Happy English Yokohama days


I feel much better

2007-10-11 22:20:22 | Life with Hula
I felt much, much better this week after all the mess of the relationship troubles. I couldn’t understand why I felt bad for such a long time after I left my old hula school. One reason is I still can’t understand why I had to quit. Well, I wanted to quit but not with troubles and rumors. A lot of things which I was told off about were not true. Even a few things were true, but I still don’t understand why they pick on me to be told off. I thought I was one of the victims to be chosen. All of the truth went to be bent by a lot of people. And all the stories were changed like in a children’s game. But, now I think I understand why I can’t recover from that. Because of that girl who I made upset. I think she didn’t do it on purpose, but she has a very good talent for changing the truth. And her words pulled me to the dark side to think about things as my fault. I thought she was a kind of friend so, I felt a kind of responsibility for her. So when we quit ex-hula class, I told a lot of people please understand her. And I kept contact with her, and made her stop doing or saying horrible things to the other people. Because if she did that all the stories which had been made up were going to be true. But these couple weeks, the words she said to me, the things she did to me just gave me a question mark. Maybe the stories, the things I didn’t do, were made up by her. . . . She always complains about somebody, she needs somebody she hates all the time. I was listening again and again to that kind of story which I most hate. She can’t complain about somebody who she just saw once or twice! I wondered she said I said that??? She is a kind of person who has to live like a parasite with somebody. She always gives me guilt which I don’t have to have. She always made me talk about my privacy to find something she can use. Because I told her off and she blow up, she finally moved from me and moved to a different person. Actually she found another person that’s why I can rid of her from me. She wanted me to be the same as her ex-friend who was easy to use. Now, I am me again, and I can understand the feeling of horrible things inside me has moved out and is never coming back again.


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