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2015-08-25 02:12:23 | 日記

南北高官、長時間の攻防 2日連続会談 未明も続く s.nikkei.com/1MMcTb2

KKD BLOGさんがリツイート | 45 RT

@RemOscuro Do you think the referendum in Crimea was held democratically and obeys the Ukraine's Constitution?

What he says is completely wrong. USSR invaded & occupied Japanese islands by force. #NorthernTerritories #Kuril twitter.com/Sysanin101/sta…

@RemOscuro 1st,we should remember Crimean Tatars were exiled by USSR at that time.

@RemOscuro 2nd, Ukrainian constitution says all citizen can vote for its territorial change. The referendum was held only in Crimea.

Today we mark the 24th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. We stand with Ukraine against Putin regime's aggression cpcp.cc/u7tKRP

KKD BLOGさんがリツイート | 142 RT

【速報 JUST IN 】NY円相場 一時1ドル=116円台 nhk.jp/N4Kt4HNM #nhk_news

KKD BLOGさんがリツイート | 1174 RT

@Sysanin101 @Pravitelstvo_RF What you say is completely wrong.USSR invaded & occupied Japanese islands by force. #NorthernTerritories #Kuril

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KKD BLOGさんがリツイート | 9 RT

@Sysanin101 @Pravitelstvo_RF USSR promised to give Habomai & Shikotan after the Peace Treaty concluded.And Yeltsin admitted dispute to solve