議会が実施する NP 資格認定試験に合格した者で、患者の QOL 向上のために医師や多職種と連携・協働し、倫理的かつ科学的根拠に基づき一定レベルの診療を行うことができる看護師」

QOLってQuality of Life の事で、この言葉は日本でホスピスや緩和ケアが広まり出した頃に頻回に出てきた言葉だけど、この定義中では具体的に何を指しているの? 他でも診療看護師が使っているのを見聞きしたけれど具体的に何に介入してどの指標で向上を測るの?って突っ込まれた時即答できる診療看護師がどれくらいいるのだろうか? ここはやっぱりビジョンを持った診療看護師を育てられる大学院教育課程、特に看護学や統計学やリサーチ学に力を入れて欲しいと思う。





A Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse is a registered nurse who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice, the characteristics of which are shaped by the context and/or country in which s/he is credentialed to practice. A master's degree is recommended for entry level.

こちらはカナダ看護協会のNP について一般人用の啓蒙ポスターから

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who have additional education and nursing experience, which enables them to:
* Autonomously diagnose and treat illnesses
* Order and interpret tests
* Prescribe medications
* Perform medical procedures
NPs are health-care professionals who treat the whole person, an approach that includes:
* Addressing needs relating to a person’s physical and mental health
* Gathering medical history
* Focusing on how an illness affects a person’s life and family
* Offering ways for a person to lead a healthy life
* Teaching persons how to manage chronic illness
NPs are also educators and researchers who can be consulted by other health-care team members.


Nurse practitioners (NP) were first regulated in B.C. in 2005. NPs must meet advanced requirements to register as NPs and use the NP title. These nursing professionals are educated in a master's program.
Nurse practitioner s:
* are primary care providers
* are regulated for reasons of public safety and to support a sustainable health care system
* bring the nursing focus of teaching, counseling and support to the diagnostic and treatment they provide
* work in many practice settings and within a flexible regulatory system that pr ovides strong educational preparation, rigorous registration requirements, and rigorous practice oversight


