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PM: Appalled by callous murder of Boris #Nemtsov. A man of courage and conviction. His values will never die. bit.ly/1BMdhlw
Statement by the President on the Murder of Boris Nemtsov: pic.twitter.com/NqPmRcRhIO
首相とウィリアム王子が福島訪問 子供らと交流しました - 産経ニュース sankei.com/politics/news/… #news pic.twitter.com/kc8eF9cpcH
I condemn the murder of ex-Russian Deputy PM @BorisNemtsov(#БорисНемцов).
He was a brave politician who worked for freedom & democracy.
Russian opposition leaders see Kremlin links to the killing of Boris Nemtsov wapo.st/1EzeGLh
黄炳瑞氏がナンバー2に=崔竜海氏より先に紹介―北朝鮮(時事通信) - Y!ニュース headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20150228-…
Boris Nemtsov was an outstanding individual and a man of principle. This is how we will remember him